
Monday 21 December 2020

Archewell's First Major Project Is a Sign of Things to Come

Since the Duke and Duchess of Sussex moved to the US earlier this year, we've seen much coverage speculating on the couple's plans for the future, how they would earn their money (never without an accusatory tone or a good dose of snide remarks), and of course how their non-profit would function. As 2020 draws to a close, a year none of us will be sorry to bid farewell to, we have answers to those questions. On the financial front, Harry and Meghan have followed a path walked masterfully by the Obamas. They've watched how effectively the power couple have managed to secure their financial future without sacrificing their integrity and values, and retained the ability to maintain the line between their professional and private lives. As content producers for Netflix and Spotify, Meghan and Harry will connect directly with a global audience on their own terms. As a couple who know all too well how it feels to be voiceless and to have the media misconstrue who you are to devastating effect, I think this will be both healing and refreshing for them. They will highlight those whose stories deserve to be told, but who simply wouldn't ever have access to a sizable platform. Their podcast series will be one of the key ways we hear stories from Archewell.

We know the vast majority of Harry and Meghan's work took place privately this year. Between the pandemic and building a new life in the US, it afforded additional opportunities to take the necessary time to meet the right people, forge relationships and research where they want their philanthropic legacy to fit in the charitable space. I've always felt it would be true to the couple and the lifelong interests they've held, and indeed it will not be very far away from the vision they initially shared for Sussex Royal as working members of the Royal family. One fact I knew with total certainty? Projects they undertake will be tangible with impact felt on the ground. Today's announcement states Archewell's first major project will see the couple join forces with World Central Kitchen to build a series of community relief centres -- permanent structures which will serve as kitchens during and after crises. Afterwards, they will be deployed as hubs, schools and clinics.

The first clue came last week when Meghan was introduced as a champion of World Central Kitchen on CNN Heroes. The non-profit is devoted to providing food in the wake of natural disasters. It was founded by chef José Andrés who also made an appearance on the show. The organisation provided food in Haiti following the shattering earthquake. Amidst COVID-19, they have provided meals all over America. WCK has distributed 50 million meals in 17 countries over the past decade.

Below a very interesting discussion with José on the work of the charity.

Bloomberg reports:

'The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are backing a series of Community Relief Centers for World Central Kitchen. The structures will be permanent, built to act as quickly-activated service kitchens during emergencies like natural disasters, with the ability to transition to community centers, schools and clinics. The team sees the integrated approach as a way to promote more resilient local food systems.

“The health of our communities depends on our ability to connect to our shared humanity,” said Markle and Prince Harry in an emailed statement. “When we think about Chef Andrés and his incredible team at World Central Kitchen, we’re reminded that even during a year of unimaginable hardship, there are so many amazing people willing — and working tirelessly — to support each other. World Central Kitchen inspires us through compassion in action.”

The couple confirmed that they will work with Andrés to bring additional partners to build more Community Relief Centers around the world. They said that they don’t have immediate plans to visit the centers due to coronavirus restrictions, but plan to in the future.'

The first centre is already being built on the Caribbean island nation of Dominica. It will open in early 2021 and was chosen as it was severely hit by hurricanes Maria and Irman in recent years. The fact it is part of the Commonwealth undoubtedly also featured in their decision. The second will be in Puerto Rico, with another two locations to be announced later in the year. The couple hope to visit the centres once they're built and operating - in keeping with COVID-19 restrictions.

Embed from Getty Images

More from People:

"This year, I’ve seen many, many examples of neighbors supporting neighbors, of communities coming together to get through tough times. At our root, we believe in one another, in doing what's right for strangers as much as we do for our friends and family," Andrés said in a statement. "World Central Kitchen and I, we see a world that’s full of dignity, empathy, and humanity. We believe in the healing power of food, and we like to say wherever there's a fight so hungry people may eat, we will be there."

"We are more energized than ever to continue this vital work, and we're proud that it will be hand in hand with Archewell Foundation and The Duke and Duchess of Sussex," he added. "I have come to know both of them well, and believe that their values are directly aligned with what we stand for at World Central Kitchen."

Harper's Bazaar shares more background on food insecurity and the hunger crisis globally which has been exacerbated by the pandemic:

'Ending hunger and achieving universal food security is one of the biggest challenges the world faces today, with over 690 million people around the world currently undernourished, according to data shared by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Due to the effects of COVID-19, the number of malnourished children and level of food insecurity is expected to rise by more than 132 million due to pandemic-triggered recession and continued economic slowdowns.

While less covered by the mainstream media, desert locust outbreaks in a several African countries and Yemen has seen over 35 million people go hungry in the past year. In June, UN Secretary General António Guterres warned that the world is facing "a food crisis worse than any soon for at least 50 years" due to a lack of social protections for poor people who are unable to have basic nutrition within reach.'

When Meghan moved to London after the engagement, she was determined to support the Grenfell community after the lives of residents were devastated by the horrific fire. I always thought the fact she was drawn to the Hubb and chose it as her first significant project in the UK indicative of her values and the potential she saw to make a difference -- to use the profile she has to amplify other voices. This goes all the way back to her teenage years when she volunteered at a soup kitchen. Her mother Doria would buy extra turkeys for homeless shelters at Thanksgiving. Years later, while filming Suits, she ensured leftover food was donated to St Felix Centre in Toronto and volunteered privately in their kitchen. On one occasion she brought Thanksgiving meals for over a hundred people. She's always believed in the power of food to bring people and communities together. As Meghan said last week, "The warmth of a meal can feel as comforting as a much-needed hug."

Prince Harry has seen the immediate catastrophic effect disasters can have first hand. He joined the relief effort in Nepal with Team Rubicon in 2015 after a devastating earthquake. In addition to representing the Royal family and meeting survivors and locals, Harry joined other veterans as part of the effort to rebuild during Operation Nirman ('nirman' is Nepalese for build). Harry's work with the team saw him assist in the reconstruction of the school which had been destroyed by the earthquake which claimed 9,000 lives. Harry's time in Nepal was deeply impactful and obviously left a lasting impression and determination to assist following similar disasters.

Embed from Getty Images

The first project is not only true to the couple's values, it's a very promising sign of things to come and an exciting 2021!

Before I go, Omid Scobie reports we'll see the Sussexes' Christmas card in the coming days :)


  1. Great! 👍🏻 Can’t wait for the Xmas card :)

  2. Dear Charlotte, Thank you so much for this wonderful report on Harry and Meghan's first project. It exemplifies perfectly what they have always stood for. I admire everything they do, and do not watch with a critical eye. Who among us could have accomplished all they have in the last year, under such difficult personal and societal circumstances? I'm so grateful that, freed from the constraints of being senior Royals, they will be able to do so much more for so many more people.


  3. It is a treat for all these beautiful projects in preparation. I wish the couple the best of luck because they deserve it so much. The Sussexes have a great and beautiful will that is very noticeable and contagious. I also look forward to their Christmas greeting card. Thank you again Charlotte for keeping us informed about this wonderful couple. Many things to all of us here who share the charm and the tolerance distilled by the Sussexes.

    1. In the absence of a "like" button: Amen, again.

  4. Great Projectt- great achievements throughout this year! Thank you Charlotte for the prompt coverage- I can’t wait to see adorable Archie on their Christmas Card.

  5. making the world a better place for all..... the media coverage of their work is far better than when in Uk

  6. Great reseached piece. Thank you.

  7. yeah everything is excting in the sussex family looking forward to 2021

  8. I’m so happy to read about the great projects that Harry & Meghan are working on. They both did meaningful work before and it’s amazing what they are doing together. Grateful that Meghan & Harry no longer have to associate with gutter media that continue to bully and malign them & others. I’m so glad that Meghan has her voice back & that she and Harry can announce info on their own terms.

  9. I've just been looking at a TV programme about John Kennedy Junior and how his wife Caroline felt persecuted by paparazzi and suffered from adverse comments online from those who felt she wasn't suitable to be his wife. It was really affecting her mental health before their tragic plane accident to the extent she was reluctant to leave their New York apartment. It shows how destructive verbal abuse can be and no doubt is one reason Meghan and Harry have pulled back from their own online involvement in social media.

  10. Just a perfect way to end this year...thank you Charlotte for your brilliant summary, and of course kudos to Meghan and Harry for their determination in fulfilling their life goals to enable others as well as themselves to thrive both literally and figuratively. So looking forward to 2021!

  11. Mervelous...!
    I am so proud of them. Thank you Charlotte for your support and great work ...Your are the best .

  12. The work they are doing, the care they are taking to insure its success, the means to clap back and shut down false media reports and make headway with law suits is so heartening.

    How Meghan and Harry are going about their charitable work and speaking out against the falsehoods levelled against them is a great model that might well be considered by the Royal Family. The "Never complain, never explain" mantra held by the Queen Mother may have worked (even then only sort of) in her era. It's not been a great success since. Within the paradigm of social media platforms and their toxic potential, shutting down the voice of an institution makes no sense.

    1. Philly
      Your points are all excellent!

    2. Dear Charlotte
      Thank you for another dose of healing, positive news! I have admired Chef Andres for several years. WCK and Archewell seem like a match made in heaven.
      Now, I wish Archewell would start selling Sussex Life Force Energy Tablets. I can’t believe how much M&H accomplished this year. I would be happier if I got more done in my little world. Sigh...

  13. Meghan and Harry have offered many a great promise to end food insecurity. What does it feel like to be hungry, truly hungry with no immediate resources. I suspect few of us following this blog know. I pray that we never do. H&M efforts to continue their personal mission of others before themselves is an example for all.

    1. I have been wondering about this as well. On CNN they are showing enormous Queues of People waiting in Front of Food banks.
      It must be really hard and surreal in a way to lack these basic needs in rich countries.
      There is a lot of work to be done in our societies to build the communities and work places where people can live safer and netter supported in times of crisis.
      My parents were small children in WW 2. They both suffered hunger- it is humiliating and it undermines your trust in life. My grandparents remained relativly poor for the rest of their life. But they were generous and would always give. They survived because Strangers gave them something- so they would do the same.
      I hope this project with World Central kitchen will be very successful and get a lot of support.

    2. USA Granny21 December 2020 at 19:10 To be truly hungry with no resources is truly frightening. Some places don't have soup kitchens, or if there are, they are too far for the already weak. When Diana came to Zimbabwe she visited a school feeding scheme, which now with schools closed you can imagine how bad things get. And then the added stress of unending droughts. Hunger is a real and present issue that needs to be addressed constantly. What they are doing is so heartwarming.

  14. It is gratifying to see their team work. I believe that food security has been a major interest of Meghan's since her youth, starting with soup kitchens to helping ladies at the Hub. Harry worked with an organization to help Nepal when they had that massive earthquake. They arranged collaborations with their individual charities to deliver food in Britain early in the pandemic. It is interesting to see where their interests intersect as well as what they do with their individual interests. Everything they do seems purposeful and results driven. It's clear they work a lot, and have gathered a great team around them. Bravo to them, and may they truly continue to make a difference.

  15. I'd like to say how refreshing to read about Harry and Meghan's work through publications like the New York Times, Forbes, Cnn, etc. and not the British tabloids and the Royal Rota who continue to show they are vicious gossip columnists, and should perhaps get out a bit more so they appear less insular and ignorant.

    1. I had in mind to say something similar 20:54. Alas, having a loud obnoxious mouth on a regular platform and a privileged pedigree that permits one to state all sorts of falsehoods with impunity is enough to be considered a journalist and guaranteed a spot in the Royal Rota in the UK, it seems.

      It might, if the Firm had the knackers to pull it off, to make a place on the Royal Rota contingent on accurate, responsible, fair reporting. It wouldn't be that difficult to do. In fact, its seems like the only sensible thing to do.

    2. Doesn't the royal rota include all the british papers? I understand it is a way to limit the number of reporters and photographers for royal engagements. They have an agreement and take turns and those who are there give the pictures and facts to the others. Then each paper can write what it likes. I don't understand why people blame the rota for the bad press of the Sussex. If there were no rota, the papers would still be entitled accès to the public engagements of the RF, only there would be a much larger press pack. And of course, each paper would still write it's take on the pictures and facts. The RF has to give access to the press when it carries public duties, they can't shut them down.

    3. 13:36, Perhaps they can't shut them down, but they certainly have a choice to speak up whenever a member of their family is being abused by the media like Meghan, but they chose not to. It would only be fair and human if they do... everyone has choices royal or not. The only one who spoke up and gave a statement since the beginning was Harry. Harry made the right choice; no one else.

    4. The only thing I can compare in the US to the royal rota is Fox News on steroids. Ugh!!!

    5. Anonymous21 December 2020 at 20:54, I loved this too. Seeing the reports that just reported and the RR being so silent. Refreshing. We hope that it continues. 25yrs for Meghan on soup kitchens, this is a good place to start. I don't look at them critically ever at all. they have achieved breathtakingly amazing things

    6. Soup kitchen are certainly doing great work in this time of crisis. However they are also a sign that something is seriously wrong in a society, either because of a natural disaster or, more worryingly, structural inequality. People should be paid a fair wage or entitled to a financial benefit of some kind when it is needed. Democratic countries can achieve this through a redistributive tax system which subsidises education, health, emergency housing and supports those in real need. We could be supprting governments like those in Scandinavia which have created a more harmonious egalitarian society with very few people in prison or sleeping on the street.

  16. This is marvellous. Great team work


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