
Wednesday 25 March 2020

Prince Charles Tests Positive for COVID-19 & Invictus Games Postponed

Hello to you all,

I hope you're all well, healthy and safe during this incredibly difficult time. Since we last spoke there have been significant developments here in the UK and in many other countries around the world. This a virus which does not discriminate and has put our lives on hold and left countless tragedies in its wake. The Royal family have been touched by the virus too, with confirmation this morning Prince Charles has tested positive.

A statement from Clarence House confirmed the future king and the Duchess of Cornwall (who thankfully tested negative) are self-isolating at their home, Burnham, on the Balmoral estate.

“The Prince of Wales has tested positive for Coronavirus. He has been displaying mild symptoms but otherwise remains in good health and has been working from home throughout the last few days as usual. The Duchess of Cornwall has also been tested but does not have the virus. In accordance with Government and medical advice, the Prince and the Duchess are now self-isolating at home in Scotland. The tests were carried out by the NHS in Aberdeenshire where they met the criteria required for testing.
“It is not possible to ascertain from whom the Prince caught the virus owing to the high number of engagements he carried out in his public role during recent weeks.”

It has been confirmed the Queen last saw her son on 12 March and "remains in good health". People reports:

'Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth were last together almost two weeks ago, when members of the royal family left London for their holiday homes to self-isolate amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The Prince of Wales, 71, who became the first member of the British royal family with a positive diagnosis of the coronavirus on Wednesday, last saw his mother the Queen, 93, on March 12, according to a statement by Buckingham Palace on Wednesday.
“Her Majesty The Queen remains in good health. The Queen last saw The Prince of Wales briefly after the investiture on the morning of 12th March and is following all the appropriate advice with regard to her welfare,” a palace spokesman added.' 

We last saw Prince Charles with Harry and Meghan at the Commonwealth Day service on 9 March. It's been reported he's spoken to both William and Harry over the phone. It's very much a situation where the Royal family are widely dispersed at present. The Queen and Prince Philip are at Windsor Castle, Charles and Camilla in Scotland, the Cambridges at their Norfolk bolthole, Anmer Hall, and the Sussexes in Canada.

As always, Charles had a packed schedule which included a meeting with Prince Albert of Monaco - who has also tested positive for COVID-19. His last public engagements included a dinner in aid of the Australian bushfire relief and recovery effort, hosted by the Lord Mayor of London, investitures at Buckingham Palace and the Prince's Trust awards. No doubt every effort has been made to contact those Charles was in close contact with during those events.

Victoria Murphy spoke to a palace aide who told her Charles is in "good spirits":

'Prince Charles is in “good spirits” despite testing positive for the novel coronavirus after experiencing mild symptoms, a palace source said today. The source said the Prince’s condition is “unlikely to escalate into a more serious case,” and he continues to feel well enough to work from his Scottish home, Birkhall.
Scotland’s Chief Medical officer has also issued a statement, which reads: “Dr Catherine Calderwood, Chief Medical Officer for Scotland, has confirmed that Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Rothesay, were tested for Covid-19 for clinical reasons. She is very pleased to confirm that both remain in good health.”


In other news, as expected the Invictus Games have been postponed until 2021. In a video message filmed in Canada, Prince Harry said: "This decision was the most sensible and the safest option for all of you and your families as well as everybody else involved in these games. I’m sorry that we could not provide this for you. Please look after yourselves. Please look after your families and please look out for one another."

On Sussex Royal, the couple have been actively sharing the best sources of information and mental health supports.

"Around the world, the response from people in every walk of life, to protect and look out for their communities has been inspiring. None more so than the brave and dedicated healthcare workers on the front line, risking their own well-being to care for the sick and fight COVID-19. Wherever you are in the world, we are all incredibly grateful. For all of us, the best way we can support health workers is to make sure we do not make their job any harder by spreading this disease further. No matter where you are, the World Health Organisation have shared some guidelines that can help. You may have seen or heard these before, but they are as important today as ever."

Sending Prince Charles good wishes for a swift recovery! I'm going to sign off with one of my favourite photos from the royal wedding because we all need to smile today. What an iconic moment this was...


  1. Dear Charlotte
    Thank you for sharing this news. Love the photo with PC chatting/laughing with pregnant Meghan,
    and, of course, love the delightful photo of PC greeting/meeting Meghan on her way to the alter. I have always appreciated the way you have pointed out how PC has been publicly and visibly quite friendly with Meghan, as evidenced in photos.

  2. Sadly it only makes sense that someone who sees so many people from so many places might get the virus but such excellent news that he is doing well. I hope that we were not told of his infection until it was moderately certain that he would remain well. That is one of my favorite two photos -- the bent arm is so inviting and the light is amazing. My other favorite shows Jessica's twin boys as they first hear the trumpet! SO hope that everyone else in the RF stays well. I now assume that Harry and Meghan have been tested.

    1. Why would have they been tested? There are not enough tests for regular citizens, testing H&M without any symptoms would be completely unfair imo.

    2. According to the doctor explaining the tests ordered, C&C were displaying symptoms, Anonymous 20:20. They were tested according to the established medical protocols.

      Initial symptoms are MILD and escalate. Therefore, we all need to pay attention. The fever and aches often present later in the course of the disease. Dry cough and headaches are big clues. (Wet coughs usually indicate allergies or cold-type flu.) Also two other symptoms which have presented in some cases of C-19 are the losses of taste and smell.

      I would recommend that we Google and follow the top-tier doctors who are offering video updates on the subject based on peer journals, not headlines in the press.

    3. Nicole from France26 March 2020 at 09:52

      Actually PC was showing symptoms, as said by Charlotte ....

    4. I said there were no apparent reasons to test Harry and Meghan, as stated in the first comment on the thread, not Charles and Camilla.

  3. praying for prince charles and hope he doesnt spread to the Queen and Prince Philip

  4. Rita in Florida25 March 2020 at 19:15

    I can't help but think this has got to be a very difficult time for Harry. I suspect there is some second guessing going on right now.

    Not that any us could forsee, but to have made their break at such a tenuous time, with lots of unknowns as far as their own future, a poor economy, and now an ill elderly father rather far away. That would cause me to be reflective.

    God Bless Prince Charles. I pray for his speedy recovery and anybody afflicted. Stay safe peeps.

    1. Perhaps but Harry didn’t quit being Charles’ son. If his father is sick he can call, visit (though maybe not with such a contagious virus) or any other number of methods families use to keep close. My own parents live 10 states away, it’s just a reality for many modern families. I don’t think Harry being a working member of the royal family or not changes anything about that.

    2. Absolutely agree with you Rita. I'm thinking there is some pondering going on there. Not only with his father, but with his grandparents.

    3. 2020 has been a very unpredictable year so far. I hope regret is not something Harry and Meghan are entertaining on top of everything else.

      Yes, stay safe everyone!

      Victoria, Oregon

    4. Becca in Colorado25 March 2020 at 20:50

      I don't think this really has anything to do with their decision to step down as senior royals. Even if they had remained, Prince Charles would likely still be ill and Harry and Meghan would not be able to see him due to quarantining.

    5. he cannot visit, Anon. Isolation also means not going to anybody’s house. Or are you ok with Harry visiting his father but not ok with any member of the RF doing official visits?

    6. Rita, remember Harry and Meghan wanted to step-back, not step-down, but that option was not available to them. Maybe at the 12-month review, both sides might reconsider.

      And yes, even if Harry was living in London, he would not be able to see his father because of quarantining.

    7. Before COVID, I thought about Harry moving far away but consider that it is far away only for some people. It sounds like C&C have been very busy this last year and did not hang out much with H&M. Meghan and Harry are always flying somewhere for an event, for a personal event such as to see Serena play, or for a vacation. They probably won't see him any less now than they did before. And you can have an instant chat via zoom and all sorts of other platforms. As Becca said, they can't see them in person anyway.

    8. Just because you would be "reflective" doesn't mean they feel the same way. They(Harry) made the best decision for the family, lets accept it and move on instead of projecting our feelings on them. And like Anon brought out they are still a family, that never changed.


    9. Anon 21:27 is this directed at me and my comments against official engagements? Which I still stand behind and I’m incredulous that they are so controversial. My comment here was about the broader context of Harry still being his fathers son and able to maintain a familial and personal relationship in any number of ways regardless of his Royal role (and I do clearly state in my parenthetical in my original comment likely not a visit with a contagious virus).

      To be clear. No I am not OK with members of the RF doing official visits and engagements. This is not me being difficult as seems to be the consensus here. This is the broad advice being put out by both national and international health organizations. This is a virus, not a terrorist attack or natural disaster. It is invisible, contagious, and impossible to predict who will become infected (and as we have seen royalty status is no defense) and our only defense is social distancing and isolation. I enjoy the royal family and believe they have an important symbolic and traditional leadership role. So for me logic follows in this time that in order to fulfill that role they should lead by example and cease public appearances of any kind. I still believe morale can be impacted by creative social media and encourage them to do this.

      Charlotte I have enjoyed your blogs and will continue you to do so in the future. However I will no longer comment. I realize my words were taken as aggressive or mean spirited. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am a front line health care worker and am seeing the impact of this terrible virus every day. Yesterday we began rationing ventilator access at my hospital in Queens, New York. So yes I took it personally when members of the royal family seemed to go against the words of health care officials that have been in the public awareness for weeks if not months now. I thought and continue to think that was a misstep in light of the severity of the situation. A misstep that potentially makes it very hard for people like me to do my job. People will underestimate this serious advice if they see public visits to call centers or other locations.

      I wish you all, including members of the royal family who I have always admired and followed as a personal hobby, the best of health in the challenging weeks to come.

    10. Anon 18:18 -- NYC is having a horrible time right now. I'm sure most of us cannot fathom it. There is a finite limit of healthcare workers, and they are facing continual exposure plus fatigue. Not having enough PPE, which is the only barrier they have to the disease. Frankly, it is not whether a RF member desires to make a visit -- that RF member can be the one who transmit the virus from one handshaker to another. Or by just letting the public think it is safe to gather. Everyone took this virus seriously much much later than they should have.

    11. Anon, I agree with most of your comments. However, I do hope that you reconsider stepping away from commenting at this site. I have always enjoyed your thoughts. Living in the NYC area I am well aware as perhaps many are not of the severity of this crisis. I have to believe people are unrealistic as they can't appreciate the crisis we are in. I am sorry that you have been offended. But, just think of the comments to come if the local news outlets are reporting accurately that H&M have left Canada just prior to the border shut down and are now living in California. We must remember they said they were splitting there time between the UK and NORTH AMERICA not Canada specifically. Stay well and thank you for your service. I applaud you.

    12. I had 30 years experience as a front line healthcare worker as an RN with ICU\ cardiopulmonary focus. I have found the fear of illness can sometimes cause nearly as much harm as the illness itself. I deplore the rationale that Charles is now positive so maybe William and Catherine caught it from him and managed to infect the workers they were supporting- without touching, coughing, or sneezing. (I did cringe when I saw one person after another putting their hands on the hand sanitizer pump. I also see this in the doctor's office. They should all know better.And seeing healthcare workers with no shoe covers...)
      I have pondered at the seeming paradox that spouses can test negative while their partner has tested positive. Not just Charles and Camilla, for example; Sophie, the wife of the Canadian PM, tested positive while her husband was declared negative. What about the wife of Prince Albert?
      I do understand where you are coming from, Anon. It is a desperate situation. Although I am quite elderly now and retired, I find it impossible to get my mind off the hell you all have been going through. I know how draining it can be even on a good day. There are no good days in healthcare now. I feel guilty for not being there with you.
      I do think it would be therapeutic if we each could recognize the efforts of others, who though not front line caregivers try to contribute with whatever skills or roles available to them. That's all William and Catherine were doing.
      I speak not only as a nurse but also as an elderly person with both heart and lung disease. The chance of my surviving this virus is very slight. I suspect my most helpful contribution would be to sign Do Not Resuscitate forms so that no one will have to make the choice between my survival and that of a younger, healthier person.

    13. Anon 18:18,

      Thank you for all that you are doing!! You are Definitely on the frontlines there in New York! It's getting crazy here in Chicago & my husband has had to do Biopsies for days without the proper PPE! I wish people would take the reports to heart & realize that they are true! I pray for the needed PPE to get to you all & any Healthcare Workers who needs it!! Take Care!! (praying hands)

      Becca USA

    14. Rita in Florida27 March 2020 at 20:35

      Anon 26 18:18 Clearly those on the front lines like you have insight and perspective that the vast majority do not. Thank you for what you do. My niece is an RN at New York Presbyterian Hospital and her accounts are sobering.

      I think the RF is trying to do their best under the circumstances and follow guidance they receive. I cannot imagine any of them pushing past guidance, particularly health related.

    15. Members of the Spanish, Swedish and Netherlands RFs have been out yesterday and today visiting hospitals or supermarkets. They’re not shaking hands and they’re following all protocols established to protect our lives. The fact that some of us think that RFs have an obligation to support and thank the nation workers on behalf of the whole country does not mean that we are against isolation and quarantining. As I’ve said before, I’ve been at home for 2 whole weeks. The situation here is terrible, we all recognize the health staff work and are doing our part to stop this. One thing has nothing to do with the other.

    16. Becca and all HCWs -- I cannot fathom how "we" can let the lack of PPE happen. To let it be lacking for just 1 day, just 1 biopsy, is so scary. It's scary with PPE. It seems like mayors and governors and groups like the AMA can make as much noise as possible but action is slow. Our Lt Gov is saying that we should get back into everyday life for the economy and he says he is sure older people would sacrifice their lives for their grandchildren's economy! Aside from the so many things that are wrong about that statement, it doesn't help all the HCWs. I think 10,000 retired workers are coming back to work in NYC, and I hope everyone is protected.

    17. Anon, I do hope you will stay and comment. You are completely right about everyone staying at home, “morale” might be boosted by being up and about but so will the death rate. Thank you for all that you are doing. It is very hard to raise awareness for invisible dangers.

      Maggie – short for magpie

    18. I don't know which Anon is meant but I hope everyone remains on this site commenting.

  5. I pray that Charles will make a full recovery. And Charlotte, hope you and yours are safe and well. God bless.

    1. Thank you Anon20:40 and everyone else who wished and prayed for Charles full recovery!
      Yes, that’s what we all pray for.

  6. I don’t know why some of you trying to put Harry on a guilt trip we all have parents we are far from but we communicate with them why must it be different with Harry he would have made the best decision for his immediate family none of know what he his wife and kid was going through

  7. its ok forever everyone safely i hope and pray he id good health

  8. I read reports that Meghan’s now doing a voiceover in exchange for a charitable contribution, and also that the couple have now moved to LA.

  9. Good evening Charlotte. Thanks for this post. Could you, as soon as you can, give us more information about Meghan's plans with Disney? Here is a sad period when everyone must learn a lesson in humility and remain positive.
    With this violent pandemic, we understand even more, that everything is vanity and that respect for each other is the most essential thing. In good hearing hi ... The Lord protects us.
    Can't wait for Charlotte's next article on H&M💓💓💓

    1. She does not have any plans with Disney as far as I know. This voice over for the elephants was done last fall.

  10. Charlotte, do you have any confirmation that the news is true that H&M have decamped & are now living in Los Angeles?

    1. Hello,

      I understand it is true. I'll have a new post with all updates tomorrow :)

  11. Feel so sorry for the UK protection officers who must be stuck ?LA indefinitely away from their families. How absolutely awful.

  12. Annette New Zealand28 March 2020 at 00:24

    As of 31 March they will be no longer carrying out duties as part of the royal Family who are all in lockdown anyway, so where they self isolate is up to them. I presume that as their future income prospects would be better in California, that will be their main base in future. Disney is based there. Doria lives there and Meghan will no doubt want to be close to her. This crisis could bring about the wider family drawing closer together perhaps?

  13. I hope everyone is safe and we ALL, at some point, soon I hope, get through COVID-19🙏🏽. Thank you, Charlotte for that classic wedding pic. One of my favorites also.


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