Sunday 10 February 2019

"Please Stop Lying. Please Stop Creating Pain": Thomas Markle Releases Private Letter from Meghan

Following the release of a People exclusive earlier this week, featuring interviews with five of Meghan's closest friends, one topic in particular received much commentary on social media: Thomas Markle. One friend revealed the Duchess penned a letter to her father after the wedding and in return he requested a photo op. The friend told the publication: "He knows how to get in touch with her. Her telephone number hasn’t changed. He’s never called; he’s never texted. It’s super painful, because Meg was always so dutiful. I think she will always feel genuinely devastated by what he’s done. And at the same time, because she’s a daughter, she has a lot of sympathy for him."

If we've learned anything about Thomas Markle, it would only be a matter of time until we saw another "exclusive" with a tabloid. Lo and behold, Mr Markle indeed spoke to the Daily Mail yet again. The surprise came with the content of the interview. Or rather the content of the deeply private letter referenced in People. In the heartbreaking letter, Meghan tells her father his behaviour has "broken her heart into a million pieces".

More from Meghan's letter in the Mail on Sunday:

'Your actions have broken my heart into a million pieces - not simply because you have manufactured such unnecessary and unwarranted pain, but by making the choice to not tell the truth as you are puppeteered in this. Something I will never understand. You've told the press that you called me to say you weren't coming to the wedding - that didn't happen because you never called.'

Meghan expresses her hurt at claims by her father she didn't support him financially and references her ongoing support including an email in which he asked her for assistance: "I'm sorry but please if you could help me more not as a bargaining chip for my loyalty." Meghan's anguish at the events surrounding Mr Markle's heart attack were "horrifying". She reveals her pain at his refusal to speak to her. She continues to plead with him to "please stop lying. Please stop creating so much pain. Please stop exploiting my relationship with my husband". Addressing the outrageous behaviour of Samantha Markle, she said "You watched me silently suffer at the hands of her vicious lies, I crumbled inside".

In response Markle wrote back to Meghan requesting a photo op:

"I wish we could get together and take a photo for the whole word to see. If you and Harry don't like it? Fake it for one photo."

You can read the content of the letter in its entirety on the Mail on Sunday.

Royal reporter Omid Scobie tweeted.

Meanwhile, royal historian Marlene Koenig notes there could be legal ramifications.

And wise words from Victoria Arbiter.

I grappled with the decision as to whether or not to post about this. It feels like an incomprehensible violation of privacy. We've discussed the Markle saga several times over the past nine months and this felt like an apt closure to that discussion. His actions and the humiliation and hurt he has subjected his daughter to are now in black and white, in Meghan's own words, for the world to see. I cannot comprehend how any father would do this to their daughter. I recently wrote that I felt Meghan had been through a trying time, but the extent of it is quite shocking. The only positive outcome to stem from this is the fact it should finally bring the matter to its end. The antics of the Markle family will not feature on this blog again. Surely, following countless accusations against Meghan, Mr Markle's choice to publish this letter finally tells the true story of the 'Markle Debacle'.


  1. Thank you for this great post. I feel like everyone knew he was abusing her emotionally. But the British press hate Meghan so much they didn't care that hey were paying him to do so. What a sad story. This should've been the happiest time of her life.

  2. And people said that Meghan's friends should not have talked! Well, we finally have the truth and THIS is exactly what was supposed to happen! If it was not for the People magazine interview, Thomas Markle would have continued his EMOTIONAL TERRORISM of Meghan.

    It was hard....but Meghan has been proven innocent! This woman is amazing...that she has beeb going through this HELL but still managed to smile, carry on and perform her royal role is stupendous!

  3. Charlotte, this is a really good summary and I am 100% behind not posting about these people again. He has shown us who he is through his daughter and he should be ashamed.

    Meghan deserves the nickname Tungsten.

  4. What a wretched man. What a horrible father. How can he live with himself? What money is possibly worth causing your DAUGHTER this much pain and humiliation?

    His other children behave like trash, no mystery where they get it from.


    Meghan shouldn’t be humiliated though. She is just a ball of gracious, lovely light. Clearly she gets it from her mother.

    I’m hopeful the royal family is embracing her and helping her feel loved and supported. She does not deserve this.

  5. Oh my. What an absolute dirtbag. I could cry for her! Especially (ESPECIALLY) with a baby coming at any moment. It makes everything feel bigger. I’m sorry for her. Hopefully there can be legal recourse that maybe can get an injuncture or something to stop him talking about her at all.
    hopefully the media will stop going after her so hard (wishful thinking, most likely). She obviously was the wronged party and handled it like an adult. I wish her well.

    NY, USA

  6. Thank you, Charlotte, for putting an end to this painful chapter of coverage. I love that we can count on you to cover the work of the DoS, with pictorial coverage of her public outings. Thank you very much for your decision.

  7. He is a liar plain and simple and the press is also complicit and bullying this woman. They thought she could never tell the truth and used that against her.

    Sr. allowed the UK media to bully and berate his daughter. Royal Reporters used Markle in order to blackmail Meghan for access, they wrote articles about how her treatment of her father will taint her royal They deliberately published articles and interviews on days when she had royal engagements knowing his words would harm her. They BULLIED a pregnant woman, they said she had no friends and when the People article came out they said it was not true and that she deserved to perish the same way Diana did, calling it a dangerous game.

    I hope this ends the this awful chapter, at least now The fathers lies and manipulations are revealed. I hope this final payoff from the Mail is enough for his ego.

  8. I agree with everything, except the part that there will be a positive outcome from this. I am not that optimistic. I could see the hurt she's been suffering on her letter, but with this her haters will be now like a lion that has just been fed: with more energy than ever! That's all they want! I could see his manipulative tactics, trying to distort what she had written, but there will be lots of people that will fall for his trap and crucify her even more. All of his past actions were projected on her, like it was her fault that her father is such a POS. It's incredibly sad. I just hope that this won't bring more stress to her and her baby, even her marriage with Harry. From my own experience, I know how in laws can break a relationship. I also hope that, if the friends' interviews were her idea, that she will learn with her mistakes and to not try to go through the media to paint her in a more positive way. It was not a good idea.

    1. I am sure Meghan never wanted her letter made public. Thomas Markle released it, most certainly without Meghan's permission.

  9. I truly hope this is the end to all of this mess. I know the Markle people won’t go away until the tabloids stop giving them money, but I hope there are no more comments from her friends. Everyone, and I mean everyone, has to stop feeding the trolls, because regardless if you agree with them or if you argue with them, they’re being fed and all they want is the attention. Even though her friends speaking up on her behalf was done with good intentions, look what has now happened. Her father now had his “excuse” to publish this letter that he’s had since August. Would he have dropped it at some point, probably, but now he found his excuse for a pity party. Meghan has been defended, but at this point, nothing will silence her awful family except the tabloid gravy train running dry. And the only way that would happen is by people not reading their crap or legal action. I really feel bad for Meghan and Harry, truly.

  10. I never understood how a father could possibly love his daughter and want a reconciliation by going to the media, spreading questionable information about his daughter for compensation. No loving parent would do this. It's very clear that Meghan has been helping her father out financially, and he views her as a meal ticket. There are very clear reasons why Tom Jr. and Samantha are the way they are. I think it's in Meghan and Harry's best interest to close this chapter, allow Meghan to mourn her loss and move on in a quiet and dignified fashion.

  11. Thank you once again for everything you do here. Writing this was a courageous decision and I'm happy you chose to address it, as well as stating it would be the last time. My heart hurts for Meghan.
    You are fantastic at keeping this blog a hate free zone and I hope you know how much it means to all of us who follow this blog as well as the DoC's.

    1. Hear, hear! Well said, Lillian T (and others above). Charlotte, I support your stance 100% as well.

      I know from experience that blood relatives do not always behave fairly or nobly toward family members. Especially if one family member rises above the others and somehow achieves or is granted more, whether that's money, fame, professional success or whatever. The casualties are truth, justice and any respect or love the gracious and dutiful one feels for their closest relations.

      We now realize that when Harry made the remark about "the family she never had" he wasn't off the mark. Becoming a princess is one of many little girl fantasies. That she is beloved by her parents and siblings, that they adore her as she does them is sometimes another we are disabused of during adulthood.

      Fortunately, her antecedents cannot diminish her by their despicable actions. The press, of course, can do a great deal of harm. Oscar Wilde noted (more than 100 years ago) "In the old days men had the rack. Now they have the press." Check this link for the essay & context of his words:

      What the press and social media's underbelly can yet do remains to be seen. Diana's horrific end doesn't seem to have curbed the age-old human desire to gape at more carnage.

  12. Hopefully the news agencies will agree that he isn't to be trusted and will stop paying him for stories. The same with the sister.

    My heart goes out to Meghan. I can't begin to imagine the hurt she must feel from that. I am SO happy that she has found a way to speak out, without speaking out, that may put an end, or at least a pause to this nonsense!

  13. Incredibly heart wrenching! My heart breaks for Duchess Meghan. It’s stressful enough dealing with abuse & betrayal of trust in private, much less under the glare of the world. I pray that she has all the support she needs, especially for her and her baby.

    While her father’s behaviour is atrocious, so too is the media that gave him a platform to publicly inflict abuse! Meghan carried out her duties, greeted royal reporters with a smile, knowing that several of them wrote articles berating & belittling her for not reaching out to her father, when privately she did! Front page articles, tv interviews with experienced journalists from tabloids, broadsheets, magazines & television, aiding in abuse & trying to tarnish her reputation. Unnecessary stories for absolutely nothing useful, but for causing pain & harm! Covering public duties, not private issues, of all royals would be far more appropriate & professional.


  14. This is unbelievably heartbreaking. How I feel for Meghan.

  15. SierrafromMontana10 February 2019 at 03:11

    He's such an awful father and person. Poor Megs. I don't understand him.

  16. I knew it was all a lie. It took a while but I'm glad the truth finally came out. I hope now people can stop making up stories about Meghan. The media needs to stop giving Thomas and Samantha any attention after this.

    1. Not a chance. Daily Mail is fabricating new stories already. Any article about Meghan generates a lot of interest, they won’t leave her alone.

  17. As a parent myself, I could not imagine ever hurting my child as he has done. My heart breaks for Meghan. She has endured so much and so much for the world to see. Bless her. Like her or not, she has done so much good and continues to do so. Keep on keeping on dear Meghan. Your light will outshine the negativity, ugliness, and lies. KEEP ON KEEPING ON. Continue to shine your light!

  18. What an awful thing to do to her at any time but particularly in advanced pregnancy. I feel so sad for her.

  19. On a positive note She has such beautiful amazing writing. WOW!

    On the negative side im sorry but im not surprised he did this after her friends wrote about her I think the palace is right in the say nothing because he is going to make it worse every time and this just proves it. I dont think this saga is going to end and I dont think her friends did her any favors sadly if it was her true friends.

    Im also conflicted, If were not suppose to believe the negative info from anonymous sources then we cant really believe the good stuff to.

    1. MacLean's, which is a news magazine in Canada, with the credibility of Time magazine, says that Meghan orchestrated the friends ' story. There is no way five random people would decide to speak out without her consent. MacLean's likens this to what Diana did to get the word out, so that Andrew Morton could write his book. Neither strategy was wise PR and this could result long term, in some very negative issues. The article in People magazine would have been more useful if the sources were named.

      While I am on Meghan's side in the debacle, I think she needs to let the communications team for the Royals, do, what they are trained to do. Although Meghan must be sad and frustrated by her father's horrid actions, she needs to let the pros do their jobs and not take things into her own hands.

    2. These are not five random people. They are part of her "posse"! I'm sure they have spent months being furious and debating what they can do. Serena is not random. :)

      For a magazine to say that something happened with certainty when we can't know negates their credibility in my view.

    3. Allison, if the sources are not named, then they are random people. How do you know that Serena was part of this? The entire article would have more credibity if the people, who spoke those words, had the strength of character to put their names to the words. This is why I state that this was a questionale move on Meghan's part, to allow the People magazine article to happen. Now rather than allowing the Markle Debacle to quieten down, it has reved up once again and is making headlines. Meghan is many wonderful things, but she does not excel in crisis communication, nor conflict resolution. That is why I say,she should leave this mess to the PR experts and not let five unnamed random people try to solve things

    4. StandbyMeghan:

      Totally disagree with you Laura, first of, they are not random, as People described their relationship to her, ie. a “former costar.” Anyone who follows her and has half a brain can probably narrow down who the sources are.

      Secondly, and more importantly, his letter corroborated 100% the truth of what they told People.

      Who is to say that the Queen didn’t approve this? Or Prince Charles? Assuming arguendo that she let her friends speak, so what? It’s long overdue! She’s not in a position to respond to the daily abuse and lies, I think this People story and mentioning the letter was a way to let her pathetic father show how truly pathetic he is....Let the chips fall where they may.

      I will not read his letter and am disappointed that the link is on this site...seems slightly hypocritical...

      At the end of the day all the ugliness is their...her father’s abusive behavior has been on display for months, if anyone hasn’t connected the dots, don’t know what can be said...

      I also believe that Meghan is trying to enter Motherhood with all this nonsense behind her, she’s trying to clear out the clutter and create a healthy space for her child and husband.

      Ever wonder why ThomasSr and his spawn don’t make the rounds of the US shows? Everyone knows them for what they are....the lowest of the low...

      Fly high Meghan Windsor-Mountbatten! And land softly...we are with you :’

    5. And here are a group of people and a paper writing as if they are privy to Meghan's thoughts and actions. You have decided that she did this and no one else. That the palace had no idea what was going on and that the 'rogue" did this on her own. It is the same narrative that the trash papers have been writing for the past two years. She does not get an ounce of anything from people because they are harboring their own bias about her being an outsider or not fit.
      Why would her friends give their names, they said where they live, they said they worked with her, most can make an educated guess as to their identities. Giving their names would only allow the online trolls and British media a chance to trash them and their families just like they have Meghan.

    6. I don't know why people are freaking out over the friends' interview to be honest. Charles has done this dozens of times - given friends permission to speak so as to correct something or put information out there that he can't himself. So this is neither new nor scandalous. And in my opinion it worked even better than was to be expected because it prompted Thomas to make the letter public. Now we have proof that Thomas has been lying all along. That he has always been able to contact Meghan but chose not to, that Meghan tried to contact him and he didn't let her, that she has been supporting him financially, that she had to find out he wasn't coming to her wedding and had had a heart attack through the press and that she tried to help him and sent people to his home. Now the truth is out there and everyone can see that Thomas treats his daughter abysmally and Meghan has quite frankly been a lot nicer and more understanding than I would expect anyone to be if a parent treated them like this.
      Thomas with his selfish behavior, treating his daughter so horribly and lying constantly, clearly has huge issues, perhaps mentally. He would do well to seek professional help but if I were Meghan, I don't know that I would let him into my life again. He has caused enormous hurt and it's bad enough when parents treat their children like this in private but to vilify in front of the whole world... it's simply unimaginable.
      I'm glad that Meghan has her mother to trust and rely on, so that she has at least one parent to count on. Doria must be incredibly upset with Thomas also! I hope Meghan takes a long maternity leave so that she can concentrate fully on the baby and also have a break from the mess with her father and negative press coverage. I know that Meghan is a very strong person but even the strongest person needs a respite every now and then when under such pressure. I hope that in addition to talking to her (Windsor/Doria) family, she'll also consider talking to a therapist. These are horrible family issues and talking a professional can help a lot when dealing with something like this.

    7. Anglophile in Ohio12 February 2019 at 04:44

      Very well said Anonymous 19:27.

      I think this was deliberate and that KP was involved. And it was masterful, as Thomas overplayed in response and was caught out in his lies.

  20. I have read and reread on the DM site then came right over here
    1. I wish I could write so neatly:-) and
    2. Omg....I cannot even imagine being in her shoes. Harry was right with his ‘family she never had ‘ comment which started this whole public war. I’m kind of glad in a weird way because as you say, hopefully this puts an end to the air time given to the Markles. Erininnyc.

  21. StandbyMeghan:
    I won’t read the letter. Just because her father, that rag of a paper published it, to read it would be to condone their actions. You can bear witness to Meghan’s pain without reading a letter that was not meant to be laid bare for the world to see...

    What’s he’s done is a horrific betrayal, clicking on that link you too are becoming part of it....why read the details? If it were you, would you want people reading your private and painful affairs? Of course not. Let her have her dignity and move on.

    When Duchess Meghan married Prince Harry, she made history...history is being made. How will this period be viewed? At this point, most of the Royal Reporters will be shamed in the history books...

    1. Nicole from France10 February 2019 at 14:51

      Anon 04.01 I too did not read it , just the few words on the photo , It is such a shame to have published it that I can’t stand reading very private words on such a painful situation . No critic for those who read it , as we all agree on the nasty situation that man created ....

    2. I agree. Won't read the letter either - I haven't read anything related to this side of the Markles family from the beginning because I feel it's a loss of time and energy and why would I want to read such rubbish, heaped with one aim only - to get paid? I'm glad Charlotte has decided that Mr.Markle won't be a part of this blog any longer.

    3. I agree 100% - best comment of the day.

    4. I need to believe that after Meghan's friends' strong defense there will be fewer people who will believe the tabloid garbage. That would be a positive effect that "no comment" could never provide. I cannot imagine how difficult it would be to keep totally silent while constant lies are promulgated.

  22. I was in tears reading Meghan's letter to her father. It shows just how much she is hurting. It's a shame that rag calling itself a "newspaper" twisted things to blame Meghan once again. Of course, Mr. Markle and the paper feed off of each other. He clearly is so far down that rabbit hole - and yes, Americans do use the term, that he'll never see daylight again. What I read in that article was a mentally ill man and a daughter in anguish as to how to help him. It's very sad but I fear Meghan has lost the father she knew. Thank you, Charlotte, for keeping us informed about this, and thank you for deciding to no longer give the Markle family or the dreadful gossips making up 'news' space on this blog.

  23. Thank you Charlotte for coming to the decision to not discuss the Markle saga any longer on this blog, and to keep it instead as a respectful and friendly blog for those who wish to support Megan. I am not surprised at this as you have always been a very conscientious reporter, far more so than many, if not all of the tabloid publications that discuss Megan and the Royal Family. My heart goes out to Megan and I pray she finds peace with her husband and baby and is able to rise this storm.

  24. One fo my best friends used to say “family ain’t family just becuse you have some shared blood” Charlotte, I applaud your decision to stop covering the awful people exploiting the Duchess.

  25. How anyone could've taken his side from the beginning baffles me. Can people now give her a break? It doesn't matter what she tries to do to reconcile. And she couldn't have prevented any of this. He is a complicated and deeply flawed human being and she is not responsible for his actions. Shame on the media for facilitating this abuse.

  26. he appears to have a completely distorted view of reality. i think your decision to leave this whole debacle behind is an excellent one

  27. Well now we can see why Doria left him. Shame on the Daily Mail for being a party to his bad acts.

  28. in my opinion hmm i think if the media gives her fathers a stage he will talk i hope they will reconnect no father should hurt her daughter just like that im so sad for the duchess of Sussex she can overcome with these with her family crisis being around with harry giving her support and love never mind those haters i want to give her hug she been receiving many nasty comments about her own family and people saying negative about that she great every day

  29. Charlotte, I'm glad that you wrote this post because I feel that this is a community which supports Meghan in both her public and private life. Unfortunately, the last year or so has been dominated by negative headlines about Meghan - from her behaviour with staff to the 'Markle Debacle'. As a woman and as a supporter of Meghan, I feel that it is high time her paternal side of the family exercise an ounce of decency and decorum and let her live her life without running to the tabloids every month.

    Meghan's father and sister have conducted themselves in a less-than-dignified manner and have actually made themselves look bitter and resentful in the eyes of the world. They have not swayed my support of Meghan but they have certainly disgraced themselves. I understand that family dynamics can be a minefield to navigate peacefully but Meghan has displayed such grace and class by not being baited by their spiteful rhetoric in the media.

    My advice to them? Stop talking to the media and try reaching out to Meghan on a private and more personal level. Respect the fact that Harry and Meghan are happy and in love and support them as they are about to begin an exciting new chapter in their lives as parents.

    Also, Meghan ought to be applauded for the classy and dignified way in which she has conducted herself in the midst of these horrible headlines. Keep shining girl, you inspire more than you know!

    Love Avee in SA

  30. It would be so nice if all the hate would finally stop because of this reveal. But I'm not so sure about that. I do hope Meghan is not reading any newspaper at the moment. This can't be good for her and baby's health. All this praise for Kate's mental health campaign and it seems to me the haters do not apply anything to themselves.

    CU Amy

  31. Nicole from France10 February 2019 at 08:56

    Absolutely sorry for Meghan and Harry, I did think Meghan’s friends opinions in newspapers would lead to that sort of disgraceful act from the father .... and of course this, again’ , will fuel the trash press .... the thing is , I am not sure , Charlotte, that the matter is brought to an end for the press .
    However , Meghan is lucky to have her mother, whose dignity and discretion are invaluable . And the support of the Queen and , I hope, of the most important members of the BRF .
    Let’s think of all the good work already done , let’s dream of the baby coming soon , let’s send positive vibes .

  32. Wow! Shocked and speechless! There are no winners in this debacle, any hearsay or show of evidence through the media channels only prove his guilt more than anything else. Interestingly enough, after all the attacks on Meghans being half black, we see all the unsavory being hured by the white side of the family, not a single bit from the black side.

  33. Thank you Charlotte for the post. My plea to everyone please can we follow Charlotte’s advice and desist from further comment regarding the Markles and in fact any of the many many stories that are gossip and inuendo rather than evidence based for all the Royal family. Comment begets further comment.

    I like the way the Palace have chosen to deal with the negativity issue. Many commenters here wanted to see the Palace to come out all guns blazing however to my mind deflecting the interest and filling the void is a much smarter move. As I said above comment would have generated much more comment and the issues would remain THE hot topic. I am sure the tour was not penciled in months ago but arranged relatively recently to change the narrative, which is fine by me. Kensington Palace and in fact all the palaces seem to have been releasing alot more information on the behind scene stuff being done. The Queen’s great grandfather once said that once all a senior royal needed to do was to look good on a horse. In his time that changed to vastly increased visibility and communication. In our Queen’ s lifetime the bread and butter engagements became the gold standard and now in the twilight of her reign there is yet another upheaval. We all check our emails, blogs and social media at least once daily and we are disappointed if there are no updates and often express our dismay because we can flick a comment off so easily. So for the royals just doing engagements is no longer quite enough. We want a daily update on what they are up to and it seems like the Palaces are realising this. For me this fleshes out the people and their life works. The Royals are then far more part of the team rather than a cardboard figure cutting the ribbon.

    And finally please give Meghan time to find her feet. Yes she brings experience to her new job - good public speaking skills and a comfortable ease in front of cameras and an audience. She also has deficits in experience and because of the dynamics within the Royal family and the Queen reducing work load at the time of her entry into the family there has been less opportunity for a slow induction. She like Harry is surprisingly impetuous and as an actress she did not have to consider consequences of impetuosity. The dreaded bananas would hardly have made a blip as an actress but as a royal actions are always nuanced a well intentioned action can turn out very badly. For the people who find the chatter about fashion irrelevant and distracting from the serious nature of the event very true- however we are a frivolous mob and clothes generate far more sales for media than the actually charity information and cause, so without the clothes there would be less reporting as is the case with a lot of the work Charles William and Harry do.

  34. I'm totally shocked that a father would do this to his own daughter! That's a private letter, how could he expose her feelings and her pain in such way is really appalling. So sad for Meghan :(


  35. I am left speechless by Mr. Markle's actions and words -- so beyond the pale; and illegal, too. My admiration for Meghan only increases with the awareness of the depth of her suffering while she carries on with such grace and dignity. Thank you for sharing this sad turn of events, Charlotte. I support your decision to keep your blog free Meghan's family in the future.


  36. Thanks Charlotte. I know it's hard to know whether to share these sorts of things on your blog, but considering it comes in response to an "official" statement from Meghan's friends I think it was best to. We all expected Thomas to respond.

    But I am surprised that he would share this letter. It's clear Thomas doesn't want to take responsibility for anything he's done at all.

    Interestingly, the dailymail article does says the reporter saw the text messages he sent. Yet Meghan's friends said that he's never reached weird. Can anyone make sense of that?

    And when the number was called it says it's restricted. But perhaps the number wasn't changed in August, but has now changed??

    1. I agree re showing the reporter the texts and calling the phone number to demonstrate it doesn't work - what's up with that? I'm firmly of the belief that TM is a mess in many ways and have no doubt Meghan is profoundly hurt and upset - but I'm wondering about the texts and that phone number.

    2. That part of the story doesn't add up for me either. I think there are inconsistencies in both sides of the story.

    3. The letter was written in 2018 right after the wedding...after he continued to sell stories, I'm sure it was disconnected

  37. Dear Charlotte. Your blog is the best. Professional and responsible. My opinion/comment re all of the above is that the link to the Mail on Sunday did not need to be here. Personal and private letters need to remain just that. Private and personal. Clicking on the link just gives oxygen where It should not be given. Thank you for all your work.

  38. I wish I could say I am shocked he published the letter, but I’m not. As soon as the friends mentioned she had written one, I knew this would happen. Therein was the danger of her friends speaking out for her. Something deeply personal and private has now been published by her really despicable father. Not at all surprised the media ran with this one. It sells papers, as disgusting as it is. This will take a while to die down, unfortunately.

    I think the Morocco trio will be a good chance to change the narrative. And baby will be born soon. Some happy news will drown out the terrible for a bit.

  39. I can not bieleve On "Note to her father saying her heart has been 'broken into a million pieces' reveals she is a 'narcissistic showman whose self-control is wavering', say handwriting experts"

    1. Nicole from France10 February 2019 at 15:04

      Karolina , this is a nasty comment from On, yes !!!!!
      Regarding Meghan’s handwriting, I myself thought she had great self control, but having self control doe not automatically’ means one is narcissistic ! We all need self control, don’t we ? Except that father of hers, of course ... and he is the perverse narcissistic one ....
      Anyway, we just have to drop the subject, as Charlotte decided very wisely not to talk’of It anymore’ .

  40. For me the most worrying thing is that the Daily Mail appears to be sympathetic to Mr Markle, and to make it sound as though he's been wronged, even as it reports facts which clearly show that Meghan has done all she can to be a loving daughter. I'm torn between disgust at this popular paper whipping up hatred in such an evil manner and my strong belief in freedom of the press. I hope Meghan doesn't read the article, anyway.
    Sarah UK

  41. I never read articles about the Markles but I’m glad you covered this briefly, as it provides context and understanding of the situation. I say this not to defend Mr. Markle but because I believe it’s true: Mr. Markle is not well. No father acts this way. I believe that the end of this sordid affair will be dark for him, whether he continues his sad existence cut off from a daughter/grandchild and publicly shamed or whether he goes underground or worse. For both of their sakes, I hope some legal action can end this predatory behavior by him and the press. As a child with an estranged, mentally ill parent, I feel for Meghan but I can’t even begin to comprehend the pain of this happening so publicly. And now I will never discuss it again, in solidarity with all of you. <3

  42. Let’s forget this loser & move on. There are so many joyful things coming for Meghan’

  43. Ok. Now I understand the People magazine article. If we all know that TM was waiting for an excuse to publish this letter, her daughter via her friends have conveniently provided him with it. Good PR movement.

    I have no sympathy for him but also don't buy the story told in the letter. If TM has mobile messsages contradicting it...

    1. Anonymous 13:06 how sad you don't believe her sincerity

    2. The text messages can be real for a different number than Meghans. The non Responsiveness can be created as well. The press can not fact check Meghans private number. If someone is dealing with Paparazzi, why should he not be plotting this. It needs some Energy but obviously it gained him a lot. I do not see what Meghan has to gain. She lost the father she knew and trusted in the week she got married. This must be so sad and challenging. She certainly is an ambitious woman. If men seek their advantage in connectivity and focus on building their lives it is not taken against them in the way meghan is treated. I have Never Seen a Meghan who Seeks attention by all Costs. I think her focus and Ambition are very balanced with her soft skills, her warmth and close Circle of devoted Friends. She is a true Inspiration for humans to achieve what they want to achieve and do it lovingly and gracefuly.

    3. I am the original Anonymous 13:06.

      It is not that I believe his or her version. I think there is truth on both sides. TM has done disgusting things, I cannot sympathize with him. But I also find it strange that he never got to meet Harry, that he had heart surgery and his daughter did not visit (up to that moment, the harm he had done was not that bad.)
      What I think, as some other commenters in this post, is that the letter was not addressed to her father but to the public opinion. She confided that it would become public given her father antecedents (she truly had reasons to believe that) and she wrote it as a way to tell her version of the story since she cannot have Oprah to interview her. Several months after, with the letter still being private, some anonymous friends just talk about it and suddenly, he comes back to the press and shows the letter to defend himself. Totally unexpected, uhm?
      If she had wanted to ask her father to stop without him selling the conversation she could have called. There will be no recording and no proof of anything. I think it is a PR movement. Whether or not KP is behind it, I don't know.

      The same applies to the hello to kindness campaign, PR again. I agree that a lot of comments about her are awful and disgusting but we are also entering into a difficult territory where any criticism directed towards Meghan is considered by her defenders as racist or jealousy. People can disagree and have an opinion without being a hater.

    4. I agree Anon 13:06. This is not amateur hour. Neither Meghan nor Harry are new to dealing with press or PR. That this is all a coincidence and out of Meghan and Harry's control/ awareness seems extremely unlikely. Unfortunately, this is a battle that can't be won - there will always be people on both sides. As another poster said, this is not for the public to decide. It is a private family matter and will run its course regardless of what the people of the internet choose to believe. To me, the People article and subsequent release of the letter seems to have exacerbated the issue rather than helped to put it to rest.

    5. Anglophile in Ohio12 February 2019 at 05:00

      Harry and Meghan attempted to arrange a meeting with Thomas prior to the wedding-he rebuffed them.
      Thomas has not answered Meghan’s calls since the week of the wedding-how was she supposed to visit him?
      And then he began his publicity tour, which created a greater rift.
      This is not Meghan’s fault-Thomas brought it on himself.

  44. I'm speechless that his response to her letter was to ask for a staged photo-op. There is simply no excuse for his behavior. None whatsoever. I do have to wonder if this man is mentally unwell. These are not the normal actions of the run of the mill negligent, publicity-seeking father. I feel horrible for Meghan and I hope her family is supporting her 100% through this difficult time.

  45. I am not going to comment on this most recent press opportunity Mr. Markle has chosen, because he doesn't need or deserve further oxygen for his selfish purposes.
    I do believe that it is past time for the British media/press (as a whole) to do an autopsy of its journalistic ethics and practices. There is a reason that the Markles have chosen to use the UK media as their sound piece. It is because they know money is part of the game. Reputable news outlets in the United States do NOT pay for stories. Those that do (in the US) are the unreliable tabloids, and we do not have many of those kinds of publications. The Markle family members knew they could get paid for their salacious stories if they went to the UK press, and that is exactly what they've done. The overwhelming majority of the salacious, demeaning, and racist coverage of Meghan has been in the UK. Reputable and fact-based news outlets (and I exclude US tabloids from that reputable category) in the US have not given oxygen to that garbage.
    Personally, I think the reason Meghan's friends chose an American media outlet from which to take their stand was due to the unreliable and dishonest coverage Meghan's been receiving in the UK. I know that not all the royal reporting in the UK has been dishonest, but much of it has been. While I would have wished that her friends had chosen a non-celebrity magazine or media outlet to support her, of all the entertainment magazines, "People" is one of the more reliable ones.
    I think the UK media needs to do some considerable and serious introspection. News outlets like "The Express" and "The Telegraph" are supposed to offer reliable fact-based journalism, and they do. But, at the same time, those very same "reputable" outlets also offer untrue and insidious stories about Meghan. Most of those may be online as click-bait instead of in print form, but that doesn't matter. If you want to be considered a high-quality news outlet, you cannot also offer false and salacious coverage in the same breath. I also think the UK media needs to work on its diversity. They need to recruit more journalists and royal reporters who are women and people of color, and have a broader spectrum of journalists who can represent the diverse make-up of the UK as it is today.
    Free speech and a free press are vital. They provide a check and balance for our systems of government and leadership. But a free press does not mean freedom from ethics and standards. A free press does not mean offering stories that advance the toxicity of hate, racism, sexism, classism, and attitudes that oppress others. A free press does not mean that it is okay to hurt others for profit or for any other reason. A free press does not mean that lies and false narratives can take the place of truth and honesty. With a free press comes great responsibility and ethical accountability.

    I feel so much empathy for Meghan and Harry. I wish I could give both of them a hug.

  46. I never had doubts about the Thomas Markle and Samantha Markle situation; I knew it was all about them ‘getting money’. GENUINE TRUE love does NOT display itself like Thomas and Samantha Markle have done for close to a year. Thanks, Charlotte for sharing this info. I, too, hope it’s over, but who knows what’s SPINNING next(?). I, for one, am done with this T n S Markle debacle.

  47. Standbymeghan:

    1) Meghan’s friends proved that all those stories about her were not true, they absolutely did the right thing to speak up.

    2) She will never have a relationship with her father- he’s sealed the door on any means of reconciliation. If his daughter and son cared about him they would get him the help he needs.

    3) I wish people would stop being shocked that people believe Thomas sr, or shocked that people don’t like her...these are most likely the same people who believe President Obama was born in Kenya, and that people of color are inferior..stop being surprised/dismayed and see it for what it is...

    4) Meghan is and will be fine...she has the blood of her ancestors who endured far more degradation running through her...that is why she can still smile and walk tall

    5) Meghan is married to a man who is not only a Prince by name, but also by his actions...Harry will protect his wife and child...he’s felt hurt and betrayal on the world stage, he will carry her if need be..

    6) God will always be a source of Strength... God Bless them!

    1. And whi said tha those "friend" didn't cash, from the press or something else? Is it wrong to talk to the press about MM only when it is to say negative things? If it is to say nice things there isn't a problem?
      Just wondering....


    2. Ir reminds me when princess Diana died. Back then I rememeber people asked if it was papparazi fault or the ones that buy and publish ther pictures anf the ones who buy the newspapers with it


  48. Meghan’s relationship with her Father was broken from the beginning when she and Harry started dating. I found it odd that Harry had never met her Father even after he proposed. I hope she washes her hands completely of him and her sister. She has a wonderful support-system in her Mother who seems loving and cares about her well-being. It’s a very sad situation.

  49. Maggie - Minneapolis10 February 2019 at 13:58

    After reading all the excerpts of the letter, I wouldn't be surprised if the hope had always been, since it was sent in October or whenever, for her dad to do what he does and release it immediately. She writes abt emotional responses in the letter but the letter itself is still very...logical...for lack of a better word. It doesn't read like a daughter just privately expressing her hurt and frustration with her dad. It reads like a point by point response or takedown of everything her dad has said to the media abt their relationship or lack thereof since the engagement/wedding. And btw I don't mean any of this as criticism. Just after reading the letter, I really do think it's intended audience was always the public/media not her dad and I wouldnt be surprised if it was never written for the purposes of trying to help either salvage or move on from her relationship with her father.

    1. Maggie, I actually agree with you. To me the letter reads more logical than emotional and interestingly addresses almost every point brought up publicly. I think Meghan intended this letter for her dad but also knew it could one day come out. She wrote it for both her dad and the public.

    2. Thought the same.she is clearly in pain but also written with the intent of potential publication in press in near future as the father cannot be trusted with privacy.

    3. I agree with you Maggie. She knew he would make it public.

    4. Since she knew he would sell it, there was zero chance she could risk a more personal style. Many people find a logical, cool,way of expression less painful. Someone has to be the grownup. It’s clear that’s always been Meghan in this relationship.

  50. Praying for Meghan, that she will know the grace of God's peace in the midst of this turmoil. May she have strength to to continue the tasks of each day with dignity. And may the love of her husband, mother and friends, and the joy of anticipating the birth of her baby overwhelm the waves of cruel words that keep coming.

    1. What a beautiful prayer. I too am praying that she will call out to God for His comfort and wisdom. Jesus loves her deeply and may she always know that.

  51. Charlotte, I commend your decision to address this latest issue with Mr. Markle. I heartily applaud your intention never to feature the antics of Meghan's family on your blog again. Sadly I do not share your optimism that this latest egregious incident brings the matter to an end. The Markles will continue to seek publicity at Meghan's expense--and countless news outlets will continue to cover the painful saga.

  52. It is on day’s like this that I hate my skeptical and questioning nature. But I will hold my questions to myself and see how this plays out over the long run. I do hope this will put and end to this horrible drama.

  53. I saw a comment somewhere about how the publishing of the letter might have been something KP knew to expect and even serves as part of their pr plan. I'm sure when Meghan was writing the letter she was advised to keep in mind it might come to this (but I'm also sure she hoped it wouldn't). Mr Markle truly seems delusional,I wonder if he believes his own lies? And I don't understand how he doesn't realise this makes him seem worse than ever.

    I know Meghan loves working but I hope she doesnt exhaust herself, she is probably also trying to "prove herself" to the world by working extra hard amid all the rumours.

    1. I knew this would saw a comment? And? Piers Morgan, is this you? If i talked about all I heard, i would spend too much time in idol gossip....

    2. What I meant was this comment that I saw made me think about how they must have thought about the possibility of this happening. Nothing more, this wasnt about believing or not believing the comment or anything else.

      I'm sorry if I was unclear as it was not my intention to refer to the comment as "fact". But considering the topic of this conversation I would really appreciate fair and friendly discussion, I think my own comment was quite neutral and sided with Meghan, yet I now feel attacked.

    3. Attacked by me? I'm sorry! I take back the Piers Morgan remark too:) I kinda thought that remark was funny....

  54. Daddy misses the point that parents actually sacrifice themselves for their children. His insistence on "his side" being heard is beyond belief. I suspect he has always been like this, which explains his unbelievably dysfunctional first two children. The only good thing is that he, like the idiot he is, verified what her friends said. Details about text messages received or sent or not sent are not important. The fact that he would publish her letter, even if it had been about something else, is the end. She has a great husband and, I hope, in-laws, and she will be so happy when baby Sussex arrives.

    My father was a narcissist and acted in similar ways, albeit on a much lesser scale. It is the hardest mental illness to work with because the person will never believe that they have a problem.

    A big THANK YOU to Charlotte for handling so we can deal with it in the proper way.

    I love what Anon 13:28 wrote!

  55. I think of that line in "The Shawshank Redemption when Andy says to the warden: "are you really that obtuse. Is it deliberate?" (to that effect) Mr. Markle has been exposed for what he is. Finally!

  56. American Army Wife10 February 2019 at 15:53

    I saw this last night before there were any comments. Admin, I began writing how disappointed I was that you brought it here, and stopped, thinking if mine was the first comment you wouldn’t post it. There is no way to heal a private family issue on the world stage. Even when folks “support” Meghan by calling out her father, they are hurting her because insulting a person’s parent is internalized by the offspring as a personal shame. What is happening in this broken family is fairly common in real life. It is the stuff of advice columns and family court. Her father is not unique in his behavior toward his (now super famous) successful daughter. The older extended family is also playing the same roles they have always played. I doubt Meghan is as surprised as her fans are about what has been said. She is undoubtedly hurt and dismayed, as well as embarrassed to some degree. However, she assured the public and Harry that she could take the scrutiny and invasive nature of the royal life. She is not a little girl, but nearly forty years old and now she needs to weather this storm. If she is the strong independent woman, and feminist she is purported to be, she needs to walk through this. Knowingly or not she has brought this into her husband’s life and she must bear it. With time I think the noise will fade and they can get on with their work and life together.
    Because this is on the international stage, I’m not sure what anyone can do, but keep calm and carry on. All of the noise, including People magazine, is designed to make money. There isn’t enough money to make her family be quiet after tasting international fame for simply spouting family gossip. This is a broken family, but their personal issues are not news and should not be treated as such.

    1. Smart response, American Army Wife - you make some great points.

    2. I agree. But what did you think of the leaming done by people in close proximity to her? And her family? In a perfect world it wouldn't come to this. But I would also like to point out no one forced Thomas markle into releasing that letter. He put it out there and I think he made a big mistake.

    3. Agree with Olivia, American Army Wife, very smart reponse. This is a personal issue that needs to be resolved privately. It is not for us to comment on any more.

    4. "She is not a little girl" She brought this to her new family and if she is independent and feminist she needs to weather the storm." I find this comment to be judgemental and putting Meghan at fault. Is it Meghan's fault that her father is abusive? What has independence, feminism to do with someone facing abuse. Meghan's family may not be perfect neither is Harry's.

  57. Sending prayers of support for the Sussexes and for you Charlotte, who so nimbly walks the tightrope of media with your powerful post. I have not, nor do I wish to, support the trash media, so I appreciate as "plenty" what you have chosen to share and your decision to end it here. In a sad way I am glad this happened now rather than, say, when the baby is born. Now all decent folk can truly move on. While those who pray should find it in their hearts to pray also for the mentally ill, we need not dwell one second more on their demented actions. Meghan and Harry and baby Sussex are surrounded by the blessings and prayers of many, as is Doria who has instilled both "tungsten" and compassion in her "Flower." Harry and Meghan are among those humans who have managed to turn their suffering into actions to help others. May they be protected and blessed as they move on with these endeavors.

  58. I cannot imagine a loving, caring father doing this to his daughter. I cannot imagine a loving, caring father not stopping his other children from trying to ruin another daughter's life with. Meghan must be so incredibly hurt and heartbroken by his actions and her half-siblings. I sincerely hope that Harry and his family step in and fill the void that this is going to leave in her life and her heart. Thank God she has her mother and a husband that clearly absolutely adores her. As for the "Markle" side of her family, I hope they all rot for the hell they have put her through.

    1. A loving and caring father would not do this to his child.

  59. Many congratulations on a thoughtful and well-presented post. The problem with all these outbursts is that we can neither ignore them nor condone them, but I think there is a genuine space for acknowledging what has happened and then moving on. The misery for Meghan must be tremendous, it must be mortifying to have family members given a public platform to sabotage her considerable royal achievements, and we have no idea how much more of the same there might be. That this latest example is outrageous and indefensible hardly needs saying and the whole thing must add up to the BRF's family-in-laws from hell. I feel the only constructive thing I can do is note that this has happened and continue to show my heartfelt admiration for this beautiful, intelligent young woman who has honoured our country by coming here and taking on the extraordinary role of royal wife with such grace and integrity. Every let-down from estranged family members only serves in the end to underline what a treasure she is.

  60. Tammy from California10 February 2019 at 16:50

    Charlotte, your last paragraph says it all. I support you for posting this so everyone could lay to rest any lingering questions they may have about Mr. Markle's intentions. I think they are so very clear now, there is no doubt left for anyone. I also support you for not posting anything further, as not to perpetuate curiosity by readers which could lead to more stunts by the Markle family. What a terribly sad thing Meghan has been through. I can't imagine.

    And for the record, I hope Mr. Markle DOES get in trouble for violating international copyright laws and has to pay back every cent he earned from publishing this letter.

  61. My feeling is the People article was given the go-ahead by Meghan’s PR team. Highly unlikely they were paid to talk. Nobody pays for nice; these bottom feeders pay for dirt to feed their narrative that the biracial American woman is unsuitable to royal life. She’s been treated horribly.

    1. The palace was only informed of the People magazine article minutes before it was published. So they were left completely out of the loop. It seems that Meghan and her friends collaborated on their own.

    2. Which implies tone that Meghan and harry do not trust their own office. I think that was smart, but what a shame things have come to this.

    3. Anon 17:41 and who is our source about how the palace was informed? Could it be one of the papers who are running with the 'rogue' Duchess narrative? No one has any idea, but I would bet that she would not tick off the Queen and Palace by doing this on her own when they are the ones she ultimately answers to. This is just another way of saying she is not fit or intelligent enough to work in the system.

    4. No it wasn't the official Palace that said they didn't know about the article. Reporters have said that they asked their "palace sources" and these sources said they didn't know. Its not the same as an actual statement from KP. Well logically if these sources are talking to the reporters then it makes sense that Harry and Meghan would only tell those in the palace that they trust. And it's obvious that these "sources" of these reporters were not trust worthy people and are not in the loop. So it's possible that the article was known and had the approval of KP but that some ppl in the palace (those who speak to reporters and are the source of the leaks) were not told about the article.

    5. Anon 17:41, how do you know when the palace was informed? Did KP release a statement?

  62. Poor Meghan. I read the article on the Daily Mail this morning... Wow. To echo others, I'm not really surprised Mr. Markle did this, but nor am I surprised at the idea Meghan knew something about the People article; it must be *extraordinarily frustrating* not to set the record straight, to feel you can't speak when it's just lies, lies, lies... Really really feel for Meghan here.
    Thank you, Charlotte, for posting. It was comforting to be able to come to this community after reading such horrible news. I loved hearing others' perspectives and thoughts in the comments. Good vibes only:)

    1. I wrote previously how I cringed when these sources gave positive and glowing comments about Meghan. More because it would cue the Markles to start back up. Right on cue, Mr. Markle has the letter posted. After this I really hope everyone (critics and supporters) sees how wrong this all is and stop. It's just madness really.

    2. Of course, this started the whole circus up again.

  63. Well, a letter wrote about mid 2018, released begining 2019. Not a bad timing and it explained a lot.
    It was the time to at last take action !
    Guess who's is firing his last shot ?
    From now on, whatever this guy will say it will be crosschecked with what Meghan has put on paper in black and white ; Meghan's letter is now the "source document". Next time this guy will open the mouth, it could be qualified "formulation of deceitful accusations intending to cause harm" for which he could be tried. Well done !
    I hope that he has been paid a lot of money for that letter because it will surely be the last time.


  64. We who were raised by parents who were selfish children feel our old scars twinge when the toxic Markle family goes into gear. They’re abominable.
    Charlotte, thank you for your measured response to this. You and Omid Scobie have been beacons of dignity and restraint. I fear this will continue, since it feeds the worst human appetites for scandal and hate.

  65. When I think that some continue to resent Meghan. To be suspicious while this woman is pregnant is obliged to undergo this treatment and can find an apology to this man I lose faith in human nature. Thank you Charlotte for your support

  66. It's only logical to think that Meghan could not have been certain that her father would not show her letter to the press, so if it seems deliberately phrased, that would make sense. Referring to "your other daughter" rather than "Samantha," to indicate her complete lack of connection with that person, for example. I would have done the same.

  67. He could've had the best photo op in the world if he had just gone to the wedding. His pictures with his daughter would've been in a million publications and on the internet for all the world to see. He would've been a part of history. Too bad for him.... Keep calm and carry on, Meghan! Have fun in Morocco!!!

    1. Very true, but he didn’t want to go to the wedding. He is probably not very well and I don’t mean physically. I don’t know how else to explain his behavior.

  68. Thank you Charlotte for sharing the truth about what's going on. We've heard the two sides and it's very clear that Meghan's father has treated her in an emotionally abusive way and ,with his publication of this letter, he does not intend to stop. She needs to put up proper boundaries and not give him more ammunition for the tabloids. Unfortunately that means cutting off the relationship and communication with him. Hopefully time will heal but unless he has a radical behaviour change I'm not sure if a relationship is even possible with him. I hope and pray that Meghan and Harry stop reading negative stories about themselves and even listening to others tell them about the stories. I hope Harry can protect his wife while she is in the late stages of pregnancy from some of the details that caused tremendous stress so she can deliver a healthy baby. I hope they just focus on their future family and making a difference throughout the Commonwealth, as they are wholeheartedly doing. The excitement of the baby coming will be a delightful distraction for them and hopefully a refocusing and fresh start.

    Praying the Lord gives them strength and comfort during this time!

    Thanks, Charlotte, for addressing this because it is been saturating the news & therefore needed to be addressed. And thank you also for letting this be the final article about the Markle extended family. Once again your writing and articles are extremely appropriate and informative. Hope you have a wonderful day!

  69. The letter reminds me a bit of Sofia Tolstoy's diaries as her marriage to Leo Tolstoy deteriorated. At first her diaries were occupied as much with domestic matters as their always-volatile relationship. But as the relationship deteriorated her entries became more formal, more a defense of herself and a point by point argument about her husband's hypocritical ways (for instance thinking that sex was filthy and sinful but continuing to demand sex from Sofia constantly). I feel like Meghan is doing the same thing. As the relationship is broken beyond compare, her style is more formal and defensive.

  70. The was an important post to make, and Charlotte handled it with care. Not an easy thing to do. The tabloids take the easy path, spreading lies and causing pain - all for clicks and ad revenue. Shame on them.

    When someone with integrity feels strongly about making this kind of post, you know things are very bad indeed. Integrity also means knowing when to say no more, lest one become part of the problem.

    As bluhare said above, Meghan seems to deserve the nickname of Tungsten.

  71. I wonder what amounts tabloids offer for salacious stories. It must be quite high. If a tabloid offered me, say, $1000 for embarrassing details about a family member or friend, that would seem like a bad offer. I'd be selling out a friend or relative, and causing a lot of aggravation for myself, for an amount that wouldn't make a dent in my mortgage. It might get me a weekend away at a nice hotel with fancy meals, and boarding for my dogs. That wouldn't be worth the bashing that I'd get from people in my life. So what do they offer to get people to turn on each other?

  72. Meghan wrote this letter after her father had given many interviews after the wedding and told many lies. This letter was also potentially written after she first found out she was pregnant, which meant the press would use the child to justify continuing to seek out her family. And of course she wrote the letter knowing that anything sent to him couldn't be trusted to remain private. I'm sure she hoped he would make different choices and that their was the possibility of reconciliation. Unfortunately the man's true nature continued. Don't blame these actions on old age either. This was a man who reportedly created a scam to hide lottery winnings three decades ago, and then got scammed out of most of the money himself. He's been making bad choices for at least three decades.

    What everyone should have learned by now is that Meghan is very disciplined. Look at the execution of the wedding or the announcement of the cook book. These are things with her stamp.
    Her father had already not honored her letter and continued to speak to the media regularly telling lies as recently as Christmas. Meghan had been enduring another round of character assassination since the success of the tour with at least some of it coming from either the Royal family itself and/or Royal family adjacent. Meghan knows the media will use the arrival of her child to justifying using her estranged family members. Hell Samantha is linking her latest attempt to peddle her manifesto to the birth of the child. Throughout the media has been able to justify treating the stories her estranged family tell as gospel under the argument that Meghan has every right to tell her side. That the media is under no responsibility to test the veracity of her families stories themselves even if they have already contradicted themselves. Meghan did not authorize her friends to speak without a larger plan in place. Mentioning the letter guaranteed the British tabloids would go digging for it. So now Meghan's own voice is on the record regarding her family. That she did give her father money, and that her father was using her relationship with Harry to ask for money in October 2016 before the relationship even became public. That she did indeed pay for her university education like she said in speech. That he did ignore the help provided. Her own voice is finally on the record, and it turns adds veracity to everything else her friends talked about in the People article. I'm sure Meghan hoped her work would be enough. The enthusiasm for the work beginning immediately after the engagement. The execution of the wedding and all the positive PR it brought to the Royal family and the UK. The execution of Together. The success of Invictus and the tour again bringing positive PR for the Royal family and the UK. Sadly it's never been enough, and never will be for a certain percentage of people. So I understand Harry and Meghan taking more control over their lives, especially since unlike other members of the Royal family that have waged PR campaigns Meghan hasn't actually done anything morally wrong.

  73. I realize the Court of Public Opinion is a completely different ball game from a real court, but I can’t help but point out that Meghan can’t be “proved innocent” by a letter in her own hand relying events from her point of view.
    And neither is this letter “the official source” of what happened. Even though it seems like the letter was written to put Meghan’s side of the story out there, it is still a case if “he said / she said”.
    I definitely find Meghan to be the more reliable source (and her father extremely unreliable) but as some wize person once said, there are always 3 sides to a story: My side, your side and the truth. This letter is Meghan’s side. The truth we will probably never know.

    1. Very wise. I think Meghan should have kept her friends quiet and carried on with her life as they ended up creating more media circus. Actions are louder than words, and if she continues to support the work of the royal family and have a happy family life with Prince Harry, the negative press will eventually go away.

    2. Agree with both of you. Things were quieting down and this just added more petrol to the bonfire. Now we have to hear from the Markles again.

  74. My only comments now, and never again, on this horrid man. Nowhere in his letter does he tell his daughter he loves her or is grateful for her help. He never expresses sorrow for causing her worry and heartbreak. I truly think the man is beginning to show serious signs of dementia or senility. And I wonder why the newspapers only featured a portion of his letter to Doria, the reat of it must have been really horrible and would wipe out any point they were trying to make. And if the man is really declining into dementia/senility the British press is certainly helping speed up his decline. I wish Meghan and Harry nothing but happiness and joy while awaiting the birth of Baby Sussex and afterwards.

    1. He lives isolated in Mexico after two failed marriages and his adult children have no relationship with him. Additionally, his adult children behave in a worse manner. It has been clear to me, from the beginning, that this man is toxic and it shows in the incredible dysfunction of his family. I think it is hard for people, who maybe have kind, loving and whole parents, to believe a father can be so viciously cruel. But they can.

  75. This is the backlash that many expected. Very, very sad case all the way around.

  76. This makes me sad. I was peripherally aware there were issues between the Duchess and her father’s side of the family, but I refused to read the negative articles. What should be the happiest time of her life has been marred by distant family machinations. My experience is of course not related I know, but I have been estranged from parents and a brother for many years, and their behavior has been nothing short of stalking. I would not hold out hope that Meghan’s family will voluntarily stop what appears to be ridiculous and plaintive behavior, only the media can stop this. Stop talking to them, stop giving them space in your papers, and on TV. Her family appear unlikely to give up on this, just stop! and they wil disappear, back to obscurity.

  77. I can't help but think that there is more to this that the public will probably ever know. How did Meghan & her father go from having a seemingly reasonable father/daughter relationship to this? I don't know that it's fair to paint either Meghan or her father as totally blameless/totally to blame. Just my two cents.


    1. Why do you think it was reasonable? Doria divorced him. His other children are pathetic and miserable. He attacks and belittles Meghan. I imagine he is what he always was. We are the outsiders.

    2. Sue, for what it's worth, I agree with you.

    3. I agree with you in principle, Sue. Relationships are such a tangled web of events and feelings. A girl's relationship with her father evolves but it is difficult to shake that initial hero worship that it sounds like Meghan had as a little girl. I think the dependency needs combined with inexperience with relationships feed this. I believe inside many women is a daddy's little girl that never quite grows up. It is hard to let this feeling go, even when circumstances do not support it.
      Another thought is that a relationship can stay on a fairly even keel until some trigger appears that alters it. Her move to Canada and success with Suits may have continued the process that followed her first marriage--increasing physical distance and economic independence. Her relationship and marriage to Harry apparently was the coup d'état:farther away both physically and otherwise. It must have been tough for the father to feel the snow-balling loss of this apparently close relationship. Many of his communications express or hint of this--at least from what I have read here. It was magnified by his apparently not having other stable relationships to meet the need for closeness.
      Some fathers and some mothers of adult children have a difficult time letting loose these bonds. Usually the reaction with them is to attempt to hold tighter, which only adds more stress to the relationship. Sometimes ill heath is exploited or financial support withheld. I think Mr. Markle has been grasping at straws. If she had married Joe the cable guy and moved down the street from her father, maybe the relationship could have survived in its initial form. But she didn't.

      I can't say I go along with the demonizing of Meghan's Father. I agree with Sue. And I agree with whoever said Meghan may have used the letter as the only means she could use to publicly respond to his public words. It must be very frustrating for her to still be exposed as a public person but now unable to express herself through her blog and social media, as well as interviews. I don't know any other BRF spouse who had such a public life and communication before marriage. Kate, but it was directly related to her future royal spouse, who already was bound by royal strictures. Maybe Phillip, but he was already a royal himself. They all have limited means of defending themselves from public criticism but she is the only one where the contrast is so great from former life to royal life. (I'm not sure I expressed this clearly) mary

  78. That poor girl.
    Unfortunately it is not easy being a good parent, especially if you are stupid.
    It is not easy to outgrow and overgrow your parents, because deep down we all still feel like children when we talk to them.

    I hope she finds her happiness and will find this family of love and kindness the second she locks eyes with her baby.

  79. Thank you, Charlotte, for handling this horrible situation the way you have. I don't think it can be ignored, as it very much colours Meghan's public life. The despicable Markle clan has decided to exploit their hatred, resentment, and narcissism for money. As someone who wishes Meghan and Harry well, and admires their charitable impulses and work ethic, I certainly feel for Meghan. We should see her as more than just the smiling royal out to support others and to do good. Surely, Meghan has behaved with strength and grace, and I'm sure this probably enrages the detractors even more. This community has written so many rational and illuminating responses to the latest Markle debacle. I just want to respond to some comments that stood out for me. Anonymous@13:28, you have commented on all aspects so well. I certainly see the sense in what you said, American Army Wife, although it comes across as a bit harsh. And finally, there have been comments on Meghan's letter itself. She is an educated and well-read woman so it is not surprising that she can express deep emotion and still be logical and coherent. It is also not at all unusual to think that since Thomas has already betrayed private conversations to the press, that Meghan would write without the comfort of knowing that her father would keep her letter private. So I think that pointing out the context in which she wrote her rather emotional letter to her father was a very relevant.
    I don't think it takes away from the depth of feeling conveyed in the letter, as incoherence is not a sign of deep emotion. I don't think Meghan would ever sue her father for copywrite violation (it there is a violation), but I wonder if DM could be sued? I don't think the royal family would want the ensuing mess.

    1. I believe to have copyright infringement one must first apply for and receive a copyright to the material. If any source holds a copyright it would be the DM, only because they have a blanket copyright for published material and likely compensated him for the letter. There is a difference between an owner or possessor of an item, a copyright holder of material, and the original source of the material. They can be the same or all different people. In the name of fairness, one would think the sender's permission would need to be obtained, copyright or not. Not so.
      I am fairly certain that the only time the sender of a letter's rights would be considered over a recipient's rights is if the sender had a copyright and the receiver were to publish the material for profit.

      When a famous person -say a poet or politician dies, the letters, writings that are a part of the estate become the property of the heirs. Jane Austen's sister solved the whole problem by burning the author's personal papers after Ms. Austen's death.

      I think Ms. Koenig may have been confused. Meghan in essence "gave" the letter to her Father. I doubt Meghan had a copyright to her letter. Maybe not a bad idea for the future, though. I know some of the royals have "branded" intellectual property. Maybe there is some general ,all-inclusive prohibition to publishing royal personal material such as letters. Queen Victoria's diary is on the internet . Thomas Jefferson was a prolific letter-writer who kept copies of his letters. Also a wise idea.
      One aspect of this situation that puzzled me somewhat is Meghan's use of calligraphy to write a personal letter to her Father. My sister in law has the skill but she uses it for holiday greetings and such. For personal letters to family she uses a less formal style. It almost seems that Meghan was expecting this letter to be seen by others or even published.

    2. It might be different in the UK. But in the US, copyrights attach to the work automatically. So Meghan owns the copyright. Not sure publishing is necessarily a grounds for a lawsuit though. Would you sue because someone published a press release?

  80. When I saw this post last night, I was sorry that you had chosen to reproduce the photos showing portions of Meghan's letter that were meant to be private, and especially that you included a link to the original tabloid article. I felt that it contributed to the online abuse of Meghan. I wanted to write "Don't enable any comments for this post!" in an effort to stop the inevitable onslaught of opinions, both positive and negative, both of which are sure to add to the pain Meghan herself must be feeling about her father's and his family's actions. Someone noted above that you cannot criticise a child's parent, no matter how poor a parent that person is, without hurting the child. I strongly feel that any supporters of Meghan would do best to stay out of this arena. I am glad that you are not publishing anything more about this issue. I hope that we get no further comments on any other blog post here about it. It is long past time to stop feeding the frenzy.

  81. Wow, there are some very harsh comments towards Meghan on this site. Do people care she is pregnant? There's nothing wrong with Meghan friends wanting to defend her, at least someone is on her side. Personally, I think her father is racist and knows exactly what he is doing. I hope he gets to face the consequences of his decisions in old age because he will probably won't be seeing his dautger or grandchild anytime soon.

    1. How could you say Meghan's Dad is a racist? He married a black woman and had a biracial child with her!

    2. I am a black person and have seen black women be in a relationship with someone racist, yes it happens. By the way white slave masters still had biracial children with black women and some even claimed to love them. So I stand by what I said. I have discussed this with some family members and friends and we believe Thomas is doing what he is doing now because he is using white privilege and he knows it. If he were a black father the media would most likely not use him to attack Meghan like they are doing. There is reason why the Meghan's black family is quiet and white family feels entitled to fabricate and use dog whistles against the through tabloids without being questioned. I think Thomas and Samantha feels that Meghan owes them...and I am not talking money..

    3. huh? privileged/no privilege. racists/not racists....I think we can all agree that this is not an ideal situation and not feed this thinking on this site.

    4. Anon 01:06, what you say would go along with the father's claim that he "made the Duchess" what she is. The white superiority. And of course men marry women even if they abuse them.

  82. Well, that man (...I refuse to say "father" because he does not deserve the title) shouldn't be surprised when he does NOT get an invitation to the christening of baby sussex. I wish all the best to Meghan and Harry as they build a loving family together.

  83. Charlotte you did a delicate, smart job with an annoying and prickly subject. Thank you for your conviction, brevity, and class.

    I may be alone I’m this but I believe Samantha Markle is 100% behind this. I just don’t see Thomas Markle being this insensitive or snarky. I believe he is being puppeted completely by Samantha. I don’t see him writing “if you don’t like it, fake it”.

    You blew it Thomas. As we say in the US...grow a pair.

    1. Please DO NOT excuse this man! He is ENTIRELY responsible for his own actions!

    2. he's as much to blame as cannot cheat an honest person nor can you force someone to do something that is not already in them to do

  84. When M hateful Meghan's name first appeared as a romantic interest, I went to the Tig FB site. I was really charmed. There was one really commentor whose name was "Sparkle." I later decided it was short for "Samantha Markle." Very hateful in the same manner as we have grown accustomed to. Even Samantha's mother says she has picked on Meghan throughout her life, no doubt out of jealously for what she did not receive from their father. The ONLY people who attack Meghan are her father and his first two children. It is very possible that Daddy is as bad as he seems. Fathers have been known to be even worst, so why can't we believe what is in front of our eyes? Meghan knows what her father is like, which is why she kept him at bay.

  85. A great decision! Stop giving this absolute moron the attention he is so desperate for. I’d be happy to never hear from him or that Samantha again. Poor Meghan.

  86. Becca H in Colorado11 February 2019 at 01:14

    I think we were all expecting Thomas to respond, but I don't think any of us were expecting this. He truly is unstable -- I've said this before, but I think he has a personality disorder of some type. What loving father would do this to his daughter??

    I know the Daily mail and the other trolls who seemingly live to destroy Meghan will have a field day with this, but at least the publication of this letter gives credibility to what Meghan's friends said and proves Meghan's innocence, right?

    I feel so terribly for her. I hope there isn't a strain between her and Harry because of this.

  87. I feel like I need to take a shower after reading that DM article. Really, it’s like being exposed to someone’s dirty laundry. Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to authorize Meghan’s friends to speak to People given how predictable it was that Mr Markle was going to fight back. He seems very immature and self-centered and damaged. Maybe family therapy would have been helpful right after the wedding debacle, but I think this father-daughter “relationship” is beyond repair. Hopefully, Meghan is at peace with where this stands.

    Very sad all the way around.

  88. I have elected not to click through to read the Duchess' letter which has been exposed in such a heinous fashion. Won't feed the troll that Thomas Markle is by violating her privacy in that way. Someday Thomas Markle will no longer be on this earth. This is part of the legacy he will leave in his wake. It's not the way I would want to be remembered. My thoughts are with the Duchess, the Duke, the elegant Ms. Doria (who no doubt is feeling such pain for her lovely child), and with the rest of the Royal Family.

  89. I forgot to compliment you, Charlotte, on maintaining a high standard in your blogs. Very much appreciated.

  90. I don't think Mr Markle is necessarily mentally ill. Difficult, certainly, and seemingly quite sef-absorbed and impulsive. I do wish this family conflict would be taken private, but I doubt it will be as long as the tabloids in the UK and US can make money off scurrilous conjecture. And that's not going away for awhile. I am looking forward to the baby, who is certain to be adorable, and to the public's eventual move to new stories.

  91. Charlotte, you are a class act. I agree, no more attention to this matter. Onward!

  92. Charlotte, thank you for the decision you have made in regards to this blog. I have one comment to make. The comment is AMEN!!!!!!! Does everyone know what that mens?

  93. Charlotte, to be honest: I feel like you should have stopped posting about the family feud long ago. In my opinion everyone who comments on it only perpetuates it and proves that you (not you personally) can cash in best on drama. The whole thing is horrible and should stay private.
    On a general note:
    The BRF should get their lawyers and sue the hell out of people for racist and/or threatening comments and ignore the rest. There will always be negative coverage and the British press is ruthless and can write bad stuff for years as long as people are interested in it (as poor Camilla knows very well). I am sure Meghan will go through it. I actually wonder if she even knows as much about what is written as many „fans“ (it’s a bit strange to call yourself supportive but take part in it). I hope not. One can only hope that the less coverage (on private matters) there is all those drama will die over time (are five years too optimistic?). But if you see that people still publish books about Diana, Camilla is still passionately hated and gets mean articles, Sarah is still laughed at and Kate still deals with being called lazy, stupid and a money grabber I think getting rid of the racism would be a win already. Sadly, it often seem to be mostly women to take part in gossip and shaming.

  94. He is a classless pig thanks for publishing it the world needs to know his abuse of Meghan. They (her fathers side of the family) have treated her like trash. I’m sorry for Meghan’s heartbreak this letter must be embarrassing for her and painful to know he sold her out. He doesn’t love Meghan he’s an attention whore and he’s killed any chance at reconciliation or seeing his grandkid. He’s a liar and just wants money. I’m sorry Meghan has endured this but in the end she will be stronger for it for if you can beat this from your own flesh and blood you can beat anything

  95. Charlotte a well written and sensitive post. Like many, I find this all very disturbing. From the backlash against Meghan in the media, to her own father hanging her out to dry. It's hard to understand the mentality of some. The hurt and broken trust she is having to deal with, all whilst being pregnant, is mind boggling ! Like many have already said, I cringed when I saw the piece in the 'People' and thought, this will be a 'red rag to a bull' for the sister ! And sure enough she has come out again today in a mean spirited way. I hope once the baby arrives, H&M take some time away from the spotlight,in the hope things will settle down, and common sense and decency prevails. In the mean time, let's hope she's surrounding herself with positive and good friends and confidants. Bel.

  96. Royal 👑 Watcher11 February 2019 at 11:03

    I don’t know if Meghan or anyone of ‘her people’ read this blog, but may I please say - much love to you Meghan, and your wonderful husband Prince Harry. I am sure that you are tough, and that you won’t let any of this get in under your skin. Keep shining like the bright star 🌟 that you are.

  97. I feel for Meghan. I think that when she wrote this letter (in August, so after about 3 months of trying to heal the relationship with her dad), she already knew that Thomas has lost his values and his digniy to that point that he will eventually leak the letter to the press. It must have been terrible trying her best to explain how much she suffers while knowing that her father will probably tell the whole world. However, I think (and this might well be unpopular opinion but I don't think it is a bad thing)she might even have included few things she wanted to say publicly, but otherwise she could not. She would not be able to publicly defend herself from her awful "sister' Samantha, but like this, we all know what we already thought - they were never close, etc. I hope Baby Sussex is fine despite mummy being in such situation. Good thing that Harry is patient and kind (which we already knew as well, but it is always nice to hear the Sussexes talk about their other half so fondly).


  98. Johanna from Germany11 February 2019 at 11:49

    Dear Charlotte, I`m a constant reader for many years now, first on your Kate Blog and now here on Mad About Meghan as well. It is such a joy to read through your Blogs, not just because I´m interested in the pomp, gowns, diadems, but also in the charity work. I love to read through the different patronages and find out about their causes because it´s a wonderful reminder how much good can be done if people are working together, so thank you for your hard work here.
    For the whole Marke Debacle I just want to say this: Thank you for your wonderfully balanced tone here. You´ve made the right decision to cut that whole circus out and focus on what makes this Blog so precious. The well researched and written blog entries with tons of information, background knowledge and, of course, pretty dresses! (I don´t mind Tiaras as well;)
    I hope this whole Comment makes sense, since I´m from Germany and not a native speaker. Best wishes to you Charlotte and I hope you can keep your Blogs up for a long time!

  99. I don't comment often, but I'm going to put something out there, particularly for those concerned about people reading this. I think it is pretty clear Meghan knew this would be shared and it is written from that perspective. While she may have hoped for a different answer, I think she knew exactly what her father would do - and why wouldn't she, considering?

    Many are right, this IS a private issue. But the Markels have chosen time and again to drag her private life through the public domain and in my opinion, this is her PR team's way of responding to the vitrol they have pushed for the past year. MM would be a fool to think this would stay private and, given how whip smart she is, we know she is no fool.

    It's clear by the fact that she didn't introduce him to Harry and they made little provision for him other than "you'll be at the wedding" that the relationship has been broken for a very long time. Her public posts about her love for her father do not indicate they had a working relationship, more that she loves her father and nothing more.

    1. This is the best comment by far and yes I agree Sheri. I also think that was a goodbye letter, after the baby is born Meghan will be concentrating on her child and husband.

    2. I completely agree with everything you said. This letter was written to eventually be in the public sphere. The whole situation just makes me very sad for H & M for what should be such a joyous time for them. Everyone wishes it would all die down and obviously this playing out in public is not very “royal and dignified” but what choice did she really have now. Thomas should have been dealt with properly a year ago but I don’t think anyone in the royal household could have predicted this type of behavior or personality.

    3. Sheri, I agree completely with everything you said. This, as awful as it is, serves to show what a liar the father and other daughter are. Could have been part of a very clever plan, and kudos if it was.

      The first day that Meghan became "pubic" and that sister wrote her first nasty word, that is when the father should have told her to stop. If she didn't, he should have gone public to condemn what she said, to apologize, and to tell the world that Samantha was wrong. What does he do? Ignore it and later say it was Meghan's fault for not inviting Samantha to the wedding. This was the first clue that it was a hopeless relationship.

      This seems like a good time to move on. The letter is out there. Those who continue to harp are like those who, as an earlier commentor said, continue to spread rumors about Camilla, Diana, and Fergie. It doesn't bode well for poor George and his siblings in the future.

  100. I'm concerned about the suggestion that KP didn't know about the friends' interview and/or the letter before they came out publicly. It would be a huge mistake for Meghan to try to go rogue with the media. I'm sure she's beside herself with hurt and frustration, but the job of her KP PR people is to move her beyond this mess, not put it back out there. She needs to work with them, not undercut their efforts. Not to mention alienating staff. If they can't work together, get people she can work with, then be a team focused on positive messaging.

  101. I read several comments on the internet on how it was a mistake for Meghan's friends to have spoken as it did not guarantee a resolve. Even though I couldn't certify that it would make a great turning point, I hoped it would. Even though the idea as it was done did not cross my mind, I was hopeful that it would make a positive turn and I am glad that it really is. As Scobie said, you can only learn from the mistakes you acknowledge.
    Some peoope will still be picking bones because that is who they are and have closed their hearts or maybe the same phenomenon that is affecting Tom Sr is affecting them.
    I leave this, even if Meghan should today (God forbid) leave the Royal Family, she has already made her mark in the prints of history and will be justified in it.
    I have made 4 clicks (3 fan sites and GMB) and I too am done with this his debacle. I hope he is legally taken care of along with the evil steps.

    1. Diana's friends spoke out, Charles friends spoke out.....all anonymously. I don't think this article triggered his releasing this letter...he was holding onto this letter like an ace in the hole...

  102. Well said Johanna. I totally agree with Charlotte's presentation. It is so painful for me to read this letter. Can't imagine how she felt. In an odd sort of way, I hope this helps get her past this painful segment of her life and enjoy those friends and family who are truly in her corner and love her.

  103. Charlotte, thank you for your professionalism. This is the first blog I've ever followed and I am impressed every day with how upbeat, positive and supportive you and your readers are.

  104. Not taking sides, but briefly, Thomas Markle didn't comment publicly during the dating period or after the engagement. After he was photographed and belittled in the press, he made the poor choice of posing for photos to show he was not the slovenly man the press made him out to be. As for the letter, he's had it since August and leaked it in defense after the People article came out. MM may have quietly given permission for that article without the consent of KP. This whole mess is starting to remind me of Diana's involvement with Andrew Morton to tell her side of the story, which opened a Pandora's box. Meghan needs to follow the RF rule of "never complain, never explain." Frankly, neither she nor Harry comes from a stable family, and I hope they can create one for their baby's sake. This whole saga will continue to play out publicly, but I agree with Charlotte that we don't need it here. Let's get back to commenting on engagements and sartorial choices.

    1. I completely agree with your every word.

    2. While TM did not comment, he was silent while his first two children verbally abused MM over and over and over. He can't make them shut up but he can say what a father of two abusers should say.

    3. Anglophile in Ohio12 February 2019 at 05:28

      And yet from the wedding until now Thomas continues to give paid interviews crying about how put upon he is. This is not behavior that is favorable to sympathy in my estimation.

    4. I agree with my fellow reader from Ohio. Thomas has said a few times he wants to set the record straight and will cease giving print and TV interviews, but as soon as opportunity strikes (and he needs more money), he comes up with a story to stir things up. Funny, as soon as things settle down in the tabloid press, Thomas or the evil sister strike.

      The father and the sister are waiting for the goldmine when the baby is born in the next two months. These two are insufferable.

    5. Caroline in Montana12 February 2019 at 16:17

      "but I agree with Charlotte that we don't need it here. Let's get back to commenting on engagements and sartorial choices."

      Could not agree more!!

  105. I think a handwriting expert would say that Meghan displays logic, forward thinking, concern for people, persistence, perfectionism, artistic talent, and intensity. As well as, in this case, rising and falling emotions. The upper stroke she borrows from calligraphy would probably be called self protective. Sometimes she uses that in her signature in guest books, sometimes not.

    Meghan's friends have pulled the problems of 2018 into 2019. I wonder what their present motive in continuing this furor is. Of course they have wanted to protect Meghan, but why prolong the agony?

    I am concerned by the comments that suspect Meghan of orchestrating or approving her friends' going to the press and therefore assuring the release of her letter. Surely Harry and his advisers knew what the results would be. Other than Diana and Charles, the royal family have not provided deliberate encouragement to the media. Silence does not ensure truth, witness the gossipy underpinnings of current tv series, but it can help starve the press of its malice.

  106. How can reasonable people continue to defend TM. He is a proven liar by his own words. People call into question how and why DOS wrote the letter all the while saying she should just contact him. She contacts him and the letter is perceived as planned and plotted because of handwriting loops and calligraphy style writing. Or 1, He said she never contacted him, a lie. Pt 2, he spoke with her and PH and told them he could not make the wedding and DOS cried. Now he says he sent them a text, another lie. Pt 3, TM says he sent her a letter, not saying this was a response to the letter she sent him. States he’s been quiet for six months, another lie. Pt 4, the biggest lie of all by him and the other daughter about her not helping him financially. He said she once sent him $2000 for a trip. He’s never talked finances with her or asked for money. In the letter she quotes him and he does not deny the quote but states he was moving house. When did he move? That quote says what this is all about, Money. If I’ve depended too much on you for financial help.....if you could help me more not as a bargaining chip for my loyalty. He was requiring her to pay him to keep quiet for 2 years and he wants an increase. If that does not leave you breathless and shows his character, then what does. There is no her side or his side, he spoke these words on GMB and interview with the DM and Sun. When did she lie? What has she done wrong. I bet he refused to meet PH prior to the engagement. He is selfish, callous, calculating, and greedy. Shame on him and people who believe anything he says.

  107. Why did PW issue a KP statement supporting PH writing statement concerning MM. Why would DOCornwall say she is a star and US loss is our gain? Why does PC call her Tungsten? Why did PH say they are the family she never had? Why did the Archbishop praise her? Why was her father not given a coat of arms? Why did the Queen take her on the train trip? Why would the Queen risk taxpayer wrath to spend millions to renovate Frogmore cottage for the 6th in line to the throne. I don’t think the DOS kept anything from the Royals. PH said they anticipated TM would be a no show so he asked PC to accompany her down the aisle. I think the Royals have shown how much they respect her and have folded her into the family. They knew she had some cuckoo family including dad. The tabloids, public haters, courtiers, and the Markles may not like it but The DOS is one of them now! I hope God continues to bless them and use them for good.

    1. I totally agree Andrea. Why on earth would Meghan go behind the palace's back and take this into her own hands? What good would that do? It's evident that she respects and values her new role, and also respects and is grateful for the royal family, especially those who have been so gracious despite this mess her family has caused. Along with you and some others on here, I'm also concerned that many are willing to assume she is a conniving person who disregarded the PR the palace has is place. I am going to focus on her nerves of steel and her determination to work hard. Can't imagine going through all this abuse (from family, the media, online trolls) newly married, heavily preganant, in the process of adjusting to a new way of life and a new country in the public eye with a smile in my face. I'm sure her strength and fortitude is one of the many things Harry adores about her.

      Lillian G, UK

  108. For some pleasant reading: Omid Scobie writes good reports of Meghan's appearances for Harper's Bazaar, UK. The articles aim to just "report" and are pleasant to read. He seems to make a point of interviewing the people that Meghan meets, and which provide good feedback on her events. So far, and I've read a few, I can count on not detecting a snide tone or underlying criticism in his words.

  109. I feel very sorry for her and that a parent, who brought you into this world and who should love you the most has betrayed her and used her for media attention and financial gain. How awful. I am sure this is extremely hard on her and she has had to deal with so much change in a short time. While most of it is positive, these are major life changes. In addition to her father being difficult, I think she is also dealing with the fake news of her and Duchess Kate not getting along. I think that is a pile of horse manure and the media just wants to create division and doubt where there is none. Shame on them. I commend you Charlotte and the readers of your blog for your professionalism and tact. While she and Kate are very different, it doesn't mean that they can't or won't get along. I enjoy both blogs and I am positive that while there are differences between the women and their spouses, they will work together for a bigger cause. Thank you for your fair coverage. I enjoy both blogs

  110. Sad to say money is a powerful motivator. THOMAS craves fame and money, He is irrelevant and this is his way of feeling good. Money on both sides..tabloids have to sell papers and Thomas is very THIRSTY! I do not click on any of the tabloid feeds. Ignore. do not click. I LOVE THE duchess of Sussex. She is grace personifies. Beauty inside and out.

  111. Renee from South Africa12 February 2019 at 06:42

    I now do understand why Prince Harry made the comment "the family she never had". May their marriage be blessed with unity, love, peace and happiness. Harry and Meghan I love the way you interact with people, and how Meghan touches hearts with small simple acts of love. May you go from strength to strength

  112. George Clooney has chimed in people.............

  113. Every family has disfunction and drama. Hurt feelings. Old wounds. Spats and disagreements. And maybe a person or two who would sell out a relative - it's said that everyone has their price (sigh). Bad enough when such things become public, but for the BRF, anything that becomes public also becomes magnified in the echo chamber of the media and social media.

    Meghan and Harry were two independent adults when they married - people who had built their own careers and public personas. They had lived life and knew who they were as individuals before becoming a couple. As such, I have every faith that they will weather this storm. As someone commented above... Onward!

    1. If I were in Meghan's shoes...I would have dozens of family members coming out of the wood works selling stories on me. You can't be close to every family member!

    2. Theresa J,
      YES! Many of us have some skeletons in the family closet. My family had a closet and a separate storage unit of skeletons. Lol

  114. After all the recent uproar this is a lovely reminder of all the good that little gestures can bring.

  115. My only hope is that both her father and step-sister will be given less air time as they have nothing more to contribute. They obviously have no new contact with Meghan, with nothing new to add to the tabloid drama. I despise how they are given any air time. Those of us who were raised in dysfunction recognize the narcissism and manipulation for what it is.


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