
Saturday 1 August 2020

Inspired by Meghan & How Together is Helping an Amazing UK Charity

Ahead of Meghan's 39th birthday on Tuesday, members of the Sussex Squad launched a fundraiser in collaboration with a charity supported closely by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. The amazing people behind a range of initiatives, from the Global Sussex Baby Shower to, Happy Father's Day Harry, Sussex Great Forest and Archie Day, choose causes carefully - responding both to Harry and Meghan's areas of focus, and also core issues they're battling on a global level.

Sussex Great Forest: a purpose-driven effort started by eleven women who support the couple. After reaching their initial goal of planting 10,000 trees for Archie's first birthday, they realised a much larger target was reachable. Through their sheer hard work and determination and support from all over the world, Sussex Great Forest has now planted over 110,000 trees. Meanwhile, Archie Day's goal was to support organisations assisting those most vulnerable during the pandemic. The new initiative, the aptly named Inspired by Meghan, is in aid of Camfed and supporting girls' education, which has always been at the heart of Meghan's efforts.

CAMFED is an international non-profit organization tackling poverty and inequality by supporting girls to go to school and succeed, and empowering young women to step up as leaders of change. Since 1993, CAMFED’s innovative education programmes in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Ghana, Tanzania and Malawi have directly helped more than 2.6 million students to attend primary and secondary school, and more than 5 million children have benefited from an improved learning environment. The charity was chosen as a beneficiary of the aforementioned Global Sussex Baby Shower, receiving £21,000.

Meghan began privately meeting with representatives from Camfed before the wedding. On International Women's Day, Meghan joined several female change-makers, including Angeline, for a panel discussion in London. Speaking about barriers to progress for women she said: " That is one huge thing, a lack of access to education in my mind is the single largest hindrance to this equality that we are all seeking out." The Duchess also recorded a video message for Camfed's Education Changes Everything gala in New York, which took place earlier this evening. In her role as vice-president of the Queen's Commonwealth Trust, the Duchess said: "A girl who is educated becomes a woman who is influential."

During an engagement in South Africa, Meghan told a group of representatives from Camfed: "I'm so happy to be with you. We’re just so proud, as president and vice-president of the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust, that we can support you in everything that you do because we cannot begin to express how valuable and vital that work is. We’re just incredibly proud to be part of it." Executive director Angeline Murimirwa told Meghan: “Since you yourself were a young girl you have advocated for women as equal beings with the power to make lasting change, and I know this is something you will instil in Archie. I always think of a saying in my local language, Shona: "Chinonzi rasa ndechirimumaoko kwete muropa." It means: "You can only be told to throw away what is in your hands, not what is in your blood." The fact that you care, that you advocate, that you shine a light on this and always have done, means so much." Below, Harry and Angeline.

A representative from the Sussex Squad said: "One of the great things about being fans of Harry and Meghan is never being at a loss for inspiration to celebrate them in purposeful and meaningful ways. Fundamental to their appeal is how earnestly they carry out their humanitarian work, serving and embracing young leaders around the world, who, as they flourish, make sure that no one in their communities is left behind."

'A Camfed spokeswoman told HuffPost by email on Wednesday that this sort of activism from fans of celebrities is “absolutely unique” in the group’s experience
“We are uplifted by, and in awe of what they are doing,” the spokeswoman said. “The Sussex Squad has turned its inspiration into concrete action to make the world a better place.”
Calling the scholarships “empowering,” she added, “With this #InspiredByMeghan fundraiser, the Squad has created a really purposeful movement for good on Twitter. It’s not only about being inspired, but also being inspiring. You can feel the passion, momentum, and the belonging this engenders, and we are really proud and energized to be part of it.”  
Trin (one of the team spearheading the fundraiser) said she chose the hashtag #inspiredbyMeghan “because, for me personally, it is thanks to Meghan that I realized how female education is one of the most single important areas to work on to better society.” She added that she wants to bring awareness to the cause and help as many girls as possible to continue their education.'

If you would like to support the initiative, visit the Inspired by Meghan page on Camfed's website. In six days, enough has been raised to educate nineteen young women for a year. That's nineteen futures impacted, nineteen women whose potential can be nurtured and fulfilled. Nineteen families looking to a brighter future.

Everyone should be afforded the opportunity to receive the education they want, but more importantly the education they have the right to receive. And for women and girls in developing countries, this is vital.
          - The Duchess of Sussex


In other news, it has been announced £8,000 of proceeds from Together: Our Community Cookbook has been donated to UK-based charity Migrateful on Meghan's behalf. The charity was delighted with the unexpected news which included the following message: "This email comes with the Duchess' very best wishes to you and the incredible people you support." Migrateful runs cookery classes led by refugees, asylum seekers and migrants struggling to integrate and access employment. Their ethos is very much in step with the Hubb. It's wonderful to see how the positive impact of the cookbook continues.

'Migrateful, a London-based project, shared the news in a tweet, saying: "We're so excited to share that we have received a donation of £8000 from The Royal Foundation on behalf of The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle! We are immensely grateful for this donation which will go towards supporting the Migrateful mission."
A source close to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex confirms to HELLO! that the donation has come from the proceeds from the Together cookbook, which is still part of the Royal Foundation. '

I have no doubt Harry has something special planned for Meghan on Tuesday. I hope it's a wonderful birthday for the Duchess!


  1. Thanks for posting this. I've been an ongoing supporter of Camfed since learning about them through your website, and giving an extra donation in honor of Meghan on her birthday is a joy for me.

  2. Dear Charlotte
    Thank you so much for all this wonderful news! I always love hearing how Meghan and Harry’s work is the gift that keeps on giving. And giving in all the right places. This is uplifting news when I, and I’m sure many other people, need uplifting news!
    A while ago, I learned on this blog that Meghan and Edwards Forces for Change issue of British Vogue was the fastest selling issue. And I heard Harry’s beautiful message re his mother’s legacy. Thank you Charlotte for reporting on all the good M and H do and the good they inspire in others.

  3. What a lovely write up. I know one of the driving forces behind the sussex great forest initiative and it would be harder to find a lovelier person.

    One thing I have to.give the squad credit for is they've put their money where their mouths are. Not many fans of anyone do that.

    1. I agree bluhare. I was thinking about this same thing the other day and could not recall one royal, celebrity or world leader who has inspired this type of community service. And not just once but what 4 times now since the Sussex's have been married? As I said in my comment, I don't think this is the effect the British tabloids were wanting when they started their abusive reporting on Meghan but I'm so thrilled to see this push back against them, push back that ignores their narrative but instead is writing a whole new one and it's one of purpose, support, giving and love.

    2. I agree with your comment.

  4. Thank you Charlotte for a lovely post. After shelter adequate clothing and food education is the single most important thing as it gives choice and opportunity. One great sadness for me is how in this modern world education has become devalued by people who have the opportunity and choose not to take it.
    I was pleased Migrateful was given grant money I follow them on Instagram and enjoy their posts it is hard to move countries and apart from learning skills Migrateful provides a point of contact. We mostly lead very busy lives and often have no time for concern for our neighbours.Toggether has always been for me Meghan's stand out achievement. I can commend the book to you all.

  5. Denise in Virginia1 August 2020 at 21:26

    Thanks Charlotte for the great write-up, and thanks to the Sussex Squad for making it easy to help a great cause and honor Meghan, who is always an inspiration. :)

  6. Hello Charlotte, hope you and yours are doing well.

    Thank you for your write up and it is so lovely to see how much has been donated to CAMFED in such a short period of time. Those organising it have done a splendid job just like the previous initiatives you mentioned.

  7. Thank you Charlotte for those informations.

    I am so happy to have Meghan & Harry 's news.
    Meghan is inspiring for many young women.
    Congratulations at Sussex Squad post for their initiative .bravo Sussex 'fans for their generosity.

  8. I think the greatest good of Harry and Meghan's humanitarian work is that they also themselves inspire others to help their communities and neighbours.

  9. I love that their charity work helps groups of people in general while also helping individuals. The Hubb Community cookbook remains an amazing venture, and I love reading about the new ones.

  10. Thank you Charlotte for those informations. I am so happy to have Meghan & Harry ' news. Meghan is inspiring for many young women.
    Congratulations at Sussex Squad podcast for their all initiatives.
    Bravo Sussex ' fans for their generosity.

  11. I think it’s very nice that people come together to support a charity as her birthday present. It’s a lovely gesture and surely highly appreciated. Some might remember that I was not too impressed when her fans did it around Archie‘s birthday, as he is his own person and people should just leave him be, till he can make his own decisions about his life. Meghan and Harry have decided to life such a life and they must be proud that their fans decide to celebrate with them in that way.
    I am surprised to learn that Sussex Squad is actually a structured group and not just a hashtag/self identification tag. It always sounded a bit childish to me, so I believed it to be something that fan-girling teens used. Especially as I have seen VERY nasty stuff thrown around with the hashtag. I guess they have no control who uses the hashtag, because some things leave a very bitter taste.
    I am also surprised about her donation to Migratful or rather where the money came from. I thought the whole profit would be transferred back to Hub and they decide what it would be used for. Was there ever any intel on how the money was split? Because I thought buying the book meant supporting the Hub initiative directly?
    I hope we might get some pictures of Meghan and her family as a little treat at her birthday. It will also be interesting to see if the royals accounts will acknowledge it. I never believed the rumours of a rift when it all started and I still hope that everything that doesn’t come out of their own mouths is mostly exaggerated gossip. Let’s hope the distance will ease the tension and they can all find back to loving and amicable relationships.

    1. I think that the proceeds from the Hubb community cookbook remains under the control of the royal foundation because the group of women and the Hubb "community" are not a registered charity, so the money cannot be given directly to them because they would have no structure to administer the funds. However, I'm glad to see that Meghan still seems to be acting as "patron" on behalf of the "community" (which if I recall correctly was added as one of the cornerstones of the Royal Foundation when she married Harry). I notice that when Harry and Megan split from the original foundation, and then shut down their own foundation, all of their patronages were already set in their own charities or foundations, or Harry saw to it that they were set up to be independent. How Harry deals with his patronages and charities clearly shows his efficacy as a humanitarian and patron. His three great organizations, Sentebale, Invictus, and Endeavour are all highly successful and they've all spoken about Harry's leadership, drive and vision. Meghan only has four patronages, but she works with them in a way that helps their sustainability. Both Harry and Meghan are very impressive in the way they do their humanitarian work.

    2. C, I particularly think that H&M should not include "Arch" in the name of their new foundation, charity, etc. It's hard to be your own person when your parents have your name on a foundation. The Hubb cookbook says in it that all proceeds go to the Royal Foundation, so I suppose a percentage goes to the women and another percentage goes for other charities.

    3. @Anonymous 20:12. I don't think not being a registered charity is a problem? They didn't need to be a charity to get support and tons of people, initiatives and organisations get money for books without being a registered charity. I can see that being negotiotad through the Royal Foundation they probably had access to better rates and lawyers and maybe better selling and tax conditions when the profits go to a charitable entity. I still thought that a majority of the profit would go back to Hubb, as they provided the content of the book and are in need of funds. Well, I guess their precentage fits their contribution and work.
      I do think the more intense concentration on fewer charities goes a long way. I always championed this idea for the BRF over on HRH for years. They all should pick a handfull that they work with in that intensity, a topic that will focus their main charity picks (I think we saw that with Heads Together: Mental health (all)in men (Wiliam), military (Harry) and early years (mothers and children). It wasn't perfect but a good starting point and I think they learned from it) and of course a wide range of charities and functions they do inbetween and that are fine with a visit or letter every other year.
      Thanks Allison for clarifying. Good to know.
      It is great the Harry and Meghan continue their work. I suspect though that Meghan will set eyes to other charities in the future and drop National Theatre and The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU). They are very much tied to her former role as senior royal and I guess it will be hard to continue these patronages in a successful way. Mayhew and Smart Works are not as prominent in terms of the royal world and in profile, so I can see her keeping them but wouldn't bet on it. Continuing to support the Hubb Initative would be great. My guess is, we will see more US focused and global charities in her portfolio that deal with racism and female empowerment. Harry's situation is different. Sentebale, Invictus and Endeavour Funds(for ex-military personel- not to be confused with the Endevaor program for entreprenourship where they had their first official engagement in March after they publicly declared to step back and also the Endeavour charity to empower young people) were his "babies". He either had the idea or worked to set up a UK version (Invictus is the UK copy of US warrior games). I think he will very much continue this support. It will be interesting if, when and what he is going to add to his portfolio.

    4. It will be more difficult to raise money for their charities in Los Angeles, at least in Harry's case. For one thing he is not a US citizen and his US tax status must be a problem especially if his charities are in other countries. They also won't be able to capitalise to the previous extent on their royal status. Meghan may get paid for speeches but there is no chance of doing this in the current lockdown and anyway this will be more difficult for Harry as he has no particular expertise to contribute.

    5. What an unfortunate comment anon 10:01. I disagree strongly. Los Angeles is an ideal place for them to raise charitable funds. The pandemic will eventually subside and the city has a high concentration of charity minded high wealth individuals. I am sure Harry and Meghan are wise enough to structure their financial operation to take into account all tax concerns. And I strongly disagree Harry has no expertise. He’s a person with an extremely unique life story, military experience, mental health struggles, family tragedy, and experience starting charitable endeavors. I don’t know if you have spent any time on the high value speaking circuit but this is exactly the kind of story people will charitable money to hear. Harry will be fine. Meghan will be fine.

  12. Thank you Charlotte for yet another uplifting and inspiring post! I am so glad that will all the noise surrounding, yet again, the Duke and Duchess you focused on the positive.

    I continue to be amazed at how much the Sussex's and Meghan in particular, inspire so many people world wide to work together to lift each other up, to care for the earth and to be the best and brightest light they can be. I don't think that this is what the British tabloid press had in mind when they started their abusive campaign against the Duchess. What they wanted to for the Sussex's has been turned on it's head and has become a force for good, for community and for love. The lower the British tabloid press continue to go, the higher the Sussex's and their supporters rise!

    1. Lauri,
      I agree with you 1000%!
      It is amazing the amount of philanthropy the Sussexes inspire. The Sussexes and their supporters keep going going higher. They inspire me too.

    2. Lauri
      Well said!
      I completely agree with you.

    3. Add me to your chorus of agreement, Lauri. Both of the Sussexes will command top dollar as speakers, which is easy enough to do virtually.

    4. To greybirdk,
      I have really appreciated your comments on previous threads. Especially the one about the woodland animal!
      Sometimes I don’t read comments until days after they’re posted and think no one will read if I comment days later. Anyway, I look for your pithy comments! Cheers!

  13. Dear Charlotte, thanks for your reporting on this.
    Such an important issue. I strongly believe Education is the key Element in empowering Girls and women. The second would be to Build up Communities, Networks and helpful Infrastructure for women to live their Education, to Manifest a career and a family Life that suits them.
    Amazing what the Sussex Squad has achieved out of nothing. So grateful for their passionate work! Interesting fact that Together is still under the umbrella of the royal foundation.

  14. I still don't understand why the Together cook book is under the Royal Foundation as I understood that Meghan and Harry have split from that organisation. Surely the proceeds from the cook book should be going into a charitable trust which definitely should have been set up by now to run The Hub? This would protect all of the women involved. This outcome would be fairer as they provided the recipes for the book. Perhaps it was only an interim arrangement until it is set up properly?

  15. Just thinking ahead, I'm reading that Sarah has published another children's book and now will be on a TV show. Zara and her husband have their new deal. I have no problem with this at all! And I will no issues with whatever H&M chose to do.

  16. Susan in Florida3 August 2020 at 16:24

    bravo Sussex Squad

  17. Thank you, Charlotte, for this wonderful news. It's so good to know that Meghan has inspired so many Forces for Change.


  18. Happy birthday Meghan! Wish you all the happiness in the world!!!

  19. I thought the happy birthday posts were very nice, especially from the Queen, because it showed the two of them. I get confused! Is Meghan still recognized on her birthday because Harry is the heir's son? I don't know if the Queen recognizes the birthdays of all her grandchildren, so it confuses me. But it was a wonderful photo!!

    1. I think they want to show some support by posting birthday messages.

    2. Meghan and Harry remain part of the Queen’s family. Why wouldn’t a grandmother wish a family member Happy Birthday? Isn’t that usual in most families?

    3. What is confusing about a grandmother recognizing the birthday of her grandchildren and/or their spouses, it's something they would do normally without social media (it use to be a birthday card or even a phone call). Don't think it's based on Harry being the heir's son. Sometimes I think we try to read too much into a simple action, that was really nothing more than a very nice birthday wish. The up side to social media is that actions that are usually private are made known, the downside is that every action is subject to being analyzed ad nauseum. The Queen may a monarch with great responsibilities, but she is a grandmother who very obviously loves her grandchildren. Need only look at Beatrice's wedding and beautiful birthday wish to see that. I took the birthday wish to Meghan as a sincere gesture.

    4. I very much like to think the birthday wish is a sincere gesture. Not sure about the others; the Queen has never snubbed Meghan in public!

  20. She is a global icon and example to all aspiring humanitarians.
    Beautiful, intelligent and a Wonderful wife and mother.
    Blessing To all.
    Happy birthday Meghan duchess of Sussex.

  21. Sussex Squad harvested $69K.
    Meghan inspire the word.Her birthday is a worldwide Success .she received many many messages of gentleness

  22. The Sussex Squad is amazing! And I just saw this:

    1. I'am excited and so proud
      Go Meghan and good luck.

    2. Sussex Squad members themselves are inspiring. They are a very good example of what a group of determined people with the same goal can achieve. The couple's staff knew of them, Meghan called and thanked them.

  23. oh love duchess doing what best

  24. I must admit that until recently I thought maybe Harry and Meghan were a bit too oversensitive to comments in the gutter press and that they should just ignore rumours of things being said about them as mostly they are untrue or grossly exaggerated. However I read this week that the Scobie book reported that Harry closely followed all the comments about them on social media, so I looked up You tube and other sites and was horrified at the vitriol against them. No wonder they feel persecuted if they read all this garbage! I'm not surprised Harry looks glum. It would be easy for anyone to fall into the trap of thinking that these trolls represent the opinions of the general public instead of a minority of mean and nasty individuals who are intent on bringing down tall poppies like the royal family. I do hope that Harry and Meghan can learn to disregard these vile comments and concentrate on finding the best way to achieve their aims of making a real contribution to those in need. By concentrating on the positive and with good will all around it might even be possible to mend any family fences that need fixing.

    1. To be fair there are sites and tumblrs dedicated only to hate Kate too.
      They go back to 2010-11 and some of them still active.
      Sadly there is no winning here no matter how much someone tries to defend or not at all themselves. It’s the reality of the royal family.

      I would never understand why Megan and Harry choose to live in LA where tourist tours to drive around and point to celebrities houses are popular (I used to live in Orange County and have seen them when visiting LA).
      For some reason I feel H&M are more than ever before in the news now with so many close sources continue talking about them and exposing them to more scrutiny.
      Not sure how much Finding Freedom is helping them either (personally feel is not).
      Don’t know how they can find piece and privacy at this point but wishing them all the best.

      Eva from G.

    2. LA is her hometown. And it’s so much more than celebrity tourist tour. LA is home to millions of people just like London. London is full of celebs too, but because it’s Meghan, people choose not to understand and prefer to look for things to criticize.

  25. Finding Freedom - The book will be out in a few hours in UK. I am seeing beyond the book and wishing the movie on the book will be planned, directed, and acted by the right kind of people who can turn it into a memorable classic. I hope they find much more, beyond the current gossip and excerpts on the book. This a book of two worlds, one totally in the culture of monarchy, another in the culture of American Hollywood. Then there is this couple, each an individual, and now evolving in recreating as a couple. If only a masterpiece writer takes up the book and turn into a well thought out movie script with intriguing setting, drama, the real, the imagined, and the thought-provoking kind. I listened to the interviews of both authors. They are both levelheaded, and reasonably believable.

  26. Denise in Virginia12 August 2020 at 14:06

    Morning everyone! I just finished reading Finding Freedom, it was a great read. Lots of background info that gave context to so many of the events we've all been following, highly recommend it to everyone

  27. Thank you.
    All right, I'll buy it .


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