
Friday 16 October 2020

The Sussexes to Host Time 100 Talk on "Engineering a Better World"

 The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will host a Time 100 Talks episode that will "dive into the state of our digital experience". The discussion "Engineering a Better World" will bring together advocates, experts and creators to share their views on improving our digital world for all. The conversation takes place virtually on 20 October and is open to everyone. Click here to register your interest in viewing the talk.

Carly Ledbetter reports Dan Macsai, Time executive editor and editorial director of TIME100, said the Sussexes are "among the most influential voices in the world". He added: "We look forward to working with them to elevate essential voices and highlight real solutions to some of the most pressing issues of our time."

In addition to the news, we were treated to three new portraits of the couple by Matt Saylesth. How fantastic is the image of them together? They both look incredibly content and happy - especially since they settled into their Santa Barbara home and created a clear path ahead both professionally and philanthropically - with Netflix and Archewell. It does feel as if it's all very much falling into place for them. Our experiences shape us, and Harry and Meghan's experiences online, fueled by a relentless media appetite in the UK for negative news, impacted them not only in terms of how their work was covered but on a deeply personal level. Creating a better online world will be a pillar of Archewell's work and we're beginning to see the development of the non-profit as work continues behind-the-scenes.

Time reports:

'Presented in partnership with P&G and themed around the topic of “Engineering a Better World,” the special episode of TIME100 Talks reflects a foundational element of The Duke and Duchess’ nonprofit Archewell – building online communities that are more compassionate, safe, and trustworthy.

In addition to developing the theme, guests, and topics for this special edition of TIME100 Talks, The Duke and Duchess will make opening and closing remarks, lead conversations, and discuss creating safe, trustworthy and compassionate online communities with TIME editor in chief and CEO Edward Felsenthal during the show.'

During the conversation, Harry and Meghan will be joined by the foursome behind Teenager Therapy; Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian, who is also married to Serena Williams; Rachel Cargle, activist and founder of the Loveland foundation. Renée Diresta, Internet Observatory technical research manager; Naj Austin, Somewhere Good founder; Tristan Harris, Center for Humane Technology president and co-founder; Safiya U Noble, co-director UCLA Center for Critical Internet Inquiry; and Maria Ressa, Rappler CEO and executive editor.


  1. I loooovvvvee these pics!

  2. It's great to see Harry looking SO GOOD!

  3. My oh my oh my!!! Harry looks more handsome than usual on black and white photos! Eye candy galore!!!

  4. I have aways said that no one wears a uniform better then Harry. However, this man rocks clothes in general, period. Beautiful photographs. I do see a new pinky ring on Meghan. It looks like a stone. Any ID on it.

    1. USA Granny, I am more into her jewelry than her fashions and I wish the photo was color to give a clue to the stone. :) She has continued to wear some interesting items. The earrings she wore yesterday can be rearranged into different shapes.

  5. Omg! These pix are amazing! Especially the photo of the 2 of them. That photo clearly states that Meghan is not dominating a weak Harry, as some try to say. It is gorgeous and shows what an engaging, connected couple they are. In both pix, Harry’s eyes speak of his strength and caring.

    1. I totally agree. They seem happy, thriving, unbroken, unchanged,unchained, unbothered.

      To be honest these photo’s says everything. They look so darn happy. I can’t imagine they will ever return to the UK to be working members for the Royal Family. Why should they? They can pursue their goals, without holding back. No spiteful articles day in day out to paint them in the most negative way. No more whining about breaking royal protocol, while it is evident that other members got praised for the exact same. I say good on them.

  6. I just saw a headline saying that Harry and Meghan are becoming irrelevant, lol!! I just registered for this event and am super excited!!

    1. Good to have a laugh on a grey rainy day.

    2. It was a guy from Daily Mail, hardly relevant.

  7. Point of interest...In registering to watch I do believe that it does not repeat if I am reading correctly. Don't delay if interested so you receive the link. I don't mean to sound like an advertisement. I was surprised to read that it doesn't repeat as most of us catch up with media events when we can. I don't want to be disappointed.

  8. Simply Wow! I love these pictures! They are a smart and loving couple and strong exceptional individuals.
    Their focus on the online world is so important. We can see how their combined energies will make a difference in this world. And we understand more and more that this wouldn’t happen inside palace walls. Behind these walls they must have been really scared of them......

    1. Susan in Florida16 October 2020 at 21:33

      You said it well Kristina. Those walls are crying to have lost very modern voices that can speak to generations on important subjects. And subjects important to them. I’d rather see the Royals in a few projects that speak to their interests and shows their more authentic selves.

  9. Wow! Just beautiful! Very excited to see this new project.

  10. Just so gorgeous, the two of them! Harry's look and her beautiful hair. USA Granny, now I need to know about that pinky ring!

  11. wow these are gorgeous photos of the couple. some of the best ive ever seen of them.!
    thanks for posting this Charlotte. I've signed up for the talk and looking forward to it!

  12. They both doing fantastic. So glad everithing worked out in the end. They have such a bright future ahead

  13. I have already registred and set my calendar .I am so excited.

  14. Thank you, Charlotte for keeping us up to date. Harry and Meghan look incredible. I love the photos, especially the one of them together.

    Their networking is very impressive. They have lined up an amazing group of people to discuss this important topic. It's clear they work hard behind the scenes.

    I'm so grateful they are free to pursue their interests in powerful ways outside the restrictions of Royal protocol. Their impact will be so much greater now.


  15. A quote from above: "Carly Ledbetter reports Dan Macsai, Time executive editor and editorial director of TIME100, said the Sussexes are 'among the most influential voices in the world.' He added: 'We look forward to working with them to elevate essential voices and highlight real solutions to some of the most pressing issues of our time.'"


    1. He is right !
      Meghan is an high achiever and Harry is not Lazy.
      They are inspiring and Shining.
      I love them.

  16. Lovely pics & cool event! -op

  17. Lovely pics of them both!

  18. She's wearing the watch that was a gift to Diana on her 21st birthday.

    1. It is not known if this is Diana's watch she is wearing in this black and white photo. In 2015, to celebrate Suits 3rd season, she bought a Cartier watch had it inscribed "to MM from MM".

  19. I just saw the BLACK and white photos of the event and they are a power couple. They looked divine.

  20. Harry & Meghan are a world Class couple & their strenght is in their authenticity.

  21. Harry's hair is so much better styled these days! And I echo everyone- they both look wonderful! The photography is brilliant.

  22. In addition to their admirable and real will that can only be encouraged, I am always waiting to see beautiful portraits of this couple that I love very much.It is also true that Harry is even more than charming in these photos. Physically nature has given him a gift and now he is getting better with age and marriage. I am moved to see them too flourished. Health Prosperity Success for this young couple whose intelligence, will and spirit of initiative make me appreciate them more.

    1. Absolutely !
      You are right .

  23. There is one thing that stays with me the whole time watching the coverage of Meghan and Harry.
    I would like to hear about your feelings about it in this this community.
    Especially with the Lacey Book available. I always thought it was very damaging for the relationship between the brothers to question Harry’s choice of partner. I am a therapist and have seemingly a different perception of this than a lot of people who claim that this was Williams brotherly thoughtfulness.
    I do not believe in the version in finding freedom- in powerful and financially well supplied families this is done in a different tone sometimes even combined with a deal.
    If you are in love with someone this is something so pure intimate and precious that this kind of ratio can be extremely hurtful. I am sure William knows his brother very well and still he
    interfered and tried to control his intimate life and his professional life. He limited his brother to such an extend that Harry’s breaking free became more and more likely. And when he actually did he could not face his brother for lunch? I do not think William was sensible in all this -he was emotional and not in a good way. This is probably something he is now learning in a hard way. Good leadership can transform, embrace and use difficult situations for everyone’s benefit. Harry is not the easiest person, many exceptional souls aren’t, and Meghan was a difficult choice and a treasure now lost.

    1. That you Kristina for your thoughtful, informed perspective. I think you are right--you never change someone's mind when it comes to matters of the heart. It is far better to wish them the very best and hope that it works out well. In the end I think it worked out for the best, Harry & Meghan can have a bigger impact and more freedom this way.

    2. Completely respect your perspective as a therapist, but to provide insight into a relationship you have no first hand information on is hard to understand. "He (William limited his broth to such an extent that Harry's breaking free become more and more likely.."....I do not think William was sensible in all this - he was emotional and not in a good way." How in the world would you know this, unless Harry sought counsel from you personally. William may or may not be many things, but a controlling, unthoughtful brother, I'm not convinced. I would not expect that he has all the answers and that he will learn from events in his life to help him in his leadership role. I will, however, concur, that if a simple question such as "are you sure she's the right one?" from one brother to another is the spark that ignited this 'feud', then yes there were deeper problems before and chances are others had voiced a similar concern, making it a very touchy subject for Harry. We do not know from one 'little snippet' the context of their conversation. Also, Meghan is not a treasure lost, she and Harry are very seemingly forging their path quite well, its more that she is a gem destined for a different 'crown'. That doesn't make either bad, it makes them both different. Whatever transpired between the brothers, or the royal family, is between them and the real truth we may never know, but our ability to survive is our ability to adapt to change, and how good that H & M are finding their own way.

  24. Kristina, it is important to note that earlier available accounts related that William objected to the rushed nature of the decision to marry not Harry's actual choice of partner. As a therapist, you no doubt are aware that short court ships often lead to short marriages. William also was aware of the added strain to a new marriage adjustment to a new country, a new family, and a completely different routine would bring. (Ironically, that is exactly the position in which Harry now finds himself.) Those circumstances, I believe you will agree, call for more getting to know you and your family time, not less.
    It was a matter of looking at the relationship without the rose-colored glasses and blinders. He saw Harry was smitten and possibly beyond objectivity. Attempting to advise is not necessarily a sign of attempts to control.
    As the youngest in the family I can sympathize with Harry. There were times I was hurt when an older siblings tried to caution me on a choice I had considered. I have to say, there were also times I would do the thing anyway, just to establish my independence. A mature person would simply thank the person for the advice and move on. I suspect Harry had had his fill of brotherly advice by then. I can't even imagine how exaggerated this divide is when birthplace in a family dictates ones entire future.
    The bizarre fact is we really don't know the facts and I doubt that anyone who would be privy to such detailed knowledge would turn around and write about it. For money. They would have to be close friends who no doubt wish to renain such, family, or covered by NDAs.
    Honestly. how well would something sell if there were no intrigue or conflict or scandal? The simple caution to a brother morphed into a much more sellable conflict. Now, it seems the reported disagreement could cause a constitutional crises and bring down the monarchy. Really?

  25. Dear Anon, it is really a sad and weird Situation. I feel sorry for both brothers. And we do not really know what is behind all this. There is so much intrigue, projection and wishful thinking in the William and Harry issue.
    What struck me is that a majority of people did not feel Harrys hurt when he introduced Meghan and received a lot of resentment . For him it was very difficult to find someone who would do that job. William was very young when he met Kate- their long courtship made sense. People in their midthirties do not need that much time for decisionmaking and Meghan and Harry had to deal with a lot of issues, her job, living together as an unmarried couple in the Royal Circles is not that easy- and apart from all this I believe he was just really in love. There is no statistic showing that short courtships make short marriages.
    For the sake of future relationships it is better to give support and stay connected- so your sibling or child feels respected, safe and trustful. You cannot prevent loved ones from making their own mistakes and experiences anyway...
    Constitutional crisis- really? I do feel the same about the money thing and selling highly emotional stories.
    Monarchies reflect emotions and the change of values over time- that makes them so attractive....and lasting

  26. Kristina, good point regarding the difference in ages of Harry and William at meeting their future mates. However, we do need to consider both emotional and chronological ages. I think Harry's inability, in his own words, to deal with his mother's death until recently may have frozen some of his relationship responses to a less mature stage. And set him up emotionally to seek a strong female for a partner. He did get help subsequently and is maturing, I imagine, with some guidance from Meghan along the way. Where he was in his therapy when he met her and when the rumored disagreement with Willuam took place we simply do not know.
    Longer courtships are associated with stable marriages. That is a fact that does not seem to be related to age at meeting.
    Otherwise, as far as the feelings and opinions of the various members of the royal family, they confine those, for the most part, to off the cuff, walkabout remarks that don't include giving opinions of the relationships of other royals. As a group, they tend to circle the wagons when one is attacked from without-meanimg no talking to press about a situation either to support or criticize the royals involved.
    There is a notable exception: one high ramkimg royal in particular has given exclusive interviews to at least one tabloid. This person was rumored to be a source of gossip during the Diana years. There are also a spouse or two who get chatty on occasion. Then there are those in Harry's new circle who might has heard something and might share.
    The thing is, it is doubtful that any of those people know the dynamics between the brothers who can speak from the viewpoint of both brothers.
    I have enjoyed my conversation with you, Kristina.

    1. Anon I really don’t know where this long courtship means stable marriage assertion is coming from. I’ve never seen any support of that. My experience is from personal friends is people who met younger dated longer due to the complexities of getting your adult life underway. And people who met older dated for shorter. I’ve never really seen a fact or study that supports a relationship between length of dating and stability of marriage. If you can provide one I’d be interested. In my own life I dated my first spouse for 10 years and married for 5 before divorcing. My second spouse was a quick decision to marry after 18 months and I am happier than I have ever been after 10 years of marriage.

      I also think you’re a tad misguided about the no talking to the press assertion. They all do, with some regularity it seems. They may not be on camera putting their name to it, but I have seen in these comment threads in recent months a real naïveté about the relationship between the press and royals. There is absolutely a symbiosis and two way relationship. This is plainly obvious if you follow the tone of books and articles and the constant narrative shaping that goes on. I think the circling the wagons and never explain never complain philosophy is a bit mythological at this point and not exactly reflective of how they actually push their image.

    2. I agree ��������

  27. Dear Anon-me too- very interesting- thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  28. Hi Charlotte,

    yesterday I read some additional information on Meghan's new ring and there is an article about it here:


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