
Saturday 28 March 2020

Meghan Narrates Disney+ Elephants & the Sussexes Move to LA

Hello, I hope you're all well and staying safe!

As so many of us continue to adjust to self-isolation and staying at home for the greater good, some of the key ways we are unwinding is availing of the fantastic selection of streaming content available from several providers. As you know, Disney recently launched their own service and earlier this week shared details about Meghan's much-anticipated contribution to one of their documentaries.

Elephant follows the journey of African elephant Shani and her son Jomo as they travel across the Kalahari Desert with their herd.

Meghan's fee for the project went entirely to Elephants Without Borders. In a statement, the organisation expressed their gratitude and excitement about the film:

'Elephants Without Borders (EWB) is delighted to be involved with the Disneynature Film “Elephant” and to help share the amazing story of elephants. EWB extend enormous gratitude to the Disney Conservation Fund for choosing our organization as the beneficiary for the film, enabling support for communities living alongside many of the elephants featured in the film.
The partnership and support it provides, will directly help elephant conservation and empower these communities. We are excited and immensely grateful for this incredible opportunity, which will enable us to continue our efforts in support of local communities and their coexistence with elephants.
Harry and Meghan’s dedication to conservation is inspiring. Together, we will continue to work to conserve Africa’s natural heritage, with a focus on empowering the people who coexist with elephants. Everyone at EWB is grateful for their friendship and their unwavering support of our efforts to conserve this iconic species.
Harry and Meghan have both visited us in Botswana, and have no doubt that their passion and dedication will mean they continue to use their platform to make our world a better place. Thank you Meghan, because of you, this film brings knowledge and information to a global audience which in turn brings them closer to elephants. The impact will be global, reaching schools, more homes and more countries.
In celebration of "Elephant" Disneynature and the Disney Conservation Fund are supporting Elephants Without Borders working on strategies to protect Botswana's elephant haven, helping to reduce human-wildlife conflict through education, economic development, and solutions that conserve and create safe elephant migration corridors, or provide communities with tools that help to protect themselves and their properties when elephants are nearby.'

Contrary to multiple reports, the Duchess has no plans presently to work with Disney in the future and chose this particular project after she met the makers of the film in Botswana back in 2016 when Harry took her there to learn more about his love of the country and the causes he so passionately champions.

'Disneynature said in a press release Thursday that Meghan is the narrator for a new documentary about elephants.
Titled simply "Elephants," the new doc will start streaming on April 3 on Disney+ along with a documentary about dolphins narrated by actress Natalie Portman.
Disney+ denied reports Meghan had signed a "further" deal with Disney before stepping back from royal duties, emphasizing "no superheroes, no animated films, etc."
Meghan met the makers of the film in Botswana in 2016 and had watched some of their footage over the years, the press release said. They later approached her about the role "knowing her passion for the subject and the footage," according to the release.'

The film is available from 3 April. Disney Plus is offering a free seven-day trial. Click here to to visit their website. I think it possible we might see a behind-the-scenes post from the recording at some point next week.


The Sussexes have also made a permanent move from Canada to Los Angeles according to several reliable outlets. Looking back to January, the couple hoped to keep one foot in the door in terms of balancing royal duties, their Commonwealth roles and desire for independence by dividing their time between Britain and Canada. I think it was quite likely envisaged they would represent the Queen and carry out some official work in Canada. When it became clear the options on the table were essentially all in or all out, any plans they had up until that point immediately changed.

For the time being they will be following all precautions amid this outbreak. They are undoubtedly thinking ahead and have hired Catherine St Laurent, a former Gates Foundation staffer, to lead their non profit. They will be close to Meghan's mother Doria and several longtime close friends too. Professionally they likely decided it was the best option for them as they commence a new chapter and a fresh start. Of course, the couple officially transition from their senior royal status on 1 April, so we'll possibly see an announcement to mark the day.

Until we chat again, have a good weekend!


  1. Charlotte
    Thank you for this update.
    Wishing Harry, Meghan and Archie ALL the best
    in their journey. I’m confident they are on the path
    best suited for their philanthropy, safety and joy.

  2. Again, a very informative post! Thanks
    Charlotte for your commitment to share balanced views and well based facts with us! Keep you and yours safe! Oh! English is not my language, but I hope that all of you get to understand my comments!

  3. as always Charlotte, thank you for your fact-based reporting on Sussex events and moves. I certainly hope that LA works out for them. I live on the East Coast of the US and after a vacation in LA several years ago, I completely understand why people visit and then never want to return to their colder and less hospitable locales. I am also looking forward to the Disneynature show. Both my children are over 18 and I would not normally be inclined to subscribe to Disney+, but Duchess Meghan has made me aware of what I'm sure will be a terrific show. I'm also looking forward to the Dolphins show, which is narrated by Natalie Portman.

  4. Charlotte,

    Before anyone comes here with bs about Harry Meghan and Disney!!
    According to Harper's Bazaar magazine:

    However, as reported by Hello! magazine, "The Duchess recorded the voiceover for Disneynature's new film Elephants in autumn 2019, after being approached by the filmmakers, Mark and Vanessa Berlowitz, earlier in the summer. Meghan had been aware of the film for some time and had seen some of the footage taken over a few years, so the team thought she would be a good fit for the narration given her passion for the subject."

    It seems that Prince Harry was, in actuality, singing his wife's praises to Iger, and not trying to score her a new job. Either way, the Sussexes remain exceedingly cute.

  5. Thanks for the update Charlotte I heard these rumours for awhile but hoped they weren't true. I can't understand this. They both said they wanted to leave the royal family due to the intense pressure from the media and press and then they move to Hollywood where stars are stalked by media and fans? I don't get it. I'm saddened also their son will be way more photographed there than in Canada.

    I'm totally bewildered. I guess she wants to do acting again but then why ever marry Prince Harry? I was hoping she was going to give it up like Grace Kelly and really be into the role.

    1. Meghan was born and raised in LA. That is her home don’t forget.

    2. Thank you Melissa for putting into words what I am also feeling.

      Becca USA

    3. There's another way of looking at this. They moved to LA. Not all of LA is Hollywood. The other thing is that LA has been Meghan's home before Suits and her seclusion in Canada after their decision to step away from royal life. Her mother lives in LA. A new mother with a baby will want to be with her mother and the baby's grandmother. In many ways she and Harry are doing what many people do and that is going "home" to family.

      There has been a great deal of change, upheaval and turmoil in their lives since they fell in love. (That's why marry Prince Harry.) Some of the events have been gloriously happy, some of them tainted by a malicious and vindictive media.

      I'd likely want to go home to mother, too, in that situation. I think they will work out ways to protect themselves and Archie. If not, Frogmore has not been taken away from them. That can always become their bolt hole between philanthropic events.

      Plus, if one considers Grace Kelly's end (and Diana's) perhaps that's the problem with giving it up to "really be into the role." Not what I would wish for Harry and Meghan.

    4. That’s exactly my question and would be my statement. Hard to understand the intricacies. May all go well for them. I don’t want to see Prince Harry hurt. He is totally out of his element. Let’s pray they will be back in Britain enough to harmonize their lives on both sides of the ocean. It can be possible with proper intention, care and foresight.

    5. Los Angeles and “Hollywood” aren’t identical. Los Angeles is an enormous geographical area where many wealthy people who aren’t involved in the entertainment business live, along with millions of people who work for insurance companies or defense contractors or sell furniture or run a yoga studio for middle class moms. It’s like any other American city. Meghan grew up there. Any assumption that she wants to return to acting is not supported by her statements or any credible source. Why she married Harry is most likely in spite of his place in the world, and gee, perhaps she loved him. Who wouldn’t?

      The former Grace Kelly married a royal ruler in 1956, when women’s roles were much more limited and every girl dreamed of marrying a handsome prince. She was 26, and from an affluent and powerful Philadelphia family. She was well-prepared for a Jackie Kennedy life as a political hostess. Meghan was 37, earned her own fortune, and came from a wildly different social class. It’s absurd to compare the two women.
      I expect Charlotte is correct, that Canada made more sense when there was talk of Harry becoming Governor General, and of the couple continuing to perform royal duties. Once the Firm made clear that wasn’t to be, that their only connection to the Queen would be a personal, familial one, sunshine and a place to raise their son where nobody cares was a better option. The Daily Mail will no doubt publish their tatty sidewalk snaps of Meghan like they do other American celebrities. There’s nowhere in the world that won’t happen, at least until George is old enough to be caught stumbling out of a pub looking the worse for a stag night.

    6. I'm afraid I have to agree with Melissa. My support since their announcement in January had been waining. This is really the end for me.

    7. Of course entitled to your opinion and it's all good because they are committed to causes...less so "supporters"...and thank God for that. Just wanted to offer that if your opinion is based on a move to Los Angeles, you can't possibly know much about the area. LA does not equal Hollywood.

    8. Becca in Colorado31 March 2020 at 01:19

      Melissa, it sounds like you don’t know California very well, as LA is massive and many without any ties whatsoever to Hollywood live peacefully there. Also, I think it’s a slippery slope to assume you know Harry and Meghan’s actions.

    9. Hi Becca I know California very well ;) been there a lot but i am entitled to have a different opinion than you :) if you read my posts ive been a huge supporter but can disagree with their actions respectfully

  6. Proves again the level of bs in the press about Meghan. So many falsehoods aimed at maligning her and her motives in every possible way. I saw the LA headlines several days ago, but refused to click on any of them. When it's an established fact, I'll see it on MAM. Thank you, Charlotte.

  7. The plight of elephants is so upsetting, and it is just wonderful to have this awareness plus monetary support from M&H. Just the fact that she is narrating has already been a lot of publicity for the cause. Nothing they have done has ever disappointed me! And I'm glad that Doria will be close to Archie during their time in the US.

    1. Very true Allison I forgot to mention in my post it's really important to bring awareness to the plight of African elephants and I love nature programs and look forward to seeing this documentary. I also agree being close to Doria will be nice for Meghan and Archie.

  8. I wish Harry and Meghan nothing but the best after the absolute shit storm they endured from the UK media which was exacerbated by the absence of any public support from the ‘ ‘royal’ family. Live your best lives. 👏🏼👏🏼💐💐

  9. Wow unknown really?

  10. Dear Charlotte, I hope you will post this comment, even though it’s not as positive as you like to keep things around here. I think I am not the only fan who feels it gets harder and harder to actually support how they go on about things.
    I am very torn about this decision. I like your assumption Charlotte, that they choose Canada because they wanted to carry out duties for the BRF. But then, this move is a definite sign that they truly have left royal duties behind them. No matter if there is a 12 month period or not. I also think they opened a can of worms with a move at this time. Firstly, it confirms what a majority of the not supportive camp talked about for a long time. They will feel proved right and you cannot argue in this point. Secondly, it comes at a time where millions of people have to give their personal and professional life a backseat. We all are suffering from the mental effects of social distancing, reduced personal freedom, loss of activities and amenities our society provided us with. Adding real economical fears and tragedy for many. The move at this point sends a pretty egotistical sign. Thirdly, the open cut of professional ties will stir up the calls for stripping them of their titles and remove Harry and Archie from the line of succession. And people will come back to tax payer funded police resources, especially at a time where there own society realises how thin those system-relevant resources actually are. Meghan quote about thriving instead of surviving will come back and haunt then even though it was never connected to this situation. Because at this point it is a case of survival, thriving is just a nice bonus.
    I believe the government will have no chance but stop paying for their security and I fear at one point the decision in the BRF will have to be made, if they want to maintain the monarchy or financially supporting Harry and Meghan. My personal opinion- they are middle-aged millionaires and it is pretty pathetic if they cannot live within their means. Maybe that means less rooms but more money for protection. Less brands but a better school for Archie. Less expensive vacations but good insurance. Budgeting with your own money is a reality 95% of us lives with. If they are not able to do that I would be extremely very to invest money in a business/charitable entity they set up.
    I really want to be supportive but at this point they either need to truly make the jump- you cannot give up duty but keep a grip on privilege. I wish them well in their life but right now they loose a lot of credibility in my eyes.

    1. As evidenced by your posts in the past, you were not a fan and you did not support them. It’s really fine if you don’t like them, you have a right to an opinion. This criticism of the Sussexes is of long standing and wholly unconnected to the corona crisis. It has already been publicised that Canada, the country that is paying for their security (not the UK), will stop doing so on March 31, 2020 at the latest. I hope you may find it within you to wait two more days. As you say, most of us have other things to worry about right now.

      Maggie – short for magpie

    2. @C.

      It’s curious that you often say things like, “I really want to be supportive but...” in you many posts. After saying that, you go on and whip up all kinds of scenarios an fault M&H for acts and thoughts as if you can read their mind and know their intention. It’s the opposite of being supportive.

      For example, you reached for old, completely unrelated comment and try to link it to covid 19 pandemic AND proceeds to tell us as unfair as this linkage might be, you are running with it, because, you know, some people may think this way. That’s akin to photoshopping and declaring it the real thing. Why do this?

      The BRF has many real and difficult issues. Like Andrew, Duchy of Cornwall and its rocky relationships with its freehold tenants, its curious silent on the mistreatment of Meghan, and finding its relevance in modern times.

      What makes me sad about your post C. is that you are taking advantage of this pandemic to attack these two. Frankly, if this was about the economics, you need to take a look at why the NHS was gutted this last decade when Britain’s economy was booming and not a peep by the BRF. If that’s too political then what’s the point of having the whole BRF at all? Clapping hands to say thank you is lovely, but it’s far from enough. Misdirecting venom at these two people is more distracting circus to avoid tackling hard issues we need to face. It’s an ugliness that speaks poorly of us as a nation that needs to unite, not looking for witches to burn.

      What has been clear to me anyway is that in dealing with a national and global threat such as this, the royal family is not the leaders here. They can’t be. Charles is up in Scotland. The Queen at Windsor. The other royals elsewhere. That’s actually very good and keeps them safe. It’s a good time to close shop.

      Let the NHS and the epidemiologists, the healthcare experts take the lead here. Our politicians need to take heed and listen. Once this is past when it’s time to rebuild the economy and the tourism industry, then bring the royal family back out.


    3. You put my thoughts into words, C! I've supported the both of them since the news first broke that they were dating - I even met them on their tour of Australia/New Zealand, but this really does feel... selfish, especially in the current crisis.

      Honestly, I was half hoping that they would delay their plans to leave the royal family, and return to the UK until everything has calmed down some. To support country over profit. But... they did the opposite.

    4. Charlotte,
      I hope you can post this, but I'm not sure it will make the cut. First I apologize for not being as diplomatic as I might have usually been, as I am worn thin from fighting Covid19 myself & stressed from watching my husband bearing the dangers of fighting this disease as a Dr on the frontlines each day. Like C, I too started very supportive of H&M & while I winced as their choices sometimes seemed to step on their own messages, I have run out of patience. They do not exist to please me or any of us. But I do feel many of their choices & actions this year have been at best, tone deaf & insensitive to the BRF & the overall messages they say they want to get out. I'm sorry, but I have stopped seeing them as the truly altruistic people I had hoped they were & have come to see them as quite possibly short sighted at best & selfish at worst. I too will be stepping back from reading here & of course as human beings I wish them well & with their potential..... I hope & pray my current feelings are proven wrong. I've never wanted to be more wrong in all my life.

      Becca USA

    5. C - thank you for saying what you said. You said it respectfully and you have given your thoughts. I wish I could have said what you said, but I don't think I can articulate myself as well and our dear Charlotte I'm sure wouldn't have posted it. But you are correct you are not the only one who feels this way. Thank you C and thank you Charlotte for posting C' s comment.

    6. Maybe Meghan wanted to be close to her mom in this time of great uncertainty. And since they don’t represent the RF anymore they don’t need to stay in Canada.

    7. Lynn in SC, sad for the world30 March 2020 at 00:18

      I agree with every one of your points and you phrased them with more tact than I thought then.

    8. Rita in Florida30 March 2020 at 01:07

      C. I agree with the general sentiment that it becomes harder to support them.

      I my be naive here, but I thought security on a go forward would have been worked prior to them returning in March. Given Harry sensitivities to the circumstances surrounding his mothers death, I would have expected that be hammered out with Prince Charles. Am I wrong?

    9. I'm completely with you in all the things that you said. I'm very upseted with this. It seems that they are in a really new journey without any chance to rethink their decision to leave their royal roles. You said it all C.

    10. There are several comments in your post that I do not understand or I don't agree with them.

      You said “But then, this move is a definite sign that they truly have left royal duties behind them. No matter if there is a 12 month period or not.”

      It is not a question of them leaving royal duties behind them.The monarchy took all of their royal duties away from them, except for being president and vice president of the Queen's Commonwealth Trust. And I’m not sure how much they will be doing in that role as I don’t believe they are allowed to do any more royal tours in the Commonwealth countries.

      The review after 12 months was to see how the agreement between the Sussexes and the Monarchy was working out. I always viewed it as a review of the financial considerations, or to put even MORE restrictions on the Sussexes. Nothing to do with them possibly coming back.

      You said “Firstly, it confirms what a majority of the not supportive camp talked about for a long time. They will feel proved right and you cannot argue in this point.” I’m not sure what you mean. Possibly the accusation that they want to be celebrities?

      You said “We all are suffering from the mental effects of social distancing, reduced personal freedom, loss of activities and amenities our society provided us with. Adding real economical fears and tragedy for many. The move at this point sends a pretty egotistical sign”.

      It might have been done at this time because the border was being closed between Canada and the United States.

      You said “I believe the government will have no chance but stop paying for their security and I fear at one point the decision in the BRF will have to be made, if they want to maintain the monarchy or financially supporting Harry and Meghan”.

      Prince Charles has plenty of his own money to pay for their security. For one thing, he inherited money from the Queen Mother. And if people in the UK have a problem with the Duchy of Cornwall money, which Prince Charles can use for his expenses, they should do away with the monarchy and that law which is hundreds of years old regarding the Duchy of Cornwall money and how it was established to provide funding for the Prince of Wales.

    11. I truly appreciate your candor and well thought out arguments. Than you. Brava.

    12. Exactly what privilege do you believe they keep that money doesn’t provide them? Their money, not the taxpayers. They haven’t asked for, nor are they being provided, taxpayer funded security in the United States. They aren’t getting money from the Uk either. How is it egotistical to return to Meghan's home town when we have no national lockdown and somehow many of our government officials and sports celebrities get immediate virus testing when you or I could not? How are these two people somehow wrong no matter what they do, for all the world’s ills? That they must set an example? Isn’t that why they escaped the gilded prison? So they no longer have to answer to the lunacy of misdirected frustration.

    13. Well said C.!!!

    14. I 1000000% agree with your sentiments. I was so happy for Harry when he found Meghan and they went public. I watched the wedding on the television. Little things started to bug me or make me question motives or moves made. The move to LA after the premise of privacy being why they moved has finally put me off them completely. I wish them nothing but the best but it has been made clear they want to be private individuals and in less than 48 hours we hit April 1st.

      Charlotte I adore all of your posts and appreciate all of the effort you have put in to the posts on this and your Kate blog over the last decade. I will still be an avid follower and visitor to your other blog but I'm out as a Sussex follower.

    15. Very well said.

    16. Again I must agree with C. I can no longer support this behavior. I truly have loved following them and have loved your blog Charlotte but this is really too much for me.

    17. C and Becca, you said it very well. Lucy, they were coming up to six months in Canada at which point they would have had to apply for visas because they are visitors to Canada, not residents. Harry has no more Canadian privileges of residence than any other British citizen has. Meghan was able to live in Canada previously because she was working on Suits, which was produced in Canada. Neither of them have any reason for a work visa in Canada now and their recent trip to Palo Alto showed that Canada was not a direction they were going anyway. Also, Lucy, you mentioned the border was being closed. Meghan could always have gone home to the U.S. even after the border was closed because she is American. The problem was going to be could she go back to Canada afterward. She can't now because she has no essential reason for doing so. Neither can Harry. They have closed the book on any Canadian domicile until this virus is over. Unless the Canadian gov't were to ask Harry to come and I can't see them doing that. M & H are now well and truly "LA folk," Meghan has returned to the life she once knew and loved. I pray that Harry will love it too.

    18. I understand what you mean C.
      I have another point of view.
      " When the gods wish to punish us they answer our prayers." I think that has just happened to the Sussexes.

    19. Hi C,

      I respect your opinion and those who share yours. However how do you manage to link covid to H&M ?
      Egocentric ? Every country one after the other has closed its borders. Only nationals can move back in their countries. Don't you think that they had to choose were to be locked in while they still had a window to move ? LA was Meghan home and where her mother - her most trusted support on top of Harry - lives. What did they do that many non famous people did around the world ? Check any news, there have been thousand of people moving around the world to be closer to their home country or loves one when they could. Why Meghan and Harry can't do the same ? Why don't you think that the move to LA won't help them achieve all the savings you listed ? Smaller house = less staff and less security details around. We don't know the set up and I hope they won't disclose it. Not because they have anything to hide but because from today they are no more related to any taxpayer money so they are not accountable to justify the use they make of their money.
      Meghan and Harry are adults, like us they do believe that at the time they take their decision that is the best option that will work for them. Like any human being, the future will prove them right or wrong. When right they will be happy they did it. When wrong they will learn from their mistakes and some mistakes may open to better opportunities. We can all agree or not with their choices, at the end of the day, that is their life. They will be the only one to face and live with the consequences positive or negative.
      They cannot be everything at the same time for everybody. I still don't understand the high expectation put on them and how people feel betrayed by the whole step down and it fallouts. They are doing what we all try to do : carry on with our lives with the situation at hands. The big difference : they are famous people who are trying to share their passion, use their voice, time and creativity to support some charities. In the process, like any human they will get praises and criticism. That is life.
      We all have different background, education and personalities so it is normal that a lot of people would have handle the challenges they faced differently. Differently doesn't mean better and we too would have faced praises and criticism.
      Best wishes to all in this difficult time with COVID.Keep safe and positive.

    20. Uffff- so many replies. Didn’t expect that. I truly loved to read all opinions- we don’t have to agree on things and I will touch on a few questions in response.
      @midlander- If you would read the comment section on the HRH blog you might have found that I did criticise the way people now seem to think clapping will help instead of finally putting money into the NHS. And I did do specifically in respond to the Cambridge’s clapping video. I also made my disgust about how the BRF and the Queen especially handled Andrew pretty clear I thought. I think I stated often enough that I think she turns a blind eye to her family and that this might bring them all down.
      Lastly Meghan‘s (in)famous quote. I brought it up because I had already seen people talk about it. It wasn’t very well received by a lot of people then and now it has resurfaced. I am aware the comparison is unfair but it’s out there. Life and gossip are never fair so we might hear about it more often.
      @Lucy in CT. (1) Lots if people claimed pretty early on they would end up in LA with her going back into Hollywood related circles and jobs. After the SA Tour those rumours got louder and a lot of people agreed that they would never stay in Canada. But the quickness did surprise me.
      (2) The borders won’t stay closed for a long time. That’s just reality. At one point they will have to opened mo matter if we are on top of the crisis or not. Economics will be put in front of health before countries crumble. It’s cynical but I have no doubt about it. They could have waited you know, just like almost everyone else. It’s not as if they are to enjoy company of friends and family in LA if they take the recommendations seriously.
      (3) Yes Prince Charles is insanely rich. But so is Harry. I have no problem having them funded by private money in terms of the involvement of the Crown/monarchy into private people. But it pretty pathetic if millionaires cannot afford their own lifestyle. It’s actually two separate points.
      @greybird: the uk doesn’t put cash in their wallet directly but as long as officers paid by the government protect them, they are saving money. It’s like as if I pay your rent. Your will have more of your own money at your disposal. And they still got paid for protection. Maybe not from today on- everyone has been pretty vague about it. So who knows. I miss a definite and clear explanation. If I missed it please correct me. I would be happy to hear it.
      As I tried to explain earlier, I differentiate between being governmental funded/supported in any way (wrong in my decision) and living out of Daddy’s purse (pathetic). So, while one might be resolved of today the other point stands. If you cannot finance your lifestyle as a millionaire I am not trusting you to be successful with the money of others...
      And yes, I think it’s appalling if people with money get in front of the line. It’s wrong. It was wrong to give PC a preferential treatment too (and I made that clear on HRH I think?). But neither those nor he is the topic here.
      @maggie: yes I am more critical then most here. I don’t get praising someone without seeing missteps. Harry and Meghan did some cool things, Meghan wore some gorgeous
      outfits, but they also did some pretty off putting things and she wore some terrible outfits. I could say the same about any other royal I am following and mind I say so, write my opinion in those comment sections. I find blind praise (or hate) irritating and somewhat artificial. Maybe it’s personality? I‘d rather have someone telling me what was good and what could be better instead being around yes-man.

    21. I am late to read these new posts from Charlotte. C I feel you are making a lot of wild assumptions about things you do not know. Yes, none of us know all the details in this but some want to give Harry and Meghan the benefit of the doubt instead of being overly critical. I get you’re not a supporter (which is fine) but accusing positive supporters of being yes-men and blind praisers is patronizing and unkind.


  11. My dream has come true! :)

  12. I guess people will "allow" them to leave their working royal posts IF they take no funds from the RF (which are RF funds, not public funds) and do nothing to make money. They still haven't made any money, although people are constantly accusing them of leaving for money. Meghan DID NOT make money from this job. The money went to a charity. What do you tell Elephants Without Borders? That they did not benefit? This film belongs to Disney. Disney is releasing it now, perhaps it will be enjoyed by people staying at home. If she wanted to act, then she has a right to do so. But she didn't. And maybe they moved at this time (1) because the border was about to be closed between the US and Canada and (2) her mother lives in LA. I'm sure they can live within their means, but Harry has said there are security threats that he cannot discuss.

    I don't know what you expect these hounded people to do -- they move to be near her mother, and suddenly she's trying to be a Hollywood attraction. She donates her time and energy for a wildlife charity and she's now disingenuous. By stepping back, they have allowed W&K to lead the way. I don't see the other cousins criticized for their lives.

  13. Susan in Florida29 March 2020 at 22:37

    I am worried about them maintaining security and privacy in the LA area. Archie will not be protected by the laws effective in Europe regarding children covered by the press. My feeling is this: if they moved not to be hunted down, this was not the place to go. No offense intended to anyone living there, but you all know what the paps are capable of doing. I understand them wanting to be near Miss Doria. feel this move , if it is indeed a move is a big mistake. They should stay in Canada.

    1. And in England he was compared to a monkey by the press in a vile racist attack. I'm not sure why you think the laws there would help as they failed when he was a mere two days old.

    2. LA and Hollywood are not the same thing. It’s a massive city and it also happens to be Meghan’s hometown and where her mom lives. The border between our two countries closed indefinitely a few days ago which would have meant she would likely not see her mom in person for a very long time. So many may feel the know best for this family but they know the details of their situation and what is best.


  14. I'm delighted they've moved to the US and I hope they are able to stay healthy and well during this extremely difficult time (which is what I hope for everyone). I think it is important to point out that Harry and Meghan never said they were going to live in Canada for the long-term. They specifically said "North America". I'm not surprised by this move to LA and expected it was coming sooner rather than later. There are many reasons why it will be beneficial for them, particularly since Doria will be nearby and she is a supportive person in their lives (in addition to being family). They are doing what is best for their family and I respect, commend, and support them in their choice.

    On a different note, I hope everyone is taking care of their mental health, just as much as we are all trying to manage our physical health. Maybe one thing we could do is share some helpful ways that we're managing anxiety, stress, lockdowns and stay at home orders, parenting and home schooling, and the general toll this crisis is taking on all of us. It can help to be reminded that we are in this together globally and that we are not alone in trying to cope. One unexpected luxury during this time for my family has been the opportunity to eat meals together each day and to have the time to talk about how we're feeling. The pace of life is slower right now and provides more time for listening and being fully present. My young children have been struggling to understand the need to be at home and what this pandemic really means, and they have also been very nervous and frightened. We've had many conversations about those feelings and these discussions have been a helpful part of our family time together. We are also doing a lot of baking, cooking, arts and crafts projects, reading, playing out in the backyard, and music making. Routines and structure are particularly important right now, and it has been a juggling act to keep a routine going in the midst of so much change and stress.

    I hope everyone is practicing self-care and finding ways to relax and recharge.

    1. Canada was a convenient place to be during the transition especially since the Canadian government picked up the bill for their security.

  15. Btw, Los Angeles is big, really big. It is possible to live in LA and ignore Hollywood, without even trying. When I read LA, I think: great they’ll be closer to Archies grandma.
    Lacy: I’m glad this is your dream!

  16. I thought they'd take the pandemic as an opportunity to go back into the BRF. I honestly believe this is all Harry, and him wanting to be free. He hates the press and the salivating public, with their never-ending and dangerous appetite for the salacious. Its no wonder he wants to be free, but... marrying him has ruined her life. Constant gossip, every past relationship front page news, frenemies paid to lie about you and worse...

    1. Why would the pandemic cause them to go back to the RF? I don't see them as all that connected to be honest. I don't even know if there is much of a role for the RF at the moment. This will be handled by government and public health officials. I'm sure members of the RF can do their part for morale, but it honestly makes no difference if Harry is there or not.

      And you know her life is ruined how? You've spoken to her? I go by the words I heard from her own mouth. She never thought it would be easy but she thought it would be fair. She knew this role would lead to headlines and gossip and interest in her life. She knew it would be hard. But the interplay with the Royal Rota became too much to bear in that they were forced to ask for PR from the same people smearing them and spreading racist garbage. That wasn't fair. They decided to end that way of operating. But I fail to see where it can be demonstrated her life was ruined.

  17. By going to LA Meghan is in fact returning home. She is an American citizen and has every right to return to the US. That does not mean she is there to get acting jobs or to resume her acting career. it seems many people are uninformed about what Hollywood is about or even what is meant when they refer to Hollywood as a place. She was born in LA and her mother lives there. Since they felt driven out of UK, the family needs to live in a country where one of them is a citizen. They couldn’t live in Canada indefinitely during this pandemic as neither of them are Canadian citizens. I feel that due to this racism fanned by the BM, Harry and Meghan must start feeling like they are stateless persons. I imagine that they are frightfully busy trying to set up their charity and deciding how to manage their new life. Meghan has lived a success and productive life as has Harry. It’s outrageous that people think they can bully and trash them at will without any truthful basis because they are public persons. It’s clear that some people are so full of resentment and hatred that seriously wish them ill. I pray they will find some measure of peace to rests Lisa their lives and plan their future. It appears to me that they are not getting any emotional or moral support from their families, except for Doria, perhaps. I’m glad that their commitment to each other appears to be strong. And once in a while perhaps we should all remember that what is on twitter and the internet is not the whole picture. I wish people would remember that Harry and Meghan are two people who stated that they want to be independent, not beholden to the taxpayers of any country. Why don’t we give them a chance to get their lives in order after their desire to serve the monarchy was obviously going to destroy them emotionally and mentally. Everyone should focus on their part on getting through this pandemic.

    1. Practical point that you stated. I never thought about it that way before.

    2. Becca in Colorado31 March 2020 at 01:25

      You’ve stated everything I was thinking. I agree!

  18. First of all thank you Charlotte. Thanks for all the works you've done, thank you for being such a wonderful human being, it's rare in these times

    Secondly, I'm really sorry for my english because I'm not a native speaker so sorry in advance if my words aren't well expressed or misunderstood.

    It saddens me to see that sometimes people are prompt to blindly assign blame on Meghan for every Sussex move. What made you think that it wasn't a joint decision. They are family now, and every choice they make is about their well-being, their future. And why blame them for that? Let's not judge them based on assumptions from tabloids or every leaks from the media. What we know for sure is H&M aren't canadian citizens and they weren't there on mission for the queen or the commonwealth and maybe their visas were expired. They say that they will live part time in North America (maybe US/ Canada) and UK. And why we all are surprised that they are now in LA. She is from LA, her mother lives in LA. There are so many reasons they move to LA and what we know for sure is we don't know their motives, and it's not up to us to assume them. Yes, they are public figures. But why are we so prompt to feel disappointed for every choices they're making. It's their life. It's not like every decisions they take will have impact in our lives, they are public figures, they are not politicians. And even if they are public figures, why should we have something to say about their lives, I won't let anyone doing this about my life and we have a bigger issue now.

    Anyway, let'wish them the very best and please everybody stay safe during this harsh period.

  19. Thank you Charlotte for the very balanced post. I must admit to being conflicted by the move at this time in the midst of a crisis that will change many lives forever. The optics are poor despite possibly very valid reasons. I was also very concerned about the British protection officers I felt very strongly that they should be back in Britain with access to their families and not stuck indefinitely on the other side of the world. So I hope the reports of private security are true. There are so many critical calls on the public purse now that it seems unexceptable that the many millions of pounds cost for the Sussex security should be paid for by public money instead the money going to things like ventilators and protective equipment for frontline staff. The stars were aligned for Harry and Meghan meetib but it seems not aligned for their current plans.

    1. The reason they need security is the same as for the rest of his family. And Harry said there were some specific threats. I think Charles is paying for security.

    2. Thank you Greybirdk and a few others for seeing and stating what actually is.

  20. Nicole from France30 March 2020 at 14:05

    Thank you Charlotte for’this up’dating , Inhope you and your family are fine , same for all the readers of your two blogs !
    I was quite abashed by M & H ‘s decision to settle in LA.... I felt they wanted a more ordinary (if possible when beeing rich , but you see what I mean ...) way of life , down to earth , simple , quiet . I hoped (that was very personal, though ...) that they would desire to live in a place that kept some of the European , and more especially British ways of doing and thinking . And they settle in what seems to be the most artificial community , where paparazzi are everywhere , where what you wear and what you look is more important’ than what you are .
    I have supported them  from the very beginning , and I shall certainly support them in the future, but that settling in LA , in my mind , gives an inappropriate twist to all what they said since they made their announcement . I do understand they want to be near Doria , I do hope their soul won’t change ..... anyway, I do not really care about the choice they make how to spend their money , they certainly will have to deal with that , they are supposed to be old enough to know how to manage with money ....

    1. Los Angeles is a beautiful and diverse city of far more than just Hollywood. Please don't judge it this way. It is not the least bit artificial. There are vibrant Asian, Hispanic, and African communities that celebrate food, art, culture, and life. Hollywood and the movie industry is of course famous, but it is not reflective of the way vast majority of angelinos live. It is also Meghan's birthplace and I am sure her attachment to it has nothing to do with Hollywood and more to do with connections to her family and home. I think this weighed far higher on their decision on where to move than a preference to be near Hollywood. But the truth is we don't know how they made their decisions and they are not obligated to share their thought process with us.

    2. Nicole,
      As an American, I find some of your comments above quite offensive and I'm gravely disappointed that so many people in Europe and other countries have deeply engrained stereotypes about cities and areas within the US. The United States is not synonymous with celebrity culture, nor is Los Angeles synonymous with Hollywood. This is a country with great diversity, not only among it's people but also among its cities and states. LA is not an artificial culture and for that matter, nor is the US. People matter in this country for who they are, just as they should everywhere.

    3. Becca in Colorado31 March 2020 at 01:27

      I agree, Sarah. Hollywood is only one part of LA and to assign motives based on a stereotype is both damaging (to H&M) and offensive.

  21. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. No matter what they do, someone will criticize or see them through their own prejudices and life circumstances.

    Bravo to them for doing it their way!

    Lesley from Dallas

  22. Thanks for the post Charlotte! I hope you and Mr. Charlotte are doing well and staying safe.

    I'm very excited about the upcoming elephant documentary and can't wait to hear Meghan's voice, it's been far to long! My only hesitation is that most animal documentaries have at least 1-2 really sad parts and Disney is kind of famous for gut-retching scenes, so I'm hoping I can make it through it or maybe cover my eyes and just listen to Meghan's calm, beautiful voice.

    I don't really understand all the drama and uproar around their move to LA. I imagine that this move has been planned for quite some time, long before COVID-19 was even heard of. So, were they supposed to not go through with this long planned move? Also, all they are really doing is moving back to Meghan's home town, where she was born, raised and where her mother still lives. Will it make their professional life easier going forward, probably but I don't think that is the biggest draw for them. Right now Harry is pretty estranged from most of the members of his family and possibly will be for quite some time to come, so imho, Doria is the only family either one of them have at the moment.

    Lastly, this "outrage" of H&M's security costs, geez oh pete, Brad and Angelina pay for security for themselves and their 6, count em 6 children. I bet H&M can easily handle their own security and have for some time. I think it's time we (supporters of H&M) stop being jerked around by the British tabloid gutter press. We know that they have spread nothing but lie after lie about the Sussex's so why is everyone in such a rush to believe anything they print??

    1. From experience, I know it is easier for both when you are a binational couple to live in a third country. Canada was a nice middle ground for them. The balance was first on his side, now it is tipping to hers. In both cases not the easiest situation.

  23. I hope you are all okay? I miss some of the regular voices here. I really hope you are simply busy taking care of grandchildren now ?It is not easy to find the right words in times that demand so much of everybody.
    Harry and Meghan just cannot do it right and they did not satisfy our need for happy endings. Not yet.
    The Windsor Family would not be of the same interest for us if most of them had lived descent lives undisturbed behind palace walls.
    Diana, Sarah, Margret and the Duke and Duchess of Windsor struggled constantly to find a place for themselves and, Prince Charles siblings did not really succeed in their ambitions.
    So I guess the BRF did not gain so much popularity through triumph but more from failure.
    There seems to be a hunger in people to see members of the Royal family under tragic circumstances.
    What I find interesting in Meghan and Harry is their attempt to create a happy life.
    They gave up the hopeless attempt to please the BRF and the public and decided to define happiness differently for themselves. Now they become harder to be understood or to be read. And they made it clear they do not want it. They want a fulfilled life for themselves and their children. They don’t want to sacrifice themselves and be a paid screen where everybody can project their feelings. ( of course people will continue to do so, but it is a fundamental difference for them if they do not owe it to the British State.
    I guess they are experimenting now and maybe LA will be their home or a different place in the future. I hope they achieve what they desire and become independent and happy Royals.

  24. Denise in Virginia30 March 2020 at 16:57

    Thank you Charlotte for all your posts, and thank you Lauri and Leslie from Dallas and greybirdk and all M&H supporters, well said all! The press and online trolls hound them regardless, people assign them motives with no real knowledge of their intentions. I say, Welcome home Meghan and Harry, I wish you happiness and peace and the time and space to live your lives on your terms! And isn't that what every person is entitled to? life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...

  25. I don't get these comments about "their behavior." I can only assume that Harry MUST maintain his position as supporter of those above him in the RF and dare not try to be a free person. He really is a free human, not an ornament for our enjoyment. I do hope everyone who thinks he and the person he loves are ours to approve will reconsider their behavior. I can't think of anything they can do now that would satisfy people -- surely you can be happy now that they are not trying to be above their station within the RF, but no, they must move where and when based on our ideations. They are no longer distracting from the heir and his wife, so surely that must make some people happy. Or was Harry doomed to not marry or wait until a very unassuming woman agreed to be his wife?

    I hope everyone who disapproves of the "behavior" that is based on what they read, I guess, leaves, which is very unfriendly and so against what Charlotte provides, but I do not see how you can read Charlotte's wonderful post and come away with such negative thoughts. I remember defending one of the negative posters a time ago when other posters were making fun of her -- I wish we all could be as kind to Harry and Meghan and not buy in to the negative press.

    1. With all due respect, this sort of underhand hint that 'the heir and his wife' were threatened is just as harmful as the opposite narrative (ie Harry and Meghan were jealous of the heir's prerogatives). Why do we have to pit them against each other one way or the other? Why do we assume then to be rather petty human beings getting jealous of their own family? I don't think they overshadowed anyone and if that's how it's perceived, I find that quite pompous and arrogant.

    2. Mar, Allison pointed out that some royal watchers felt that there was too much attention on the Sussexes, she did not mention the Royal Family’s views on this one way or another. That said, it is natural to have preferences, and just as some people feel that the Cambridges are more traditional and regal, there are others who find the Sussexes more modern, glamourous and interesting. It is all according to taste, nothing to do with arrogance.

      Maggie - short for magpie

  26. Harry and Meghan are closing their IG. I am very sad.

  27. Becca in Colorado30 March 2020 at 18:08

    Good lord, so much drama over their move to LA. I understand that H&M aren’t perfect and have not handled every aspect of this transition well. Let us consider, though, that they have really been between a rock and a hard place since the beginning.

    Whatever happened internally, there was not enough support from the BRF to counteract the hatred and defamation coming from the press and internet trolls. Their excellent work was completely overshadowed, with many people practically screaming for them to step down. So, they step down (with very valid reasons to do so, although it could have been handled much better) and the press and internet trolls continue to tear them down for every move they make or don’t make. Moving to LA lets them be near Doria, a firm support who is probably badly needed when their reputation is being crucified everywhere else. Moving to LA does NOT mean Meghan is returning to acting.

    For my part, I think Harry and Meghan need to be given the benefit of the doubt and some space to piece together what their future endeavors will be. Their work has always been exemplary and they’ve proven that they genuinely care. Why fault them for also trying to find some personal peace of mind while simultaneously putting their lives back together? It seems really harsh and unfounded to give in to the pressure of the press/internet hatred towards H&M and assign motives when for god’s sake, they haven’t even reached April 1st yet. Let them put the pieces together and be close to family.

  28. Lol. Good to see so many who post here are really ‘mad about Meghan’.

    People don’t have to be coy about disliking her anymore. Meghan’s behavior hasn’t changed and neither have the behaviors and attitudes of her detractors. Many comments here proclaiming their inability to support these two are similar to the ones posted on the Daily Mail. The Daily Mail ones are more honest and the language far cruder but these comments say the same thing.

    It’s fascinating to see how people’s pretensions play out over the last two years.

  29. I believe that the outrage to date regarding H&Ms security costs are because they haven't paid any of it themselves to date. I think both British and Canadian taxpayers got grumpy about that. It's all nice of H&M to say they want to be financially independent but the truth is that up till now, the taxpayers are the ones who have been paying for their security.
    As for them leaving Canada, I believe they left because they would no longer have their security costs paid for by the Canadian government so since there was no longer any benefit to them being in Canada, they left for LA.

    1. So not about their visa’s?

    2. Why would they leave Canada because they wouldn't pay for security anymore knowing for a fact the U.S. is not going to pick up the bill either. If that was true why leave as the bill still wouldn't be paid. As non Canadians you can only be in the country for around 6 months and they were on their 5 month with the boarder closing indefinitely because of the pandemic. If they stayed they would have been trap and in a status of overstaying.
      Also it is true that security cost had been paid by the British public up until now. However, dispite how people feel about it they were still Senior Royals up until April 1st,So why would you not be responsible for that bill until they were officially discharged.

  30. Dear Charlotte, Thank you as always for your calm, even voice.

    However, I am very disappointed to find so many comments here that could easily be read on the DailyMail. It lessons the joy of this blog. I simply have no time for comments by people who feel they own Harry and Meghan or understand all their motives. I'm surprised to find so much of that commentary here. I support Meghan and Harry in everything they do because I know them to be very good people, trying to make the world a better place. They tried to continue to serve the Royal Family while stepping back to protect themselves from the vicious and dangerous media. The Royal Family said "No", and so they are doing what they feel is best for their family. None of us has inside information about their thought processes or about the threats they face. Why do people think they have a right to insist that Harry and Meghan should return to the Royal family now during this pandemic (like it would be entirely up to them?), or that the optics of their moving the LA now are just not acceptable?

    Personally, I would appreciate seeing less of this kind of criticism here on your blog, Charlotte.

    Thank you.


  31. I've entered my comment about 5 times, and it doesn't seem to go through. Either the system has totally denied it, or you'll get 5. Sorry.


  32. Charlotte, how do you feel when long time readers and supporters of this blog are now saying they do no longer support the S?

  33. Many of us of all ages and nationalities have had to change plans and schedules amidst the pandemic. Add to that the already stressful change of life for the Sussexes and OF COURSE their plans are altered, sped up, slowed down, whatever! Right now they are also working under a deadline of changing their online presence to reflect the new reality of April 1. They made a move for now amidst closing borders and other realities. It's certainly not an unexpected move since they clearly stated North America and specifically mentioned Canada and the USA from the beginning. And let's not forget they have a very special first birthday celebration coming up soon😇 I wish this lovely family every blessing of health and happiness, as I do to all of you.

  34. The best thing that ever happened to the Monarchy has been allowed to slip away. These two were so good for the Commonwealth countries. They have too much star power for the dusty Royals. Their life is better lived in LA where creative industries can help them do the work for the betterment of the world. Good luck to them.

  35. Annette New Zealand1 April 2020 at 12:10

    I hope that their new life will bring them fulfilment and lesson the criticism. However the idea mentioned earlier, that the Queen prevented Harry becoming Governor-General of Canada is not true. We no longer have the British Empire where British aristocrats and minor royals are appointed as governors and governor- generals of the colonies. For many years now each Commonwealth realm chooses one of their own distinguished citizens whose name is forwarded to Buckingham Palace for the Queen to formally appoint as her representative. She doesn't choose them and would never appoint Harry unless Canada formally requested that she do so and there was very little chance that would happen. Once in that office as the head of state he would sign that countries' legislation and open parliament and perform other constitutional duties. They would both act as patrons, open conferences and unveil plaques etc but their roles would be probably even more formal and boring than most of their previous duties in the royal family. Certainly they would both be very constrained in expressing political views different to the government of the country just as the Queen is. The Prince of Wales has got into hot water several times for expressing his own ideas. (eg on modern architecture.) His so-called "black spider letters" to British Ministers have attracted much criticism and he has had to indicate that he would pull back from this once he became king. The British monarch and her Commonwealth representatives are definitely not supposed to involve themselves in anything which might indicate disapproval of government policies. As private individuals they will be free to do this of course. This may be one of the reasons they stepped down. We don't know for certain.
    Unfortunately under the present conditions in a locked down Los Angeles Harry and Meghan will find it difficult to set up their new organisation or even to visit the many charitable groups that already exist in that city. They certainly won't be out and about in the community for many weeks and there won't be many opportunities for publicity. It is possible that wealthy contacts will provide the funding for them to proceed with their plans, but I somehow feel that this current pandemic will drastically change the world as we know it.

  36. Another great post! I am so excited to see what Meghan and Harry do in the future. I certainly hope it is something in the public eye where I can see her personality again. No offense to the BRF but the institution as a whole, and its protocols really stifle each persons individuality. For example Prince Charles having to tone down his stances on things like climate change, etc.

    On another note, I don't get the outrage over the move to L.A. it is her hometown. Also the border was closing indefinitely and they could only be there for 6 months and the had already been there since Christmas which is 5 months.

    Honestly a lot of the people who are saying that they are upset about things like security and the move to L.A, probably weren't fans in the first place. Harry and Meghan are not perfect, nor did they handle this whole thing perfectly in regards to their separation from the BRF. However this strange knit pickiness, where their every move is a major failure, or proof they just want to make money or be famous. It is just disingenuous outrage, they are no longer working Royals they can do and be whatever they want, just like normal people. The British public paid for security cost up to this point and now it will be cover privately either by them or family. As they no longer represent the Queen or the UK anymore, I don't see why the optic should matter as much as before.

    On a positive note, I have disney plus to entertain my 2 year old. So, I am sure it will be one of the movies we watch at 4 am, when sleep eludes her.

  37. Hi Charlotte I would like to take this opportunity as a break from the somewhat polarised comments to acknowledge the women contributors to Together. Each recipe is prefaced by a short comment from the contributor. How enjoyable has it been reading their stories, the transition to their new lives and their inner strength in adapting to marked differnt lives from past times.

    I have made and enjoyed dishes of

    Leila Hedjem from Algeria
    Shaskshouka - one pan dish of eggs on a sauce of onions tomatoes and peppers
    And her Hummus
    And an often made vegetable lasagne

    Oxana Sinitsyna from Russia
    Green omelette - mushroom and herb omelette

    Ahlam Saeid from Iraq
    Timman Bagilla (green rice) broad beans herbs and lamb

    Faiza Hayani Bellili from Algeria
    Algerian couscous - vegetable chick pea and chicken on coucsous cooked the traditional way

    Gurmit Kaur - from Uganda
    Aubergine masala

    Hiwot Dagnachew from Ethiopia
    Spicy red lentils with greens and tomato salad

    Just to mention a few. Most of the recipes are fairly easy, and ingredients not hard to get. Perhaps in this time of universal lockdown those of us with the book could share what they have cooked as a tribute to Meghan for what for me was her greatest achievement as a working royal.

    A very big thak you to the women who contributed and shared a small part of their lives and in doing so have helped so many. I salute you all.

  38. I just watched the film "Elephant" it was really good.I hope you all get to watch it. Meghan's voice was very pleasing to the ear.

  39. I hope all goes well for Harry, Meghan and Archie.


Welcome to Mad About Meghan! We do so look forward to reading your thoughts. Constructive, fair debate is always encouraged. Hateful, derogatory terms and insults are not welcome here. This space focuses on Harry and Meghan, not any other member of the Royal family. It's not the place to discuss politics either. Thank you for reading, we look forward to your comments :)