
Tuesday 24 September 2019

Harry And Meghan Celebrate Heritage Day at Bo Kaap

Following on from this morning's engagement on Monwabisi beach, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex travelled to the Bo Kaap area to mark Heritage Day, a celebration of great diversity, belief and traditions that make up the rainbow nation of South Africa. 

Their first port of call was Auwal Mosque, the oldest mosque in the country.

They were warmly welcomed by Imam Sheikh Ismail Londt and Muslim community leader, Mohamed Groenwald. Rebecca English reports they met Anglican leader Father Lapsley who moved to South Africa from New Zealand. He lost the sight in one eye and both of his hands during a letter bomb attack by a covert group of the apartheid security forces.

More from The Telegraph:

'As they arrived in the Bo Kaap district of Cape Town to raucous cheers of “we love you Meghan”, the Duchess stepped out of the official car in a floor-length dress with the cream headscarf already in place, holding hands with her husband. 
The visit is designed to promote understanding between the faiths, and will see them meet young people who have taken part in programmes to help them "develop respect for people from different religions, faiths cultures and backgrounds and an appreciation of the value of diversity". 
The Duchess has previously worked with the women of the Al Manaar mosque's Hubb kitchen in London for her Grenfell cookbook.'

Keir Simmons shared a peek behind-the-scenes. "This shot tells you all you need to know about how big a draw the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are... Look closely you can see Harry and Meghan on the far right behind the throng on cameras".

How picturesque is Bo Kaap? The area of Cape Town is situated above the city centre and is a historical centre of Cape Malay culture in Cape Town. It's a visual delight with cobble stoned streets and vibrantly coloured buildings. Interestingly, it contains the largest concentration of pre-1850 architecture in South Africa, and is the oldest surviving residential neighborhood in Cape Town.

A look at the crowds.

Inside, Harry and Meghan spent time with different faith groups and learned about their work to encourage interfaith dialogue in Cape Town. The mosque welcomes people of all denominations and strives to create inter-communal understanding.

The Duke and Duchess viewed the first known manuscript of the Qu'ran. It was created by Tuan Guru purely from memory during his imprisonment on Robben Island.

A 26 minute video from the visit.

What a background for a walkabout.

Meghan was given gifts for Archie and gorgeous flowers from locals.

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She placed one of the pretty purple flowers in her hair.

Embed from Getty Images

Heritage Day is a South African public holiday celebrated on 24 September. South Africans celebrate their culture and the diversity of their beliefs and traditions, in the wider context of a nation that belongs to all its people.

A fabulous photo of Harry and Meghan.

Finally, Harry and Meghan visited the home of local resident Shamiela Sanodien for dessert. 

Embed from Getty Images

Omid Scobie shared a look at the treats on display including traditional koeksisters. Shamiela told the reporter "It didn’t feel like having royalty over. They’re very down for earth. And proud parents — they said Archie has been very comfortable since arriving."

They told local resident Nazli Ebross Fakier Archie loves to sleep on Harry's chest.

From Sussex Royal:"The Duke and Duchess are so happy to have been invited to the festivities in Bo Kaap today, and were overwhelmed by the amazing welcome."

The Duchess selected the Staud Millie dress for the afternoon of engagements (with many thanks to Courtney). The $325 piece is described as: "The Millie in recycled tissue nylon is a full length dress featuring two front pockets, a button down front and matching belt."

Meghan's headscarf is the Cuyana Light Cashmere Scarf (with thanks to Meghan's Fashion).

Meghan teamed the dress with a pair of Sam Edelman Sally flats (with thanks to Meghan's Mirror).

Next, Harry and Meghan attend a reception at the British High Commissioner's Residence where they will meet young leaders and inspiring opinion-formers underpinning the rich and diverse nature of the UK's partnership with Africa. Might Baby Archie make a surprise appearance with his parents?


  1. Not a fan of the dress—although, the color looks good on her.

    1. Totally appropriate for a Mosque visit. She looks great.

    2. Totally appropriate for a Mosque visit. She looks great.

    3. I suppose it is appropriate, but it does nothing for her. Too long, too bulky and too shiny.

    4. I don't think this was supposed to be a fashion statement. Merely a conduit to allow her to be there. I was told by my Muslim friends that the clothes are meant to allow the woman freedom. She's supposed to be presenting her mind, not her body today.

    5. Caroline in Montana24 September 2019 at 16:42

      I agree, not a fan of the dress. but she looks beautiful in the headscarf.

    6. "Women should have all skin covered, and ankle-length skirts or pants are required. Sleeves should reach to each wrist and the hair should be covered by a headscarf. Pants or skirts that are too revealing, clingy, or tight should not be worn." This advice is the same on several websites. While I do not by any means want to criticize Meghan on this blog, if you look at what previous Royals, e.g., Diana, wore, they always had long sleeves. It would have been such a simple thing to have had a dress with long sleeves. However, I did notice in one photo that one young woman sitting near Meghan seemed to have shorter sleeves but with a flowing shawl. Anyway, I just feel, err on the side of caution, long sleeves would have been so easy to suggest on a tour wardrobe.

    7. Valerie, the trip advice you quoted are probably more applicable to Muslim countries. While there are some very conservative Muslims in South Africa you will find the majority (especially at a Mosque that do lots of interfaith work) to be a lot more relaxed. As you rightly point out Meghan is more conservatively dress that a lot of the local women in the picture.

  2. I feel like this dress misses the mark for a visit to a mosque as a etiquette is a covered chest and arms; the headscarf also appears to have been an afterthought. This is not a new problem for Meghan and it is disappointing to see given the amount of attention and detail that is goes into planning for tours.

    1. really dng MEI24 September 2019 at 14:20? So what is proper etiquette for visiting a mosque?

    2. as long as the head, shoulders and legs are covered, it seems to me that it's ok and that she has a good team that advised her otherwise I do not think she would be allowed to travel so far

    3. I visited a few mosques when I was in Turkey (in Istanbul and as well as a few small towns) and I was never told I needed to cover anything other than my head. I was with a local guide.

    4. Anne-Sophie de Paris24 September 2019 at 15:23

      Taryn vous ne représentez pas une monarchie. S'habiller comme elle l'a fait ,c'est rendre honneur à ses hôtes c'est représenter aussi la monarchie qui est au-dessus de toutes religions.concentrons nous sur les actes que posent Meghan et Harry. Le reste me semble dérisoire.
      Merci Charlotte pour votre implication.

    5. I don’t think the headscarf was an afterthought. The losely draped scarf gives the impression of a non-Muslim woman covering her hair out of respect, whereas a more coordinated look could easily give the impression of a Christen woman “dressing up” as a Muslim, with all the cultural appropriation that goes with it. I think Meghan did well.

    6. Yes really jmccain 24 September 2019 at 14:48...the etiquette for visiting a mosque is just as I stated-a fully covered chest and covered arms. This dress, while modest by most standards, does neither.

    7. Anne-Sophie, choisir ou non de s'habiller d'une certaine façon est poser un acte. Il n'est pas dérisoire de s'interroger sur les choix vestimentaires. Quant à dire que la monarchie est au-dessus de toutes les religions, je ne suis pas d'accord. La reine d'Angleterre est le chef de l'Eglise anglicanne.

    8. Anne-Sophie - I was not criticizing her. I was defending her choice of attire as entirely appropriate.

    9. I echo Tayrn - that's what I've experienced visiting mosques as well, in Turkey. I had to have sleeves.
      I forget how petite Meghan is until I see voluminous dresses like these! Not my fav ensemble but cool visit! -op

    10. Thank you dng MEI24 September 2019 at 16:37. I am done with dealing with things that don't bring me joy. Seeing the joy the Sussex bring to the people they are visiting is worth my time. Everyone let's all enjoy the Tour!

  3. Not wearing her ring?

    1. What's with this obsession of her wearing a ring or not? I don't get.

    2. Anett24 September 2019 at 15:34, I'm with you. I hope we don't get stuck on this topic and not hear what they have to say which is far more improtant

    3. I noticed that as well but didn’t want to comment. I don’t think it’s an obsession, just an observation. I’m sure there is a reason for her not wearing it.

    4. I'm sure we'll read all about it next week, in the Daily Mail.

  4. She and Harry look to be enjoying the tour. I have liked most of her clothing choices but this outfit is a miss for me.

  5. Catching up, I love Meghan's earlier outfit. It looked like what a young woman might grab to wear to the beach, and she looks very happy. She looked like a "regular" person, which everyone is. Totally relatable and nothing to be in awe of. This outfit for the mosque visit seems very respectful. She is a non-Muslim, so she can wear a scarf placed casually, as I have seen on many Muslim women. Love the dress.

  6. She's just gorgeous. Radiant.

  7. I feel like both outfits today were "working" outfits, like when a royal visits a construction site -- the outfit is picked for the activity or venue and not as a fashion statement. That said, I particularly love her shoes and bag from this morning, and like her shoes for the mosque visit. :)

  8. Hi!
    I think this dress is the same dress she wore at Archie’s first polo match with the Duchess of Cambridge. She just seems to be wearing the belt with it this time instead of it flowing loosely!

    1. Caroline in Montana24 September 2019 at 16:40

      I do not believe this is the same dress at all. this seems to be a different fabric and is way bigger, more like a tent. also a different color.

    2. No, it‘s not. The one at the Polo was olive and not as long as this

  9. I like this outfit. Very appropriate for a mosque. Love the shoes. Sam Edelman flats are the best. As for mosque attire it really depends on the mosque and region. I've seen Iranians go to mosque less covered up than what Meghan is wearing.

  10. Jessica in Los Angeles24 September 2019 at 16:27

    All this talk about Meghan’s clothes, but I was too distracted by Harry’s socks! In the video, it looks like he’s wearing black socks with his tan suit and brown shoes. It sort of looks like he forgot to pack the right socks!

    That said, I think Meghan has hit the sartorial mark so far this trip. This dress and scarf were perfect for the engagements today. She was modest and appropriate for a mosque, yet could take off the scarf for the remaining work afterwards. And I noticed people commented about her denim jacket at the beach earlier, but that look is perfectly on trend and suited for the casual engagement.

    Personally, I love seeing what Meghan wears, but I feel like her clothing choices often fade in importance once I watch the videos and see the photos of how engaged she is with the people. She really seems to enjoy this kind of work! I’m sure people think she is lucky to have married a prince, but I think Harry is the lucky one to have found someone who wants to take on the world with such energy and excitement!

    1. Anne-Sophie de Paris24 September 2019 at 18:02

      Jessica, je suis complètement d'accord avec vous. Les deux ont la chance de se trouver et se complèter l'un étant le roc de l'autre.
      Quant à ma prise de position par rapport à la religion, certes la Reine est cheffe de la religion anglicane mais elle est Reine de tous ses sujets quels que soient leur religion. La visite de la mosquée aujourd'hui jour de commémoration des religions dans ce pays n'est pas anodine.
      Ne nous blouquons que sur les tenues mais aussi sur leurs engagements.

    2. Wow! Here we are embracing Meghan's work to accept people regardless of how "different" they are and Anne-Sophie gets blasted. We can take an extra step and get a 10-second translation, or we can ignore the post. I'm enjoying immensely the posts. What would Meghan (or Kate) do? :)

    3. Jessica - I agree with you. I thought the beach outfit was darling but then again, I have a RL jean jacket that I wear and had it on Monday as well. And I thought the leather sandals worked just fine. Today's dress for the mosque - again, I thought, "that's probably what I would wear" - looked great on her. And more importantly she's comfortable and able to sit on the floor easily.

      Agreed that these outings have a real responsibility to them. And the clothes are in fact second.

  11. Die Bo-Kaap is one of my favourite areas in my city and I am so glad they got to see it. It is really a very special and unique place.

  12. Love the dress and button-downs are a sensible choice if she's still nursing and/or pumping. Speaking from experience, it can be difficult to find nursing-friendly attire and I think this is a beautiful, as well as respectful, choice.

  13. It was totally Awesome to get to see Prince Harry and Ducthess Meghen.. with the people inSouth Africa.. I can't wait to see Prince Archie with is parents ... such a Lovely Couple

  14. Wouldn’t it be that dress with the beautiful green color that Meghan was wearing at her husband’s last polo game, without the belt with our little Archie in her arms? I had loved this dress just as I love this one very resembling and very suitable for the visit. Very beautiful duchess.

  15. I'm thrilled to see the much-needed visibility that the Sussexes are bringing to interfaith work. Building bridges between world religions is a crucial step in our ability to empathize and understand another person's point of view. And I had no idea the first known manuscript of the Qu'ran was in South Africa! I also really appreciated Meghan's sensitivity in kindly telling the host that her head scarf had fallen to her shoulders. And wow-this community is simply brilliant! The buildings are so colorful and the sky couldn't have been bluer. I think the photo of Meghan with a flower behind her ear in front of that vivid pink wall may be in the running for best-of-the-tour for me. Thanks for the great write-up Charlotte!

  16. I love her dress and scarf I think it is a beautiful choice and they look beautiful against the colorful backdrop!! -IndigoIsle

  17. I looooove this dress 😍

  18. Thanks, Charlotte. A wonderful post. It is very clear to me that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex really enjoy being with people and want to help bring positive change to the world. I hope they continue to do well.

  19. I agree that the dress if very unflattering. Another choice of a longer maxi dress would have been better. Too bulky on her.

  20. the duke and duchess enjoying people inspiring are nice and lovely


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