
Friday 13 October 2017

What Will Happen When Harry and Meghan Announce Their Engagement

Reports of the imminent engagement of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been swirling all over the internet and news outlets for some time now. Of course, many of these stories are wishful thinking and entirely unsubstantiated. Others appear to contain more information and sources, such as The Sunday Times article which reported "the couple are expected to marry in summer 2018", and E! Online's stories which have consistently been a step ahead in their coverage of the royal relationship. They have reported an engagement announcement is "soon" and "she has a packed schedule between now and November with Suits, but after that will be an exciting time for them and a new chapter in their relationship". Many believe the couple are already engaged. It would make sense to me on a number of levels: Meghan's still completing filming on Suits season 7, so it would be impossible to go about her work routine with any normality if an announcement had been made. My own feeling is, Meghan will wrap up filming, move to London, where she and Harry are expected to reside at Nottingham Cottage at Kensington Palace for the time being, and share the big news then! The most telling signs have come from the couple themselves. Meghan's words in Vanity Fair seemed rather telling, and I doubt such a statement would have been made were she and Harry not sure of their long-term plans: "I’m sure there will be a time when we will have to come forward and present ourselves and have stories to tell." Another telltale sign was Harry's open affection and kissing of Meghan at the Invictus Games Closing Ceremony. That level of public affection at an official event is incredibly unusual within the Royal family. I took it as another sign of the seriousness of the engagement.

What will happen when the official engagement is announced? Well, the one and only way we will know for certain is when the Palace confirm it; keep an eye on the Kensington Palace Twitter Feed. Looking back at the way William and Kate's engagement announcement was handled offers us the best indication of the plan for Harry and Meghan.

Embed from Getty Images

On the day of William and Kate's announcement, the Palace released this statement early in the day: 

'The Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince William to Miss Catherine Middleton. The wedding will take place in the Spring or Summer of 2011, in London. Further details about the wedding day will be announced in due course.' 

An announcement was also made by Mike and Carole Middleton. Meghan's parents will most likely do the same. Harry is said to be incredibly close to her mother Doria, I think we'll be seeing a lot more of her in London, in the months to come.

Embed from Getty Images

As you can imagine social media was buzzing; it was an incredibly exciting day. Soon after the announcement was made, photographers and media were summoned to St James's Palace where William and Kate posed for a photocall. We had our first look at the happy couple and of course Kate's dazzling sapphire and diamond ring, belonging to her late mother-in-law Diana, Princess of Wales.

Immediately afterwards they sat down with Tom Bradby for the all-important pre-engagement interview.

The interview is a staple for the Royal family. Below, we see Charles and Diana's in 1981. It turned out to be incredibly awkward when Diana was left shocked by Charles's response to the question about whether they were in love. Diana replied "of course" and Charles gave his famous response, "whatever in love means". Diana later said it traumatised her.

It's going to be simply fascinating to see Harry and Meghan's interview. It will be planned in advance with a journalist/presenter of their choosing at the helm and will cover an array of topics from how the couple met, to the progression of their relationship and the ring. Because Meghan is already a known face, I expect a portion of it to cover her career and existing philanthropic endeavours. There will also be discussion on Meghan's feeling about joining the Royal family and perhaps the role she sees for herself. The interview can prove a nerve-wracking experience, but dealing with the media is something Meghan is well accustomed to. I don't think it will daunt her at all. Diana and Kate chose blue dresses to match their rings; Meghan will likely complement her sparkler too.

From there, I believe a series of pre-wedding engagements around the UK will take place. It will provide a wonderful opportunity for Meghan to get experience 'on the royal beat' and it's the perfect way to introduce Prince Harry's soon-to-be wife to the British public. Below we see Princess Diana with Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson (before they married) visiting HMS Brazen with an adorable Prince William. I could very easily see Harry and Meghan carrying out an appearance with William and Kate for instance, before the big day.

Embed from Getty Images

Aside from official business, there will be a flurry of excitement and anticipation in the months before the big day. Who will design the dress? Meghan's parents and friends coming and going for fittings and rehearsals. If the rumours are true, and they are already engaged, I suspect they are taking a deep breath before the global spotlight shines firmly on them. When will they announce? Harry's schedule is incredibly busy at the moment, with official trips to Denmark and Chicago for the Obama Foundation Summit pencilled in for this month.

November/December would seem an apt time for the announcement, and as The Times suggested, a summer 2018 wedding would be perfect. :)


  1. Thanks, Charlotte. I think you have it presented it perfectly. (See how quickly I have matured about the whole engagement thing? lol)
    Have you heard anything substantial on Harry renovating a larger apartment at KP? There were some interviews with workers there reportedly who said Harry had been eagerly stopping by to check in progress and then, if I remember correctly, those articles sort of disappeared.

    1. Hello,

      Nothing concrete apart from the fact they would live in Nottingham Cottage for the immediate future. I'm sure there are plans underway for a proper permanent apartment at KP.

    2. I wonder if Harry will end up in Diana's apartment. I believe that
      C&D occupied Apartments 8 & 9. One or both?

    3. Alejandra Campos14 October 2017 at 06:03

      I agree with surfer girl! Excellent article Charlotte and what a great way to present how the events will unfold! :D

    4. Richard Palmer reported this summer it would likely be Apartment 1, current home of the Gloucesters, which was suddenly slated for refurbishment. Princess Michael (for what it's worth) had said something similar in an interview a year or two back.

      From Palmer in June 2017: "Royal aides have refused to say how much the work at Apartment 1, currently the home of the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, will cost but accounts published today reveal it will get a new roof and have its windows repaired or replaced this year. There has been speculation that Harry, 32, could eventually move into Apartment 1, which stands next to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s similarly-sized Apartment 1A, the late Princess Margaret’s former home."

    5. Thanks Claudia. That would be a nice choice for Harry and Meghan as they, too, would have a private garden attached to their home.

    6. royalfan. That would be my choice for them also because of the private garden. Apparently though there are three considerations that are being discussed for Harry regarding he and Meghan's future residence at Kensington Palace.
      Apartment 9 (with part of Apartment 8), Diana's former place, right across from Not Cot.
      Or Wren Cottage has been mentioned also. Wren Cottage is catty-cornernerd to Not Cot and is adjacent to the three bedroom Ivy Cottage where Eugenie is rumored to be moving in soon. She will pay the going rent for the place they say. Are you ready? Comparable rents in the area, $3,500 a week. (remember it is next to billionaire's boulevard). I doubt she will pay that amount though. Not even close.
      Then there is Apartment 1 and that is close to William and Kate's Apartment 1A. That is on the other side of the Palace in relation to the location of Not Cot.
      At any rate, there certainly seems to be a lot of renovation going on at Kensington Palace (and the Orangery) with permits being requested left and right.
      Sebastian Shakespeare reported that Harry is overseeing the renovation of one of those dwellings and that workers there have said, "He (Harry) keeps popping round and asking when it will be ready. He seems in a real hurry to move in with Meghan". Don't know how reliable that is or isn't. :)

      What surprised me in reading about all this is just who Meghan's neighbors will be when she takes up full time residency there. These are some of her neighbors who will be on the (billionaire's) boulevard next to Kensington Palace.
      Ambassies of France, Slovakia. Russia, Nepal.
      In addition are the homes of the Ambassadors to
      France, the Indian High Commissioner, Kuwait, Japan. The Saudi Arabian Royal family also has
      a home and embassy there. And the Sultan of Brunei has a residence there also. Other famous rich people also reside there. Quite the neighborhood. lol
      I don't think I would feel so secure at Kensington Palace really seeing as how many of my neighbors don't always play together nicely. Quite a precarious perch is Kensington Palace when seen from a neighborhood perspective. It has survived there for centuries though so there is encouragement in that.

      Daily Mail, "Harry is in a Hurry to Move Meghan....", Sebastian Shakespeare, 3/26/17.

    7. P.S. I forgot to include that the embassies of Israel, Romania, Norway and Finland are also there.

    8. rf, Diana and Charles, as I understand it occupied Apartment 9 and part of Apartment 8.

    9. SG, Apartment 1 would make it easy for play dates. ;-) Although privacy may be another matter...

      And for the record, I would be more than happy to consider Not Cot once it is available. my next life! LOL.

      Regarding the embassies, oh yes. Lots and lots of them in that area.

    10. (Ya know rf, stranger things have happened. lol)

  2. It all sounds very exciting! :) Their interview is going to be prime viewing material for me! I'm looking forward to seeing how they converse/engage with each other...I'm sure they'll be absolutely adorable :) I'm also intrigued in how they met & all the adventures they've been on since they've been together. It's amazing they have kept such a low profile for so long & I'm happy that they've had this time to enjoy each other just to themselves without prying eyes.

  3. surfer girl, I also just wanted to say that your exuberance throughout Harry & Meghan's courtship has been infectious! I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your comments & thanks for keeping us in the loop with your tidbits of information :)
    And also a big thanks to Charlotte, whose reporting is second to none!

    1. We are all enjoying the ride, aren't we, Kiwi Gal. If they only knew. Can you imagine? lol
      Your welcome for the tidbits.
      And I agree, Charlotte's reporting is exemplary. It is refreshing to see someone stay so humble and on task with all the accololades we so lovingly send her way. :)

  4. Lovely post Charlotte :) I'd also add it's very likely we'll see a quick interview or statement with Meghan's mother, Doria Radlan. All previous in-laws have made on camera comments after the announcement, so it would be par for the course.

    I would personally love to see some kind of "family" announcement. Still the traditional photo call and interview with the couple, but then some kind of group photo call with Harry & Meghan, and Charles, Camilla and Doria. First, I think that would be a stellar display of family unity and a tremendous image to present to the public. Second I think it would be the easiest way for Doria to face the press, a chance for her to give a quick "off the cuff" few words of congratulations, "I'm very happy for them" type thing. Without being overwhelmed by the royal press corps on her own all at once.

    I agree that Meghan will do beautifully in the interviews and first engagements, although I do think they *both* will be caught off guard by just how intense the media attention will be. Even Harry will be a bit overwhelmed I think.

    It is going to be a jam packed year on the royal news front, no doubt about it!

    1. That is an excellent point - I'm going to add it to the post :)

    2. Doria will be entering a new social universe for sure. I think they will welcome her with open arms. She is so dang cute and a threat to no one.
      Her counseling background will no doubt prove quite useful, lol. A master's from USC is nothing to shake a stick at, at any rate. I'm am so happy and excited for her.

    3. I just want take a moment to say that I love and appreciate you all so much. Sometimes we get so busy that things don't get said that should be said, in my opinion. And I certainly don't take any of this for granted. We have, over the years developed into quite a sincere and caring community, even if we at times are diametrically opposed to one another in our opinions. That we function successfully and flourish in our difference and similarities is nothing short of a miracle, in my opinion. And I am so grateful. ❤️

      Whew. :) Okay. I will get off my soapbox now, lol, and resume bloginess as usual. Each of you consider yourselves hugged though. Seriously, :)
      And, many thanks to you, and a big hug to you also, Charlotte.) ❤️

    4. I would hope her father would also be included, Claudia. She regularly talks about the important role he played in her upbringing, how meaningful his continued support is to her, and the wise advice he has given her as well. According to her, it was he who suggested that she make her own box when her teacher pressured her into choosing between the African American and Caucasian boxes at school, and he who encouraged her to speak out about the sexist dish soap commercial. Although his extended family has spoken to the press, he has displayed nothing but discretion. Although there aren't many current photos of them together, MM still talks of his importance to her in recent interviews and it was reported that he and Harry were already introduced (I don't know how reliable any of the reporting about any details really is) last year.

    5. Claudia, me thinks that Camilla was omitted from the announcement of W&K's engagement for a very good reason and I don't see it changing in Harry's case. No way Jose.

      I also believe that Harry will be mindful of Doria being on her own and he will embrace her.🤜

      Re: being overwhelmed...ohhh yes. 😊

    6. I knew typing Camilla would bring someone out royalfan! In my opinion an image of unity after this strange summer would be huge and go a long way for *all* of them with the public, but obviously up to Harry and Meghan.

      Finn you're quite right, she's said fantastic things about her father, but I can't get a handle on what the current situation is. I haven't seen any solid reporting. She's clearly estranged from most on that side of the family, and with good reason given how they've behaved. She may reluctantly have to keep him at arm's length as well, so that nothing she says to him is repeated to his other children, and then turned into tabloid fodder.

    7. Eve from Germany14 October 2017 at 18:27

      Royalfan: I might be wrong here, but as far as I know, Camilla was left out because she is not William´s mother. When Zara Philips got engaged, Princess Anne AND Mark Philips were mentioned in the official announcement of BP, although Anne was married to Timothy Laurence. So I assume, had Diana still be alive, her name would have appeared together with Charles in the offical announcement.
      When Charles got engaged, BP mentioned in the announcement Earl Spencer and the Honorable Mrs Shand Kydd - NOT Earl Spencer´s wife, Raine. So I guess it´s all about your "biological parents" as far as "official announcements" by the palace are concerned...

    8. Eve from Germany14 October 2017 at 18:36

      Claudia, I fear that "family photo" will have to wait until after the wedding. As far and long as I can remember, the day of the announcement is firmly reserved for the happy couple, the parents are either not there or just "bystanders" (I refer here to Earl Spencer and his wife who were amongst the people outside the gates of BP). If Doria was included and not Meghan´s father - well the press would have a field day... can´t imagine that´s the kind of headlines Meghan or Harry would want for their engagement...
      It IS going to be an interesting question, though, how her father will be included. MOST important question: who will walk her down the aisle? If she´s still in at least SOME kind of good contact with him, I´m sure he will be the one - if he´s not, well, then we can all draw our conclusions from that.....

    9. Eve. Sadly, for some reason, I had not even pictured her father in the equation at all. Don't know why. Sorry Mr. Markle. Amazing. My bad.

    10. I agree, rf. I think Harry will definitely take Doria under his wing and not in an obtrusive way. It a guy thing. :)

    11. I think--given that she has gone out of her way to paint him as a loving and involved parent--that it would be strange if he were given the choice between not sharing details about her with his other children or not being allowed to continue to have a close relationship with her that he would choose the latter. Indeed, I would be very surprised if that conversation hadn't already happened. Again he hasn't spoken to the media himself once. He is estranged from Samantha Grant himself (according to multiple family members). As far as needing to prevent her half-siblings from sharing details of their relationship, her sister has not shared any as she does not appear to have any. Immediately after the news broke of their relationship, her brother said that their father had met Harry and approved if him/the relationship but other than that had no details to share. That was almost a year ago, and despite speaking to the press since then he hasn't been able to provide any more inside information about their relationship. So although neither Meghan nor her father can stop them from speaking to the media, the problem of sharing new information about her life can and has been solved. And just like she shouldn't be blamed for her half-siblings decision to speak to the media, neither should he. So I don't understand what cutting her father out of her life at this point would accomplish that hasn't already occurred. Unless she has cut him out of her life already which I would be very surprised if that were the case as it wouldn't be necessary to prevent the information about her relationship with Harry from being shared.

    12. If she has severed/reduced her relationship with him I would think it would be due to something else entirely, and would have to have been quite recently as she spoke highly of him in recent interviews (before her relationship with Harry began and she stopped giving them of course).

    13. Sorry for the multiple posts! However I forgot to say that I absolutely agree with you about Camilla, Claudia. I also think including C+C and Doria+Thomas in the announcement and photo call would be marvelous.

    14. Claudia, yes, you should have known. Julia, where are you!? :-) But seriously, I do not believe that Camilla qualifies as a *unifying* figure in the BRF. Far from it, as a matter of fact.

      However, I do agree with you about keeping certain relatives at arm's length. The Middleton's have been criticized for doing it, but I never understood that. As parents, I would EXPECT them to close ranks and protect their daughter and son-in-law.

      Eve, that is a good point about "biological parents".

    15. Eve from Germany15 October 2017 at 14:04

      Finn, you´ve made some very good points here.. I just googled her father - and I don´t know why, but there are actually NO current photos of him, no paparazzi shots, nothing.... He´s keeping an exceptionally low profile, that´s for sure.... I am curious when he will appear "on the scene" for the first time....

    16. Thank you Eve. My understanding is that now that he is retired he has either relocated to Mexico or at the very least spends most of his time there. So that would explain why there are no paparazzi photos of him unlike Doria who still lives in LA which is swarming in paparazzis. As far as whether Camilla is a unifying figure as an individual or not is not the point. The point is she is married to the heir and I think it can only be more beneficial for the family, and more importantly the firm, to make an effort to put on a more unified display in public. We know they are trying to be more coordinatrd with their households/staff, so hopefully we will see this with their pr as well. Much Ado is made about the fact that Wills is only the heir to the heir, meanwhile the Queen is becoming increasingly elderly and reducing her workload accordingly. She has been the monarch for most of UK residents' entire lives, and it is important that a sense of continuity and unity is maintained as we near the end of her era.

    17. Finn, *ideally*, it *would* be nice for the BRF to present a more unified front. But in reality, I just cannot see the warm and fuzzy family outings we see among Europe's royal families (certainly not in the Queen's or Charles' lifetime). And then there is the Camilla factor. She may be the wife of the heir to the throne, but for many people, the title does not eclipse the history.

  5. I have to say, this is pretty exciting. I'm so happy for Harry. I hope they announce soon! I look forward to next year with the arrival of baby #3 and hopefully a wedding! And then hopefully more news of impending baby royals! ;)

  6. Very excited for Announcement Day! Thank you for the preview, Charlotte.
    A friend and I are planning to visit London in 2018 (she has a son in school there). We are trying to decide whether to go during the Chelsea Flower Show (her first choice) or Trooping the Color (my #1), but now I think we should wait until the wedding date is announced. What would you choose? We can only go once, probably for about one week.

    1. OldZoey,

      I completely forgot to reply to you, my apologies. I think it would be pretty amazing to be in London during the time of the wedding :)

      However, if you want to plan your trip now, Trooping is such a historic event and steeped in pomp and pageantry. It's a rare opportunity to see the entire royal family together. It is a tough one!

  7. Hoping for an announcement too ! But I was guessing it would be pushed to next year coz Meghan would have to settle in London for some time .

    Hope this chronology is proven better ! Missing Harry and Meghan pics / sightings .

    1. Eve from Germany15 October 2017 at 14:19

      Rhea, if the rumours about a summer wedding are true, we could very well have to wait for an official announcement until next year. Andrew and Sarah got married at the end of July and announced their engagement in March (perish the thought they would let us wait THAT long, though!!).
      It would certainly give her time to settle in - although I guess the paparazzi would go completely wild, trying to spot her somewhere out and about in London... as her current protection officers are offered by the "Suits" production company, she will be without them once she´s moving to London. Royal Protection Officers are usually not allowed to officially protect her until the engagement is officially announced... So I guess that would pose some difficulties... we´ll see. I must admit, though, I have some fun speculating!!

    2. Eve. And, what if she has royal protection without an engagement announcement after she leaves Toronto and moves to London? Can you imagine? That would pretty much indicate that they truly did get engaged in Botswana, yeh?
      Oh the excitement of it all, lol. Can the end of November ever get here quickly enough?

    3. Eve from Germany15 October 2017 at 19:05

      Well, well, surfer girl, if that happens, they might as well just skip the announcement - everyone would know then.... (LOL)... I doubt it, though... Would be a REAL royal first! Still... I wonder how they have managed so far...Meghan has stayed in London quite a few times and she was seen shopping, etc... who was with her then? I´m sure she had protection, but maybe it was so discreet (in order to avoid discussions about taxpayer´s money, etc, etc) that no-one noticed... Oh, I would LOVE to be "a fly on the wall" sometimes!! And listen to all the discussions "behind closed doors" at KP and BP.....

    4. Actually, I don't know that anyone could survive that Eve, lol.

    5. I know. There are those though who think that the article following Meghan's royal PPO assistance at the Invictus Games, that overly emphasized that Universal, not the British taxpayers, were footing the bill for Meghan's very expert security was a bit too convenient and contrived. Certainly
      someone has provided her with uber security. I have a hard time believing that Universal, from what I've read of them, would be so generous. Maybe incognito MI5 is pulling Meghan security duty. (I know. Too many Nancy Drew books as a child, lol.)

    6. Meghan is really good at hiding when in London . Her sightings in London can literally be counted on fingers. There are not even car sightings and I'm sure paps must be hanging outside KP most of the time .
      So it shouldn't be a problem (security wise ) for Meghan to be with Harry in KP !

    7. Rhea. For sure. Like I said before when they are not at a scheduled event it is like she and Harry have disappeared from the face of the earth. She's not responsible for that hiding. That kind of "invisibility" takes a huge amount of clout. Clout only Harry can muster and has been for both he and Meghan for months and months, in my opinion. Not saying it is royal protection but protection provided by a royal. It will continue of course at KP just as it has been. After what Harry knows the paps did to his mum, he is even a tad more zealous about privacy than even William perhaps. And about protecting Meghan? Forget about it. It is off the charts. :)

    8. She was seen in London last week shortly after the end of the Games being driven in a Volkswagen, which is the parent company of Audi---which leases to the RF. What amazes me is, except for that car photo circulating around the time of Pippa's wedding, there are no photos to verify those sightings. Combined with the house-hunting rumors and recent reports that she has resigned from Suits, I'd say she's there to stay for awhile.

  8. Charlotte, what a lovely post! Thank you!!xo

    I can hardly wait for their announcement, the first interview and everything. I think social media will just blow up that day.

    1. Eve from Germany14 October 2017 at 15:36

      Anett, I might "blow up" as well on that day, LOL!!! ;-))) I´m just as excited as you are....

    2. Now, now girls. Calm down, grow up, be mature about the announcement. Just like me. lol, lol, lol
      (Just kidding, OF COURSE.) lol I have actually been looking at further properties in the Cotswold for them. (they'll want my input, right?)
      And checking out places to stay in London for the wedding. And restaurants. :)

  9. Eve from Germany14 October 2017 at 07:04

    The Daily Mail is reporting exclusively that Harry and Meghan are house-hunting in and around the Cotswolds...where loads of A-listers of all kind (also the "Royal kind") have houses. During my year-long stay in Britain, I lived in Warwickshire, so I know the area well. It´s beautiful, to say the least....
    Surfer girl: thank you for your kind words, and may I "add myself to the list", I can only repeat what you said.... I feel the same about this blog and all the people here... AND yes, our dearest Charlotte, who´s doing an exceptional and stellar job each and every day... "I don´t know how she does it"....!!! :-)))
    BIG hugs to all of you!!

    1. Eve from Germany…this is a personal question. Your use of the English language is impeccable. Is it your first language, or would that be German? It is hard to believe that someone who spoke another language first, would be so knowledgeable using an additional language.

    2. Eve from Germany15 October 2017 at 13:32

      Oh Laura, you are so kind! German is my first language - I learnt English at school and it was one of my A-level subjects, plus, I spent one year in Britain (30 years ago). About 6 months into my stay, no-one believed anymore that I was German - I remember times when I had to show my passport - I apparently (without me noticing) even adopted a "Warwickshire accent".
      Unfortunately, over the years, you tend to forget things, so I´m ever so glad to be able to at least write in English this is a real compliment, thank you!!

    3. WOW, Eve, I am really impressed. You must have a flair for languages. I am a retired teacher and it is not only your vocabulary but also your sentence structure that is so well done. I studied German and French in high school and although I can read both languages fairly well, I am not as confident in writing them. As for speaking…well I'm embarrassed to do that, being as inept as I am. You certainly write and I would suppose speak, like a native born English language person.

    4. Eve from Germany16 October 2017 at 05:05

      Thank you Laura, that´s very kind!
      Yes, I have a penchant for languages, but I know the feeling of "being too embarrassed to speak" well. I speak French as well and spent 6 months in France working. I had 7 years of French lessons at school and it was another A-level subject, I could easily write long essays about French literature or geography or history...but "normal conversation"? Oh dear!! Both in France and Britain, people at first secretly wondered whether I was a "mute" - that´s how much I was too shy to say anything. It took several weeks until I felt comfortable enough to literally "speak up"... ;-))))

  10. Okay. There are two, casual, personal short videos of Meghan goofing off for the camera in the first article listed below. Very cute and sweet. And did you know that Harry is reportedly a "keen chef"??? Who knew?
    If true, Meghan, an avowed "foodie" herself, has definitely met her match. Harry cooking? Can he get any cuter?
    Apparently, Harry is utilizing the Van Han realty firm out of Mayfair, to look at properties in the Cotswolds.
    No surprise. Van Han is owned by Thomas Van Streubenzee and Rory Penn, William and Harry's BFF's. They have a very upscale and exclusive portfolio.
    How would Meghan even know about the Cotswolds though? Apparently the Cotswolds came into Meghan's radar when she and Harry spent time at the Soho Farmhouse in Great Tew, in February and July. The Farmhouse is owned by the West London Club Soho House, where Markus Anderson was/is a consultant. Amal and George Clooney have been counted as guests at the Farmhouse. She may have visited Charles at Highgrove and maybe even Anne at her home. Wouldn't surprise me. We don't know for sure about that though.
    The Cotswolds area is home to many A-listers and aristocracy. The Cameron's, Kate Moss, Stella McCartney. Not to mention Princess Anne and Prince Charles. Prince Charles ten years ago bought up 2 adjacent properties including manor homes, etc., at $2 million each, apparently for his sons. Most think it is unlikely though that Harry will choose either of those properties.
    "Locals have spotted the Prince, without his girlfriend, discreetly checking out several Cotswold hotspots in recent months", "around Cirenmester and Stow-in-the-Wold".
    It is confirmed by royal sources they say, that Harry is looking for a place that can accommodate a helipad, have no close neighbors, no passing lanes, and no possibility of long lenses. He is said to want to put in his own polo pitch also.
    The Mirror article has the cute videos and the Daily Mail article has photos and details of seven or eight available properties in the Cotswolds. All of them are pretty amazing, in my opinion.

    Mirror, "Prince Harry and Meghan 'House Hunting' in the Most A-list of Places", Lucy Needham, 10/14/17.
    Daily Mail, "How Harry and Meghan Want to Join the
    Chipping Norton Set....", Ross Slater, 10/13/17.

  11. Thank you, Eve. I truly believe this blog is phenomenally special. :)

  12. Apparently a lot is happening in the households already!

    1. I think Harry and Meghan are going to want to cover a lot of ground. Aside from their work in the U.K., I could see them representing the Queen overseas quite a bit. I imagine Meghan will definitely want to continue and expand her ambassadorial roles. It's a constant source of disappointment to hear of continued discord within the royal households. Such a shame they cannot see the bigger picture.

    2. Charlotte, do you think though, that as a member of the Royal family that she will be allowed to do so directly under the titles and auspices of the United Nations? Would that then be a politically correct thing for a Princess/Duchess to do? She could champion the same issues perhaps but under the flag of the Queen and not the United Nations?

    3. Although Dickie Arbiter said that the family is at "loggerheads" over who will do what as it pertains to the younger royals taking over more of the Queen's duties, I don't perceive that to be anything more than the usual changing of the guards generationally speaking. Certainly the royal family has had some critical power struggles in centuries past but, to me, this shuffling about is perfectly healthful and child's play in comparison (providing William and Harry keep Camilla in check, lol). The sad thing about it is that the Queen is having to delegate more and more. We are all so used to seeing her as invincible. Long live The Queen. ❤️

    4. I agree Charlotte. I've read before that staff can be more difficult than the actual totals. Things like this make me think that's probably true!

    5. I agree with everything you wrote Charlotte. I have read more than once that next to HM, Harry is the most requested royal for tours. So although I hope that they focus on increasing their numbers and variety of engagements at home, he already has significant international appeal (as proved most recently by his efforts in Canada). Additionally, as Meghan majored in international studies, interned abroad at a US Embassy and is already a UN ambassador she actually has relevant education and experience to be an effective ambassador/diplomat/public servant. I also think that she has the potential to appeal to demographics that more traditional members of the firm might struggle to connect with--both within the UK and internationally. As many people have already pointed out they will have fewer constraints than Wills and Kate do. I am growing increasingly exasperated with the apparent lack of cooperation/cohesion between the various generations/branches of the royal family, but I am holding out hope that at the very least William+Kate and Harry+Meghan's will employ teamwork to play to their respective strengths (and the roles they occupy) and to jointly utilize the platform and opportunities they possess as efficiently and comprehensively as possible, whilst also striving to live up to the duty and responsibility that comes with their corresponding positions.

  13. Mr D; United Kingdom15 October 2017 at 17:37

    Thanks Charlotte for whipping us all up into a frenzy again!
    Seriously your blog is the go to place for a much needed information -
    it’s really hit home recently how stories about Meghan can reported as news and then picked up and made news on other media outlets. The story why Meghan and Harry can hold hands whilst W&K don’t for example took on an unnecessary life of its own for a few days just so media could report on something. It’s that age old thing of someone somewhere making this stuff up simply to create stories to sell.

    So Charlotte thanks for creating a blog that has credibility and substance to it. It does makes sense that ‘Announcement Day’ - is that a thing now we’re calling it? Lol - happens after the filming of Suits ends and they get back to London and settle in again - makes me think that time before Christmas or maybe January that they’ll be an ‘AD’ so not to clash with anything major - Charles and Diana got engaged February, if memory serves, so there’s precedent for a short engagement but I’m sure they’ll also consider not wanting it to overshadow Potential baby No3 arrival.

    Until then I’ll have to stop being such a giddy kipper!

    1. Thank you so much for the very kind comments and feedback Mr D. We are all anxiously awaiting 'Announcement Day' :)

    2. Eve from Germany15 October 2017 at 18:38

      Mr. D, I love the "giddy kipper" - I´ve never heard of the expression before and had to look it up, and it had me laughing out loud!! Is there a female equivalent to the "giddy kipper"? And please don´t stop being one - we love to join in in the "giddiness" (LOL!!).

    3. "giddy kipper". So British. :)

    4. Or you could be like me and be a sober smelt.

    5. A gleeful guppy? A pensive pufferfish? A chipper cod? A level-headed loach?

    6. Eve from Germany16 October 2017 at 04:52

      Finn and bluhare: LOVE this!! Never heard of any of these "combinations", but they are wonderful! Talk about "learn something new every day"...haha!!

    7. Zora from Prague16 October 2017 at 17:12

      Mr.D, bluhare, Finn- have you considered working for an online dictionary ...? :) please keep them coming!

    8. I'm also enjoying the aquatic alliteration :)

    9. Mr D, United Kingdom17 October 2017 at 00:03

      I might have to change my moniker to Mr Giddy Kipper now - I wasn’t expecting any reaction to that at all lol

      Sums up the feeling though. I wonder if Meghan and Harry are too about the future? I do hope they’ll be enjoying some time together with the families to enjoy all this by themselves before the madness starts

    10. Mr. D. Just a thought, but as I was looking up what "giddy kipper" meant, I noticed they have cute logo/pictures of "giddy kippers" on that page.
      Perhaps that would interest you as a photo/logo thing to go beside your name here. :)

    11. excellent idea Surfer Girl - done!
      Thankfully I'm a graphic designer :))

    12. 🎉, yay. sweet. :) Very nicely done. 🎉

    13. (now, if we can just get Pippin back) :)

    14. Your pic is so cool, Mr D - very clever! :)

    15. oops. where did your picture go, Mr. D?

    16. nm. It was my server. lots of pictures on the page weren't showing up then. :)

    17. Julia. Perhaps if Mr. Leo allows it, Pippin might show up again soon (🎉) and with her siblings by her side? Pleeeease, Mr. Leo? Pippin's photo certainly brought daily smiles to me. :)

    18. Mr. D. aka "Giddy Kipper" :) I love the name & logo! It Suits You! :) Now I need to finally figure out how to add a pic to my name? I'm on the side of Big Blowout! I know times are tough & tense security wise in the UK.... But I kind of think that the UK (& We) will feel Cheated if we don't get to Have The Big Deal Wedding! It Is a Big Deal & Harry is Soooo Loved! I Can't wait for it all to begin! Yay!!!
      Oh The Anticipation!

    19. Becca, I very much concur. I think a big royal wedding will pay for itself when it is all said and done, and help anchor the monarchy even more securely in the pages of history and give Diana's youngest son some recompense for all the drama and media garbage he has survived.

    20. Eve from Germany20 October 2017 at 05:49

      Becca, I agree with you!! (And not only for selfish reasons..haha..).
      I am thinking here of HM´s wedding in 1947. Britain´s population was literally starving at that time,there were shortages EVERYWHERE and with almost everything. The palace made some concessions to that (wedding gown and wedding lunch), but apart from that - full pomp and circumstance and even a coverage from what happened inside the Abbey! Of course, it was the "next in line to the throne" wedding, but times were really, really horrible back then - but people LOVE a "good wedding" in difficult times, and I agree with them, plus, with Brexit still causing so much rupture here in Europe, it would be a wonderful opportunity for folks from all over Europe and the world to come together and celebrate!
      Plus, Harry is so well-liked, I can´t imagine anyone (including the Church of England) "standing in the way" - if that came out, I guess this person or institution would not be particularly well liked anymore.... ;-))

  14. I don't comment very much but I do follow both this and the Duchess Kate blog. While I do agree that they are probably already engaged, I don't see an announcement coming much before December or even January. They could very well be planning a wedding now and still able to pull it off in mid 2018. Just because we're not privy to the details, doesn't mean they haven't started planning.

    As for a first engagement after an announcement - I would love to see something with William, Kate, George and Charlotte. I think this could be beneficial as there are so many that want images of the kids but also of Harry & Meghan - they could get it all done at once and show the closeness that we all know they share. Even something as simple as a family day in the park or a casual photocall at their home. Similar to the shots we've seen of their ski trip, Christmas cards and GQ - I think this could be a perfect introduction for Meghan - she's an established part of the family and they are a united front.

    Charlotte, I have no idea how you do it but I am thankful to have found these blogs to follow. You are amazing!

  15. Eve from Germany17 October 2017 at 06:41

    I just went to Emily Andrew´s twitter - and there´s that group photo of Paddington, Harry, Kate and William - and it was posted by Toby Earle saying: "That´s some disguise, Meghan Markle" - LOL!!!! So NOW we "know" how she manages to go "undetected", haha....!!

  16. The headlines of some articles are just ridiculous. Two that are making their rounds now are that Meghan quit Suits and the other that Harry doesn't want pomp and circumstance at his wedding. The original articles that started those headlines are based on "sources", i.e.,
    rumor. False fluff. And then other outlets pick up their headlines and urrg. All tacky filler since the couple is staying out of sight.

    1. Eve from Germany18 October 2017 at 10:59

      Surfer girl: "ridiculous" is the right word. That´s why I wanted to make fun of at least the latest of them - and be "properly outraged" about it (LOL)!!
      I must admit, though, somehow it could be possible that Harry doesn´t want the "full pomp and circumstance" for his wedding - I wouldn´t exclude it.
      Although IMO it would be a super "boost" for the country´s "morale" that has been not the best lately, if he and Meghan decided to go "full-royal", so to speak. So I keep fingers crossed.... ;-))

    2. lol. To me, Eve, as you might guess, anything less than "full royal" would be preposterous.

  17. P.S. granted, Meghan may have quit Suits, but at this point their headlines are very much lacking confirmation.

  18. Eve from Germany17 October 2017 at 15:04

    Just read in the "Express" that Harry wants a low-key wedding, definitely NOT in London, but probably at Windsor Castle.
    I don´t mind if it´s not in London, but if Meghan isn´t having a full-blown royal wedding "cathedral-style" gown, plus a royal tiara (or even better, a new one - come on, Charles, Sofia of Sweden got one, so Meghan needs one as well!! You don´t want to look like a scrooge or a spoil-sport, compared to your Swedish colleagues, right?) , I´ll be having to write a "formal complaint" and strike him off my list of "favourite royals" - and Harry, you DON´T want that, you just don´t!! (haha!!)

    He can "shy away from the limelight" all he wants - just NOT on his wedding day, sorry, no way!! (Just kidding, of course, well, except for the wedding gown bit...that´s NON-negotiable!! ;-)) )
    What are my dearest fellow-bloggers think about these "alarming" "low-key" "wedding with a sense of privacy" news? ;-))))) Let´s have some "not so low-key" outrage here!! ;-)))) (LOL...)

    1. Eve, just taking a step back form the excitement I can see why they might get married at Windsor rather than the Abbey - (although I would share your disappointment). I guess there are pros and cons for and against - but ultimately it's their decision, or at least I hope it would be.

      There are a number of reasons maybe why this would work better at Windsor - from a practical and security point of view I can see the cost of such security at the Abbey and the route /guest etc..(especially in the world we live in now) might be a sore point with some and get a negative response - there was much a todo over the cost of W&K security and that was back in a more peaceful time. There maybe some in the UK that sneer at such costs and grandeur when the UK is in it's present economic climate. Then from a 'religious' view point it may be less controversial to be married at Windsor - again I don't agree - but some negative commentators would argue the point of a divorced women in the Abbey blah blah blah (even though the General sinned have said it's OK).
      And then it could be a personal decision of the two of them to have a little more of a private ceremony ? Wasn't it Williams quip at the alter that it was only meant to be a small wedding!

      Of course I'm with you all the way on this Eve - I think they should have a big ceremony - I think we all deserve it and it would be good for tourism, a launchpad for them in the worlds media and a little push for brand GB before the next stage in Brexit.

      Whatever venue - I'm sure she has a tiara moment - look at all the royal brides that have married there anyway (lets hope she gets a decent taira rather than poor old Soph's)

    2. I'm not sure if anyone "went there" yet, but I do think Harry's rank will have a little something to do with the venue. My money is on Windsor. I fully expected William, as an heir, to get married in London, but I do not believe that Harry's rank (W/G/C/Cambridge#3) warrants the cost, security, and overall disruption of having a wedding at Westminster Abbey.

    3. ⚡️ strike that comment @ 03:28 from the
      records, rf. lol (Just kidding of course.)
      At this point I choose to remain in denial
      about any other venue than the Abbey. 😊

    4. Zora from Prague19 October 2017 at 17:47

      That's what I thought too, royalfan, Plus the religious aspect. I wouldn't be surprised if the wedding took place in still another church, perhaps in Scotland.... perhaps the one near Balmoral -the Crathie Kirk? It may be too small, though.

    5. Lol SG! My comment was based on comparing William's wedding to that of Charles and Diana; William and Kate's wedding was toned down in comparison. And I believe we will see the same approach applied in Harry's case.

      Zora, your point about religion is a valid one. But I do hope it will take place at Windsor because we will enjoy better coverage of the wedding. Besides, if Charles and Camilla were permitted, why on earth not? 😉

    6. Meghan has a lot of friends who would really enjoy a fancy wedding, like Serena, Marcus, etc and then Mom! Maybe her niece and nephew??

  19. already commented on that @ 14:56.

  20. Eve from Germany19 October 2017 at 06:28

    Mr. D. - aka "Mr.giddy kipper": LOVE your new logo!! :-))))
    AND: TEA WITH THE QUEEN!!! Engagement announcement - "here we come"!!! ;-))))
    The article in the DM is filled with quite a lot of details about the visit - so I guess it´s not "made up".. or shall I say I hope so!! :-)))
    Silly me just hopes they don´t kill Meghan off in "Suits"....rather give her some SUPER job opportunity (in London maybe? ;-))) ) she can´t refuse.... I know it´s very improbable she will continue acting, but I just HATE it when lovely characters are killed off just because the actor wants to leave the show...

  21. Richard Kay reported in the Daily Mail that Harry and Meghan had tea with the Queen this past Thursday in her private sitting room at Buckingham Palace at 5 p.m. He reported that the Queen's tea time is usually 30 minutes or so but Thursday was about an hour. Richard reported that Meghan met Charles and Camilla quite awhile ago.

  22. But wasn't Harry attending An event on the day of the "alleged" meeting ?

  23. Rhea, that thought crossed my mind also. I don't know how reliable Richard Kay is. If Harry attended a local event that day he still would have had time for tea perhaps. I will google it 🔎 and try to find out where
    Harry was that day and see if Mr. Kay had his facts straight. :)

    1. Eve from Germany19 October 2017 at 19:48

      Surfer girl, he was at the Attitude Magazine Awards, as KP tweeted on that day (Thursday 12th october): "Prince Harry will TONIGHT collect....". As I understand, the ceremony took place in London, so enough time for Harry to change into black tie event outfit and attend.... :-)))

  24. I cannot stand the waiting. It will be nice to wake up one day to the joy of a royal wedding as opposed to all the sadness that we have had in the news as of late. I am not British but I am just as excited. Come on Harry hurry up! Thank you for all the news. I love coming to your site after staying away for a few days. It's always a treat!


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