Monday 7 September 2020

The Sussexes Pay £2.4 Million for Frogmore Cottage Renovations

It was confirmed this evening Prince Harry has repaid the full £2.4 million spent refurbishing Frogmore Cottage. In a statement, representatives for Harry and Meghan said: "A contribution has been made to the Sovereign Grant by the Duke of Sussex. This contribution, as originally offered by Prince Harry, has fully covered the necessary renovation costs of Frogmore Cottage, a property of Her Majesty the Queen, and will remain the UK residence of the Duke and his family." It comes following confirmation the Sussexes are now completely financially independent and are no longer receiving any financial support in any capacity. A spokesperson told The Times: "They are not receiving support in any way, shape or form from any external person other than themselves."

Harper's Bazaar reports:

'Buckingham Palace also confirm that the amount was recently repaid in full to the Sovereign Grant, the British government and tax-payer supported purse that funds the royal family and their professional endeavors.
"There was never any expectation or request from the Royal Family or the Crown Estate to repay this but they have felt it was important to do so and this is why they proactively offered to repay as soon as the move was announced," a source close to the couple tells While installments may have been an option, the duke, adds the source, was eager to repay the money in full.'

From the moment remodelling began on Frogmore - long before there was any suggestion the Sussexes would be leaving the UK - Harry and Meghan were attacked relentlessly for it. Despite the fact the property is comparatively small compared to the homes of other members of the Royal family, it was covered in a manner one would have expected if they had taken residence as the sole occupiers of Windsor Castle. Frogmore, which had been divided into several flats for staff, was described as severely run-down and was already earmarked for substantial work before Harry and Meghan chose to live there. Expenses related to fixtures and furnishings were privately met by the couple before they moved in last year. Since their deal with Netflix was announced, we saw a growing media campaign attacking the couple over their UK home. Given the growing frequency of these articles, releasing news the full amount had in fact already been repaid was the right decision. Additionally, they will continue to pay rent on the property. 

Omid Scobie continued:

'Prince Harry’s repayment means that the Sussexes now have full financial independence. Despite offers from Prince Charles to provide financial support from his Duchy of Cornwall estate, a separate source close to the couple tells that they are "not taking anything" from the Prince of Wales. "They want to be completely independent."

The couple haven't been in the UK since March due to the pandemic, however it's clearly important to them to have a UK base from which to visit their patronages, support causes close to their hearts and spend time with family and friends. It must be deeply distressing for them to see that despite their  move overseas, the media obsession with them and the drive to portray their every move in the most negative possible light continues with the same vigor we've exhaustively seen since their engagement. In recent weeks, sections of the press have had their aim squarely focused in Harry's direction.

In The Sunday Times, an article alleged Harry and Meghan's "Netflix deal scuppers Invictus bash". The article claimed that due to their deal with the streamer, the plug has been pulled on an important fundraising event. When approached for comment, an Invictus spokesperson told The Times: "The event was shelved because the primary revenue generator was ticket sales from a live concert in Los Angeles in the spring of 2021. Given current circumstances with Covid, the event needed to be reconceptualised. This was an independent decision made prior to a partnership with Netflix. The duke remains committed as ever to the Invictus Games." Nonetheless, the article was published and has been reprinted on countless news websites as fact. Harry, who courageously served his country with the army for a decade, will have been deeply hurt and wounded by this. In response, he has directed his legal team to issue a complaint to The Times. It is unfortunate and disappointing that this is the ongoing reality for them. Harry's work with veterans is at the very heart of his plans, now and in the future. A spokesperson confirmed to he is "as committed as ever". "No good deed goes unpunished" seems as true as ever...

It will be an enormous relief to the couple they have now achieved financial independence. As they settle into their new life in Santa Barbara and their production work with Netflix, they are actively working on their non-profit, Archewell, and other charitable plans and travels (when possible due to the pandemic). They have moved on with their lives and are focusing on the happiness of their family. In my opinion, we're not going to see Harry and Meghan returning to the UK full-time under any circumstances. I for one am sad to say, I certainly do not blame them.


  1. Well said Charlotte, the whole event leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Really happy for Harry and Meghan though

    1. Me's a very drama for the british monarchy.

  2. repayment of the said amount is something I applaud the Sussex for. even though I find it very confusing.... (the royal family keep mute while the media was attacking them for the renovation cost from the beginning while almost the same amount was spent on a mausoleum with nobody questioning that). THANK GOD THE SUSSEX DECIDE TO LEAVE .

    1. Good point, 22:58. Utterly confusing as you point out.

      I have long suspected that the vitriol heaped on Meghan (especially) and Harry is a calculated deflection from the very problematic (and possibly criminal) situation regarding Prince Andrew.

      You don't see the key public personalities who are defaming & scapegoating Meghan and Harry on an almost a daily basis from their talk show and YouTube platforms saying "boo" about him. In my mind the British Press position on the matter doesn't pass the sniff test. Something is rotten about the whole sad mess.

      The Invictus BS widely published is just another example of how untruths are spun into a reality that papers will run without fact checking. Thank goodness H&M are no longer tethered to the royal rota and no longer have to smile graciously at those same parasites.

      I have long wondered whether the BRF isn't content to permit negative attention to H&M as they aren't speaking up in their defense and never have. I wonder whether H&M aren't fully aware of it as well.

      I'm glad that they have carved their own path through this impossible situation and come up well-placed to earn their own coin and leave the stultifying institution and its outmoded codes. To see how quickly they have done it--in less than a year--is what we have come to expect from this powerful couple. Bravo. Well done!

    2. Wow Philly, well put!

    3. Well said. I find it confounding that M&H are abused so much when they put all their energy towards doing good. Meanwhile Andrew, at best an out of touch playboy with questionable values, seems to slip under the radar. I used to follow the BRF but they’ve hung H&M out to dry in such a disappointing way I can’t see the value in an institution that would let family be treated so poorly. Onward and upward, Harry and Meghan.

    4. Absoluty. Double standard.
      Harry and Meghan have been sacrificed by the firm.

  3. Frogmore cottage is a shack compared to the rest of the family's accommodations-- that are provided with sweetheart deals from the crown estate. The coverage on this is appalling and i keep thinking things cant get worse and they do. They have eliminated relying on the royals ahead.of schedule, and repaid this even though I would argue they shouldn't have had to. And the bitching continues.

    I never.thought I would say this, but give up your ties and titles and be Prince Harry and Meghan Mountbatten Windsor. They won't like that either, but do it and walk away from them all. As someone once said, you don't need a royal title to create your special brand of.magic.

    1. Bluehare, I'm with you on these points. Harry was born a prince and no giving up titles changes that. There are plenty of royals who have chosen not to burden their children with royal titles. The press won't like that either (which is what I think you meant when you said "they.") Nothing will satisfy that insatiable pack of bullies who operate under "free speech" to spread falsehoods and malice for clicks and ad revenue.

      I also especially enjoyed your comment the other day about being good at giving directions. As good a resume as any. Hilarious.

    2. bluhare, sadly, you are exactly right. They have suffered enough abuse. They might have handled some things better, but the relentless attacks on them have been in excusable and unfair.

    3. Hi bluhare!!

      I find myself agreeing with you bluhare, it might just be time for Harry and Meghan to cut all ties with the royal family. I was hoping that when they paid for the renovations to Frogmore that they would hand back the keys and say "thanks but no thanks, it's just not worth it" and find or rent a place to stay on their own when they go to the UK for engagements.

    4. The double standards are infuriating. Many MANY BRF family members live in grandiose taxpayer subsidized accommodations. And I mean BRF family members beyond the most senior or “working.” Yet only Harry and Meghan had every nuance of their level of working and finances picked apart relentlessly. And how Frogmore became such a flashpoint is beyond me. It was a run down medium sized residence in need of renovation anyway.

      The fact that Prince Andrew continues to live a taxpayer funded lifestyle, and has engaged in extremely questionable real estate dealings, after being credibly accused of sexual assault and dodging formal legal investigation boggles the mind. His “stepping down” was merely “optics” as people are so fond to say.

      But To end on a positive note, I have to say seeing the double standard Meghan and Harry endured makes me thrilled they have chosen a healthier and seemingly successful path. I am so excited to see what they do next.

    5. Thank you everyone. It is nice to see some familiar names. I was just irate today. They do everything requested -- ahead if schedule mind you -- and it still isn't enough

      The royals are complicit, im convinced of it now. And yes Philly I think Andrew us part of it. They could shut this down and they don't.

    6. Actually they needed it. The only reason they have a brand is because they were members of the RF.

    7. I agree with you Blue Hare. I don't see that titles have any place in the American scene and possibly could be a hindrance.Also as Harry has made very clear he has absolutely no interest in Royal life perhaps consideration should be given to renouncing his place in the acession list.That would be complete freedom and enable moving on without any constraint.

    8. They didn't need it. Harry has done enough on his own - outside of the royal family. Invictus and sentebale were always separate from royal family events until recently. Sentebale still is, but invictus did start to be counted in the court circular a couple of years ago I think to being funded by the royal foundation. Its why harrys engagements were lower than you would think, because some did not count. So I would argue harry had already carved out a niche s3parate from the royals and does not need them.

      No question being who he is got things rolling. But the royal family was never part of either.

  4. Thank you as always for your well researched and balanced articles. It is a shame that some press continue and even as it’s seems to me more intense their negativity towards every single move. It is incredible what they come up with and repeat and repeat hurting claims. It must be nerve racking for M&H and honestly I think I would long be broken.... Harry and Meghan served the public in their roles in the UK, media, trade and tourism has their benefit ... the earned more for others and given their heart and brain and diplomacy. All kids of the Queen have received a home and some of the grand kids - hey, why not! Does anyone cares the Cambridge’s have a 10 room home in London plus a huge estate Anmer Hall gifted by the Queen. There are more examples and even my humble grandmother gifted us with things in respect of her possibilities. And I agree that they will us their Uk base regularly as soon as COVID allows as I am pretty sure they want to spend time and Archie having the chance to spend time with his great grandparents and prince Charles & Co and friends. Daily Mail
    Reported that the payback is the final divorce from Britain bla bla and keep spread negativity... and even flying back to Britain one day will cause a storm for jetting across the pond ... at the end the families will all be reunited and the newfound independence and happiness will heal internal rifts if there are bad feelings ... nothing else counts!!!

  5. Becca in Colorado8 September 2020 at 02:04

    Repaying for Frogmore Cottage is something I never thought they should have to do, but I completely understand why they did. People bitched that they should leave the UK, so they did. People bitched about the use of Sussex Royal, and they created a new foundation under a new name. People bitched about the Frogmore Cottage money, so the Sussexes repaid it in full. Is the UK media happy? Nope. What trash. I thought Harry and Meghan might return once Charles became king, but I think their continued treatment put the nail in that coffin long ago. I’m happy they are succeeding and settling into their own home, although it will forever make me sad that it had to be this way.

    I used to be such a big Anglophile, but honestly, all of this has rather put me off it. :/

    1. Hi Becca, I agree, the treatment of Harry & Meghan has put me off the British and the BRF too. I just don’t enjoy “royal watching” anymore.

    2. It was not a have to do. But non-repayment would have been used as a method of control by the courtiers and the press. Harry repaid it to establish his freedom.

    3. Becca in Colorado9 September 2020 at 00:31

      It’s sad isn’t it, Leigh?

      Felix, yeah, I meant “have to” in the sense that the press and some public were using it against them.

    4. Agree Becca. It is horrible. Not all if us are like that though!

  6. I'm so glad they were able to do this. I don't think they should have felt obligated but so good to get it done, to stop that particular bit of noise. I think it just boils down to many people not wanting Meghan to be a part of the RF. They (some of the public, the nasty newspapers) don't want someone who is different from what they are used to. Of course, Meghan is JUST what Harry wants, so good for them to handle their own lives. And for those in the UK moaning that Harry should support his family, as much as I love to see the whole Charles/William/Harry family out for important events, H&M will contribute more to humanity by pursuing their wishes. Very sad to chase them away, but kudos to them for using the situation to fulfill their dreams.

  7. Frogmore will be a protected place in which to reside for visits to HM and while attending ceremonial events, funerals, or whatever services they may be invited to attend. Sad that it didn't need to be this way.

  8. Looks like everything's getting checked off their to do list... Onward!
    They can no longer be controlled by the haters, who evidently are going down grasping at straws. William is doing a wonderful job at fulfilling his destiny with Catherine and his family at his side. Now it's time for Harry to fulfill his as well, and as tough as it might be in some regards, it looks like he,in partnership with Meghan, is seizing it with both hands. May they all thrive and overcome whatever hardships and disappointments life also brings their way.

  9. I'm sure it will be a relief for both the Duke and Duchess that this has been paid, they can now get on with there life and nothing hanging over there heads. The nastiness has been appalling. Well done to both of them.

  10. I respect H& M for paying for the gift-the once dilapidated former 5 apartments building. First of All No other Royal was given completely run down property as a gift before. Second, I don't know what what kind of gift giving that They do in the royal family, but Harry should never accept another gift. It is a like a anchor and a chain around the neck, Third- Harry is free. He's the only person in this family that truly owns his own home. He doesn't have to put up with all that crap and and he Will go on and do even more.

  11. i am thrilled they have paid this debt off and can put this behind them i was so tired of hearing how much money they owed the british public and how spoiled they were for not paying it back now no one especially Piers can say anymore about this topic!

    1. Never fear, Melissa. He will find plenty more to say about the topic. He will grind away with his vitriolic whinging to his dying day. At some point we can only hope that the public will find it boring, tire of him, his ratings will plummet and he can disappear from view (and take Lady CC with him). That day can't come soon enough.

    2. Yes ! Philly , you said it best. It sickens me that Piers is given status on US gossip shows as a “royal expert” . I wrote to the show and it’s sponsors to complain.

    3. What a great idea, Susan. I think more of us would do well to follow your example and write to the show and it's sponsors. I will make that a mission. Why do they permit that sort of hate speech--especially when so many of the points (I won't call them facts) he makes are repeatedly proven false.

  12. To God be the glory great things he has done.
    He has truly been faithful To the couple. Praise the lord

  13. Thank God. No more "taxpayer money" excuse for British people in the media or otherwise to hold over their heads. This is it. Now they're going to have to attack them for the real reason they're mad: Harry marrying a foreigner and a woman of color and choosing his new family over the family he comes from and Meghan's existence as a woman of African descent who holds a few royal titles all of which goes against their idea of European royal families as whites-only spaces.

    1. 100% anon. This comment succinctly captures what the true crux of the issue has been for the past 3 years. The racism is only thinly veiled now but eventually these media attacks will have nothing left but to show what their game really is.

    2. Agreed, 08:46 and 14:25. You've succinctly stated the primary reason for all the noise against H&M.

      In addition, the fact that Harry has long been the public's favourite royal, as well as that together H&M were more popular than those who are in direct line to the throne may well have accounted for the RF's bystander position. The BRF was seeing the "Diana effect" all over again and have handled it much the same way. Strip them of the HRH and forbid any use of the word "Royal" and in effect engineer a "divorce" while maintaining "beloved members of my family" status from granny. Like a forced flag at half mast and a nod of the regal head as the casket passed, it's mostly window dressing.

      I think the global pandemic may have been incredibly helpful to M&H as they are unable to pond-hop for familial gatherings while attending Invictus-related events or checking in on their charities. Instead, H&M have been able to turn their focus on what's required for them to realize their aspirations--and wow! They're hitting it out of the park. Go Team Sussex!

    3. The term "spending/ wasting taxpayers money is inflammatory and disingenuous. In 1992, the Government and the monarchy came to an agreement where the BRF properties were divided into public properties and public properties. Yearly, the public properties generate an income (last year 350 million) that goes to the government. The government puts part (last year 50 million from the 350 million) of that into the Sovereign Grant. The SG pays for the official activities of the royals, security, tours, renovations of building the royals own that are listed under the National Trust. Naturally, the income from the private properties take care of their private expenditures. Therefore, the renovation of Frogmore has nothing to do with taxpayer's money. Harry repaid the money to indicate his independence so that he can use the GIFT for his families without the noises about wasting taxpayer's money.

    4. Which Felix, is the right thing to do!!

    5. I think you are right Philly, the pandemic and the BLM's movement definitely jump started M & H's initiatives and their "stock".

  14. I believe this was absolutely the right thing for them to do in view of the choices they have made. Inevitably and sadly, perhaps, there are consequences for their choice to walk away from royal life and responsibility. The Netflix deal will be personally enriching, and while I acknowledge them as remarkable and successful individuals in their own right, it would be disingenuous not to acknowledge that without Harry's birthright as a prince, this level of influence would not have come to them. Having made the decision to live largely as they wish to, in a non-Commonwealth country, supporting themselves and charities strictly of their own choice, it just seems appropriate for them to cover the Frogmore Cottage cost themselves.

    1. Judy, yes, if Harry was not a prince, there would be no influence. And he would not have had to "walk away" from anything, and he might have had supportive family members and there would be no media attacks.

    2. Judy you express my sentiments on this very well! I too believe that they will be very successful, but the level of influence is definitely by virtue of Harry's royal status, so the repayment of the Frogmore costs is completely appropriate and the right thing to do.
      I don't see it as a gold star on their forehead for having done it, but rather a respectful responsible action as a result of their decision to live their life on their own.

    3. I am German. So senior „working“ Royals do not owe me anything ... Yet I never really got the idea why Harry and Megan owe the British People the necessary works on frogmore cottage? This sum would have been spent by the sovereign grant if not for Meghan and Harry, probably for some courtier moving in.
      To me this is a very petty campaign against a couple that was really interested in working for the British People and for the Commonwealth. Ironically the British People hail the ones that care less about them, we have seen this in the Brexit Campaign that favours the very rich and leaves them and their fortunes undisturbed by European tax regulations and workers rights and blames the ones who were ready to inspire and create.

      I am also speechless how the nastiness towards Harry and Meghan is endless. The Obamas have less knowledge about producing media pieces and are not torn apart as unworthy.
      What is it the British Public wants? If they ever had any respect towards a Prince Harry who has served for ten years, who served in war zones, who has created great projects and made himself a name it would be time to show now that this respect was substantial.
      Members of the Royal Family are humans. They are no public possessions to be tossed around by ones feelings?

    4. My father was president of a university. A residence on campus went with the job. If he had wanted to maintain a claim on the house after he left the job and the campus,

      he would have had to reimburse the university. Simple as that.

    5. Another Anon -- it's not quite as simple because of the RF. And if your father lived in the house and it needed a new roof, the university would have paid and he would not have been billed for it after he left.

    6. Another Anon, excellent example of how it works. Very simple to understand.

  15. Good for you Prince Harry for being the responsible, sensible man that members of the RF are not. You have proven that you have the mettle to be on your own as a family man who can take care of his responsabilities by vos own steam. Good luck to you.

    1. Harry is truly remarkable. After a difficult childhood and early adulthood I am constantly impressed by his growth and integrity. He began speaking so eloquently and passionately on behalf of veterans and women and the oppressed. An often tall order for wealthy and privileged white men. I know there will always be discussion of the method in which they left, and some people will always feel it was sudden and wrong (tho I maintain no one knows the true story of the behind the scenes conversations) but he has shown integrity with this too. The future of his immediate family was not healthy in the environment as it existed, and I will always think he made a brave choice for his wife and child given the pressure he was under to fulfill a role.

    2. Apart from the Duke and Duchess of York, other members of the Royal family seem to be "responsible and sensible." Every large family has one or two individuals who let the side down and this applies to Meghan's family as well as the British Royal family. Most of the other Royal relatives work and are not in receipt of money from the sovereign grant so Harry and Meghan are just following suit. They do of course have the benefit of being millionaires already. Everyone knows that William did want to serve overseas like Harry but was prevented from doing so by his closeness to the throne. He worked as a rescue pilot for quite a lengthy period until the pressures of his position and public expectation forced him to give it up. He and Kate have shown they would prefer to live in the country but of course don't have that choice, unlike Harry and Meghan.

    3. William was not prevented because he was close to the throne. He couldn’t serve because the press broke the embargo and published that he was going to serve. Harry later benefitted from that experience and he was able to go quietly in exchange of an interview when he came back. I suggest you all read W&H’s former secretary article about this topic. It’s about time people stop holding this against William. He didn’t go because once plans leaked it was not safe for anyone involved.

  16. And still the media is not happy. I would consider myself fairly neutral on them and merely observing while trying to remain impartial. Ie I don’t pay the 50 pence a year to the royals....I read Finding Freedom at the weekend and all I could think of was it read more like fiction and how sad what started as a boy meets girl book full of hope and really just cuteness of a new couple turned into what it did. And I truely just felt sad for them. Seeing this headline now made me smile. Go Harry and Meghan!

  17. Harry and Meghan would be successful without Harry having the title of Prince. Meghan was networking her way to becoming a philanthropist and speaker before Harry. But let’s talk about Harry. There are thousands of princes and kings around the world. Harry didn’t settle on the lifestyle. He started Sentebale at the age of 20. He joined the military and chose to go to Afghanistan. He then pursued a helicopter pilots career where he was top gun in the United States. He founded Invictus and other military endeavors. All of this while still touring for the Queen. He’s lived all over the world in different stretches of his life. Name another Prince anywhere with his accomplishments at such a young age. Did he make mistakes, yes. Did he repeat those mistakes again, No. Few actresses have set up their own business, committed to charity work, spoke at the U.N., and went to war torn Afghanistan on a USO tour.
    Prince or actress, those two have the It factor, star quality, compassion for others, belief in themselves, and God in their lives. Stop limiting them to serving the Queen, she has two future kings to handle the Monarchy. The sixth in line is not needed, maybe God has a different plan for him.

    1. I agree that Harry and Meghan have philanthropist desires and will be successful. However, the point that everybody is missing is that Harry IS a prince, and his endeavors were large in part due to his royal status. Yes, will they be successful without the title, absolutely, but they might have had such a platform if it were not for their royal status. I am not talking serving the Queen, I am talking merely being born royal. Good for Harry that he has carved out his own destiny and has found somebody who together they seem to have the 'power' to accomplish much, but we will never know if they could have done it without his title, because, he has the title.

    2. Being a second born prince were the cards Harry was dealt. He chooses to use the platform afforded by virtue of his birth to do serious humanitarian work. If he had been born to a family of lawyers, or teachers, or whatever, he'd be dealing with different cards and determine his ambitions from that situation. Meghan, by virtue of marrying Harry, acquires a biggger platform from which to contiinue and develop the humanitarian work she was doing from her own much smaller platform. She had already achieved fairly impressive work on her own comparatively limited platform.
      Obviously being Duke and Duchess of Sussex is a factor in the opportunities that come their way; however, they both have a body of work and are still expected to produce results for their humanitarian work and for Netflix.

    3. So well said, Andrea Wornum!

    4. To Andrea Wornum
      Excellent statement. Yes Harry stands out among all Princes by virtue of his incredible work on behalf of others: Sentebale, Invictus and more. And, he does it all with humor, charm and grace! When he could have had his pick of Arm-candy for a wife, he chose a woman accomplished in both philanthropy and her career. They clearly love and cherish each other and are ever more powerful Together.

    5. Being a member of the BRF obviously raised their profile but in America most of us don't care about titles; certainly not businesses who want to profit from their deals. Meghan and Harry's projects are high quality and results-oriented. They also have supporters who put their money where their mouths are in support of the couple and all their endeavors. I say all that to say that if being a member of the royal family is so pivotal, where are all the Netflix deals of the other family members? Where are their successes? I just don't think there's anyone in that family that could have landed such a deal or anything close. Harry and Meghan are special and I think they should be given the credit they are due. It's telling that of the hundreds of thousands of articles written about Meghan, Omid seemed to be the only reporter that wrote about her work and how successful it was. Meghan had a track record of work and projects before she married in that she was able to lean on in her new life but that seemed to escape the interest of those writing about her. It would have been very easy to draw a direct line from the capsule collection she created with Reitman's in Canada to the the Smart Set with Smart Works but hardly anyone bothered. That's how you know there was an active campaign against her because only bad news, lies and rumors qualified as news while anything good was virtually ignored. I hope the tabs, trolls and BRF realize one day that this orchestrated smear campaign contributed to the success that she and Harry are now enjoying because it made a person like me who did not follow the BRF wonder what was going on with my fellow American, Meghan. I didn't even watch Suits although I was aware of the show. Once, I understood and saw how she was being abused, I immediately took to Twitter to offer my support and I've been here ever since buying the dress from the Smart Set, donating to charities and I just received a mask from Royal Jelly Harlem. Meghan's stateside supporters wanted to make sure she succeeded in that hostile environment by pacing a floor of support under her and I'm sure Netflix knows she has dedicated support and a built-in audience already.

      If Meghan had been left alone to enjoy her new marriage, child and work, she and Harry would probably still be there but the disproportionate hate and attention she received and Harry's efforts to protect her is what made them global in spite of the royal family not because of it.

    6. Bravo Anon: 03:36
      Thank you for your comment very true. I agree.

    7. Unknown at 03:36.

      Good points.


    8. 1000%, Unknown 03:36. You are exactly right.

    9. "*placing* a floor of support"

  18. Andrea, well said. I applaud you.

  19. Me too Andrea Bravo

  20. I am so proud of how this lovely couple continue living their lives doing good things and ignoring the haters and trolls Who are a non MF factors in the Family of 3 life

  21. Harry took his time finding his soul mate and when he did it was full speed ahead God bless him and his family of 3 .I love this trio ❤❤❤

  22. Bravo Andrea ! Thanks Charlotte for being so honest in your reports

  23. When i read all the hate and vitriol that is thrown out to Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan, i can't help but think about Prince Harry's statement about "powerful forces" forcing them to play a game without any accountability.
    At that time, people were laughing at him. When i see now that PH is being forced to play by their handbook, i am just wondering what will be the end of it...

    Stearing, and stearing, and stearing the hate cauldron have never been a wise and safe game to play. Because some out there are buying those lies. I am really praying for their safety especially if they go back in England to visit.

    And my hope is that somehow, the Press will be held accountable for what they write.


  24. Well Done Them!! No matter what lies ahead, at least they can be free in the knowledge that they are standing on their own 2 feet & don't owe anyone anything!! It's going to get rid of one whole area that the media outlets (especially the British) like to whine about! Nothing to see there anymore!! Well Done!! Bravo!! xoxo

    Becca USA

  25. All that noise will have some calm for now. There is a sense of “freedom” and a different kind of “honor” that can be fulfilling from doing the reasonably right thing. Good Luck forward!

  26. I agree that paying the reno costs should shut that particular noise, and I admire Harry for doing it and doing it quickly in one fell swoop. I feel a bit indignant that he felt he had to to do it. The relatively modest Frogmore Cottage is part of the Crown estates, and it was basically a grace and favour house for royal work. The Sussexes paid for the interior finishings and I've read somewhere that they are not at all extravagant or palatial. It is interesting that the payment was described as a donation to the Soverign Grant. Since Harry and Meghan have been forced to give up royal work entirely, I would think it fair if they took out a long lease on the property in order to maintain a UK base. They both have patronages and members of the royal family. I really admire Harry and Meghan and the way they have and continue to conduct themselves. I believe both of them have great capacity for the work they aspire to and I look forward to seeing them succeed. As for the British press, I think that a culture exists there that is poisonous and completely lacking in decency and integrity. I can't imagine anything short of its complete destruction could ever bring an improvement and provide something that would serve the people of the UK. I think this whole thing is enough to make one wonder what good can the monarchy do for its people. Perhaps it should simply be reduced to its consitutional role, the sovereign should exist to fulfill that, and end this focus on an entire family, making them into a soap opera that must support an entire industry.

    1. Why indignant if they decided to walk away from royal life? That's the huge, huge difference here.

  27. Now no other tenant but the Sussexes would dream of paying for structural renovations, it is surely the owner’s business to take care of crumbling walls and roofs. On the other hand, it must be a great comfort to the Queen to have a grandson with a job, a paid job no less, who can help out financially. Best of luck to the Sussexes, they are doing so well so fast. The Princess of Wales would be proud of her son.

    Maggie – short for magpie

    1. We are not talking about plain structural renovations. With the Sussexes moving in the house had to be changed from several let flats into one cottage. This wouldn't have been necessary otherwise. But I do think they should have only paid back for changes that were made only due to their wishes and not for already needed structural work.

  28. I'm so happy that Harry and Meghan are on their way to complete independence and freedom. However, I'm sorry to say that this repayment will not silence the detractors and haters who will always have something to criticize them for.

    I never paid attention to the Daily Mail and British tabloids before Meghan. I'm shocked that a society would allow such evil in the name of "journalism?" Blows my mind. British tabloids ruined all of Harry's previous relationships, and now they are doing their best to ruin his marriage. And yet the Royal family continues it's Faustian Bargain with these tabloids. To this American, it all seems so twisted.

    I am sure that Harry and Meghan are jubilant to be free of the whole mess.

    I recall a response by Meghan during her interview with the journalist while she and Harry were in Africa. He asked her something about being a member of the Royal Family, (or some such.) Her reply was: "It's not what people think."

    I cannot wish enough success on Harry and Meghan. They have more than earned a happy and successful life.


    1. While I agree with many of your points, the whole issue with the UK is that there is a free press. The Queen cannot and will not interfere with this. Has the USA a limited free press? I'm not sure how tightly controlled they are, maybe if it's tighter then H and M are better off.

    2. American press is very free, still, thank heavens! Maybe there is less ugliness regarding H&M because she is an American and not in the position of daring to steal into our monarchy. There is a lot of racism in the US, as is now more visible, but many celebrities are adored who are not white. What was a problem in the UK, in my view, is that none of the stories about how awful Meghan was were addressed. And we saw very little family interactions, which fed the stories. One should never interfere with the press but one can say things.

    3. Those are good points, but you aren't referring to the many journalists and TV hosts who were supportive of Meghan. There was a lot of criticism of her treatment. People supporting her are frequently on tv. It's perhaps more balanced in the UK than many imagine.

    4. I'm surprised that the British tabloids and the British commenters on their sites claim "Free Press" to write every malicious lie they can think of. We don't see that so much here in the States. I believe writers get sued for libel if they publish such rubbish. I'm surprised the Royal family uses the tabloids as their official media vehicle when there are so many more reputable papers and media sources they could use instead.


    5. Please the royal family dictates press narratives all the time. This whole thing is an exercise in image and optics, and if you think the queen can not and does not interfere with that then I have a bridge to sell you. Just look at the superficial coverage of her favored son Prince Andrew. They could have easily signaled that the unfair coverage of Meghan was unacceptable. They didn’t. Free press does not mean the right to spread garbage with no consequence.

  29. This business of the 'royal rota' and the leaking of news to tabloids is a mystery to me in that so much of the screaming attacks are libelous. The ridiculous comments regarding H & M and their titles is particularly damaging as Andrew still holds his title. The Duke of Windsor held his title. This coupled with the lack of support when H & M needed it makes even the Queen look less than stellar. In my opinion, it is damaging the Monarchy far more than H & M who really don't need or care about the title. Why are the royals allowing themselves to be saddled with such a venomous bunch when they should be distancing themselves and moving forward? Serious damage is being done, and not to Harry and Meghan.

    1. The Duke of Windsor had been the King, prior to that, the Prince of Wales. He was demoted. I agree with your points generally, but it's not quite the same with Edward Windsor.

    2. The Duke of Windsor was also a Nazi sympathizer. That’s what should have Removed his titles. Not the abdication. Regardless of if he had once been king. The fact is there has been FAR worse behavior in the royal family yet somehow Harry and Meghan choosing a different lifestyle causes the constant debate over titles. It’s so frustrating to see the ridiculous standards they are held to that no one else is. :(

    3. The Duke of Windsor had to abdicate for political reasons. He was a Nazi sympathiser and the UK government were alarmed. They made him abdicate. It's an area of great interest to me and I've spent years researching it. Whatever you think of Harry and Meghan it is not correct that Edward was treated better - the PM was desperate for him to go after matters came to light. It's very detailed and complex but he was completely exiled, much to his chagrin.

    4. @Anonymous 21:46 - I agree in parts. Edward and Wallis should have gotten their titles taken away the second they showed sympathy to the Nazis. I think from a power perspective he should have lost his titles as soon as he abdicated. Just because we don't kill contenders with strong claims to the throne anymore doesn't mean they cannot still make things VERY complicated in the modern days. He was a real option for the Nazis to be installed again after all.
      Andrew should be stripped of his titles also. He used his position in very disgraceful ways and is now confronted with very serious accusations. It is tricky because taking titles away "just" because you are an awfull and disgraceful human is not based on clear definition and rules (even if I am tempted to make an exception for him). It would be different if it would be proven that he actually did something illegal. But his shady side businesses should have given enough ground to take those titles away long ago.
      Harry and Meghan left the company. They don't need those titles as they are only inmportant inside the royal universe. Same goes for ex-partners in my view. But they are definitely the last on my list to strip of titles.

      Important is: That are three completely different cases. Saying one should be stripped of the title doesn't mean the other ones should keep it. Many have an irrational hatred of them. Interestingly many also don't like the BRF in general and also loathe Andrew. We never see the whole spectrum of ones mindset. I get criticised regularly here for voicing my criticism and some questions about Kate. Which shows that those people don't realise that I am also very critical of Kate on the other blog and in other parts of the internet. But there are some real spiteful and crazy people who definitely need to get their priorities straight when comparing those topics.

      In my opinion the BRD should define some clear rules for holding and losing titles fitting for the modern world (as far as those two concepts go together). Being outside the working royal set up should at least end in loosing all additional titles. The Prince/Princess is still tied to your heritage and therefore I see why it will probably never be removed. Using your position verifiable to cut shady business deals defenitely should too. Backing a dictator/ muderous regime (as defined by the government) should too. Ungraceful behavior is more complicated as it is more subjective (even though Andrew will always be under the line). But I am sure smart lawyers could define rules that would hold in a real court.

    5. Those are excellent points, C. I agree. It's not so easy to strip titles, I know that Edward wanted to become Prince of Wales again, and tried to claim it legally.

    6. C. To be fair, you criticized other commenters for their opinions too. This is a blog and people are going to differ. The glaring problem is people often rely on their “insider” knowledge based on speculation and gossips.

    7. What revisionist bunk. In the 1930’s many wealthy people and commoners embraced fascism, including what we think of nazism today and their ideas. Those people included the royals, English politicians and the aristocracy. It was a time of great social, political and economic upheavals. The owner of the Daily Mail was an ardent fascist. The aristocracy and the British empire were struggling to hold on to their empire and their land in the midst of worker rebellion, Bolshevism and rise of unions.

      Many industrialists made money off the WWs for being war profiteers. They got knighted and land and to this day, live their lives among the elite in the UK. Edward and Wallis are easy caricatures to hurl rotten tomatoes at in this revisionist history. Many other European royals can trace their wealth and direct family ties to the Nazi Party, but they get a pass because we have Edward and Wallis to hate on. Meghan and Harry are being used in the same way.

    8. @Anonymous 19:17- the problem is not that people disagree with my comments. That is fine and actually very welcomed. Reading different perspectives brings us much closer to see the bigger picture and help clear up misunderstanings or misinformation. I have definitely been corrected and learned at lot on both blogs and the comment sections. I also try to correct misleading informations when I see them and hope others do to. But in the end- no one here knows any inside information.
      I just said, that many act as if I would hold Meghan to a double standard compared to Kate while having no clue what I think or say about her. That annoys me, as this blog is not about my opinion about Kate's fashion or actions. And many draw a similar conclusion about others that criticise Meghan, completely ignoring that many are just as harsh on the rest of the BRF. There is a big mass that isn't a fan of Meghan besides those vile people that live for hating on her.

    9. The fact that people bring up Edward and Wallis to compare Harry and Meghan screams the harsh judgement. William and Kate weren’t subjected to the same viciousness. Why not compare Edward and Wallis to Andrew‘s fiasco? People are easily led by the tabloids.

  30. I can't reember if Charlotte posted the speech that Harry made at the Sentebale dinner/fundraiser after the announcement that he and Meghan were stepping back as senior working royals, but I just came across it, and it is very moving and emotional explanation (as much of one as we're likely to get) of his decision. It also seemed clear that he drove the decision. The speech is well worth a read in the context of all that has happened since.

  31. Paying back the money is a big step (it is still pretty unclear how much of this summe is part of needed structural work and how much was for works just for their demands) and being finally financially independant was one of their biggest goals. I am very happy for them. Yes, the brititish tabloids will find something else but honestly- this will take massive pressure from their shoulders. Especially the financial independence. An almost 40 year old couple, rich in their own right (as many like to point out), still taking money from his family while not being employed by the family company anymore just didn't fit their narrative. I questioned and criticised this situation and I am very happy they found a way out of it.

    I agree that the amount of money they were made to pay back can be questioned. It is a complicated topic because many structural changes were only due to their move in. On the other hand it is not clear if they had a say. I would expect it though- I doubt the Queen picks a house and then they all are forced to move in, no matter what they want. There are probaly some on offer and they can do the final pick. I strongly believe in the end they are just happy to put that behind them and don't wanted to sort out every last penny. It is a clean slate.

    There is one thing though, I want to add. Charlotte mentioned how the ridiculous and harsh criticism started the second their renovation was announced. Very true, but I don't think any long term royal watcher was surprised? Anyone remember the harsh criticism the Cambridges got for Amner Hall? The roof debacle? The tennis court? The kitchen? The annoyed neighbours? The uproar about the costs? What a drama. Was no one here around for the extremly hateful comment sections? Online comments, reddit, threads and blogs are not that new and were alive and pretty bad then as they are now. It was the exact same thing. Therefore I am not willing to add the Frogmore Cottage to the whole Meghan and Harry had it so much harder argument.

    Anyhow- it seems as if they are now freeing themselves from many ties and are stepping forward into their new life. That must feel fantastic. It looks pretty different from what I thought they wanted but plans change. For me it is also a sign, that they will never resume their old roles. Which is kind of sad but I think it probably is the best for everyone involved. Hopefully, everyone finding their own path and happiness will bring healing to the family bonds.

    1. Really great points, and I would agree absolutely. I hope a line can be drawn under it now.

    2. I completely agree with you C, on all points. This is definitely a step in the right direction for the Sussex family. I think that many do forget the criticism over Amner Hall and the vitriol that was spewed, and sometimes still is, but then I guess that is part and parcel life in a royal fish bowl, you survive it and move on. Since we don't know the specifics of the payback or the extent of the renovation, the speculation of the details are really moot at this point because it's been paid back, period, punta, fini, double underline!

    3. The press coverage for Anmer Hall was nothing compare to the vitriol over Frogmore cottage. In fact palace spokespersons were trotted out to the press with explanations to justify its renovation cost repeatedly.

      There is an attempt to justify the racist coverage and far nastier lies about M&H and to make it appear the Cambridge’s suffered similarly for the convenient reason to whitewash the indefensible.

      Harry’s fall from grace is after his marriage to a half black American. Meghan’s crime wasn’t to embrace fascism or removed an English king from the throne as today’s press would like to characterize her as the new Wallis. No her crime ran the gamut of earning money as an actor, eating avocado, cradling her baby bump incorrectly, breaking protocols with nail polish choice and being political for acknowledging racism and sexism.

      Ironically, the press trolling comes from the same Daily Mail tabloid whose owner (viscount Rothmere) in the 1930’s was neck deep in politics pushing out anti-Semitic and xenophobic columns while embracing Hitler. A good chunk of the aristocracy and royal family rolled along with it. Some aristocrats married Nazis. Today the same paper used the same xenophobic and divisive racist tactics to pursue its political and social agenda in the same manner should come as no surprise. Media outlets owned by Rupert Murdoch that published xenophobic articles and their apologists and defended racist policies are trolling Meghan and Harry for similar reasons here.

      The conservative tabloids fermented the abuse against these two because they needed easy targets for their readers. They need a circus to distract the fearful and angry public from the Brexit and covid mess they helped created by supporting Tory party politics. They know things will get far worse for the UK
      and convenient scapegoats are needed to let the public rage on.

      The REAL royal news of significant is that this pandemic economy is costing the royals many millions in lost revenues. It’s a huge loss. Meghan and Harry finding financial independence should be celebrated and encouraged so that other lesser royals can break free from such subsidies, even indirectly. But that is seen as a threat because such independence means escaping the control of the palace grey men and the billionaire media barons.


    4. Bravo Martine !
      Beautiful comment. I agree ������

    5. I don't think the vitriol is limited to the press. Negativity and hatred spews in both directions.

    6. APPLAUSE for you martine. This is a perfect summary of the entire debacle surrounding Harry and Meghan from the get go. Through no fault of their own!

    7. Martine - you had been missed. It is good to read your post once again / interesting, informative, and well written.

    8. @Martine: Sorry but one article from an US magazine gives not a clear picture of what happened. Rebecca English for the Daily Mail 18th May 2014: "Kate spends £1.5m turning historic home into a 'WAG palace' with an orange roof after Queen kicks out tenant on Sandringham estate" That is just one of the headlines that was published at that time and it was a nicer one. Critical blogs written by private people read: William and Kate asked for two kitchens, spent £6 million so Will could go take a flying job near Anmer(and furthermore to prove a point: Kate and Will looking for a new nanny, but they’re still whitewashing their lives, 189 engagements in 1,000 days, but Kate is so “dedicated” behind the scenes, Kate and William are mere celebrities, lack royal gravitas...). I will spare you the comments. It is just one example each from a very quick google search. If you had been around that time you would recall many more. Published articles in tabloids never read as bad as the privately published ones and the comment sections are always something else.
      Not every criticism is routed in racism but I won't deny that this plays a massive part. But you will have to come up with better examples at this one.

    9. None of this set up is right. It’s like comparing cases of child or spousal abuse and deciding one has more merit because that child or spouse has a compound tibia fracture instead of a broken nose and bruises. I don’t understand why royal fans supports this press abuse? It has turned such coverage into a gladiator fight between two couples? Are we to cheer on the winner and boo the loser?

      But to some readers this is what they focus on, so here goes. Yes the DM wrote up articles, but there are differences in tone and frequency of such articles, especially when you see how many negative ones of Meghan and Harry in such a compressed period of time of two and a half years, even while they were working royals.

      It’s true I could have pulled out many DM articles to compare and contrast. But I decided why reference the DM. The articles are on record and I can find them just as readily as other readers.

      I lost count of how many DM articles that criticized M&H. This doesn’t include all the other royal rota members. But when you add just the ones during the renovation of Frogmore House, oh boy. There were multiple articles in one day. Some articles pulled out angry tweets by its readers to highlight.

      Again the better question here: is why put up with such media abuse that deliberately printed articles to incite the readers ready to lynch. It’s sick entertainment.

      Why are people excusing such bad behavior? This excuse that it’s ok to abuse someone because others have had it done to them too is crazy and wrongheaded. Bad enough we have young people committing serious hazing and bullying resulting in mental health problems, serious injuries and deaths, but we also have professional adults doing the same and being paid handsomely to do so. In the name of “journalism” and “press freedom” (without responsibility) no less. The deaths of Caroline Flack and Princess Diana should remind us this type of press leaves victims. What about the phone hacking, the briberies, and smear of common, everyday people who find themselves already victims of crimes and then victimized again by the invasion of their privacy and tormented publicly in the news so some journalist gets top billing and press barons make billions off their tragedy.

      A good press is so important in today’s fragmented and divisive world. A world where people are being bombarded by lies, prejudices, misinformation, misdirections, trolls and shoddy journalism. The handling of this pandemic is proof of that. People need facts and good reliable info. They need a fair press and in-depth investigative journalism more than ever. I fear by losing quality, trustworthy journalism, we are losing one of our most important societal checks and balances. And that is why I care.

      - Martine

    10. I want to add I’m not a fan of press sycophancy either. It’s possible and necessary to report royal news without it. I realize the confusion and blurring of more objective press reporting into the subjective and speculative is in part d/t the arrangement of the royal rota. It’s an agreement that tries to benefit both sides, sacrificing objectivity, independence and factual news for a propaganda machine to build royal support/fascination mixed in with entertainment value. While the royals may not see themselves as entertainment, readers and the royal press and watchers have made sure it’s just that, entertainment that sells and spawned a profitable mini-industry.

      This is an unenviable lifestyle IMO. Some royals have no choice and are born into infamy with all the privileges and pitfalls. Others marry into it and in doing so often get more than they bargained for. Harry can never lead a quiet life, free from press scrutiny. He makes the press too much money for that. All his life, even before he was born, he was scrutinized and speculated about. I remember when Diana was the chosen bride, her virginity was discussed by the press, inviting lurid speculation with Diana treated like she was on an auction block. I didn’t know much about modern British monarchy at that time, but the press coverage was profoundly disturbing to me.

      Finally, I believe as readers we have a responsibility too to not objectify people. It’s a reminder to myself and it’s why I don’t put people, be it queen, civic leaders or private citizens, on a pedestal. It’s unfair for all parties. This young couple are far from perfect. They’ve stumbled at times while trying to sort their way in somewhat uncharted territory. It’s a good reminder to balance out what’s important in the real world. There are far more important matters and public institutions which affect our lives directly than another recycled royal headline gossiping about whether Will and Harry, Kate and Meghan are feuding or not.
      - Martine

    11. Bravo Martine. Your comment is very instructive and enriching .
      I like it

  32. Very sad it seems to be ending on this note. I don’t think that Harry had any alternative in the end, he had to move to protect his wife and child. I hope all goes well for them.
    Thanks for always putting things well and seeing all sides of a situation 🙂

  33. The 35-year old Prince Harry did not draw a salary or pension from the years he worked for the family, that is why he probably needed help from the family in the beginning.

    Although it has also been reported that after moving to North America, they never took any money from the family.

    1. Indeed. But people who dislike Meghan and Harry will come up with all sorts of reasons to deny their work on behalf of the RF. To be financially independent isn’t cheered on by those who need to control the royals. That’s why the royal rota is in a tizzy because it makes them have to work a little harder. The rota can’t control the shots literally. They want nothing better than to beggar the Sussexes to show the royals who’s their real boss—who controls their rise and fall.

      Watching the abusive treatment of Meghan, Harry and their son has turned me off the royal news. The racism and misogyny are so frequent and outright that they make me question my interest in the royals to begin with. I feel like to participate is to be part of the abuse. I stop reading DM for any news. Same for other media outlets about the royal news.

      This pandemic and economic free fall showed me what’s important in my life and those in my community. This positive blog is the only one I turn to and now, more on an infrequent basis. I think my mental health is better by reducing my exposure to toxic and false news stories and dehumanizing comments on social media platforms that foster such hate and division to make millions and billions. It’s abusive and the fact that good people can sit in anonymity and take apart other people’s lives so easily is more proof of the cognitive dissonance and why horrific abuses and injustices will thrive.

    2. I don't understand your point. He and William inherited a great deal of money from their mother and their father gave him and William and their wives an annual grant once they married.( I'm sure it was based on the understanding that they would be taking up royal duties.) Also when they travelled on Commonwealth or foreign tours all their expenses were paid so they were certainly well catered for.

    3. He had inherited wealth, trust funds and investments. He has always been a very rich man. The Prince of Wales was also providing them with money, particularly Meghan's wardrobe as a working royal. He wasn't exactly hard done by.

  34. Meghan has already taken the lead in speaking up about gender issues and encouraging Americans to vote. With climate change presently causing such serious problems in USA, particularly the
    terrible fires in the western states, Harry could recruit some local scientists to help make Attenburgh type documentaries to educate the many climate deniers. That would be a very valuable contribution and not only to his newly adopted country. I fully support them in their future vocation and look forward to seeing more evidence of their vision for the future.

  35. Annette New Zealand12 September 2020 at 00:39

    I see that those living in the western US are being warned about the hazardous air quality caused by the horrendous fires threatening them all, not to mention the risks to their lives and property. It is only the early stages of the fire season so it could get worse, which is difficult for us to believe!
    I'm sending my prayers and best wishes for everyone's safety at this perilous time.

  36. Hello Charlotte,

    I found this article a short time ago, take a look at it. :)

  37. well duke and duchess of sussex are well receive my by USa they can stand alone with or without BRF helping them they are g0od in networking plus tgey are doing great jobs the duchess meghwn talking the imporancw value of sharing thoughts and woman adovacate qnd they are good in nature


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