
Monday 14 May 2018

UPDATED: Thomas Markle Says He Won't Attend Royal Wedding; KP Addresses "Difficult Situation"

Amidst a flurry of happy news relating to the royal wedding and Harry and Meghan's first post-wedding engagement, the day has ended on a very different note. Just hours ago, Meghan's father told TMZ he would not be attending the wedding and walking his daughter down the aisle as planned.

More from TMZ:

'Meghan Markle's father will not be walking her down the aisle Saturday ... he isn't going to the wedding at all because of the fallout over selling photos of himself ... TMZ has learned.
Thomas Markle tells TMZ, he meant no harm to Meghan or the Royal Family when he made a deal to allow a photo agency to take pics of him getting ready for the wedding. He says he had a reason and it was not principally about money.
Markle tells us over the last year he's been ambushed by paparazzi who have photographed him in the most unflattering circumstances ... buying beer, looking disheveled and reclusive. He's especially upset that they made him look like a lush. Thomas says he doesn't even drink beer ... he was buying it for the guards at the place where he lives.
He says since his daughter started dating Prince Harry he's been offered anywhere between $50,000 and $100k for interviews and he's turned all of them down.
Thomas says the paparazzi agency approached him, offered him money -- though nowhere near the reported $100k -- and he figured there was no harm in it and it would help recast his image. 
He admits the pics look "stupid and hammy." He says he was just going along with the paparazzi agency, which he now deeply regrets.
And, Thomas says, he suffered a heart attack 6 days ago but checked himself out of the hospital so he could attend the wedding. He's now decided not to go because he doesn't want to embarrass the Royal Family or his daughter.'

The news follows a Mail on Sunday story which broke over the weekend confirming Thomas Markle had worked withk and received payment from, a photo agency and had participated in staging a series of photos in recent months. His daughter Samantha Markle later confirmed she was complicit in this and encouraged her father to do so.

TMZ confirmed they spoke directly to Mr Markle:

It very much appears this came as a shock to Kensington Palace who scrambled to deal with the onslaught of media enquiries that followed. Minutes ago, Kensington Palace released this statement on Meghan's behalf: "This is a deeply personal moment for Ms Markle in the days before her wedding. She and Prince Harry ask again for understanding and respect to be extended to Mr Markle in this difficult situation."

Majesty Magazine

Earlier today, Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall were photographed landing at Kensington Palace. No doubt, the Royal family are rallying around Meghan and offering her support.

Vanity Fair reports:

'Palace insiders tell that the royal family was blindsided by the news and had not been informed of Thomas' change of heart prior to the publication of his interview. We can reveal however that Meghan’s father did not seek medical attention on the day of his 'heart attack,' and was instead inside his clifftop home in Rosarito the entire day.'

More from Sky:

'Sky's Royal Correspondent Rhiannon Mills said Prince Harry and Meghan had been "concerned" about the pressure had been under ahead of the big day.
She explained: "It is unusual to have a statement released like this on such a personal matter.
"In recent days there has been more speculation about relations between Thomas Markle and the media. Prince Harry and Megan Markle have been concerned about the pressure he has been under.
"I understand that Thomas Markle is not here in the UK. I also understand that Meghan's mother is not here in the UK either - she is due in the coming days."

Vanity Fair suggests Meghan's mother Doria will now walk her down the aisle:

'Friends of Meghan’s say she’s utterly crushed, and that they expect her mother, Doria Ragland, to walk her down the aisle on Saturday.'

The story dominates tomorrow's papers.

I'm mindful of how sensitive and incredibly upsetting this situation must be for Meghan and don't wish to add to any speculation until there's further confirmation from Kensington Palace. I will say, however, this must be such painful news for her; it was her wish to have her father walk her down the aisle. She has endured unimaginable betrayal from numerous family members. and during a week which should be the happiest of her life, this is quite simply awful. Certainly, questions need to be asked in relation to the reckless platform given to the Markle family by the media. I would add, it is terribly unfortunate this news was revealed via TMZ rather than a planned, coordinated statement from the Palace. The statement clearly indicated Meghan is concerned for her father's wellbeing; it's all very sad.

As crazy as all this is now, Harry and Meghan have the unwavering support of the Royal family, Meghan's mother Doria, and a host of friends who will be there on Saturday, not to mention the enormous support of the British public and all those around the world who support the couple.

UPDATE: Thomas Markle spoke to TMZ again telling them "he's experiencing serious chest pains ... this after his heart attack 6 days ago. He says the pains have been triggered by emotional upset. He specifically mentioned his oldest daughter, Samantha Grant, who has been shading Meghan in the weeks leading up to the wedding. Thomas tells us, "I've been popping Valium for the pain, especially when I hear about my oldest daughter." He said he plans to go to the hospital. TMZ adds:
"Kensington Palace was caught flatfooted by TMZ's story that Meghan Markle's dad will not walk his daughter down the aisle ... because we found out the palace had made elaborate plans for him. Our palace sources say the plans included a security detail for Thomas Markle, along with accommodations and access to various events."

UPDATE2: It seems Thomas Markle might be attending the wedding after all. TMZ spoke to him again: "Thomas Markle just told us he's back in the hospital after experiencing serious chest pains and doctors are performing a battery of tests on him. He says the doctors told him his heart was "seriously damaged" after his heart attack a week ago.Thomas tells TMZ Meghan tried calling him Monday but he was not near his phone. She followed up with a text telling him she loved him and was concerned about his health. He says she harbors no ill feelings toward him for making a deal with a paparazzi agency to stage photos of him getting ready for the wedding. As for the Queen being upset with him, Thomas scoffed, saying, "I don't think the queen is thinking about what I'm doing." Thomas says he's thought about it and now believes what he did with the photos was not a serious transgression, although he calls it "stupid." He says he now wants to make the trek to England, telling us, "I hate the idea of missing one of the greatest moments in history and walking my daughter down the aisle."

UPDATE3: A very interesting video with TMZ representatives who talked to Meghan's father.

UPDATE4: News outlets report Thomas Markle will undergo surgery and will not attend the wedding. TMZ writes: "Thomas Markle is not going to walk his daughter, Meghan, down the aisle Saturday, nor will he travel to England, because we've learned he's dealing with something far more serious ... major surgery. Thomas tells TMZ, he will go into surgery at 7:30 AM Wednesday. He tells us, "They [doctors] will go in and clear blockage, repair damage and put a stent where it is needed. Thomas also says he believes the open letter his son, Thomas Jr., wrote to Prince Harry discouraging him from marrying Meghan is what triggered his heart attack."


  1. I hope that Meghan (or whoever is in the position to) can convince Thomas to attend, if not walk her down the aisle. In the grand scheme of things, the photos are harmless and inconsequential. I wish someone had thought to sequester hi away, or that they could have convinced him to be sequestered away, for the past month or so - a great inconvenience, I'm sure, however - to protect him from all the media hordes. Ugh. What a mess.

  2. Helen from Ontario14 May 2018 at 22:54

    You can’t pick your family... My heart goes out to Meaghan. What an ordeal.

    1. So true. I think she should walk down alone. She's 36 for heaven's sake (and married before). It's not like she needs her father to "give her away," which is such an odious tradition anyway. Walking alone is dignified and shows she's coming on her own terms.

    2. It just goes to show, doesn’t it, how even wealth and royalty can’t stop people from having wacky family members. I feel for Meghan and hope she can find some peace and happiness this week still! I’m sure she’ll feel much better once her mom arrives in the UK.

    3. So true. I feel for her, what a terrible thing to happen at this time. Her father isn’t a mentally stable person, and I think he’s been egged on by her jealous half-sister, poor man. I hope for their sake this is quickly resolved.

    4. I feel bad for Meghan and her dad. He may not have realized what a mess this would make and it sounds like he doesn’t want to hurt her further. It doesn’t sound like relations are all that good if he was afraid to check in with KP about how to proceed. TMZ could have also broke the news to him he was set up and got a quote from him before he thought about how they could have been setting him up too. What a mess. So sad for everyone involved.

  3. I feel so awful for Meghan. No bride should have to endure this kind of embarrassment from her own family on a global stage.

    Part of me hopes they just defy convention and let her mother walk her down the aisle.

    1. I would love to see Meghan walked down the aisle by her mother.

    2. It's not really defying convention - Queen Victoria walked her daughter Princess Helena up the aisle for her wedding.

    3. I was going to say, all this to do about who walks her down seems very contrived. No reason her Mom can't do or any number of other people.

  4. Awful just awful. And as you say, the media aided and abetted this. Now I learn Good Morning Britain will have more of her vile family hosting shows all week. I am ashamed to be British, because of our cold hearted evil PM and our cruel racist media. I think the world has turned very dark.

    I just hope that Meghan is supported in all this by her friends and mother, and by Harry and his family. Maybe Charles can walk her down the aisle, if her mother doesn't.

    The father's side of her family are the dregs and yet the media continue to hound and bully Meghan about her decision not to invite them. Utterly sickening!

    1. Charles!! Wouldn't that be something! As hurt as she is, I can't imagine her wanting to hurt her father that way, by having a different father walk her down.... that said, I truly think Charles would do it & I love him for that! Doria might be a comfort.... but I stand by hoping she walks herself down. It'd be so symbolic.... Meghan walking to Harry!

    2. I would love it Good Morning Britain's ratings tanked whenever they have the various family members on! Serves them right!

    3. I would prefer to not see her walk by herself.

    4. Tammy from California15 May 2018 at 01:07

      Grenada, the American media is the SAME WAY! The only way media, in general, will learn is when people stop watching, because then the money stops.

    5. There are so many---I'm holding out for Markus, but she could have her mom, a gaggle of her friends, Charles, her lovely lawyer niece whom I'm hoping will be there, all her friends' husbands, ...

    6. I'm also part of the small camp of people hoping she walks herself down the aisle. That would probably be rather nerve-wracking though.

    7. I hope she walks alone down the aisle.

    8. Yes! I hope her mother or Charles can do this for her.

    9. The world was already dark - and apparently not for reasons you may count. It hasn't "turned dark" because of this. May you keep things in perspective...

    10. If not her mother walking her down, Harry could meet her at the door or half way.

  5. Thomas Markle is a grown man so I hope posters trying to shift blame to Meghan and Harry ("Oh why they didn't travel to see him ", "She could have arranged a flight for him") for his own decisions.

    1. I meant that I hope posters stop trying to shift blame.

    2. Tammy from California15 May 2018 at 01:05

      And that goes for Mr. Markle saying the media pressured him so he had to do it. No you didn't have to do it. When do people take responsibility for their own actions?

    3. Sometimes you just have to insist on things with your parents. I would have insisted my fiancé meet my father before my wedding. Do you think her father would have turned down meeting Harry? It’s a bit odd and unconventional.

    4. If her Father were unable to leave for some reason and I doubt RPOs would allow Harry to visit that area of Mexico due to security concerns---how were they supposed to get together? There is more to this situation than we are privy to now. We may never know it all. They only thing to do is reserve judgement, as badly as we all feel for Harry and Meghan. I just hope the heart attack story did not reach her before news that he was ok.
      I hope this isn't a repeat. I included some of it in a couple of posts that did not appear.

    5. I think they may be somewhat to blame. They should have visited him, explained to him what was coming, and coached him. He seems to have had no guidance from Meghan. She should have taken care of him. He seems to have been left to himself.

    6. We don't know if she insisted or mot. It still doesn't excuse what her father bas done.

    7. Well, it's certainly odd that Harry had not met Meghan's father prior to the engagement. So perhaps the expectation that he would be there to support her on May 19th was not very realistic.

      And as far as safety and travel is concerned, TM made it to Doria's front door to be photographed dropping off flowers. Me thinks prior travel arrangements could have been made for him to meet Harry and Meghan in the US. Where there's a will, there's a way... From both sides.

  6. I hope they sort it out.

  7. Yes, because not showing up at her wedding and declaring his own decision via TMZ wasn’t meant to embarrass her.
    Poor Meghan, I hope she will feel the love of the people who really have feelings for her, I hope she will be happy. Harry’s Christmas declaration about Meghan’s family seems more clear now.

    1. Anonymmous 23.07, so true what you say, of Harry's comment, about "the family she never had." Some thought he was out of line, but obviously he knew the true character of this soap opera family. The British Royal Family has never been known to be warm and fuzzy, but they seem like perfect softies in comparison to the Markle's. Samantha, the wicked half sister, is the vile villain in this drama.

  8. Poor Meghan. I shake my head every time I see members of her family on her father's side talking to the tabloids. It's so trashy. What a nightmare to deal with so publicly.

    It would be lovely to see William walk her down the aisle as Prince Philip did for Princess Margaret, if it comes down to that.

    1. That would be a nice touch too!

    2. I didn’t know Prince Phillip did that! That was a very cool thing he did, thanks for mentioning it Penny.

    3. That’s my preferred option too! This is such a sad turn of events. The Markle side of her immediate family seem intent on capitalizing on her fame by humiliating her. At least the story will be played out before the wedding this Saturday.

    4. This situation is totally nuts. I'm getting married in a few months and I would be absolutely devastated if my father wouldn't be able to walk me down the aisle due to his physical, mental, or emotional stamina. I can't begin to process how messed up (I'm really trying to censor my language here) this scenario is, and which players are involved, what (or who) motivated whom, etc. All crazy.

      Meghan, we love you. Keep your head up. At the end of the day, you are joining your partner for life, and you'll forge your way through it together with the support and love of those treasured people who surround you and encircle you with strength.

      (I'd also love to see Doria, William, or Charles walk her down the aisle.)

    5. Tammy from California15 May 2018 at 01:02

      Penny, that gave me chills. That would be a beautiful touch.

    6. I really like the idea of Prince William...👍🏻
      Or just by herself! Either one of those would be great IMO.
      You can run, but you can’t hide from your family...what a nightmare! And how horrible of him to still be more concerned about himself (he’s clearly already embarrassed her, whether intentionally or not) than her in the run up to such an enormous event

  9. So sad. I feel terrible for Meghan. I am not surprised that the vile half sister set this up for Thomas. I am sure Harry and the rest of her NEW family are rallying around in support. Maybe Charles could walk her down in a way that might be like you are my daughter and now lets just make it official and hand her off to his son. Or Doria could. She also has some very close male friends. There are also some Windsors that might want to walk her too...this is just something she should not be worrying about. I imagine Harry is LIVID about how the press has dogged him and Meghan.

    1. Hi Diane! If Harry is half as angry as I am about this whole mess, then he must be burning with the heat of 1000 suns!!! Her sister is truly vile and hopefully all the negative press she gets will persuade reporters and such to give her a wide berth as no one wants to hear her filth any more.

      I think it would be sweet to have Charles was her down the aisle and would certainly show his support of her and Harry during this difficult time. I also thought of Phillip walking her down the aisle as he did for Princess Margaret many years ago. Of course, I'm inclined to think that Doria will have this honor and probably should have from the start.

    2. Oh Diane, you're right! The vile half-sister has lost touch with reality and a general sense of decency. I'm baffled.

      No one wants to partake in this kind of horrific, staged drama surrounding a wedding. I suspect that this year is going to mark a watershed moment regarding William and Harry's relationship with the press, and I've a feeling it's going to be bad.

    3. @Lauri, at 23:45 - my thinking as of this morning is this will only serve to make Harry more protective of Meghan in the press or for anyone else looking to take advantage of her. I’m also feeling like this will (hopefully) cause all the other royals (except racist Pss Michael who is probably cackling with glee!) to rally around Meghan and show how much they support this union. At least this is my hope. I could see all of the supportive cousins (the Tindalls, Bea & Eug, Peter and Autumn) really becoming protective and getting the word out that the family loves and supports her and Doria too, who’s been a model of decorum throughout this whole mess.

      As for the wedding, I think Meghan should drop off Doria as planned and then walk halfway down the aisle and then Harry should meet her halfway and they walk the rest together. I also have a small fantasy that as she walks in the cathedral William walks down to greet her, he bows to her, she curtseys to him, then he offers his arm to bring her up to Harry.

      Did anyone see the DM story about how Harry feels this is all his fault and that whoever gets involved with him is doomed? I mean, it’s the DailyFail so...train of salt, but it’s very sad but still understandable how he might internalize that kind of feeling. I hope he’ll go back for a few therapy sessions to get his head back on straight since of course none only this is his fault or Meghan’s, and he’s not cursed or whatever he may feel.

      I feel so bad for the lot of them!! I hate when someone (Markle Sr) wrongs someone else (Meghan) and then in trying to apologize or make it right, they still make it all about themselves (going to TMZ...WTF?!). I think he must have some sort of impaired judgement (being led around by Samantha, dude, really?!) or mental illness of some kind because it’s so bizarre to me that he would go to TMZ instead of asking his daughter (and Harry and their PR office!) for help on how to deal with things.

      Anyway, the wedding will go on and I hope this only serves to strengthen the bond between Harry and Meghan and within Harry’s family (re: making Meghan feel welcome and supported) as she buckles down and begins working as an HRH. Can’t wait to see the body language from Charles and Camilla at Charles’s garden party next week.

      Sorry if this is a duplicate or not in the right on my phone and can’t get it to work right :/

  10. My father deals with addiction and was not able to walk me down the aisle. I can’t imagine the pressure but he’s missing an important milestone and will never get it back. I do feel for him as I did for my own dad’s illness, but most of all I feel for her. Poor Megan.

    1. I am sorry for your situation. My father also was mentally ill and that included alcohol. The child is never responsible.

    2. Thank you Allison - I am sorry for your situation too.

  11. No one should have to convince him to be there for his daughter, he should want to be there.
    Oh well I hope Doria gets to do it. The Markles have shown themselves to be a sketchy bunch.

    1. Indeed they have! I think there are two nieces who are quite nice but the rest of the family sure presents something to overcome. I give Doria all the credit for everything good! I'm sure she'll telling Meghan now to just calm down and get a grip. :)

    2. I have to agree with you about her fathers side of the family. It’s seems all they want is the press around them and to talk trash about her. She does not need this and doesn’t deserve this. After all the trash talk and everything we find out both her mom and dad will have a role in the wedding and than days before the wedding this all comes out and now her father will not be there. I could not imagine how she must be feeling especially this close to her wedding day. I am sure prince harry is there with her and his family and her friends. I hope to see her mom walk her down. And I hope that her mom doesn’t do the sit down with Opera whinfrey now.
      I hope regardless they have an amazing wedding day. And I will be watching from home

  12. I was so shocked and saddened to hear of this. What a disappointment for them both.

    I can only imagine that their family situation is hugely complicated, beyond even what we see in the press. Thomas working with the paparrazi is bad judgement, particularly for someone who spent part of his career on a very successful TV show, but then releasing the follow up statement through TMZ and not KP is really baffling and doesn't speak well of him. Why didn't he reach out to his daughter and let her handle this? Or at least tell her first?

    To people who say Harry and Meghan should have done more to "protect" him, I can't really imagine how they could ultimately help. He is clearly someone with some struggles going on and not able to use common sense in this situation. I don't think Harry and Meghan could simply swoop in and resolve things. It's very sad for all involved.

    1. I think the fact that the news broke via TMZ and not through Kensington Palace in a planned statement is what perplexed me the most. The photo scandal was unfortunate, but not the worst thing that could happen. This, however, is completely astounding. If saving Meghan from additional embarrassment was supposedly the motive here, it’s failed.

    2. Agreed, Juliana. I think there’s more going on here than any of us realize. It is very sad.

    3. Maybe he had talked to her and just blundered into a phone interview with TMZ after talking with Meghan. It is very complicated and just o much is unknown. Ughh for all of them. Things may have just spiraled rapidly out of control.

    4. True, what more could they have done? In the end, I think it really comes down to the fact that Meghan’s Dad unfortunately has issues.

  13. Wouldn’t it be something if Prince Charles walked her down...........

    1. I think it would be very sweet and show all the naysayers that he and the rest of the royal family are behind her 100%.

    2. I think that would be so sweet! It would also send a powerful message that they are her family now!

  14. The more I think about this heartbreaking situation that Meghan and Harry find themselves in, the more angry I get with Meghan's half-sister Samantha. I firmly believe that she knew exactly what the end result would be when she encouraged Mr. Markle to work with the paparazzi. Since the start of Harry and Meghan's relationship Ms. Grant has shown herself to be the very lowest sort of person, without compassion or honor, wanting only what will benefit her without thought of anyone else.

    There is no way anyone could convince me that she didn't mean to hurt and humiliate her sister, her sisters future in-laws and her own father. When I saw her smirking, smug face online this morning, taking the blame for this mess, it was all I could do to not reach through my screen and slap that false, smug grin off of her face. Sorry for this rant but people like this just make me furious!

    As I said in an earlier post, my thoughts and prayers are with Harry and Meghan, I pray that their wedding day will be full of joy, laughter and love!!

    1. Lauri, I completely agree! Also, for the love of pete...... if her Dad was going to do this "ill advised rehabilitate his image thing"..... did he have to also take the Money??? Yes, I get his point that he's not taken the offered money thus far, but to take the money now.... that's just the icing on the yuk factor of all of this..... oh & giving his RSVP to TMZ, instead of to His Daughter!??? What made me feel better though, was seeing Charles & Camilla making a bee line to KP straight from Greece!! I believe she is blessed to have such love & loyalty already with her new family rallying around her!! You know..... it just hit me, the BRF has looked the most human ever to me, since Meghan has been on the scene. She really seems to have brought out the best in them! Well done them! It seems very organic too! They seem to really love Meghan & they know Harry loves her so much & wants to protect her from all the hurt she has endured at the hands of her own blood family & the press!! Charles & Camilla have been through so much (until now I've not been a fan) but I have to admit, at a moment like this... they are a sight for sore eyes! Who better to comfort them through a storm!!!

    2. Theresa. New York15 May 2018 at 00:06

      Samantha is vile . She reeks of jealousy
      Meghan was wise to distance herself from this group of losers years ago.

    3. I am in complete agreement about Samantha Markle. I think she orchestrated this, and I think she knew the ish was about the hit the fan, and tweeted a mea culpa on Twitter this morning - with an @ to Kensington Palace. Trying to smooth things over? Don't know. Don't care.

      He is a man in full command of his faculties. No one has said he isn't. Whether she cooked it up, he chose to do it, and you can bet there were decent sums of money involved. She certainly got paid for setting it up; it doesn't take a rocket scientist to determine he did too.

      And I don't think he had a heart attack. Also, if you read what he said, that's just in there so people don't read further. He actually said he wasn't going because of the embarrassment. The heart attack was a red herring to distract everyone.

      That family makes me sick. I feel so badly for Meghan. This is supposed to be one of the happiest times of her life, and her family is making it all about them.

      Betrayal by your family is one of the worst things to deal with and I hope she knows that most of us are with her right now. .

    4. I wouldn't be surprised if she was also the one who leaked the information about the photo shoots to the press. Ugh.

    5. Tammy from California15 May 2018 at 01:01

      AGREED Lauri!

    6. Laurie, I agree with you. As I said in the earlier thread, Samantha's taking credit for this debacle proves her to be a brilliantly devious narcissist. Since the beginning she has done nothing but speak against Meghan and attempt to taint her sibling's success and happiness any way she can.

      Like you, I wish Harry and Meghan the joy of their special day and each other.

      In addition, I hope no one watches the show for which Meghan's miserable siblings have agreed to offer commentary. May the ratings tank. That might spare us the same drivel on other happy occasions to come.

    7. Courtney from NC15 May 2018 at 02:32

      Bluhare - I completely agree with you on all counts. I hope she is insulating herself with those who truly love her and want what is best for her right now

    8. @ Becca, I agree with you that the royal family never looked "more human" then they have since Meghan's arrival and with C&C flying straight to KP, well that just warms my heart.

      In all of this mess I don't want to forget Harry and what he must be going through. The woman he loves and wants so badly to protect is hurting, hurt by the deeds of those whom she should be able to trust. I can imagine his fury at the press and paparazzi but I can't imagine how he must feel about her hurt at hands of her family.

    9. I think Samantha Markle has always had something planned for the week of the wedding, and now she has sprung into action to take down Meghan. That woman will stop at nothing to embarrass Meghan. Meghan has consistently ignored her sister's comments and machinations, and the sister has been stung. Now hell hath no fury!! What a sicko!!

  15. My heart goes out to Meghan on so many different levels!

  16. Bronwyn-Sydney15 May 2018 at 00:00

    What a mess, no wonder the dear girl puts distance between them and her. I can't imagine how she's feeling with this blow. Thomas senior can't come back from this, he went along with the idea and now misses out on so much. There are several men in the Royal Family who would be ideal stand-ins but I'd love to see Prince Charles walk her down the aisle, after all Meghan will be his second "daughter". But I will cheer whoever steps up.

  17. Dear Charlotte, The sensitivity which you displayed in sharing this news is another example of why I follow your blogs. This is no time to speculate or add drama. This is heartbreaking and reminds me of many of the issues that I had with my own dad when I married. Thank you, as always, for the tone that you maintain on this site. It makes it a pleasure to be part of the community that you have created. AnneHH

  18. I was in the middle of watching the Lifetime movie about Harry and Meghan when I saw this news - that was a bit surreal.....

    My heart is sad for Meghan and the whole family. Just keep your head held high, Meghan, and push through.

    Queen Victoria walked her daughter down the aisle so it wouldn't be a royal first to have her mother do it. I'm sure her mother will if Meghan asks her to. I think the royals would support it completely.

    However, it is a golden chance to show women around the world that you are not property thus no one has to give you to anyone. I'm not at all against it but I think it would send a powerful message of strength and independence.

    Hearts go out to you Meghan. So sorry :(

  19. I do think that Mr. Markle was looking for a plausible excuse and the heart attack excuse didn't wash. If that report is true, a fake heart attack, I have no respect for him. The agony for Meghan! Sympathy for him as a fallible human being, as are we all. Just no respect. This photo situation has been going on for awhile and it puzzles me why it has just now been outed.
    If this were a soap opera, Sam would be the villain, not Mr. M. . Sometimes when the attention fame brings is not available, notoriety works. It is like the naughty child who first tries to win his parents' attention as a good child; when that fails, there is naughtiness.
    I have my own theories about why he lives in Mexico outside the US and why he can't go to England.
    For M& H's sake, I hope there can be a coming together, perhaps out of the public glare and stress of the wedding. I do think they will need to go to him and I can't see the RPOs or Charles going along with a visit to her Father's home. There are other places in Mexico.

    1. What are your theories about why he lives in Mexico and can`t go to England?

  20. Lauri, thank you for writing that so I didn't have to try to put the same feelings into words.

    I wish Doria would get to the UK already! What I hate is that is supposed to be the really fun week and Meghan has to overcome this and worries for her father. I guess the best revenge is to have a good life but she so doesn't deserve this. I'm glad that the royal family seems to be loving---and that she has Harry/

    1. I'm hoping that Doria got an earlier flight and is on her way there now to be with her daughter and future son-in-law. I'm sure they could both use her support right now and maybe even a nice, relaxing yoga session :)

  21. I'm so sad for her. I also am baffled at the amount of attention given to her estranged family, and now this! I'm sure her father is/was overwhelmed, and I think so many people just don't know how to handle the level of media attention being associated with the Royal Family brings. He made a series of bad decisions, to be sure, but I don't think he should keep himself from the wedding - indeed, it has made this story all the more compelling than if he just would have made his statement and attended as planned. Not to mention, I'm sure, Meghan's disappointment at his not attending. I hope things can work out positively for her, and no matter what, I hope she has a brilliant wedding day. She certainly should not have to deal with these sorts of issues clouding over her special day.

  22. Wow. The father;s actions make no sense. If he felt bad about the photos why didn't he contact Meghan directly and fess up and see what the reaction was instead of going straight to TMZ? His actions only make sense if he never had intentions of showing up to the wedding and simply wanted to sell his photos for some money. If so, what a horrible thought.

  23. Completely surprised by Mr. Markle’s actions. This can’t be anything but a body blow to Meghan who has written so lovingly of her father’s positive influence on her life. And why would he speak to TMZ? I hope Harry and Meghan walk down the aisle together. Usually stand-ins for a father come from the bride’s side of the family or among her friends. It doesn’t make sense for someone from the groom’s side to walk her down the aisle. When Phillip walked Margaret, he was her sister’s husband.

  24. Ohhhhh, I'm picturing Harry getting on a private jet to Mexico right now to meet and talk to her dad to try to save the day for Meghan. ❤

    I just watched the Lifetime movie so their lives are very dramaticized in my mind right now..... :)

    Still, it's a pretty cool thought.

    1. If Harry had flown out six months ago they might not be in this mess. I am perplexed that he has not met his future father in law yet.

    2. 5.13, I agree. If this was supposed to be a smooth and stress-free day for father and daughter, it certainly wasn't based on a solid foundation ... at all! And with hindsight, did anyone truly expect it to be?

    3. Agreed!

  25. Wait, I’m confused—I thought Meghan’s parents had already flown over to be with her? I thought this week they were meeting family and Harry was finally going to meet his future father-in-law? Is Doria already with Meghan? I thought she was but the quote above says she’s not?

  26. Sarah Virginia15 May 2018 at 00:45

    My thoughts and prayers are with Harry, Meghan, Doria, and Thomas Sr.

    We do not know all of the details and motivations, and it is important to refrain from judgment. I believe Thomas has been struggling with some things for a while and it seems he has felt overwhelmed by the press attention. What is certain is that this added stress (on a global scale) is not what Meghan and Harry needed 4 days before their wedding. I hope that they have trusted family and friends rallying around them, and that they lean on each other. They deserve to have a beautiful and joyful wedding day, and a fresh beginning to their marriage.

    If it is confirmed that her father is not attending, there would be nothing wrong with Meghan walking herself down the aisle. And neither is there anything wrong with her mother doing so. Meghan will choose what is best and comfortable for her.

    I hope Meghan and Harry are able to rest and find ways to recharge during this extra stressful week.

  27. Somehow I don’t think Meghan’s mother will want to walk her down the aisle. She has also faced intense scrutiny and racist commentary. I was surprised she was photographed in LA today. I doubt she or Meghan will want to create another controversy. I think Prince William or Prince Charles would be a lovely show of unity but I wouldn’t be surprised if Meghan chooses to walk down the aisle solo. This is super sad.

  28. Tammy from California15 May 2018 at 01:01

    I feel horrible for Meghan. Just horrible. The people you are supposed to be able to count on in your life are your family. Her dad's side of the family has hurt her in just about every way possible. They have humiliated her, cashed in on her, said the most disparaging things about her possible and now this. I am sure this is not the first time she has endured this from these people, maybe it's why she is such a go-getter.
    I hope that she can put this aside and have the day she has planned for: marrying someone she loves, because in the end, that's all that matters.

    Charlotte, your post is right on about the media. Unfortunately, the American media can do and say whatever they want with no repercussions, unlike the British press. American media has become so awful, that people have stopped watching the news altogether because one can not decipher what is true and real, and what is not. I will throw attention seeking people into that mix too. You hear a report that someone took to the news about how wrongly they were treated, only to find out they, themselves caused it. I can not say enough about my hatred of American media. To boot, Mr. Markle couldn't have talked to a more BOZO source than TMZ. They are filth.

  29. If the family was estranged before, I hope they all know that it is truly done now. I do not know what kind of show Good Morning Britain is but the fact they have sponsored the siblings appearance on Saturday is in such poor taste on every level. I hope their ratings drop and people loyal to H&M not watch the morning show. I can honestly say, this would not happen in the USA. The pressure from sponsors would be to great to be attached to such hurtfulness to a world figure which Harry and now Meghan has become. The strength of her convictions will be on display come Saturday and the world will be even more proud of the women she is. Again, I say how lucky is Harry to have found her.

  30. I really believe that Mr Markle will change his mind... and that will fill us all with joy! *-* <3

    1. I think/hope he will change his mind, also. I was so looking forward to seeing both him & Doria supporting their daughter on such a joyous occasion. I do hope he comes round, for Meghan’s sake.

    2. Intrigued By Royals15 May 2018 at 05:54

      That is what I am hoping will happen. I hope Meghan will call him, tell him she isn't upset with him, and that she really wants him to walk her down the aisle and he comes and does it for his little girl that is all grown up now!

  31. Susan in Florida15 May 2018 at 01:08

    No bride deserves to be in tears before her wedding. At least they have a few days to take a breath. My husband brought a tux to his nieces wedding as a standby because her father threatened the night before not to come to the wedding. He showed up 20 minutes before we left the house for the church. You can’t micro manage adult family members. Some families are what we call a hot mess and have to be “loved” from a distance As for me, I gave myself away because I was older and decided I was free and independent. If she wants someone to give her away, I’m sure any one of Windsor family or her Mom would be proud to walk her down the aisle. I think her father might be doing her a favor by staying home. I’m adding them to my prayers this week so it all goes smooth and there are no more last minute surprises.

    1. Susan in Fl. “Loved” from a distance. This comment is 100%. You’re so right. I’m sure Meghan won’t have any shortage of offers to walk her down the aisle. But I think and hope her mom does it. She’s been such a fount of strength for her, especially now, and solidly proving she can be depended on.

      I had a looooong dissertation to write out on my feelings on this, mostly irate, but I think I’ll hold off until more concrete info comes out. Only 2 things to say. 1) Charlotte was absolutely right about hard questions needing to be asked and answered about why the Markles were given a platform to talk as they pleased. Meghan’s siblings have given how many interviews over the past 6+ months?? Thomas Sr has been offered how many opportunities to talk (tho to his credit he hasn’t)?? There was a rumor about Doria giving Oprah an interview and people were ready to jump all over her. Hmm. 2) Harry got a lot of grief for his “family she never had” comment last December but it’s proving to be, thus far, quite accurate.

  32. Kate, Texas, USA15 May 2018 at 01:09

    I am so incredibly sad for Meghan. Not knowing much about the details, I do not want to comment on the situation or Meghan’s family, but for any father to willingly give up the privilege of walking his daughter down the aisle is heart wrenching. The situation being known worldwide makes it even more awful. I am thankful that Harry’s family is rallying around her. I pray that despite the circumstances, she and Harry can rest, relax, and enjoy these last days leading up to the wedding. I pray Saturday will be a wonderful day full of love, joy, and celebration!

    1. I agree Kate,Texas, USA. NLopez

  33. Courtney from NC15 May 2018 at 01:17

    My father walked me down the aisle and I can't imagine planning to have him walk me and him deciding not to at the 11th hour. Did he really not think pulling out like this would cause more embarrassment than the pictures? I'm trying to temper my response but it seems like he didn't much think of hid daughter at all but more of himself.

    I've always gotten the impression that she is closer with her mother than her father anyway. So maybe blessing in disguise that her mother can now maybe walk her down the aisle. I also like the ideas of her walking herself or Charles or even William walking her down the aisle. I kind of want Harry to have that moment William had when he saw Kate at the altar so I'd prefer to see him waiting there for her.

    So my part time job has turned into almost full time with no notice and now l am working both Friday and Saturday. I'm so bummed.

    1. Oh no, Courtney :( That is a bummer!

  34. I feel so terrible for Meghan :( it's really sad that this has happened only a few days before the wedding, but I also think it's an opportunity for her to make a statement by walking herself down the aisle. She is after all a powerful, independent woman who doesn't need any man to walk her to Harry. I still feel incredibly sad for her if she had really wanted in her heart her father to walk her down.

  35. I feel sorry for Meghan. Clearly, there are some wackos in her family. Shame on the gutter press for providing them with a platform from which to spew their vitriol.

    1. I’m not surprised the media has done this. That side of the family were ripe for the picking to cause controversy, unfortunately.

  36. I wish she had more time wor work with the situation---her father will never appear in wedding photos now.

  37. Let's just cut to the chase ... Meghan wants her father to walk her down the aisle and that's exactly what he needs to do and it's not too late. Not doing so lets the paparazzi and Samantha Grant and all the rest of the naysayers win. I feel so strongly about this and I am so angry that Mr. Markle is allowing this to happen. Your daughter wants you there and needs you there, then you hold your head up and you be there, and don't allow anyone's manipulation to change that. Mr. Markle made a mistake - just like the rest of us. The best way to show these people what an amazing good man he is would be to walk his daughter down the aisle as planned. I know I'm venting, but it makes me so angry when the bad guys win one. Marla from NH

    1. Agree! Best case scenario here is that he forgets his own shame and takes a shot of something strong before standing there at the church doors with his head up. I think it's arguable whether a woman should be walked down the aisle, but if that is what Meghan wants then he better do it! He'll be ashamed of himself for the rest of his life if he doesn't.

    2. What I also find sad is that i actually think Meghan does love him and wanted him there but she also probably thought it might be great fun for him. Getting a bit pampered, eating some great food etc. If as appears the case he has dealt with mental health or other issues, but seemed a bit better she may have thought he is doing better could I give him and my Mom this lovely unique experience. I am wildly speculating, but the lateness in announcing his attending may have much to do with trying to see how he was doing. So sad for her in that she can not share with him, sad for her if she thought she was giving him a treat, and sad for him that everything got so wildly out of control.

    3. Absolutely agree! Thomas Sr. needs to “man up” ASAP & be there for his daughter. Forget about all this drama & get on with it. He should take a leaf out of HM’s book!

    4. Marla, I agree! I know he's an introvert but this is his child. She clearly wanted him to walk her down the aisle and be apart of her big day... he needs to step up and be there for his daughter. He will always be remembered for not being there and doing this for her. I feel bad for Meghan... but it's so cannot pick your family and it's not her fault her half-sister did this. It's a sad day all-around.

      I hope Prince Harry is just being there for Meghan (we know he is) and that they can still enjoy their wedding day.

  38. I don’t normally comment, but I feel terrible for Meghan. I’m sure she wants nothing but to put her best foot forward towards the family she’s marrying into and with all the negative press surrounding her family, I’m sure this is the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak. My heart aches for her and now that the worst has happened it’s time to knock them dead and prove all those haters wrong. My thoughts and prayers are with Harry/Meghan/Doria. If it’s any consolation, Jacqueline Bouvier’s father backed out of walking her down the aisle on the morning of her wedding to John F Kennedy because he was too drunk to make an appearance. So there is a long tradition of this happening to amazing brides and grooms.

  39. What a mess. What a thing to have to deal with the week of your wedding! I feel bad for all involved and am sure Meghan and KP will come up with some kind of solution. That statement KP released certainly shows how caught off guard everyone was. It really goes to show how everyone deals with crazy issues, even people marrying into royalty. I just do hope that Meghan and Harry can still find the calm amidst the stress and truly enjoy this week.

  40. When people say that marrying into the Royal Family has it's downsides, THIS is what they mean. Unbearable pressure on not only you but your close friends and relatives, largely sparked by the worst intentions of the press to feed the public incendiary garbage. Most people have no desire to treat the BRF as humans, with complex family and personal situations. I hope Meghan prioritizes her own relationship with her father and doing what is best for both of them. If he needs to stay home because he cannot face the public after being exposed as selling out his daughter, then that's no surprise! But I hope he will realize that others have done much worse, put his chin up, and be there for her. No one will be thinking about this on that happy day. However, if he can't do that, then Meghan should forgive him and walk down the aisle proudly, either with her mother or with no one. She is a strong woman who doesn't need to be "given away" by anyone; no matter what we say the tradition means today, there is no escaping that it is a vestige of a past where Meghan was literally considered to be the property of her father. If she wants the support and love of someone walking with her, I think Doria will be a beautiful and appropriate choice.

    Honestly, I feel that Thomas himself is a victim here, but there are many. The press has been irresponsible in their provision of a platform to Meghan's family members. I feel for Meghan and Harry.

    1. Eve from Massachusetts15 May 2018 at 07:22

      So beautifully said, SSM. And to me the absolute truth of the situation. I know my dearly departed father would not have been able to handle this kind of scrutiny, and he would have refused any help from me.
      This blog continually impresses me with its intelligent comments. Thank you Charlotte and the commenters, for providing this “place” on the Internet. I too very much feel for Meghan and reading this blog helps! I so hope she reads it!!!!

  41. Dear Charlotte, I would like to take a moment and thank you for the gracious, kind and compassionate way with which you are writing about and handling this upsetting situation for Harry and Meghan. You are showing great maturity and grace coupled with sensitivity for all concerned and I'm very proud to read your words. I have a feeling that if you and Meghan ever met, you'd become great friends! Thanks again!

  42. Very sad for Meghan.

  43. This is too similar to Cinderella story- don’t you think? I just feel terrible for Meghan. She’s a self-made person who has had to put up with so much in her life. I wish her only happiness from here on in 😘

  44. I feel so very sad for Meghan. She and Harry certainly do not need this drama days before their wedding. After seeing the photos of Charles and Camilla arriving at Kensington Palace and the inference that went with them that they were there for Meghan and Harry I'd love to see Meghan walked down the aisle by both Charles and Camilla as a we survived hateful, hurtful and negative press and you and Harry will too moment. And then have them ignore protocol and join with Doria as parents of the bride and groom. Whether she walks herself down the aisle or someone walks her I hope and pray she has the beautiful and loving wedding she deserves.

  45. Some of the wording in the TMZ article makes me wonder if he were blackmailed--cooperate or we'll reveal something more unflattering....

  46. While there are elements of dysfunction in Meghan's family, she has always taken the high road and not trashed any of them. It appeared that all was well with her and her Dad and he would be playing an important role on the wedding day. Nobody is buying the heart attack excuse. If indeed there was a heart attack it would have to be mega mild, or Mr. Markle would not be out and about so soon afterwards. The staged photos are indeed an embarrassment, but I believe it when he said, he wanted photos that put him in a better light. As far as embarrassing matters go, Prince Charles did far, far worse in his taped phone calls to Camilla. I think there needs to be a heartfelt and sincere phone call by Meghan to her Dad. Then someone, kind and grandfatherly, needs to fly to Mr. Markle and accompany him every step of the way to the plane and then to Britain. There needs to be an escort at all levels to ensure the paparazzi doesn't get near him. Harry now has even more reason to hate the media for all the intrusions into his life. I am so sad for Meghan, as she tries to rise above the antics of her family members.

    1. Laura, I couldn't agree more with everything you said. These photos weren't the best idea, but they're absolutely something Mr. Markle can overcome. And, I too think someone should fly with Mr. Markle to the UK.

      I feel so bad for Meghan and Harry. You know Meghan is very upset and poor Harry is just trying to comfort her. Neither one of them deserved this. This week should just be nothing but happiness for them. Meghan is a strong person and she will overcome this.

  47. Like everyone else, I'm appalled and shocked by this whole situation. I'm most of all sorry for Meghan, that she has to contend with such a pathetic collection of relatives on that side!

    I too hope either her wonderful mother walks her down the aisle -- what the heck, they've been breaking with tradition left and right anyway! -- or she walks herself. Although, if she really wants an escort, I'm sure any of the men in her new family would be honored to be asked or to offer. While it would be lovely and similar to Margaret being escorted by Phillip, I doubt William would be able to as he's already best man. I think it would be incredible if Phillip could do it!

    But it will ultimately be up to the folks involved, obviously; I just hope Meghan is able to deal with the whole unpleasant situation without letting it spoil her excitement over her wedding!

    Wouldn't it completely blow everyone's minds if the Queen decided to do the job herself?

    1. Given the advanced ages of Philip and the Queen, and given that Philip has just had a hip replacement, they might not be up to the job. William is there to support Harry as best man. I think Meghan should walk by herself, but Charles would be my choice if she needs a male escort.

    2. Oh, what a fantastic idea. I'd love to see Prince Phillip "walk" her down the aisle. He'd probably have to be in a wheel chair or something but what a symbolic gesture that would be. Or, maybe, Prince Charles could do it? I'd love to see her mom walk her down the aisle, though. But, Meghans a strong enough person, I wouldn't be surprised if she walked herself down the aisle.

    3. Ooh, that would be soo cool if the !ueen walked her down the aisle?! That would show those nasty Markles and all the other haters wouldn`t it?

  48. I do feel bad that this situation is playing out in the media. But I saw it coming. The merging of RF and a middle to low income disfunctional family coming together for an international televised wedding needs time. Meghan’s parents should have been in London much earlier as Harry’s guests....getting to know each other...meeting the father...etc. if this was Meghan’s first wedding it would be more devastating. But a second wedding...not so much. I am sure all will work out beautifully.

  49. I do feel bad that this situation is playing out in the media. But I saw it coming. The merging of RF and a middle to low income disfunctional family coming together for an international televised wedding needs time. Meghan’s parents should have been in London much earlier as Harry’s guests....getting to know each other...meeting the father...etc. if this was Meghan’s first wedding it would be more devastating. But a second wedding...not so much. I am sure all will work out beautifully.

  50. My family and I went through something similar to this just before I was married – not in front of the whole world, however! My future brother-in-law at times found it difficult to be around people he knew quite well, let alone strangers, as a result of being accidentally shot by “friendly fire” while he was in the military. I think today we might call his condition PTSD. Nevertheless, he had promised to be my fiance’s best man at our wedding. The night before the ceremony, my fiancé called to see why he hadn’t shown up at the rehearsal. His sister-in-law answered, said that his brother wouldnְ’t be attending the wedding, and that he couldn’t come to the phone. Fortunately, one of my family members stepped in to take his place, but my husband could never understand why his brother wouldn’t tell him that he just couldn’t bring himself to come. Later, his brother tried to explain that he had felt trapped between a rock and a hard place – between disappointing my fiancé and I, and his firm belief that he would have disgraced us by having a complete meltdown in front of all those people. Several years later my brother-in-law committed suicide, which we still feel might not have happened had he received some of the treatments that are available these days. I just wonder if Mr. Markle felt something similar. Given that he seems to be a bit of a recluse, he might have felt torn between disappointing his beloved daughter, and the possibility of making a fool of himself, and her, by association, in front of a church full of strangers, never mind the TV cameras! Sometimes people can become paralyzed with anxiety. I wish both Megan and Harry the best, and hope that one day Megan’s dad can feel comfortable about meeting Harry and his family.

    1. I think this is a valid and good observation and connection, LeahMaria. I pray that with all the work that has been done to shine a light on mental health, this side can be seen as well.

      It is so sad and painful for Meghan and Harry to be in this position, and the only two options I see is that her father is either unbelievably self-centered, or he struggles with mental health. Given the fact that he shuttered himself away in Mexico long before Harry and Meghan, I’m inclined to think he has struggles we are not privy to—nor do we need to be. Anxiety attacks are often mistaken for heart attacks, and I wonder if we are not seeing a man who simply cannot handle the situation he found himself in. Reading betweeen the lines, running away and trying to hide seem to be coping mechanisms he has relied on before. Although talking to TMZ....a terrible choice.

      I am so sad for Meghan to have to deal with this so publically, and my prayer is that the media would let them just get on joyfully with their wedding and let the family drama alone. I pray they are reaching out to him and trying to find him help, but the reality of situations like this are always complex, and you cannot force someone to let you help them.

      I think it would be lovely for Charles to walk her down the aisle, but whatever her decision, I pray Saturday is joyful for them.

    2. I am so sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. What a horrible and very sad situation.

      I think you're right when you said "sometimes people can become paralyzed with anxiety"...I think Mr. Markle has been living on his own for so long for a reason...and now that there's all of this attention on him, he feels paralyzed and doesn't know how to cope.

    3. Thank you, LeahMaria for sharing such a sad and poignant story. Your brother in law was obviously damaged by his military experience and yes, PTSD was most likely the problem. Many different kinds of anxiety can, as you say, paralyze people. We are all the walking wounded and some people, who look fine on the outside, could well be in a chaotic mess on the inside. Mr. Markle has much more going on than just bad judgment and not caring. What he needs right now is respect and privacy. My hope is that he will "come around" and be at the wedding. But if he isn't, we should realize that he is hurting also. One can chose their friends, but not their families. We can see now, why Meghan has distanced herself from her father's side of the family. How great that she has turned out confident and caring, in spite of her background.

  51. I feel very badly for everyone involved with the exception of the half siblings, they are just trash. I can actually see my own father in Mr Markle. If my dad were in his shoes it would be intense, debilitating self-consciousness. Not that that’s ok, people should be able to overcome their own ish, just saying that I can see how it would happen. Also he probably does have health problems and a big trip like that and a starring spotlight on the world stage might compromise too much. I just wish for everyone’s sake that he does find it within himself to make it happen.

    And FTR I am one of those who wish the vile tradition of “giving away” a father’s piece of property would go away. However I do recognize that brides can ascribe all manner of meaning when incorporating the tradition in today’s day and age, and the fact that her mother would be escorting her halfway and her father the second half felt like a good compromise to me - they’re escorting her as familial support.

    I’d like to see Meghan walk on her own. Having her mother escort her would also be a good thing. One of the Windsor’s (Phillip would be amazing although I know he is incapacitated ATM. PC or PW stepping in would also be a lovely gesture of support) would be fine.

    Are the spencer’s close to the boys still? Perhaps Diana’s brother, thus including Diana’s side in the processional?

    My top choice would be that Meghan and Harry meet at the steps of the church and walk down the aisle together. I love when couples do that and to me it really symbolizes that they are entering into the marriage together, as equals.

    Poor Meghan. I hope she finds peace in whatever decision is taken if it really does end up with Mr Markle not making it to the wedding. And Meghan’s vile half sister can go, well, i’ll keep it civil on here but it’s not a comfortable place in my mind’s eye.

    What a sad situation all around.

    1. Oh, I love your idea of including the Spencer family. Prince Harry seems very keen to include them on this day (rightly so, in my opinion). That would be a lovely gesture.

      And yes, haha, I think Meghan's half-sister should go to a not comfortable place as well.

  52. I'm so sad for Meghan that this is happening. Sounds like her Dad has got himself into a bit of pickle and rather than talking to KP about it to help solve it he's just backing out and hiding away. I think it would be lovely if Charles walks her down the aisle. I know she is a strong independent women and doesn't need to be given away. But it will be quite nerve wracking to walk down that aisle all by herself.

  53. Poor Meghan.
    I can understand a crummy press giving her a hard time. But what Meghan is really suffering from is having a host of horrible relatives; with Samantha Markle being the crazed ringleader.

    No wonder she stays away from them. They're disgusting; using Meghan as a free vacation to England when they barely know here apparently.

    I hope that as soon as Meghan is married, the Palace can do something to quiet these people down. There has to be some sort of legal action that can be taken. It's horrific that Meghan has to deal with this, from family. Strangers, fine, but family...horrendous.

  54. Hmm my heart goes to her its so upsetting that her father cannot come it aould be nice too see her meghan walking aisle with her mother my heart bleeds when read it it would be nice if prince william or prince charles would walk meghan aisle it soo sad walking alone no one will stand beside you i have a solution her mother doria is the best to walk down to aisle

  55. Ok so Scobie on Twitter is saying TMZ is saying Thomas is going to check himself into the hospital for chest pains. What is going on??? How is TMZ getting this information?? Are they his spokespeople now?? Did they hack his phone? If it’s true I hope he will be ok because regardless of what’s gone down I don’t wish ill on anyone and I know Meghan loves her father. But if it’s fake, I cannot even contemplate. If fake either the dad has gone off the deep end or TMZ has. I hated them before, but I loathe them now. Total garbage “journalism” smh

  56. Mehgans dad is still talking to TMZ. Not good what he is saying, popping valium to cope and has not talked to Mehgan since the news broke he is not going to London. How could she not know her dad was in such bad shape??let alone put this kind of pressure on him??

  57. I know this sounds a little out there but what about Kate's father, Michael Middleton walking her down the aisle? I remember seeing photos a few years ago of Mr Middleton walking the daughter of a family friend down the aisle at her wedding after her father passed away. I was so touched that he would step up like that. It sounds like Meghan has grown close to Kate and her family so maybe its not so far out of the realm of possibility. I think it would be lovely! He's got experience conducting himself with dignity as the father-of-the bride on a global scale;) He'd be perfect;)

    1. You know, Anonymous 04.22, Michael Middleton came to mind for me also. I think of him as such a handsome, dignified, all round decent man. If indeed the man is there to "give away" the woman, it would be odd for Harry's family to be giving to him, a woman who joining them anyway. Michael would be a "neutral" party and would fill the role with the quiet decorum that he is known for.

    2. No, that would be so weird and out there if Kate`s (Meghan`s future sister-in-law) father walked her down the aisle. A family friend is one thing but this isn`t the same as that.

    3. Ladies, noooo. ☺ it would just lead to more Kate versus Meghan comparisons in the press. Not a good start... IMO of course.

  58. I truly hope that Meghan is shrugging this off, thinking "and there's a REASON why I'm not close to the Markle family"....! One less strain for her to worry about on her wedding day. And certainly less strain for Doria. I'm wishing H&M a lovely day full of joy and wonder. No place in it for mean-spiritness. I won't be feeling sorry for her, she's marrying the man she loves and joining a family who's embracing her with open arms. No wonder Harry made that comment about the family she never had!

  59. Meghan is getting a lot of nonsense because she's biracial. Even Diana came from an extremely dysfunctional family, she had problems with her siblings, mother, step-mother. But since she was white and 19 and all that the public was overflowing with sympathy for her. And now obviously due to more intense scrutiny made possible by social media, Meghan's family's shortcomings are hugely magnified and she's being trashed in this manner. To clarify, I'm not talking about this blog, but other news articles which i read and the comments people make there where they practically blame meghan for the whole thing

  60. First time poster, and I wish it wasn't on such a sad post. I feel so bad for Meghan. We see all she is doing as outsiders looking in, but we can't really understand what the pressure is like. I really admire how well she's handled herself in all the public engagements. She's been poised and regal through it all. But deep down, she's just a woman getting married to the man she loves, and she doesn't deserve all this drama so close to the wedding. I hope she ends up walking down the aisle with her mother. They seem super close and it would be a wonderful experience for them to share together.

  61. I, too, feel bad for Meghan. And I'm not buying into the TM is a victim bit. No way. Sorry. He's a grown man and one doesn't have to have money or ideal circumstances to make the right decision. A man who loves his daughter would never have gone along with this scheme, no matter who cooked it up. And if he had the desire to improve his own image, he should have told his other children to shut-up and stop giving interviews. So now he's embarrassed and is looking out for Meghan by not giving her away? How very brave.

    There is a part of me that wonders if the decision wasn't Meghan's (and I'm on the record as being behind this 100%) and KP gave him the opportunity to release the info/decision as his own. Perhaps not, but I do wonder. For some people, it may be easier to digest this being DONE to Meghan vs. her telling dear old dad to stay home. And again, I would not blame her AT ALL!

    As for who walks her down the aisle, well, I hope everyone is sitting down because I would like to see Charles do it. Yes, I said Charles. :-) My reasoning is this... I cannot imagine her walking by herself (not after this fiasco). And although I see nothing wrong with her mom accompanying her, on a certain level it still would look as though they were left to fend for themselves.

    Charles is about to become her father-in-law and if ever there was an opportunity to soften his image, this is it! And I could see Camilla recognizing the PR potential and giving him a nudge. Time will tell, but at this point, I honestly would like to see him do it. Even more than William because I think it's important for William to be his brother's supporter.

    1. Ohhhhhh, you're so right! This would absolutely soften Charles' image! It would be truly lovely if he walked Meghan down the aisle. It would show how supportive he is of his son and his new daughter-in-law and would be such a nice way to welcome Meghan into the family.

    2. Charles would be very sweet indeed to walk her down the aisle. I might just start really liking him if he did that. And didn`t he always want a daughter? Well, Meghan will be his daughter now so he could give her away. That would be so lovely.

  62. After the death of the Princess of Wales I stopped reading anything about the royal family. That terrible scene in Paris when photographers fought to take photos of her last moments after a crash precipitated by their actions was a turning point. I felt that the insatiable public interest in Diana led directly to her death and I shared some of the blame because I read all the articles too.

    I only started following the BRF again with these blogs because Charlotte bases her posts on information from reputable royal reporters who follow palace guidelines in their coverage. I still refuse to read magazines such as People, Us and the British and American tabloids who depend on the bottom feeding paparazzi for their coverage.

    We all love a good fairy tale and this royal romance is one for the books. Unfortunately, I am afraid that we have inadvertently precipitated some of this current mess with our desire for every possible detail about this fairy tale and our endless speculation when we can’t get the facts. This kind of curiosity is all too human but it can also be destructive. We don’t really need to know about Meghan’s family. Their problems are really none of our business but that doesn’t stop us from asking questions and speculating about motives. Unfortunately, every time we discuss the wicked stepsister or the estranged father, the paparazzi steps in to try to give answers and sell papers.

    It would be wonderful if we could all quit giving the jealous family and friends a forum to spew their venom. We don’t do it intentionally but every time we mention them, we give them attention which is what they want.

    We all wish Harry and Megan well. They are a wonderful couple and they are giving us a gift by sharing their day with us. Let’s return that gift by not mentioning the negative family members or giving them any more attention. If people stop paying attention to them, so will the paparazzi.

    1. Mari you’re absolutely right. I take my share of the blame. Cutting off reading any and all tabloids going forward and sticking with vetted royal reporters and responsible articles. And I absolutely agree that if we stop paying attention to the family members that keep feeding the news cycle (don’t read any articles they’ve been interviewed for & not watch anything on TV they’re in). Like that saying goes, best way to kill a fire? Starve it of oxygen.

      For myself I refused to watch the Fox special had on the royal wedding because Samantha was interviewed, among others. It was a start.

      Roxana (on another device)

    2. I agree with your thoughts about stopping paying attention to those terrible people.

  63. I know Ms Markle would want her father to walk her down the aisle but if he doesn’t, and if her mother doesn’t do it, well, Ms Markle can walk herself down the aisle; she has the confidence to do it. This whole family situation is like a TV soap opera drama. Frankly, I’ll be glad when we can change the channel. Thanks, Charlotte for ‘sensitive’ reporting on this matter.

  64. Please dont hate but is anyone else thinking the RF could have avoided this by providing guidance and some PR help to this family? Esp her dad for sure. I feel terrible for her but these ppl should have been prepared a year ago.

    1. My thought on the point you make has always been that from the beginning of H&M’s relationship being made public, the BRF PR dept has reached out to the immediate and extended members of Meghan’s family in order to offer guidance and support regarding the media intrusion into their lives; but at the end of the day these are adults we are talking about, and no one can force them to accept assistance if they are unwilling or unable, and this mess is the sad result. 😔

    2. Obviously, there should have been better preparation, but it is too late now. To be fair, the PR people for the Royals, likely didn't know the extent of the soap opera issues and dysfunction, that make up Meghan's father's side of the family. In hindsight, Meghan's parents should have been in Britain weeks earlier, to meet the Royals, and be given instructions in protocol. I think the issues with Meghan's father go much deeper that we are now just seeing. Anxiety is a horrid issue to overcome and nobody really knows how this has all traumatized Meghan's Dad. Yes, someone dropped the ball on this, but who knew in advance how this would play out?

    3. They may have tried and offered but what if he didn’t take them up on the offer? Nothing they do. You can’t help someone that doesn’t want to be helped.


  65. I do not feel sorry for Meghan. I don't think she needs sympathy. I think Meghan is smart enough and emotionally balanced enough to focus on what matters: not nasty press and not dysfunctional family.

    I believe Meghan is emotionally strong and emotionally smart enough to put aside the press and family nonsense so that her wedding day absolutely reflects what matters most: the uniting and celebration of a long wished for dream of both Meghan and Harry to have a loving spouse and a shared commitment to their life goals.

    When they are standing together on that altar saying their vows, no one will care what the nasty press or nasty relatives have to say.

  66. Fiona in Australia15 May 2018 at 07:45

    I'm sure Charlotte will update this post as it's probably still early hours of Tuesday morning in the UK. In Australia, reports are coming out that Mr Markle is suffering further chest pains, and may return to hospital, fearing a further heart attack. Goodness, I do hope he is alright. Meghan must be so concerned about his health, how worrying. If he's unwell, I guess he would be unable to fly anyway?

  67. Silvia from Tuscany15 May 2018 at 08:23

    I think that walking down the aisle alone should have been a sign of independance if she decided so herself but in this situation all was already planned in a different way and having to plan again because of the behaviour of your close relatives must be very sad for Meghan. To say the truth, all the situation seems very confused and I think there must be something usaid, something we don't know. Poor Meghan, my sympathy goes with her. A bride should be only happy and excited a few days before the great day... I hope that her mother will be allowed to walk with her or, as a male figure, Charles. They will surely take the best decision, Meghan is a strong woman and she's supported by who really cares for her.

  68. What to say except that I have so much trouble for Meghan

  69. My heart broke for Meghan and Harry and I said a prayer for them. Things happen for a reason and I am certain whatever resolution they come to in regards to who will walk her down the aisle will be one that will brighten the day.

    Max Foster and Richard quest did break the story on CNN and just like Charlotte here they did it with compassion and I found myself tearing up.

    I hate that the media are taking no responsibility for this whole situation. It is a case of willing seller and willing buyer. This would never have happened had the media not be so intent on running stories from her father's side of the family and trying to embarrass Meghan and the Royal family. Over and over again a lot of these stories have been clouded in mistruths and innuendo and yet they continue to give them a platform. It is about time that these organizations were held to account.

    It also reminds me of how Diana was hounded until her death so I can imagine that within the palace walls this must be stirring up some unpleasant memories. Meghan is coming into the royal family at the same age that Diana died with her father (in this case) being hounded in the same way Harry's mother was. As I said things happen for a reason but I feel like this will only make Harry and his family rally around her more and protect her and in doing so bring them closer. I feel like they can finally have full closure as they move forward and have no doubt that Saturday will be a beautiful day filled with smiles and a few happy tears (I will not say who but I have a feeling that a certain young man may shade a tear or two).

  70. When it comes to Samantha Markle, the saying 'You can pick your friends, but not your family', was never more true ! I feel for Mr Markle, he seems to be a private and reserved man, who has been manipulated by Samantha, into taking part in the photos. If only he had spoken to Meghan before hand, and asked her if it was the right thing to do, I doubt this situation would have happened.
    When Harry gave the Radio 4 Today,interview, shortly after Christmas, when he said of Meghan 'It's the family she never had', little did we know the extent of his comment.
    What a horrible situation to be in with just days away from her big day! Let's hope the Harry, Charles Camilla Kate and William are giving her the love and support she needs right now.

    1. Absolutely agree. I truly hope the RF steps up and is there for Meghan during all of this.

  71. I feel no sympathy for a father in his 70's exploiting his daughter's high profile marriage for his own personal gains be the motive financial or 'to improve public perception of himself' with composed paparazzi photos orchestrated by his older daughter Samantha Markle who he knows has trash talked Meghan. He knew exactly wjat he was doing... what a selfish man to agree to attend the wedding in the first place then to publically pull out. He's not the victim here he's the cause of humiliation to his own daughter. Shame on him.

  72. Eve from Germany15 May 2018 at 09:20

    WT* - I KNEW it. There IS something wrong, if.... well, I´ve just said it yesterday, I won´t repeat it again, but facts are facts and one has to deal with them. What happened so far and the rather disfunctional half-siblings - you just know that there is something amiss with the parents. I speak from personal as well as psychological experience.
    I just hope that Meghan has worked through her own issues and that Doria has acknowledged her own issues,too. My daughter´s father showed some "early symptoms" of something not being "quite right", too, and I ultimately had and have to deal with the fact that I chose not to take them as seriously as I should have done. This was my part in it - and it´s important to acknowledge that. It´s not "taking the blame", but "taking responsibility".
    I´m sorry, that Meghan has to deal with this, but it was a risk from the beginning and it just shows that her father has some significant issues. I haven´t read everything yet, I just feel sad. Sometimes one wishes NOT to be right... :-(((
    Still, there is a unique opportunity for both Meghan and Harry, to grow from this and, although it´s SO hard, maybe to draw the line under certain chapters of life once and for all. Of course you wish your wedding to be a "dream" - but sometimes reality calls for a different "dream" - the one reflecting reality, what´s REAL in your life. And that may be in Meghan´s case to walk down the aisle with Harry - just as e.g. Mette-Marit did. Her father sold stories to the press, he was an alcoholic, she acknowledged that by NOT giving him this special place of honour.

    I know how difficulties can block you as a parent, but I can only say: no matter WHAT I have to overcome - if my daughter wishes me to walk her down the aisle, I will do it, NO MATTER WHAT. Love conquers ALL..... And I love her. Period.

  73. Eve from Germany15 May 2018 at 09:33

    Ok, I´ve read the complete post and it confirms some of my thoughts. You don´t talk first to the press, you inform your daughter, talk it through with her and palace officials - and then inform the public in a JOINT statement. THEN all he´s said would sound plausible.
    If it´s true that once again, Samantha is in this, shame on Mr Markle for listening to her. If this is true, IF (!!), then I can only say: You DON´T love your daughter Meghan. You just DON´T. I´m sorry, I really am. What a sad, pathetic thing to do.... I hope that the whole Royal Family will now stand by Meghan and help her through this. What a horrible situation and how can one do that to one´s own child!!! UNBELIEVABLE.

  74. Eve from Germany15 May 2018 at 09:36

    Thank you, Charlotte, for once again reporting with grace and dignity, I could sense your feelings, yet you´ve tried to stick to the information available and report as calmly and objectively as possibly possible. Many - if not most! - of today´s writers should look up to you. That´s journalism at it´s very, very perfect best. I´m in awe.

    1. Yes, thank you Charlotte for posting in the mature way you did. This was very well-done.

    2. I fully agree with every word Eve ! Thank you Charlotte. It's a rest bite from all the negative press,to be able to come here,read your well thought out post and read comments, from like minded followers.

  75. :(
    I’m deeply sorry for Meghan. I can’t believe this is happening to her just days before the wedding. I wish I could give her a huge hug and tell her that so many people want her to be as happy as can be always, but especially on her wedding day.

  76. Jean from Lancs15 May 2018 at 10:18

    Trying to look at it from her father's viewpoint, he has obviously preferred to live alone and privately. The thought of Windsor castle and the Royal Family must have been a trial for him, but doesn't excuse the hurt he is causing his daughter at what should be a happy time.
    Perhaps the US ambassador could escort her down the aisle.
    The poor girl to get all this from the people who should most want to support her.

  77. Karin from Germany15 May 2018 at 10:29

    Dear Charlotte,
    even if I never commented, I am an avid reader of your blogs since 2011.
    I am deeply moved and saddened by the terrible news. What a pity for poor Meghan! I browsed through the major news sites and was so shocked not to find a word of compassion for Meghan...
    I am so beyond thankful for your compassionate work dear Charlotte, and would love to make a small contribution. Would it be possible to add a donation button to the site? I know that you earn something with ads, but the income is probably barely enough to cover the site expenses. You are doing such a valuable, thoughtful job my dear and I think we should be able to say thank you.
    Thank you for considering it.

    1. Karin, thank you for your very kind gesture. Advertising covers the costs of the blogs, thanks to so many of you visiting :)

      I have updated the post with an update on Thomas speaking to TMZ again.

      I appreciate the sensitivity shown in the comments immensely. Thank you all!

  78. Zora from Prague15 May 2018 at 10:32

    I just wish people would stop reading and watching trash... As long as the media know people are going to buy and follow all kinds of filth (made up stories, sheer lies, the worst gossip etc.), they are going to produce and publish them. I wish all people of good will would boycott this kind of garbage. Unfortunately, there seems to be a kind of insatiable hunger for sensation and cheap drama in a lot of people. I'm very sorry for Meghan and Harry and the next time I hear people criticise Harry or William for their reserved relationship with the media, I'm going to remember this.

    1. Sarah Virginia15 May 2018 at 14:16

      This whole situation is going to effect Harry and William's relationship with the press...I believe their reluctance and reservation will only increase. And I certainly understand why. I would feel the same. While there are reliable media and press organizations, there are many who have no sense of humanity, compassion, and respect for the lives and feelings of others. How anyone can sleep at night after profiting from the invasion of or misfortune of others is unconscionable. While the British Royal Family needs the media to help them relate and to demonstrate their philanthropic work, they do not deserve the cruel barrage of offensive coverage that they receive. It is despicable too that people want sensationalism and scandal and drama over the truth. And social media has become a place of judgment, criticism, and cruelty much more than a platform of support, encouragement, and kindness. Social media has become a toxic culture for bullying. It is no wonder that depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, suicide, and a host of other mental health challenges are increasing among all age groups across the globe. Words matter and how we treat one another matters. We never truly know what struggles and challenges another person may be dealing with, and we should choose to be compassionate. Members of Meghan's extended family have treated her poorly, but instead of taking a page from their books, all of us (including the press) should choose grace and compassion.

  79. Looks like Meghan really is a Cinderella. Had desperately sad for her. Hope it all ends well.
    Angie from Oz

  80. Nicole from france15 May 2018 at 10:44

    I suppose Meghan’s father has been uncomfortable with his daughter’s situation for long before the wedding problem ..... he seems, as far as I can guess, a troubled, lonely , anxious man , and it looks as if’ there is nobody wise enough near him to help him cope with these mental difficulties, not to say anything against Meghan’s sister ..... seeing how even the Middletons did a few awkward steps, while they seem to be a good and sound family , one could understand the father’s difficulties ... but not’ to the point of cancelling his coming 3 days before the event and telling the press !!!!
    Fortunately Harry can understand that and will certainly be very helpful and supportive to Meghan , and I am glad to see a lot of you consider she could walk herself to the altar, what I have thought since the beginning of the story ! She is a self made woman, she choose the man she is getting married with , she is a woman in her 35 .... against the tradition, however ..... or just imagine she arrives from the left of the church porch, Harry arrives by the right, they meet there and walk together ..... such a beautifull symbol !

    1. What a fantastic idea. Harry and Meghan walking down the aisle together. What a wonderful start that would be to their marriage.

  81. Actually, I think it was all about the money. Samantha has said that Meghan owes her father and should be paying him back for her education. I see Thomas Markle as a fragile sort, easily convinced that all her was doing was presenting himself in a better light. At the end of the day, I think it is a huge relief for him that he will not have to be in the spotlight and that Samantha and Thomas Jr. are reveling in the damage they've done and the hurt they have caused their sister. No wonder Meghan didn't want them at the wedding. Can you just imagine what Samantha might have done during the part of the service where the archbishop asks if "anyone present knows any reason why these two should not lawfully be joined in marriage..."? Wouldn't that be her opportunity to wreak havoc??

    1. Oh my, just thinking about what she would have done makes me cringe.

  82. This is really painful for Meghan but she won’t be the first bride to deal with crazy family members. Weddings seem to bring out the drama queen in people. Unfortunately this man is making it all about him. I have no sympathy for him. He should be strong for his daughter. Besides how much “media pressure” was he actually under? A few unflattering photograph. Please. Meghan will be ok and the wedding will still be fabulous but her father is a weak man.
    Beth in SF

    1. Sarah Virginia15 May 2018 at 13:55

      No one has any idea how much pressure Thomas Sr has been under, and please do not minimize his situation. He is a very reserved and private man, who has obviously felt overwhelmed by the amount of media attention received. While he did not handle the situation in a healthy way, the majority of us have times when we do not handle stress well and take regrettable actions. It is terrible that Meghan has been hurt so deeply by this, as well as Harry and probably Doria too. But we do not know all of the facts and should not cast judgment on her father. This is a private family crisis that is having to be exposed in a viciously public way. They deserve space and privacy. Thomas Sr made an error in judgment, but he is not a weak man. He struggles with being in the public eye and is more comfortable in a reclusive environment, but that does not make him a weak man. Harry and Meghan have asked for the public to be respectful and understanding of Thomas. We should offer compassion and empathy. This Mental Health Awareness Week is a great time to practice giving more kindness instead of admonishment.

  83. I really feel sorry for Thomas Markle. He is a quiet and private man who has suddenly been thrust into the limelight across the world and is now being mocked and vilified. He must be beside himself with stress. It reminds me so much of what happened to the poor nurse who thought she was speaking to the queen enquiring about the Duchess of Cambridge. All of us will have made a ill judged mistake at sometime or other but lucky for most of us it will have gone unnoticed and uncommented on. Leave the poor chap alone.

  84. The biggest culprit in this whole thing is the Daily Mail, who chose to publish this story just days before the wedding.

  85. A very sad situation. I would think her mother would be the obvious choice, or that she could walk alone, or even that she and Harry could go together. Any or those would be fine with the people who wish her well — and for those who don’t, nothing will please them. (I had both my parents walk me down the aisle and my husband had both of his parents walk him also, because that’s what Jewish people do. But I know most girls grow up with the idea of being escorted by their dads and this has to hurt.)

    I wonder if he’ll change his mind again. If I were Harry, I think I’d get on a plane myself and haul his a$s over to England pronto.

    Also, my claws are out; I can’t help noticing Samantha has dyed her hair black and I wonder if she’s trying to emphasize whatever passing resemblance she may bear to her half-sister.

    1. Theresa. New York15 May 2018 at 13:22

      I noticed that also. Did you catch how her name is Grant but she is now known as "Markle"? I feel so sorry for Meghan. Her family is toxic and she was wise to distance herself from them as soon as she could. Obviously, not her mother.

    2. 🌸 yes. from Grant to Markle. from very blond to black hair. ruh roe.

  86. IMHO his behavior is worrying from a future standpoint... whose to say he didn't have deals to give insider details about the wedding afterwards. And whats to stop him from cashing out on future grandchildren as well.

    1. Oh I really, really, really hope that this whole mess gets sorted out soon so that Meghan (and Harry) are not continually being stabbed by her family members. My heart aches for her, I just want to give her a huge hug and tell her not to think about those people at all.

  87. Yes, another commenter said it: he made it all about him. That's the most despicable thing!

    He's not a poor chap! Everything would be ok, had he decided to call Meghan to tell her, he can't come because it is too overwhelming. Sad but understandable.
    But this behaviour is hurting and just too bizarre! Parents are supposed to protect their children. Not make their life miserable. This man has no common decency. With parents like that, you don't need enemies.
    I hope he hasn't got the power to dampen Meghan's spirits on her big day!

  88. I feel absolutely awful for them! I had my doubts all along that her father would attend.. and maybe it was somewhat wishful thinking on meghan’s part that she could exclude her half siblings (understandably so) and count on her father to attend, as this might have created a dilemma for him... it certainly opened the door for her half sister to start interfering... all the best wishes from my heart for their special day!! regards to you all from vienna, austria

  89. Is anyone else worried about what the rest of the week may bring from Meghan’s family? Something tells me we haven’t heard the last from them, as they seem bound and determined to ruin everything for her.

    1. Oh, yes... I can imagine the sister sharing her father's extreme regret for missing his daughter's big day. Etc, etc! Meanwhile, I'm sure she's loving every minute of this.

    2. Yes, I wish it was already Saturday.

    3. 🌸 Sadly, rf, Samanatha’s countenance always seems to have a hint of gloating. Some of her expressions may be due to the disability and perhaps some of her behavior also. Medications may contribute to some of it, as alcohol has obviously played a part in Thomas, Jr.’s moods and actions. Textbook alcohol problems.
      But there is still a gleam in Samantha’s eyes that has the look of gloating satisfaction.
      Obviously Meghan’s family needs prayer support, prayer intervention, as all families do on a regular basis and at times of trouble, yeh? Prayer can change things for sure. Hopefully, Meghan has called in the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Dean of Westminster and her mom’s Episcopalian pastor for help. I believe she has. She’s a smart girl. And, a three cord prayer strand is not easily broken. Powerful stuff. 😉

  90. I am so sorry this is happening to Meghan and Harry at this special time in their lives together, but I also wish someone would put a sock in her father's mouth and a little duct tape over the mouths of her half-siblings wouldn't hurt either. In my opinion, their silly, painful antics ("heart attack" INDEED!) are nothing if not financially motivated and rise from jealousy and greed. If I were Meghan (Fortunately, I'm not.) the only thing I'd want to see would be the back of all three of them after Saturday. KP has the power to lower a formidable "cone of silence", and I believe a clear break with her father's side of the family is called for. Their continued antics will only distract from and dilute the good work Meghan and Harry clearly plan to do in the future. And lest you think I am being too harsh, I have had to do this myself in my life and Meghan's new position will only make things worse. I wish them all the best and say "good riddance to bad rubbish!"

    1. I don't think you're being harsh at all and I completely agree with your approach. In my mind, it's a very basic common-sense approach to actions and circumstances.

  91. I feel like something else is going on, and people are keeping quiet about it. They did always try to catch her dad in a bad light, so why does it matter that he was going to do some pictures regardless of the money, to try to make his image look a bit better? Harry's family always try's to look good in the public eye, so why not hers? I'm sure he is telling the truth, that he was offered money lots of times to do interviews, and publicly say things that she wouldn't want shared, yet he turned them down. Something just isn't adding up because if Megan didn't care about the pictures being done while he was getting ready for the wedding, no one else should have. Including the rest of Harry's family whom he apparently "didn't want to embarrass" Maybe they didn't care, either! I just find it odd that if Megan didn't care, it shouldn't matter. Maybe I have misunderstood something, but I do think something is off! Really sad though,that he isn't coming now, for her.

  92. Just a general comment, no one knows if Mr. Markle is suffering from mental health issues. However, if he is and he may very well be, it would be very difficult for him to just suck it up and show up for Meghan. Depression and anxiety can be crippling and all the best intentions in the world won't help especially in such a high profile event such as this. Mr. Markle may want to be there for his daughter but just can't particularly in light of recent events. This is exactly what Heads Together is about. Understanding that mental health struggles are real and not simply a matter of pulling oneself up by one's britches and carrying on.

  93. 🌸 Thanks for putting things in a more empathetic light for us, Kate, in bringing up “Heads Together”.
    Compassion never fails. It may take work and time.
    It is so hard to see and to experience dysfunction but there is hope. Meghan has the very best counseling experts available to advise her on how to help her family if she should choose later on to try to break through all the entrenched dysfunction. Thanks for the healthful perspective, Kate.xo

  94. Doesn't Kensington Palace have advisors for Prince Harry and Meghan? Someone dropped the ball. Yes, Meghan has issues with her family, but, somehow, couldn't they have avoided all this drama? Best wishes for Meghan on her wedding day! She is bold, brilliant, and brave. Parthenia

  95. Jessica in Los Angeles15 May 2018 at 14:54

    I think Prince George should escort her down the aisle. Cutest escort ever!!

    On a serious note, I do feel bad for Meghan. Yes she’s strong, but she has to be under a lot of stress with this wedding, and this has to be tough. My brother in law pulled out as best man shortly before our wedding, and my husband was really hurt. Whatever the exact details may be, the fact is that she’d planned to have her dad walk with her and now he won’t.

  96. Jessica in Los Angeles15 May 2018 at 14:55

    Testing? My comments haven’t been posting.


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