
Saturday 27 October 2018

The Duchess Praises the "Invictus Family" & Reveals Military Base Visits During Inspiring Closing Ceremony

For their final engagement in Australia, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended the Invictus Games closing ceremony this evening at Qudos Bank Arena.

Harry and Meghan's first joint Commonwealth tour has seen them undertake an exhausting schedule across Australia, Fiji and Tonga representing Her Majesty abroad. Thus far, it's been filled with memorable highlights, unforgettable encounters, warm welcomes and hugs. The heart of this tour, however, is the Invictus Games. The itinerary was planned to ensure the couple could be in Sydney for both the opening and closing ceremonies to honour the unconquered spirit of our wounded warriors. We know Harry as a prince, a son, a brother, a husband and soon a father, but he is also a soldier. His time in the Army helped to shape the man we know today and the friendships and bonds of comradeship he forged during his time in service led to Invictus. This year, Meghan is now officially part of the Invictus family and will be by Harry's side ensuring the Games continue for many years to come.

At the opening speech Prince Harry praised the power of the Invictus Generation: "They have reminded us all what selfless duty really looks like. With the help of medical science, the Invictus generation has not only survived injuries that in past conflicts would have been fatal, but has also chosen to fight back from the darkest of places to be here tonight. They have shown us the true meaning of resilience. When they have been open about their hidden emotional and mental wounds, the Invictus generation has shown us that in today’s world being tough means being honest about how we feel - both inside and out."

To mark the conclusion of the games, an array of international headline music artists assembled to celebrate the achievements and drive of the competitors. The ceremony has been described as a "celebration of spirit", featuring powerhouse musical performances, world dignitaries and inspirational stories. The Invictus Games flag will now be passed to the Dutch city of the Hague where the next Invictus Games will be staged in 2020.

An overview from the ceremony.

The audience was treated to a beautiful performance by the Kingdom Choir, who performed at Harry and Meghan's wedding.

It's been an unforgettable eight days since the opening ceremony at the Sydney Opera House.

Five-hundred competitors from eighteen nations competed in eleven medal sports and participated in golf and wheelchair tennis.

Invictus is very much a family.

Friendship is at the core of the Games. Mark Brook reported: "British mine warfare specialist Paul Guest was visibly shaken when a helicopter flew by during his wheelchair tennis doubles match at Sydney Olympic Park on Monday. The 54-year-old, who was injured serving during the Troubles in Northern Ireland, was so overcome with emotion he was unable to play and needed to be comforted by Dutch teammate Edwin Vermetten, who realised he was suffering. The Dutchman then grabbed Guest by the shoulders and pulled their foreheads together before he sang to the man in a touching moment of camaraderie. Vermetten described how he used the popular anthem 'Let It Go' from the Disney film Frozen as a way to help Guest repress the memories that were flooding back." Edwin was awarded for his kindness during the ceremony; the visibly moved competitor quickly sought out Paul to hug him. It was an incredible moment, and I defy anyone not to shed a tear watching it.

Harry with Paul Guest earlier today.

It's all about stories. 67-year-old Cavell Simmonds of Canada is the oldest competitor at the Invictus Games Sydney 2018. She said: "A member of the 2017 Invictus Games team suggested that I apply. I didn't want to because I figured I was too old and couldn't do anything and wouldn't be selected. But it's such a healing benefit. The preparation for coming, the team support, getting to know people, talking to like-minded people – countries and countries of like-minded people – it gives you inspiration to get out of the house, take care of yourself and be the special person that you can be because we are all unique and this is a fantastic way to see yourself."

The New Zealand team co-captain Kelly Whittle discussed joining the event: "When you're ready to be part of the Invictus family, they'll draw you in, no questions asked. For people who are still struggling but think they are ready, these Games will just lift you…really lift you."

When asked about the Invictus spirit one need only look at exemplar Mark Ormrod: '"All our injuries are different but in the pool it's like a level playing field," said UK competitor Mark Ormrod. He decided at the last minute to enter the 50m backstroke after hearing that the race might be cancelled because there was only one registered entrant, Australia’s Garry Robinson. Ormrod's training consisted of about three laps of the practice pool about two hours before the race which he won by a finger tip and 0.29 of a second amid a wall of sound from onlookers. "I wish we could both have got a medal. It was so close. Garry’s a lovely guy," he said after returning with a gold medal which he collected with his seven-year-old son Mason by his side. Ormond was deployed in Iraq in 2003 and to Afghanistan in 2007. He was returning from a foot patrol when he stood on a landmine on Christmas Eve. "These Games mean more than he (Prince Harry) will ever know. "Everyone needs goals and directions. The first time I went into a pool post injuries I nearly drowned." His wife Becky, their children Mason, seven, and Evie, five, and Mark’s daughter Kezia, 13, were in the roaring crowd. "I don’t usually get emotional but that made me cry," said Becky. "He gave it his absolute all." Below, Harry and Meghan with Mark in April.

Sydney hosted more than 1,000 accompanying family and friends who stood in the stands cheering every day.

When Harry rehearsed his opening speech, Meghan watched on.

As he rehearsed his remarks for tonight she was there too. In fact, she took this photo.

It was Harry's turn to watch Meghan take to the stage first as the Duchess delivered an outstanding speech leading the standing ovation for friends and family. Meghan is a sublime public speaker. We've heard her speak passionately at the launch of Together; she also delivered an inspiring speech on education in Fiji. Tonight, Meghan took to the stage in support of Harry and to express her gratitude for the warm welcome into the Invictus family she's received. Meghan also revealed visits abroad she's made over the years to visit troops. The Duchess has done a substantial amount of volunteer work across a number of sectors, some of which we are still learning about. Little did she know, it would all serve her in good stead for her role as a member of the Royal family.

The Duchess opened by saying: "It is such an honour to be here tonight celebrating all of you, and supporting my husband in the Invictus Games, which he founded four years ago. In that short span of time, the Games have evolved into an international platform of some of the best athletics and sportsmanship you could ever witness, coupled with a camaraderie and close-knit sense of community which can only be defined as the Invictus Spirit. With that said, and on a very personal note, I just wanted to thank all of you for welcoming me into the Invictus family. I am truly so grateful to be a part of this with each and every one of you."

The Duchess continued:

'And I’m not sure if many of you know this, but a few years ago, before I had met my husband, I had the incredible honour of visiting troops deployed all over the world; from the UK to Italy and Afghanistan, and several other countries. In travelling to these military bases, I was given a very special glimpse into the lives of those who serve our countries.
I was able to see the unshakable bonds between service men and women on the ground together, but at the same time to feel the palpable longing for family and friends while deployed. Once home, the need for that anchor of support from loved ones, especially given how much it accelerates recovery and rehabilitation, is immeasurable. I’ve been reminded of those memories here. During this year’s Games in Sydney I’ve witnessed the most amazing support networks that surround competitors, and I’ve had the privilege of meeting several of these family and friends.
The Novak family from Chicago is a prime example of this very thing. When their son Ryan suffered a severe injury leaving him paralysed from the waist down, doctors said he would never be able to walk again. But after speaking to his mom, Karri, it was clear that it was through Ryan’s strength of spirit, and with the unwavering support of his parents, that he was able to prove all of those doctors wrong.
Not only has Ryan competed in sailing, swimming and athletics this week, but when Harry and I saw him at the finish line of the sailing competition, he literally jumped into our boat (with dexterity and ease, by the way) to give both of us a hug. Seeing Ryan’s mom on the water that day, waving a flag to cheer him on was a moment I will never forget.
The support system on the ground here at Invictus is something unlike any other. Because it’s not just cheering on your own, but realising that by the end of this week, ‘your own’ becomes everyone in the Invictus family.'
It was, after all, only within 24 hours of meeting other families at the Games, that another competitors’ little girl was calling Karri, ‘Auntie Karri.’ This is what the Invictus family is all about. 

Meghan closed to cheers and applause as she said: "On that note, I would like to invite everyone to please join me in a huge round of applause to thank all the friends and family who have helped make these Games possible." The video below contains both Harry's and Meghan's speeches.

Prince Harry closed the ceremony with a powerful address. "Last Saturday, I spoke about how you were part of the Invictus generation. Your choice to serve your nations places you alongside those storied generations that have come before you, that fought two world wars and then secured a world order built on freedom, democracy, and tolerance. And of course this choice to serve - this choice to put yourselves at risk for the benefit of others - is at the very heart of what I founded these Invictus Games to celebrate. I wanted your service to be recognised. But what we saw again this week is that Invictus is so much more. Your example goes beyond the military community. It is about more than just your inspiring stories of recovery from injury and illness. It is about your example of determination, of optimism, of strength, honour and friendship, or as the Aussies call it 'mateship', as a core value that has the power to inspire the world."

Prince Harry continued:

'When we saw Paul Guest and Edwin Vermetten support each other through Paul’s struggle with Post Traumatic Stress on the tennis court in front of a large audience, we saw what mateship really looks like. When Jakub Tynka fought through excruciating leg pain for the final 20 minutes of his cycling event, and let the cheering crowd and his fellow competitors Benjamin and Cedric push him over the finish line, we saw the definition of strength. When you saw Hannah Stolberg crossing the finish line on a bike which belonged to a late fellow serviceman whose values she strives to emulate, you witnessed the real meaning of honour. And, when 67-year old former military nurse Cavell Simmonds decided age was just a number and entered into five sports at her first Invictus Games, you saw what determination really looks like.
These men and women are role models. They are who every child should look up to. In a world where negativity is given too much of a platform, our Invictus competitors – many of whom have been given a second chance at life - are achieving extraordinary things.
Now, a lot of exciting labels get attached to the guys and girls who compete in these Games. They get called heroes. They’re tagged as legends. They’re referred to as superhumans. Now of course all those things are true! Right? Well I believe, that the real power of their example is that they are not superheroes. (Sorry to break it to you guys!) Because as you have witnessed this past week, what they are achieving isn’t impossible nor is it magical. You have seen it happen before your very eyes because these competitors have made it happen.
They are men and women who have confronted a challenge and overcome it. They are ordinary people doing extraordinary things. And with the help of their friends and families, they have exceeded every expectation. That is something we can all aspire to. You do not have to be a veteran who has fought back from injury to be inspired by the Invictus example. You can be a teacher or a doctor, a mum or a dad, a child or a grandparent, a farmer, a plumber, a lawyer, or a CEO. Or anything at all. You can identify something in your own life that you want to change for the better. And you can let the men and women of the Invictus Games remind you that no challenge is too difficult to overcome.
Nowhere is that truer than in the area of mental health. By simply being here and fighting back from some of the darkest experiences known to anyone, you have become role models for everyone at home or in the stands who might be struggling with their emotions or with a mental illness.
For that friend or comrade you know who is unable to open up about their struggles. For that man or woman who has watched on television, you are proving that it’s OK to talk about how we feel. To girls and boys who see you speaking openly about anxiety, stress, and depression, you are showing it’s OK not to be OK. And most importantly, you are showing us all that it’s OK to ask for help.
Asking for help is courageous. It will improve your life and the lives of those around you immeasurably. In the moment you admit that you are struggling, you take that first step towards a better future for you and your friends and your family. You allow those around you to show you the love and concern that is central to the cure. I’ve been there, you’ve been there, and we now need to reach out to those who can never even imagine themselves in that place.
I hope the ethos of these Games has also shown you that we all have mental health, just as much as we all have physical health. I hope you have seen that our mental fitness is even more important than our physical fitness, because without it, we cannot survive, let alone thrive. So for all the civvies, or civilians out there, look at what these men and women have achieved and know that one day, though you may not be injured in combat, physical or emotional injuries can happen to any one of us, on any given day.
The secret of these Invictus Games is not really about the amazing medical science that has saved the lives of our competitors and helped many of them to walk, swim, or move again. The secret to the success of these Games has been accepting that mental health is the real key to recovery. Our competitors have helped turn the issue of mental health from a sad story to an inspiring one. They want to live, rather than just be alive. When you accept a challenge is real, you can have hope. When you understand your vulnerability, you can become strong. When you are brave enough to ask for help, you can be lifted up.  You can start living, doing, feeling - not simply surviving.
And when you share your story, you can change the world. And I can’t think of a better way to continue serving your country. I am so proud to call you my friends and my Invictus family. You are the Invictus generation and you are showing us all that anything is possible. Thank you to everyone for an amazing Sydney Games - we’ll see you in the Netherlands in 2020.'

The Duchess selected a khaki tuxedo style backless dress by Antonio Berardi. It is thought the piece is bespoke. Meghan has been a fan of the designer for some years and a sleek tuxedo dress is a staple in her wardrobe.

The Duchess carried the $225 Cuyana Mini Chain Saddle bag (with thanks to Michelle and Suri).

More on the background of the brand:

'Each piece is made with integrity and kindness from the highest-quality materials, and created by skilled craftsmen throughout Europe, South America, China, and the United States.
As part of our mission to empower women, the Lean Closet movement was created to give victims of abuse a fresh start in partnership with H.E.A.R.T. By selecting Lean Closet at checkout, we will send you a linen bag to fill with the things that are no longer of use to you. Mail the bag back to us with the included shipping label, and for every donation you make, you will receive a $10 credit towards your next Cuyana purchase.'

The Duchess wore the Aquazzura Casablanca peach suede pumps.

 The Duchess accessorised with a striking pair of statement earrings.

Commenter Anne from What Meghan Wore suggests they are the Natalie Marie Dotted Mana Studs.

And her Pippa Small Oshna and Omeen bangles.

If you're just joining us, click here to read today's earlier post.

Tomorrow's Schedule, Sunday 28 October:

  • On Sunday 28th October, the Duke and Duchess will depart on a Royal New Zealand Air Force flight for Wellington. The Sussexes will travel on the same aircraft as a number of the New Zealand Invictus Games competitors, and on arrival, will be met off the plane together by the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.
  • From the airport, Harry and Meghan will attend the traditional welcome ceremony on the lawns of Government House – the residence of the Governor-General to New Zealand Dame Patsy Reddy. Their Royal Highnesses will be invited to hongi with the Governor-General’s kuia and kaumātua (Māori elders), before the pōwhiri, which includes a haka performed by members of the New Zealand Defence Force. The ceremony will also include a 21-gun salute, and will be attended by school children.
  • They will then travel to the Pukeahu National War Memorial Park. Here, they will lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior, and will visit the newly unveiled UK War Memorial – whose design takes the form of two of the United Kingdom and New Zealand’s most iconic trees – the Royal Oak and a pōhutakawa. This engagement will be followed by a public walkabout in the Memorial Park.

We'll see you tomorrow for the New Zealand leg of the tour!


  1. How do you do it Charlotte? You are number one.

  2. Charlotte, thank you for including the live link!! Not sure I would have watched it otherwise.

    Meghan’s speech was great - her message about support webs was uplifting. (And her outfit was really cute too!)

  3. Royal 👑 Watcher27 October 2018 at 11:08

    I am watching the ceremony live, and tears are streaming down my face. The cost for freedom and democracy is high, and these are the heroes who are willing to go out and risk their lives, so that we can be safe at home. There is so much love in the Invictus Games.

    1. I know I was the same! It was so incredibly moving to see the strong mateship these athletes have with each other & how successful these games are in giving them hope in their recovery. Meghan & Harry spoke so well they are an inspiration! Well done on all your hard work Charlotte only a few days to go hang in there!

  4. Yes was blown away when watch live harry speech touch my heart and i was loving meghan speech totaly a bomb with grace and pride supporting her hubby and i love the thing she said welcoming to your family just like a newly wed introduction to her friends co workers be as new member club

  5. Zora from Prague27 October 2018 at 13:18

    I was watching parts of it, both H's and M's speeches were great, I was so moved! Tears and more tears. Well done, the Invictus Family! So inspirational!! 😇Thank you for the link, Charlotte!!

  6. Harry should rightly be proud of the invictus games. It's unfortunate he wasnt able to be there every day cheering everyone on this time, but he and Meghan wowed everyone just the same.

    1. I agree completely bluhare! And I think H&M were wowed by the competitors as well. Harry's work on behalf of veterans everywhere is so inspiring!! His family should be very proud of the wonderful man he's become.

    2. I think this Invictus Games will be one of Harry's legacy, Charles must be really proud of his boy and Diana must be smiling!

    3. I suppose the government created the large gap in their attendance. The visits to Fiji and Tonga were fascinating. But it did mean that Harry and Meghan attended only a small part of the Invictus competition. Their participation in the opening and closing ceremonies was lovely and inspiring, and Meghan is a great photographer. :-)

  7. Royal Watcher @ 11:08. So very well said. These games are emotional times for me as well. I look forward to the full post. Thanks again, Charlotte.

  8. Just seeing this so haven't watched the video yet, but must comment on her outfit....outstanding again. The shows and jewels compete the look

  9. Lovely! I wish more of this message got to the US!

  10. Charlotte, my dear, thank you, thank you. Watching the video of the closing ceremonies that you put up for us was an amazing experience. Like others have mentioned, I laughed and cried right along with the audience, and was so, so proud of Meghan and Harry, as well as the competitors. Thank you again!

  11. I haven't been able to watch the ceremony or listen to the speeches yet but on the totally superficial side, this dress is spectacular, especially from the back. I hope a better picture of the earrings surfaces but they look lovely too. The only thing I don't like are the shoes. I know this style is current as I've seen it everywhere but I think the thick ankle straps make women look like they are wearing shackles. Meghan's ankles are so dainty that the effect seems even more exaggerated here. I'm sure some shoe connoisseurs will set me right though. My teen daughter thinks they are " wicked nice".

    1. Erika, your comment made me burst out laughing. I have the same Aquazzura shoes in black suede with gold "shackles." I have small ankles, too and you are right about the effect, however, they are so fabulous that I almost fainted when I opened the box. Your daughter is correct. They are "wicked nice."

    2. Beth, glad your shoes made you almost faint. A good pair of shoes should do that every once in a while 👠

    3. I am relieved. I thought Meghan has been put on house arrest. ;)

  12. Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan have done us proud. I love them both and I think as a team they are unbeatable. I'm so glad Harry has found love and will soon have his own little family as well as his invictus family.
    The Invictus games are literally a lifesaver for some, giving servicemen and women the opportunity to aim for greatness again.

    Thank you for this blog, you do an amazing job and I love that it is so positive. I'm tired of the negativity towards Harry and Meghan from some quarters, they're doing a grand job and I'm sure the rest of the family are rightly proud of them.

  13. My thought is that Harry was not there on more days because he does not want the games to depend on his presence. I know he was on tour, but I remember that his original thought was for the games to last just a few years. If he is not expected to be there daily, that might help ensure their longevity.

    I know Meghan trained to be a speaker and has the desire, but she is still very very good! She has charisma, which you can't fake.

    1. I don't know that Meghan trained to be a speaker. Acting is the recitation of prepared monologues showing emotion based on genre. Not many actors would want to be in the position Meghan is in speaking before thousands of people. The ability to speak as Meghan does is in my opinion a gift. If she has memorized or is reading from a teleprompter she comes across in a very knowledgeable, comfortable and inviting way. That can not be learned or studied in my opinion. She is only five months into a major life changing role and she has taken to it in all aspects like a duck to water. I believe that what we see in her and hear from her is truly who she is and has been long before she met Harry. She exudes happiness from within in the most natural way. Once again, I say the RF is lucky to have her. More importantly the wait Harry had to find her was well worth the time.

  14. I finished the video much earlier early this morning as it was the first two items you posted. The video ended, and I was contemplating if I should start it again, and may be listening to some of the speeches again, of course including The DOC/s. I landed back on this blog after the video watching to find Meghan's image of standing at the podium. I was so glued to the video; I had to go get some coffee and so on.

    Her role was reflected through her speech as a member of the Invictus family. I wonder if that will be her signature color as someone who used to visit various country military bases as well as a military wife. This is the third time she wore olive green / forest green/ military green (different people call that color by different names). As a new comer, it was an appropriate introduction; brief, informative, confident and she looked beautiful.

    Harry's speech was delivered well connected to the people, the cause, and overall given in a wonderful pace from the heart; the speech on its own will be listened to again and again in the future for inspiration, purpose, and much more. The fact that it reached out to the civilians and the bigger world was brilliant. The "civis" / his abbreviation for civilians, is an effective reminder for inclusiveness to the Invictus family. That was one interesting word from a military man to civilians.
    Go Australia! Go Sydney! It had become one place I want to visit; found it very interesting including the people. The brief and nonpolitical and sincerely delivered speeches by the government's leadership, one after another was pleasant. Everything looked done in a great spirit. I can go on and on but some people may want to watch and meet the experience through their own lenses, and may be discuss later. Only thing, the song, “Summer in Brooklyn” was sang as “Summer in Sydney”. Many people may have found their song right there.

    Go Invictus competitors! You are becoming exemplary inspiration to the world even beyond the sports. God bless you all and all those who are there with you and for you.

  15. Tears streaming down my face simply reading their speeches. What a truly good thing Harry has done with this organization. Meghan is his perfect partner to carry forward this vital work.
    Love the dress, shoes, and that ethical bag. All her choices have been so thoughtful and reflective of her inner self.

  16. Next Invictus Games a 1 year old baby Sussex will be with them.

  17. Does Harry do these speeches without notes or a TelePrompTer? We’ve seen pics of him practicing and he seems to walk back and forth across the stage so it seems to just come spontaneously.

  18. Meghan speaks with such a natural grace. Both of their speeches were so moving. What a marvelous event.

  19. Deanne from Canada27 October 2018 at 16:24

    I vote for her to public speak more. Seriously it’s her super power.

  20. I watched the video just to see H&M speeches. They did great and their messages were fantastic, especially Harry talking about mental health, but watching the NZ team haka was a treat to behold! I was in tears over the story of Paul Guest and Edwin Vermetten. Let It Go will never be 'just a Disney Princess song' ever again.

    I was going to wait until the end of the tour to say this but today seems like the perfect time to say a huge Thank You Charlotte!!! You have taken us on tour right along with Harry and Meghan. I have learned about parts of the world I'll never visit in person, experienced cultures I knew nothing about, and received an education about other countries. When a topic was mentioned in this blog that I was unfamiliar with I Googled it and learned more. Your blog goes far beyond what outfit Meghan wore for an event. We always get so much more. The time, effort, and love you dedicate to your faithful followers can never be appreciated enough. Thank you again!!

  21. Thanks Charlotte for this lovely summary of the Invictus Games. I watched the closing ceremony live, but spent so much time crying, I’ll have to watch it again later. The athletes and their families are amazing! The host broadcaster ABC TV, did an excellent job providing live coverage. For those who didn’t get a chance to see it, ABC TV also has taped video coverage of the games on YouTube.

    Prince Harry did another terrific IG speech! I’m so happy for him that now he has what he wanted, a loving and supportive wife in Meghan. It was great to see Meghan’s IG speech. Last year’s IG, Meghan was just a girlfriend quietly supporting Harry, now she’s his wife and officially part of the Invictus family. Harry & Meghan are an amazing team!


  22. I watched the entire closing ceremony this morning when I woke up. I cried throughout the entire thing (I'm not're crying!). All of the videos of the competitors and their families and the volunteers were just wonderful. Harry (and the Queen and Charles!) should be sooooo proud of how many people - veterans and family members alike - have been helped by Invictus. I felt so inspired that I may try to plan a trip to the Netherlands to attend the 2020 games.

    I'm a mental health therapist and seeking help - whether through sport, therapy, medication, or some other means - is one of the bravest things a person can do for themselves. So many cultures (thinking of American culture specifically) have such a focus on the individual and going it alone, that asking for help can be really difficult, or in other cultures, talking to someone (who is not family) about your problems is I just really applaud people who seek out help when they need it. Whether the mental health issues are "large" like PTSD or other trauma or something that a person considers "small," therapy (or other ways to improve mental health, like sport) can improve quality of life so much. Suffering, on some level, may be part of the human condition, but no one should suffer alone. I think what Harry said about there being a difference between being alive and really living is so true and so important. I was just so impressed by his whole speech and the whole Invictus week.

    Meghan's speech was wonderful too, and gives me hope that she will become patron to an organization that helps veterans' families. I would love for her to create or become patron to an organization like Joining Forces (created by Michelle Obama and Jill Biden). I continue to be so impressed with Meghan in her royal role while at the same time recognizing she has always been this generous, caring person (her USO tour!). She and Harry make an amazing couple and I look forward to what they'll do in the future.

    I can't wait for Invictus 2020 and hope the littlest Sussex will attend with her (I think it's a girl) parents!!

  23. Sarah in Wiltshire27 October 2018 at 17:20

    Wow. The fashion is a very distant second today to the messages delivered by both Harry and Meghan - I am in tears listening to those speeches! What an inspiring couple they are and what a force for good they will undoubtedly be for many years to come.

  24. Dear Charlotte,

    Thank you so very much for posting the live link to this inspiring ceremony, allowing us to be warmed and elevated by the Invictus Spirit. I watched it live through sleepy eyes last night (here in the US.) But the eloquence of your summaries today adds to the depth of meaning in this experience. You deserve a medal for your careful and expansive delivery of all the inspiration contained in this entire tour! You are enriching our lives with your very generous spirit of service.

    I'm so impressed with and proud of our Meghan. What an intelligent, confident, poised, perceptive and compassionate woman! She clearly wrote her own speech, as it was filled with her unique phraseology. It was fabulous.

    I loved the moment one of the dignitaries hailed three of Prince Harry's decisions, the first being his decision "to marry her Royal Highness." What a beautiful compliment!

    Prince Harry was wonderful. It must be amazing for him to witness the incredible impact of his brain child and effort on the lives of so many. His speeches are incredibly inspiring, helped by very eloquent speech-writers, I'm sure.

    Megan looked lovely in her tuxedo dress and accessories. My only negative thought is that, now that I've seen the beauty of her face when her hair is pulled back, I was disappointed to see it covering the sides of her face again. I hope to see more swept back dos in the future.

    Thank you again, Charlotte, for allowing us to be part of this incredible experience.

  25. Tammy from California27 October 2018 at 17:47

    You'd think Meghan's speech would be the highlight since she is so well spoken and educated. But for me, Harry's was the most moving. You can tell he has an immense passion for this and considers these heroes his brothers and sisters. What a way to celebrate them! And they deserve it!

  26. The closing ceremony was awesome!!! This blog made it possible for me to see it ALL before YouTube😊. Thanks sooooo much, Charlotte. The Duke and Duchess gave inspiring speeches.👏🏽👏🏽
    I enjoyed all of it.

  27. Meghan's halter dress was simple and refined. Looked great for occasion. More importantly, her speech was so warm, friendly and engaging. She has already become the RF communication ace in the hole. The messages that both she and Harry conveyed are so important as reminders for all of us of the continued sacrifices men and women make on behalf of all of us in the world.

  28. I enjoyed all the singers and it was certainly great to hear the Kingdom Choir perform. I remember them from the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Thanks again, Charlotte.

  29. What a terrific speech by the Duchess, she is a wonderful public speaker, its faultless. Harry is equally as accomplished. Meghan looks beautiful, love her outfit, but those shoes there are lovely. Thank you for a great blog

  30. We have been working at Invictus all week and were privileged to see Harry & Meghan a few times and attend the closing ceremony. It truly is a phenomenal experience and the legacy Harry has created is amazing.

  31. the earrings:

  32. Silvia from Tuscany27 October 2018 at 20:57

    The closing ceremony and both Harry's and Meghan speeches are moving and inspiring. Meghan is a wonderful speaker, she reaches who's listening to her deep. Thanks Charlotte for sharing this emotion with us. You're really special.

    1. You can tell Harry speaks from experience and how helpful it was to finally deal with his own issues regarding the loss of his mother and I'm sure, things over in the ME when in the military. He has definitely matured so much. How inspirational it is to see ordinary men and women move forward in a new way, overcoming hard obstacles. I think his mother would've been very proud.I'm sure his father is (along with his wife,brother, and grandmother and grandfather, of course).

  33. You're on it for sure! Very impressive blog.
    Just want to comment on how perfect Meghan is for her roll as Duchess. Because of her career in acting she is used to media scrutiny, used to being insulted on social media, used to public speaking and working a crowd. And handles all of the above beautifully. It's good Harry fell in love with a woman so intellectually and emotionally capable of being his life partner. Good for them!!

  34. Amen, Unknown @ 21:16.

  35. Really heart felt farewell to the living Royal couple. When are we going to see them again? I really enjoyed watching the Invictus Games that just has happened in Australia. Love everythings about it. Thank you so much for the once in a life time opportynity.

  36. If those earrings are really silver and the bracelets gold, I realltäy do not like the combination 🧐😕
    Her presence and speech was great!

  37. Meghan looks lovely today in her tuxedo dress. Harry must be very proud of her, she is doing incredibly well, they show so much love and affection. I like a lot her style, but I think she should wear more dresses and skirts above the knee, she is a young woman and has beautiful legs,IMO her skirts and dresses are a bit long,I know it is the style she favours, but it is a bit repetitive.

  38. Charlotte, loving all of the information you provide. And how these clothing items get ID'd so quickly, is impossible for me to figure out.

    I'm wondering if the statement earrings ID'd might be gold versus the silver you've shown. They come in three metals.


    1. Hello,

      They are gold, thank you so much for pointing it out :)

  39. I looked the start of this dress and the gold accessories! Really loving everything she has worn the past few days! The beginning of the tour was a little rough fashion wise for me but the past few days has made up for it!

    Lisa in NJ

  40. I loved the style of this dress and the gold accessories! Really loving everything she has worn the past few days! The beginning of the tour was a little rough fashion wise for me but the past few days has made up for it!

    Lisa in NJ

  41. They are both so impressive. I think they’re going to be the Princess Royal equivalent of this royal generation: the absolute powerhouse royals who, like Princess Anne, do an amazing amount of good work.

    And Charlotte, I can’t tell you how much it makes me happy whenever I see you use macrons in Māori words! It’s a testament to your commitment to accuracy and it’s fantastic to see - I wish the mainstream non-NZ press would follow suit! You’re such a star. Thank you for being so respectful of my country’s indigenous language xx

  42. I want to make a point that most overlook-I think Harry is correct in sort of stepping aside and allowing others to manage the games, think of all the opportunities he’s created-jobs for people, he has literally brought thousands of people together which in turn creates tons of opportunity for others to succeed and I would be safe to say that no one else in his generation on our planet has done this so selflessly. I am almost willing to say he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, even if can accept it. Who else has done so much good for so many others? I hope he doesn’t stop creating wonderful events and would love to see Meghan really tackle female education on a global level. As the saying goes with whom much is given, much is expected...hope they keep it up!!

  43. upstate diva USA28 October 2018 at 04:24

    Reader, I wept. Salty tears. I watched H/M speeches earlier, then watched them in context of the whole closing. I am blown away. They are great, and so was the whole ceremony -- the demonstration of the Invictus spirit. I watched a lot of the Toronto games because I am in the same time zone, and this time, between the time disparity, stuff at work, and the TOUR!!!, I only got to catch snippets. In 2020, I would love to go (esp. as my son just recently moved to NL!!!)in person.
    Charlotte, you are a wonder!!!!! Thank you so much for keeping up with the pace with such grace, speed, and great writing. You are an inspiration.

  44. Meghan in this Berardi dress is VERY reminiscent of Princess Diana especially from the back. It was a signature look of Diana's and the style wears well on Meghan.

  45. she looks beautiful but i dont like this dress because it lacks shape the speech she gave was very inspiring


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