
Wednesday 12 August 2020

The Sussexes Settle in Santa Barbara, Meghan's Summit Appearance This Friday & Latest News

Hello, hello! Today we're catching up on several news updates regarding the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. From their new home to latest work efforts and plans for a special appearance from Meghan this Friday, we'll be covering several topics today.

A Home in Santa Barbara... It was confirmed today, following a report by Page Six, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have bought a home in Santa Barbara and moved in last month. The family had been staying at Tyler Perry's Beverly Hills property since they arrived in LA, and were quietly house hunting since. TMZ reports the couple chose the highly sought-after Montecito area.

A spokesperson told several outlets: "The Duke and Duchess of Sussex moved into their family home in July of this year. They have settled into the quiet privacy of their community since their arrival and hope that this will be respected for their neighbours as well as for them as a family."

Page Six reports:

'“This is the first home either of them has ever owned. It has been a very special time for them as a couple and as a family — to have complete privacy for six weeks since they moved in.
“They intend to put down their roots in this house and the quiet community, which has considerable privacy. This is where they want to bring Archie up, where they hope he can have as normal a life as possible.”
The source adds, “Harry and Meghan never intended to make Los Angeles their home. It was a good place for them to be upon their arrival in the US to be close to Meghan’s mom [who lives in LA].”'

It's been reported Harry and Meghan did extensive research before choosing the area. Located 90 miles from LA, it's within close proximity to the city, and of course Doria, but far enough to ensure a degree of normality in their day-to-day lives. Known as 'the American Riviera', it's filled with stunning beaches, Spanish architecture and commanding views.

The Telegraph reports the couple have a mortgage on the property:

'When the Sussexes officially stepped away from royal duties earlier this year, the Prince of Wales said he would continue to offer them "private financial support". However, The Telegraph has confirmed that the couple purchased the property solely with their own funds and, "like most people," have a mortgage.'

The pandemic has delayed plans for people all over the world. As Harry and Meghan settle into their new home with Archie and put down roots in Santa Barbara, it's a huge step for them as they begin a new chapter in their lives.

What's Next For Meghan? On Friday, Meghan is set to moderate a discussion with the founder of the 19th, Emily Ramshaw, as part of their four-day virtual summit. The news organisation focuses on gender and politics with the summit marking the centenary of women's suffrage in the United States. In a statement to Glamour magazine, the Duchess said: "The 19th's commitment to reporting and storytelling that lifts up those who are too often underrepresented in the media has never been more important. I'm looking forward to asking the co-founder what it means to build a media outlet with gender equity, diversity, and community at its core."

More from 19th News:

'A century ago, the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution made voting, our country’s most fundamental mode of civic participation, a right regardless of gender. But this watershed moment in our democracy excluded millions of women, including women of color, from the ballot box for generations.

The 19th was founded to shine a light on the unfinished business of the 19th Amendment and empower women — particularly those underserved by and underrepresented in American media — with the information, community and tools they need to be equal participants in our democracy.

This August, we commemorate the suffrage centennial with The 19th Represents, presented by Goldman Sachs and Intuit, a week of virtual events that raises the voices of women — past and present — who are reshaping the American story. Join us Aug. 10-14 for a series of conversations with prominent women in politics, civic engagement, journalism and the arts.'

Other speakers at the summit include voting rights activist Stacey Abrams, Hillary Clinton and Melinda Gates. Notably, vice-presidential candidate Senator Kamala Harris will also participate. News the Senator will join Joe Biden in his bid for the White House took social media by storm last night. Kamala has been a vocal supporter of Meghan.

And speaking of the presidential election, Meghan joined 100 Women including Michelle Obama, Condoleezza Rice and Madeline Albright for Marie Claire's August issue to discuss why they are voting in November. Meghan told the publication she knows what it's like "to have a voice and also what it's like to feel voiceless".

Meghan quoted Kate Sheppard, a leader in the New Zealand suffragist movement. It took me back to her stirring speech marking the 125th anniversary of women’s suffrage in New Zealand during the 2018 Oceania tour: "The achievements of the women in New Zealand who campaigned for their right to vote, and were the first in their world to achieve it, are universally admired. Women's suffrage is about feminism, but feminism is about fairness. Suffrage is not only about the right to vote, but also what that represents."

Prince Harry Calls "for Every Single Person" to Stand Up Against Racism... Amidst the move and preparing their charitable entity Archewell, the couple are continuing to work with a number of organisations and community leaders. During a conversation with civil rights leader Rashid Robinson about systemic racism, the hateful side of social media and other topics, Harry said: "As we've discussed before, it's going to take every single one of us. This is not down to the Black community, this is down to every single person that is on the planet right now." He spoke of social media platforms "profiting from division", the "love-hate" relationship so many have and the "danger of addiction" online. Harry continued: "That message needs to land with today's leaders: there are solutions, let’s listen to the younger generation, let’s use them because they are here to help. For me, it’s about a reset."

Fashion Updates... In fashion updates, the Club Monaco Dremah dress Meghan wore in South Africa is now available in navy print on sale for $167.

And Meghan's gorgeous bordeaux Simone Rocha crystal beaded drop earrings are in stock at FarFetch. They are on sale in several other colours, including black and soft pink, at Matches Fashion.

I'll see you on Friday! :)


  1. Thanks for the great post Charlotte! Hope Meghan and Harry can feel a bit more settled now. I’m wondering if you’ll be posting about the book that’s out? I’ve been a bit confused by the coverage, as Harry and Meghan said they were not interviewed for the book, but then in the acknowledgements the authors say they consulted with H and M...?

    1. Charlotte said in a prior post that she will be addressing it at an appropriate time :)

    2. The authors did not say that they consulted with H and M.
      It stated in the book,'a special thanks to the many individuals who agreed to speak on the background who generously gave of their time,sometimes repeatedly as i returned with more questions ,more requests for clarity so i could tell an authentic portrait of Harry and Meghan'.

  2. Montecito! Wow! These 2 don’t let the dust settle.
    I wish them health, safety and happiness.
    And The 19th is an ever more important message.

  3. Becca in Colorado13 August 2020 at 02:08

    If everyone had just given them time, the Sussexes’ plan would’ve become more clear. There was never any need for such pearl clutching when Harry and Meghan landed in LA. Obviously, they wanted to be near trusted family (Doris) while searching for a home and solidifying next steps. Again, I don’t think everything they’ve done has been perfect by any means, but such pearl clutching and outrage, as we saw even in the comments on this blog, was an overreaction. I hope things can finally settle and the focus can shift back to what’s important: Harry and Meghan’s contribution to the greater good. I’m looking forward to seeing her again!

    1. +1 exactly!

    2. Becca in Colorado13 August 2020 at 16:01

      And by Doris, I meant Doria lol!

    3. Thank you Becca!!! Truly there's no need for "pearl clutching and outrage". H&M's personal decisions on where to live, ect. are just that: PERSONAL. Instead of concentrating on trivial matters, one should concentrate on what they have accomplished on such a short time previously in the UK as well as currently in the US no matter what the tabloids say.

      If people stop trying to live their royal fantasy vicariously through H&M and concentrate on the good works they are doing, perhaps they will be inspired to do something good for the communities in which they live. Stop wasting your time! If you have never given this a thought consider this: volunteer work not only helps your community, it also looks great on your resume! No matter what job you are applying for, also stating volunteer work on your resume will show a potential employer that you are a "hands on person", you know your community and you get involved.

    4. Love the term "pearl clutching," Becca. It conjures images of being revived with smelling salts on a chaise lounge. I can't believe how the vitriol and outrage continues in the UK press and social media perpetuated by the same tedious people. The memes are Orwellian for their twisting and turning of old false news. I suspect the same perps are kept on in their very public platforms simply for click bait and distraction.

      While the corona virus trajectory will continue to complicate their plans considerably, I hope that they can settle in after a very vagabond existence since their marriage. The virus has nixed their hopes of travelling back and forth between their UK home at Frogmore and the newly acquired property in Santa Barbara. Of course, they have private jet options, but the optics of that are undesirable. I doubt that those with knives out for M&H would ever condone that. And with isolating still necessary, in person visits aren't possible anyway. That reality likely couldn't be bent even in a death-bed scenario.

    5. + 2 exactly.

  4. excellent post Charlotte thanks for the updates. santa barbara is a beautiful place and nice to hear about her very important speaking engagements. saw that on youtube about prince harry a great call to action

  5. I've been to Santa Barbara and it's really pretty. There's also a public university (UC Santa Barbara) so its also filled with college kids during the year. I think its considered a college town as well. But its interesting that they announced where they are living because now I feel like every paparazzi is going to go around Santa Barbara looking for them.

    I guess any hope or thought of them returning back to working royals is meaningless now. I mean its great about this new chapter in their lives and buying a house, but a part of me thought that they may return to the UK. It really is sad about how all of this has played out even 8 months later from when the news first broke. Although, who knows what will happen from now until March when they have their review with the Queen and Prince Charles.

    Sorry Charlotte for being a downer, I guess I'm still coming to terms with all of this haha!

    1. Becca in Colorado13 August 2020 at 16:05

      A lot can happen in a year, so you never know! I think there's a very slim chance they'd return. Things may be different for them under Charles' reign, or it could be worse as far as family divisions and competitions go. I haven't entirely ruled it out, but I do think that since they went to the trouble to separate themselves, move countries, and forge new lives they'll likely continue on this path instead of returning. I share a sliver of your sadness...what could have been! But I just don't see how they could have continued as working royals under such unprecedented abuse.

    2. I believe that in the absence of a global pandemic, the obvious need for self-isolation and strictly limiting our social bubbles, Meghan and Harry would have travelled between the UK and North America with regularity. Corona is very likely complicating their initial intentions. I suspect those hopes haven't changed and are on forced hold much as the rest of us are while the pandemic plays out.

    3. Anon @ 2:17,
      8 month review? Who knows? Anything goes... maybe they'll decide just to go for a normal family visit instead and decline the "8 month review" because they might feel it would be best for Archie to live in the US, are involved in great projects and now have a real voice.

      Meghan's quote above seems to say it all: "I know what it's like to have a voice, and also what it's like to feel voiceless".
      What would this modern couple be going back to? Restricted to so-called "royal protocols"... bowing and curtsying to others... playing second fiddle... voiceless.

    4. Exactly! There's really nothing to come back for that can't be handled via Zoom.

  6. Thank you for the updates. I am so happy for the Harry and Meghan and I pray that God will continue to watch over them and protect them from all evil. May God continue to bless their work and continue to increase their territory. They are doing great helping tackle the injustices In our community we face each and every day. I am excited and can’t waiting to see Meghan on Friday.

  7. Thank you Charlotte. Good news. It's fabuleous.
    Good luck Harry & Meghan in your new home. God bless your Family and to give you the peace.

  8. With their public profile, Santa Barbara more expansive space makes sense for privacy and security reasons and still be close to Meghan’s mum. I remember when the Queen bought Anne’s 700 acre estate for her and her first husband. Now Anne lives there comfortably with both her children’s families with privacy and security.

    On a side note, thanks Charlotte for finding Kamala Harris supportive tweet of Meghan’s graduation remarks. Lol. Now both women shared being called “nasty” by Trump. I think they wear that label with pride as they are in stellar company with the Danish PM, Mette Frederiksen and US Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.

    1. That "nasty" is probably worth a t-shirt. Don't forget Hillary on that list. What's next? Crooked?

    2. There are "Nasty woman" t-shirts! It's a badge of honor and it's just beyond the realm of understanding that a leader of a country would call citizens names! I'm going to have to get on for the next 80+ fun days.

  9. Onward!
    May the Sussex family enjoy many happy moments in their new home. So glad they had these six weeks to reset.

    1. yes yes onward! Am also happy to see them move forward. Maybe someday, the British tabloids and royal rota will move on to more robust coverage of the working royals. Harry & Meghan's projects will get ample coverage from int'l media and hopefully, the coverage will be more newsworthy than gossip worthy. Oh well, a girl can hope!

  10. That's great for them. I used to work in Santa Barbara as a nanny and the area is gorgeous and very private but still close enough to go in to LA. I had a feeling the LA situation was only temporary.


  11. Kamala Harris supportive tweet of Meghan! Love it!

  12. Thank you Charlotte for this post! I guess we are all busy reading.... . Santa Barbara sounds like a nice place for them to settle down. I guess they will have both - good opportunities for their work and space for private life. I wish them a good start and many opportunities to inspire and to create Archwell. I am really looking forward to all their next steps.

  13. I'm such an East Coast person vs the West Coast, but of course Meghan is a CA girl, and her mom lives there. Santa Barbara seems like a gorgeous place to be; I hope things work out about photos of Archie. I think the only way to get some peace is to release photos, which is not what they want to do, I'm sure. It's a shame that the world gets to see the Cambridge children but it's safer than hiding them. I love Kamala and they she gets the prize for being "really nasty"! I think Meghan is really enjoying her freedom and I don't see them much involved in the UK, at least not around unwelcoming relatives. That said, I can see Harry going back for visits when travel, etc becomes normal again.

    There is so much racism everywhere; my small town in Texas is just so ugly in their opinions of Kamala. I also think Meghan's accomplishments were resented in the UK.

    1. Only way to get some peace is to release photos of Archie? It has been proven that H&M did not get any peace by releasing photos. When photos of Archie were released he was compared to a dressed chimpanzee. Clearly what works for the Cambridges does not work for the Sussexes.

    2. Anon, you're probably right about photos of Archie. I don't know what would keep people from pursuing that little boy.

    3. Allison,
      Unfortunately releasing pictures of Archie does not equal peace. The Cambridge children do not get any racial vitriol when their photos are released. In contrast, when photos of Archie were released he was compared to a chimpanzee. The Cambridges and Sussexes are in different situations. The Cambridges do not have to deal with the same exact challenges/issues as the Sussexes.

  14. I must admit, I was not a big fan of Meghan and Harry while they struggled to fit into a royal role. But now that they are own their own, I love them as a couple. Their strong convictions and caring attitude toward all people now shines bright. I wish them the very best in their new life, and pray they will continue in health and happiness.

  15. I'm so happy that Harry and Meghan have found a beautiful place to settle. I hope the press will leave them alone. Wishing them many years of happiness in their new home. Looking forward to seeing Meghan on Friday.


  16. Very happy for them but pictures of the house are all over the internet already. How can they have their privacy?

  17. I’m glad they found a low key place to settle, Santa Barbara is lovely. People that live there are used to celebrities on every corner, won’t pay any attention or make a fuss. Also the weather is better than here down south, it rarely goes over 75 even in the summer, we Angelenos are total wimps with weather we complain when the temp goes below 65 and retreat indoors when it goes over 72. I hope they will be very happy.

  18. Perfect choice of a community where they can be normal folks. I am excited that Meghan is participating in a women’s suffrage event. The freedom and bliss of having a political voice.

  19. Thank you for that post! It inspiried me to register to the programm of 19th for Friday - despite late hours in Germany. And I really like that M&H had been able to do house spotting, moving house without anyone noticing! It means they hopefully really can enjoy a more comfortable priacy. And if rumours are correct they have been able to find a secluded house with guest rooms for friends & family and quarters for security staff and else. That it seems to be - if at all true - The Château is more than suitable! All the best for them to settle, grow the family and commence with their business & charity plans. COVID-19 might have slowed down the whole process and opportunities but I can envision that it gives them the liberty to really determine their way and timing. In addition I find it great that the have a home in both countries of origin and while I cannot for the time being envision that the will return to an active role for BP, I for sure see them traveling between UK and CA ... (which is not possible due to Sars-Cov-2 travel restrictions we should not forget about). The negative yellow press in the UK about them buying a large home - I get sick of it! The have special requirements in terms of security, accommodate staff etc., privacy... and the have the money and will make their way. Jealous folks, racists and people who declare M&H "fools" as if they weren't intelligent and smart persons knowing what they do. My congrats to their decision and a really happy, loving life.

  20. I am happy to hear the Sussex family has found a good home in Montecito near Santa Barbara. My brother lived in Santa Barbara for years and I loved visiting. I hope they will be very happy there, and that they will also be able to visit the UK when travel restrictions ease (when Covid-19 is truly under control . . .)

    Happy to see Meghan and Harry promoting good causes and speaking out about social and political issues.

  21. Didn't Meghan own her own home in Toronto? Just asking since in the post it says that this is the first place that either of them have ever owned...

    1. She didn't. It was a rental. I'm not sure she ever had plans to stay there outside of work.

  22. So happy for them - and a little bit jealous. I love Santa Barbara, we stayed there a couple of years ago and I fell in love with this lovely place.


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