
Tuesday 15 December 2020

Harry & Meghan Sign Multi-Year Archewell Audio Deal with Spotify

Have you been hoping Harry and Meghan would host a podcast series? I know I have. It's a medium I very much hoped they would tap into to. They are both excellent speakers and, I think, both very excited to amplify their voices in new ways. We're also eagerly awaiting news on Archewell and how the couple will connect with their global following to share the work and projects they are working on and the inspiring people they meet on their journey. Today, Spotify announced an exclusive multi-year partnership with Archewell Audio, a new audio production company by Harry and Meghan which promises inspiring content.

In a joint statement, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex said, "What we love about podcasting is that it reminds all of us to take a moment and to really listen, to connect to one another without distraction. With the challenges of 2020, there has never been a more important time to do so, because when we hear each other, and hear each other’s stories, we are reminded of how interconnected we all are."

We will see Harry and Meghan hosting and producing content for the media giant, with the first full series scheduled for next year. In the meantime, a taster is in store in the form of a holiday special due to drop later this month. It will feature stories of "hope and compassion" from inspirational guests ahead of the New Year. Click here to hear a teaser from Harry and Meghan. There are some very sweet moments as Meghan asks Harry to begin the introduction after he says, "Shall we start? ladies first?" To which Meghan replies Archewell Audio "sounds really nice with your accent". They introduced themselves simply as Harry and Meghan.

They both sound incredibly excited. People writes:

"So that's what we're up to, and first up..." Meghan said, allowing Harry to finish with, "a holiday special." They then started to sing a little tune together.

"We're talking to some amazing people," Meghan added. "They're going to share their memories that really shape this past year, which has been, as we know, a difficult one for everyone."

Harry continued, "So many people have been through so much pain this year, experiencing loss, a huge amount of uncertainty — but it feels worth acknowledging that 2020 has connected us in ways we have never imagined through endless acts of compassion and kindness."

More from Spotify:

'“The Duke and Duchess of Sussex may live in California, but the power of their voices rests in their status as citizens of the world,” says Spotify Chief Content and Advertising Business Officer Dawn Ostroff. “That they are embracing the extraordinary capacity of podcasts on Spotify while also seeking to elevate underrepresented voices is a testament to their appreciation for the potential of audio storytelling. We are proud to partner with The Duke and Duchess and look forward to listeners hearing directly from them and the other creators that they will be elevating via our global platform.”

The first complete series from Archewell Audio and Spotify is expected next year and will be available to stream for free on Spotify.'

As we've noted before, their path so far very much echoes that of Barack and Michelle Obama who inked a major Netflix deal after their time in the White House. Michelle also signed a deal with Spotify.

More from the Hollywood Reporter:

'There’s been speculation that Harry and Meghan would ink a deal with Spotify since this summer when the couple relocated to California and signed a comprehensive producing partnership with Netflix, which will see them make documentaries, feature films, children’s programming and more. Their path to Hollywood, following the January announcement that they would step back as senior members of the British royal family, has mirrored that of another famous couple, Barack and Michelle Obama. Through their Higher Group shingle, the Obamas also have multi-year deals at Netflix and Spotify, which have led to documentaries American Factory and Crip Camp and interview show The Michelle Obama Podcast.

At Spotify, Meghan and Harry are likely to feature diverse and underrepresented voices. Their first full podcast series is expected to be released next year as part of Spotify’s free, ad-supported product, which reaches 320 million people around the world.

For Spotify, the deal with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex marks another major coup as the company takes on podcast giant Apple. Daniel Ek-led company has made audio-first programming a priority in recent years as it looks to grow beyond its music streaming roots.'

I read several articles of late discussing how this year was very much about preparing Archewell, meeting the right people and planning how they can effect positive change. They also focused on the right commerical partnerships for them, and with both Netflix and Spotify, we're seeing content that perfectly aligns with their philanthropic work. The path to financial independence was perhaps one of the trickiest terrains to navigate this year. Now, they've signed multi-year deals with two major players their future is secure, and this security will enable Archewell to thrive. 2021 is going to be a fantastic year for the Sussexes!


  1. I have listen 3x times to this trailer. I love their voices. They sound so nice together and you can hear the fun in their voices. These 2 are really a team based on equality. I can't wait to hear more. Off to listen 1x more time or 2...

    1. Elfje99, I agree. I have listened repeated as well. Their lovely voices lift my spirits. It gives me hope to look forward to hearing more from them and their content focusing on voices not always heard sharing inspirational stories of compassion.


    2. So true Elfje99and 21:37. A wonderful antidote to the strident carping voices that have been trying (unsuccessfully) to tear them down.

  2. What good news this morning! How cool to hear H & M voices through my headphones. Delighted and impressed to bits. Looking forward to their holiday special, and the series next year.

  3. I'm so excited to hear Meghan and Harry's sweet voices! They're such a great team, and will offer great content on Spotify. So thrilled for them. Thank you, Charlotte.


  4. Can't you feel the love between them. Love their underlying message in all their endeavors.

  5. That audio was funny, promising, and professional in a relaxed way. They sound alive and lively as a team. I had always found the the soul within them more interesting and dynamic when ever they team up. It is good news they are on audio; life is moving and marching on with them as they continue to evolve in many ways. Never a dull moment! I loaded the app for the first time.

  6. awesome im glad i have a spotify account and glad this is available to stream for free next year
    they were cute on the teaser
    im glad they have found their own path and are happy. they sure have been smart in their business dealings. more power to them

  7. Tammy from California16 December 2020 at 03:50

    I am a very critical person of this couple, but ALWAYS wish them the best. I hope this turns out to be something that changes my mind for good and puts me on the Sussex Train. I have always been open to what keeps being touted about them as a "power couple" but have felt that they never really got off the ground for this reason and that reason. I hope it comes to fruition for them and will be critically watching but ultimately hoping them the best.

    1. Well we are in the middle of a world wide pandemic so I’m not sure what else they could have accomplished this year. I mean they’ve signed on with Netflix, signed on with Spotify, invested in a start up business (might have invested in others that we haven’t heard about), interviewed social media leaders for Time 100, moved twice, bought their own home, volunteered multiple times, etc, etc. All of this and more in less than one year and while grieving the loss of their second child. So imho, not only have they gotten off of the ground, they have positively soared.

      I have to ask Tammy what more do expect from them?

    2. Lauri, it does sound amazing, doesn't it? And for a couple who I thought needed to be seen but I was wrong there.

    3. Well said Lauri! :) xoxo

      Becca USA

    4. Tammy,
      As for me, instead of watching to criticize, I'd rather use that energy/time to be positive and ask myself where could I volunteer in my community?

      H&M are just trying to live their best lives like the rest of us.

      As Lauri has pointed out: what more do you expect from them?


    5. @Lauri- they signed deals but haven’t actually delivered something yet. Investing in a company is not that hard, it’s basically buying shares. Building something is hard and I think they realise that with Archwell. I am still confused what it is going to be and what exactly it will work out.
      They definitely have done great things in terms of charity, but the whole Archwell set up is still very nebulous. Is it a proper foundation? What is this “charitable entity”. Is Archwell Audio a sister entity or just a branch? I really wish they would set it up properly- nothing not even a pandemic is holding them back from setting up a website with a logo, about us page and masthead. And then include the projects and deals done under this roof. Who signed those deals? They personally or Archwell (which would definitely be advisable from a legal perspective)? People wouldn’t be so confused and raising eye brows if they hadn’t made such a fuss about it but then do everything else instead.
      @B&B I find praise and criticism both important. Reading different view points is important so we can look beyond our own bubble. In the end it doesn’t matter what it is, in both instances the time would have been better invested in volunteering.

    6. Watching critically is not the same thing as criticizing. You can wish someone well and hope they succeed while remaining critical of their actions or intent, etc. All of the things Lauri mentioned they accomplished in a year and allowed them to soar are really not that spectacular when you consider the privileged position they come from and continue to have. I appreciate Tammy’s honesty and find it refreshing that she is not just fawning over Harry and Megan like most people on this site do.

    7. Meghan got off the ground from childhood and never stopped: feediding the homeless in Skid Row along side her mother, feeding the homeless in Chicago as a student, fedding the homeless in Toronto as an actress; making several trips to Rwanda to improve water delivery, teach art to a class and selling their art to add another water point, visiting India and encouraging business to make female product available to young girls so that they can attend classes, many international interviews, influential writings in many global lifestyle magazines ----and she continued as a Senior Royal -- and now as a regular royal. NOTHING STOP

    8. 4:32, I do not feel that "most people on this site" are just "fawning over Harry and Meghan". This site attracts people who admire Meghan as a person and her commitment to volunteering (as Felix has pointed out started since childhood), so it is only natural that it would attract people who like to volunteer and stay positive in spite of all the negativity, which is exactly just like Meghan conducts her life. So yes, to many of us who have experienced adversity but keep rolling with the punches, it's only natural to consider Meghan a role model. The title of this site is Mad About Meghan so... we are here to support her because many other sites do not.

    9. I admire (not fawn) people like the Sussexes who are only trying to do good in this world especially now that we are going through a global pandemic; the world is hurting therefore I cannot be critical of the Sussexes -or anyone- that their only crime is trying to make the world a better place.


    10. Charlotte, thank you for sharing the lovely MadAboutMeghan - so loving and positive. Just what we need more of in this times of global crisis! We need more people like Meghan and Harry. I am not confused at all regarding how they choose to run their charity or go public about it. It is not like they have committed a crime. It is their business; I am just glad they are doing well and continue their philanthropy. Selene

  8. So happy they are finally thriving πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’. Great reporting as always Charlotte. Thank you.

  9. What great news! I also love their voices, they both sound so good. I'm also happy for them on a personal level, from how they started the year with so much uncertainty and continued attacks from the Royals and UK media, but still triumphed in the end! Well done to them both and I wish them continued success.

  10. Oh my goodness! I am positively giddy about this great news!! Meghan and Harry have shown that hard work, compassion, determination and love really do win in the end! So far I’ve ordered the Clevr Blend starter kit and listed to the Archewell Audio introduction about 10 times, they are so sweet together and I loved the flirty vibe!!

    A bit off topic but does anyone else think that Meghan will return to working with UN Women? I’m just getting this feeling that after the inauguration, we might see Meghan return to the UN in some sort of role.

    1. I agree (that Meghan will probably work with the UN again in the future). I'm not sure why she had to give it up. Many working European royals work with the UN.

    2. The fact that members of many royal families are speaking out on important issues and attending sessions at the UN and elsewhere shows that it was possible for Meghan and Harry to do most of the things they are currently involved in and still remain senior members of the British Royal Family. It is only a few minor things like commercial involvement that might have created problems with Royal rules. It is a great pity that more effort was not put into sorting out any issues before it went public. Their developing involvement with the Commonwealth will be curtailed now that they are disconnected from Harry's Grandmother who is the Head of that organisation. But maybe working through the UN will be easier and can replace their previous roles.

  11. Awesome! So happy for them :)

  12. OMGosh.... They are So Adorable!!! lol :) Sharing good stories from good people..... How Wonderful!! :) xoxo

    Becca USA

  13. More great news on how the Sussex couple are progressing in their journey.

  14. I *loved* this. Can't wait! -op

  15. So great to hear them again and equally fantastic to hear your voice, too, Charlotte!!! Wishing you all the best in the new year, may it be infinitely better than 2020.

  16. This is such good news -- I listened and their voices truly are wonderful. Meghan has a terrific voice -- I'm so glad they are finding success, both financially and personally.

  17. Good for them! Piers Morgan is not happy, lol.

    1. Yes you are right..poor old man.he is obsessed by Meghan

  18. Excellent news, I’m so happy for Harry & Meghan! It’s wonderful to hear their delightful voices, they sound terrific together. I just downloaded Spotify & look forward to listening to Archewell Audio.

  19. Its good news to hear that Meghan and Harry are getting their act together and that we will be hearing lots more from them in the near future. I was thrilled to hear in 2019 that Harry was working with Oprah Winfrey to produce a series of mental health programmes, the first of which would be coming out in early 2020. I have a particular interest in this topic and have been keeping an eye out for the series over several months, but to no avail. If anyone on this blog has come across information about this, it would be appreciated if you could pass on how to get hold of the series. I have been searching on the internet but haven't found any contact for them.

  20. A Kiwi Fan - If I am correct, it would have come out in Spring 2020. Their move, and the pandemic might have changed the date.

    1. Yes Anon15, I thought that too. However it was an Oprah/Apple collaboration with Harry and the preliminary publicity sounded as if that first one in the series was well underway in early 2019, so there must have been some other holdup we don't know about. I will keep looking for it.

  21. An observation re comment from Anonymous @21:46 :From what I have observed, this couple is competent, careful and not at all slapdash. Their press releases are not merely visions of what they hope to accomplish without concrete proposals and plans. Obviously they can walk and chew more than one wad of gum at the same time. They've signed on to produce, over several years, so I'm sure we will see what they produce all in good time and judge whether or not they are worth the big contract. I'm sure they've set up their foundation/non-profit properly, but they seem to be doing a really soft launch, or probably no official launch at all. I'm sure a lot of people are upset that they currently have no social media presence, but the use and abuse of social media is one of their issues, so I'm sure they will be very careful about their use. This couple have contracts in areas where they have skills. Sure, they got huge contracts because they are Harry and Meghan, but isn't that the point? There are millions of rich and privileged people, but they are not necessarily wanting to be philanthropists and humanitarians and producers. Harry and Meghan are now part of the business sector, and I'm sure they would lose contracts soon enough if they don't live up to their potential. After all, Netflix and Spotify are not charities, and they don't sign contracts for humanitarian reasons. I'm sure that their development of things is not linear will bother a lot of people who will find it frustrating. But if one presents a busness plan to a bank, for example, and the bank approves, presumably one would also be given time to implement it. It seems to me that at the moment they establishing their areas of humanitarian work, and they plan to support/finance their work through establishing their media company.

    1. I agree at your comment ! It's exactly..!
      Thank you.

  22. Agree 100%. Besides, they're their own boss now - do not have to answer to no one - they have every right to take their time and be careful as they see fit, release/or not release info. They do not owe us anything.


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