
Tuesday 20 October 2020

Harry & Meghan Lead Time 100 Talk 'Engineering A Better Digital World'

Today, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex led the Time 100 talks special 'Engineering a Better Digital World'. The insightful and enlightening curated episode saw the couple sharing their views on a plethora of issues surrounding the online sphere and engaging in several interesting conversations with advocates, experts and creators. Spanning almost two hours, I highly recommend sitting down and taking in the stories, points of view, and Harry and Meghan's passionate words on their efforts moving forward.

As the episode opened in conversation with Time CEO Edward Felsenthal, Harry and Meghan revealed they are grateful to be able to spend so much time together as a family due to restrictions amid the pandemic. Meghan said: "We're just trying to embrace all of the quality time we get with our son right now and not miss a single moment of his growth and development." Speaking about the present climate, Harry noted it's never been more important to really ask someone how they are. "Before this everyone was satisfied with 'yeah, I'm good', but this year it's a case of 'no, how are you really?' In answer to that, we're good."

Harry spoke of his deep concerns regarding the online world. "What is happening in the online world is affecting the world. It is not restricted to certain platforms or certain social media conversations or groups. This is a global crisis, a global crisis of hate, a global crisis of misinformation, and a global health crisis." Meghan spoke of her and Harry's work even before they met leading them to the realisation this is an area they want to focus on. "It was only in the past couple of years we both started to connect the dots…all the work I was doing on women's empowerment or young girls and their sense of self worth, and seeing what the online spaces were doing to that community." Harry added the snowballing of misinformation is particularly concerning. He also praised Time for "moving the needle" and offering an outlet in which people can trust to offer truth.

During a conversation with Reddit founder Alexis Ohanian (a friend of the couple's and the husband of Meghan's dear friend Serena Williams), Meghan said, "It feels very official, different from our normal chats. I’m glad that you’re here and what we’re talking about today is obviously so important and something that you are so knowledgeable in obviously, as a founder with Reddit."

"But I think, if you don’t mind, we can jump right into it because it made a lot of news and garnered attention when you decided to step back from your board seat at Reddit and instead to ask if they give that seat to a person of color and specifically someone who is black. And I think you know that resonated with people in a huge way, especially because you said you were doing it because you were inspired by your daughter Olympia. Can you tell us a little bit about the thinking behind that and what it’s been since you made that choice?"

More on the conversation from Time:

Alexis - 'We’re seeing more and more studies that show just how healthy that is for boardroom conversations all the way down to the most junior employees to have those diversities of thought and experience. And frankly this is long overdue.

And I’ve been heartened when I have seen other people in similar positions who have stepped down to create opportunities for people of color. I still, you know I don’t have to look too hard to see there’s a lot more work to be done. And you know I’m happy to sign myself up for that, because I owe it to – I owe it to a lot of people and I’m ready for the challenge.

Meghan: 'Well you know one of the things that you had said actually on the heels of a piece that my husband had written for Fast Company, you wrote leaders lead. And I think that’s what you’re doing. Just let me thank you for saying that about the work that he’s doing is something obviously we’re both really passionate about.

But that’s what you’re doing, you are leading by example. And I think, you know, I’m sorry to hear that you’re still receiving hate mail. I know we have shared experiences in being in interracial marriages and you know raising small children who are of mixed race and how that plays into that.

But I think you know to touch on what you were saying earlier, what do you think that we’re losing in a broader sense when we don’t have that level of representation, not just in the companies themselves but in what the content is and how it’s being shared. I mean you touched on it there about the diversity not just of color but the diversity of thought, all of that is so key.'

Prince Harry led a conversation discussing journalism and the age of online disinformation with Rappler CEO Maria Ressa and Renee Di Resta. Harry praised Maria for her work as an advocate for freedom of the press, which he described as "absolutely critical and vital to everyone all over the world". Renee told Harry, "Every American going into elections, you can’t just think voting is enough. You’re going to have to sit and ask yourself the same question I ask myself, which is: what will you sacrifice for the truth?"

I really enjoyed hearing the amazing foursome from Teenager Therapy share their thoughts on creating safe online spaces. Their conversation with Harry and Meghan has introduced their podcast to a new audience globally, and I love that they were asked to participate in this. The cruel and insidious side of social media is particularly effecting teenagers and young people, and it's so important to have voices from that generation to discuss issues facing them and their peers.

More from Time:

'Anyone who has watched The Social Dilemma already knows that technology has fundamentally warped the way we see the world. But Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, have become invested in holding technology companies accountable for the misinformation spread on platforms like Facebook. For a special TIME100 Talks hosted by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, the couple sat down with two experts Tristan Harris, a Silicon Valley veteran who co-founded the Center of Humane Technology and appeared in The Social Dilemma, and Safiya Noble, author of Algorithms of Oppression.

During the discussion, Noble touched on Meghan’s own experience being the target of online hate. Noble explained that if you are part of a community “targeted with hate, disinformation, calls for genocide, calls for racist violence against you, misogyny, as Meghan I know you know so profoundly, the technologies are able to…amplify those kinds of messages and those kinds of harms,” says Noble. “The harms don’t just live in the platform. They often extend to shaping behaviors that people also act upon.”

Harris added that technology companies’ profit imperative thrives on disinformation, controversial opinions or fake news. “They are competing to seduce us with that promise of virality,” he says, citing the hashtags that promise billions of views on a single TikTok video. “But of course that doesn’t reward what’s true, what’s credible, or what is really good for society.”

The Duchess wore a black suit with a white top for the discussion. 

Meghan's jacket looks very much like her Alexander McQueen Grain de poudre wool blazer which she first wore for the Endeavour Fund Awards in 2018.

Click to hear the talk in its entirety. I hope we see many more from the couple! The discussion was an exciting indicator of plans ahead for Archewell. The fact they are consulting so many experts speaks to their plans for the non-profit in creating a better digital world for all.


  1. Simply said, Harry and Meghan are thriving in their environment and commitment to their work platform. Dreams do come true, if you believe. How lucky are they.

  2. I watched/listened to it live, and it had really engaging, informative interviews. I'm so happy Harry & Meghan are using their influence to converge experts on this topic!

  3. I still have a couple of segments to watch, but Maria/Renee and Noble/Harris interviews are my favorites. Maria Ressa is a real fire-cracker! Listened to every word with interest. I think the curation of talks and personalities was excellent. Really informative and thought provoking. The abuses and the current state of the digital world has everybody stressed.

  4. I love that Harry in settling in to his new way of life lovely to see

  5. I'm only an hour into this Time 100 Talk, but I must say that I am very impressed with the quality of the people Meghan and Harry have searched out, learned from, and then invited to inform all of us in this forum. M & H are a dynamic duo. It seems clear that they are able to do so much more outside their roles as senior royals. I'm so happy that they are free to pursue their interests and create these types of programs.

    Thank you, Charlotte, for keeping us informed of all the impactful things Meghan and Harry do.


  6. Perhaps we take for granted how beautiful Meghan is -- her face just lights up the screen! I loved listening to them, and thank you Charlotte for posting so much information.

  7. Thank you so much for these informative posts. It is a source of inspiration for me to get to know the background of M&H activities. And yes the physical distancing generates social closeness and I am happy for them as a family to be able to enjoy time together while planning and working sort of from the „Home Office“. They seeme to be determined and successful to pull lose strings together, combine friends and business in a meaningful way. Cannot wait to see the official launch of their charity. And they look so handsome, healthy and in love.

  8. Congratulations Harry & Meghan. Very good conversation .powerful speakers. I Am so proud for them.
    Thank you Charlotte.

  9. Thank you for this comprehensive summary of a terrific event. The content is important and every session was illuminating. As has been said, we are seeing previews of their Archewell work and I am looking forward to more. Even while they are taking on challenging topics, the couple looks very healthy and happy.

  10. Did you see? Launched yesterday:

    1. Yes ..! I signed up.
      I am so proud of them and excited.

    2. Ditto... Can't wait to see more. So exited. They did a hell of a good job with Time 100 Talk. Loved every minute. My favorite segment was the interview with Alexis Ohanian.

  11. Dear Charlotte
    Thank you for highlighting this excellent Time 100 episode led by Meghan and Harry. As other commenters have stated, it is amazing how much M&H have accomplished in the 8 months since they switched continents and redirected their energies and talents. All in the midst of a pandemic!
    I especially appreciated the segment with Alexis Ohanian.

  12. Dear Charlotte, thank you for this post. I signed up but couldn’t watch it live. Such an interesting range of people they brought together. I have always been impressed by Maria Ressa. I like how Harry is evolving in this new freedom.

  13. I must admit that I tuned into this talk because of Meghan and Harry but stayed the entire 2 hours because of the speakers.

    I don't visit a lot of social media platforms and am very picky about who/what I follow on the few platforms I do visit but listening to Alexis talk about the 'normalization" of hate speech, racist ads and misinformation was quite eye-opening. And hearing about what Maria Ressa is going through in the Philippines was shocking. It's scary to see how various world leaders are manipulating their citizens by saying that any news that contradicts their view is "fake". While at the same time seeing reporters and/or editors print obviously false and misleading stories about Meghan is making it hard to know who/what to believe.

    After watching this entire talk, it was tough to feel optimistic so I'm glad that Harry did highlight the various ways experts are working to solve these issues and things that we as individuals can do right now to improve our online experience.

    If you haven't watched the entire talk I highly recommend that you do, do it for yourself, for your family, especially for any girls/boys and young women/men you know and for your community. The more informed we are, the stronger we are.

    1. I so agree with your thoughtful comment, Lauri. It took me a while to finish listening, and I'm glad I made the time. Of course Maria Ressa's presentation is the most heart rending, but most are excellent. In fact, I'm reading Safiya Noble's book right now. Since I avoid social media virtually 100%, I "know" what's happening there,but can't fully realize the extent its tentacles have reached into most lives. Since we can't put the genie back in the bottle, it's imperative to get informed and support all efforts to reform it for the good.
      As an aside, I'm glad Meghan and Harry are putting their lives to such international service. There are others in the BRF who can handle the daily work with the very worthwhile charities there. The work the Sussexes are doing will impact the UK beneficial as well.

  14. Going back to Meghan's pinky ring, What Meghan Wore says this: Meghan’s ring is reported to be by jewelry designer Lorraine Schwartz. According to PageSix, the news outlet was told that the designer fashioned the ring from a diamond gift the couple received from the Middle East.

    Apparently there are also diamond earrings that were made from the same set. We’re wondering if this was the emerald cut pair we first saw on the Duchess in June 2019 for Trooping the Colour.

  15. Thank you Lori for your inspiring comment .you are right. British medias are toxic and evil.
    Good luck H&M and their beautiful Archie.
    God bless them.

  16. Just saw the interview Prince Harry did for Britain's Black History Month. Wow! He is certainly coming into his own.

  17. Harry is the authentic Prince and the King of hearts !
    He is a Very support of his wife and the cause of BLACKs and the minority.

  18. this was great thanks for posting Charlotte nice to see them looking so happy

  19. Am I the only one wondering about Meghan's 9-month delay in the trial for confidential reasons?

    1. Caroline in Montana30 October 2020 at 22:11

      I think she's probably pregnant and putting it off so not to travel around during covid and not having to face the press and no one even know they are expecting? those are my thoughts on it. also as a celebrity I guess you can get delays like that?

    2. Anyone can request delays in any legal proceeding. Celebrity or non-celebrity. It’s up to the judge to grant it or not. There could be a lot of things going on besides Meghan’s hypothetical pregnancy. (Which the day we stop speculating about a woman’s uterus will be a happy day indeed!) the confidential evidence the judge heard pertaining to this request probably runs the gamut from standard legal maneuvers to potentially sensitive (health or otherwise) information about any of the parties involved. Meghan’s team is still requesting summary judgment in place of a trial.

  20. Obviously it could be a happy event. Equally it could be just that she doesn't want to have to have a confrontation in court with her father and have her five friends subject to cross examination. I see that she has asked for a summary hearing by a judge which would obviate it having to be done in front of a jury.

  21. Hi Charlotte,

    I hope you are doing fine and everyone is healthy around you.
    I found this:

    Maybe it is a worth of a post.

  22. I finally found the time to watch this and I must say I'm impressed. It's a collection of very insightful and informative conversations. To me this is by far the most progressive work I've ever seen royals be a part of and as a very progressive person myself I'm very excited about this and hope it's a sign of more things to come. I particularly loved the focus on racial equality, access to opportunities for minorities and impact of racially motivated hate on social media on POC which is something royals have never really cared or talked about. Not gonna lie...even the P&G commercials were truly beautiful and unfortunately hit way too close to home. This is the type of impact I had envisioned the first biracial princess making and now that she's free from the shackles of palace rules, laws and protocols she's definitely not letting me down.

    1. Me two are right !
      Meghan and Harry are progessist couple.they are the very model and modern couple for the young people .

  23. Saw that they honored Remembrance Day in LA -- also read that the "courtiers" denied Harry a wreath to be placed in the UK. If being in the RF is a family job, why do courtiers get to run the show? I am truly not being ugly -- I just don't understand how any of his family members who may care about Harry expect to heal the issue by such decisions.


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