
Wednesday 23 December 2020

The Sussexes Share Family Christmas Card & Donations to Charities Close to Their Hearts

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have shared their Christmas card via Meghan's patronage Mayhew. The artistic image was created from a photo taken by Meghan's mother Doria at their home earlier this month. A spokesperson for the family said, "The small Christmas tree, including the homemade ornaments and other decorations, were selected by Archie, and the tree will be replanted after the holidays."

As the couple are not currently active on social media, there was great interest in the platform they would use to share this year's card. Last year, they released an image taken by close friend Janina Gavankar via the Queen's Commonwealth Trust.

I was delighted to see Mayhew chosen this year and their work highlighted for the festive period. Fittingly, Guy and Pula make an appearance. The release coincides with news Harry and Meghan are marking Christmas with donations to Mayhew and other charities close to their hearts. "This year we, as a family, have made donations to several charities with you in mind. From a local California organisation that helps families transition out of homelessness, to two of our U.K. patronages: one that supports animal and community welfare, and the other, a memorial fund for a cherished friend that helps to educate children and fight poverty in Uganda, we have honoured their work on behalf of all of us."

Mayhew said, "The Duke and Duchess’ generosity will help Mayhew weather the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and enable us to reach the animals and people who are struggling." CEO Caroline Yates added, "We are delighted to have the Duchess of Sussex as our Patron, and she has shone a huge light on our community-based animal welfare work over the last two years. We were especially honoured to recently receive a personal donation from the Duke and Duchess, which will enable us to help even more cats, dogs and pet owners in need over this tough winter period."

More from the charity on the enormous challenges 2020 has presented:

"As has been the case for so many organisations, 2020 has put a huge strain on Mayhew’s projects. We have been proud to be able to adapt; delivering care packages to pets and owners in need, continuing to provide veterinary care for our animals, and even adapting our TheraPaws programme so that residents of care homes, hospitals and mental health facilities could continue to experience the joy of animal interaction. Our Patron’s gift – along with the many generous donations we have received from our supporters this year – will help these adapted projects continue.

We have been honoured to have the Duchess as our Patron since the beginning of 2019. She has a long background of championing animal welfare and we are very grateful to her for her ongoing support. We work extremely hard to help animals and their owners all across London, and we know that our cause is close to the Duchess’s heart. The Patronage has put more of a spotlight on these animal welfare issues and increased public awareness and understanding; and we are looking forward to continuing to work with the Duchess to help even more animals and people."

Mayhew is a grassroots charity working tirelessly to improve the lives of animals both in London and internationally. Mayhew looks for innovative ways to reduce the number of animals in need through pro-active community and educational initiatives and preventative veterinary care. This includes working with homeless charities across London to ensure people and their dogs can be kept together; running a pet refuge programme to provide shelter and care for the pets of people in crisis for short periods of time; and educating young people about animal welfare and the importance of responsible pet ownership. Internationally, Mayhew works with governments, local communities and charitable groups in Afghanistan, Georgia, Russia and India to help improve animal welfare. Sadly, we all know the festive period can be a particularly difficult one for charities like Mayhew.

If you're considering a last-minute gift for a loved one or want to support an amazing organisation, I would urge you to consider the charity's Winter Care Package Appeal. Mayhew are delivering emergency care packages to animals and pet owners in need this Christmas.

In addition to Mayhew, the couple also donated to Harry's UK patronage the Henry van Straubenzee Fund. The charity aims to improve the quality of education in impoverished rural Ugandan schools by investing in buildings and providing hygienic and educational resources. They form partnerships with schools to ensure that even the poorest children have access to high-quality education. The Fund currently helps over 28,000 children across 40 nursery, primary and secondary schools to be happier and healthier, with a good education. Harry and William have been joint patrons since 2009.

Henry van Straubenzee, pictured in 2001, a year before he tragically died aged 18. Both princes were "devastated" by the loss. During a speech in 2011, Harry described Henry as his "best friend", before adding, "It’s never easy losing someone close to you - and when it is family it is even harder. I cannot imagine what it is like to lose a child."

Below, Harry and Meghan at the Surrey wedding of Charlie van Straubenzee (the late Henry's brother) and Daisy Jenks in August 2018. Harry served as Best Man.

In December 2018, the van Straubenzee family asked Meghan to give a reading at the annual carol concert benefitting the fund. The Duchess chose the stirring 'Our Deepest Fear' by Marianne Williamson, telling guests she and Harry "believed it was the perfect reading because it sums up the spirit of what the Henry van Straubenzee Fund does to empower young children".

We ask ourselves

Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small

Does not serve the world.

There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking

So that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine,

As children do.

We were born to make manifest

The glory of God that is within us.

It’s not just in some of us;

It’s in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,

We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we’re liberated from our own fear,

Our presence automatically liberates others.

And finally, Santa Barbara based charity Transition House. The team support families dealing with and facing the prospect of homelessness. More on their mission: "By offering emergency shelter, transitional and permanent housing, homelessness prevention services, and comprehensive programs for children, Transition House takes a holistic approach to ending the cycle of poverty and homelessness for Santa Barbara families. Case managers and a career development specialist work with Transition House parents on improving money management skills, education, and employment opportunities. Families are given referrals to access additional social services including medical care, clinical counseling, recovery services, quality licensed childcare and public benefits. Case managers also help with housing searches and relocation plans." With the additional difficulties placed on families due to the pandemic, Transition House and organisations like it all over the world are needed more than ever.

A lovely family card and wonderful choice of charities. I'm sure Harry and Meghan cannot wait to celebrate with Archie, Doria (and of course Guy and Pula). Wishing you all a very safe, peaceful and happy Christmas!


  1. My thoughts are filled with how many ways I can make a change, change a life or help in anyway I can and it is because of the love and consistent generosity of Harry, Meghan, Archie and Ms. Doria that I feel I have so many ways to achieve this. I am grateful that they continue to show and live by the grace that should guide so many in helping others to want to help, guiding others in how to share some faith, happiness and donations. Thank you for your continued ingenuity and imagination that blesses us all and spreads the smiles.

    1. Sherilee, yes I totally agree, we are aware of ways we can help our communities because we are looking out for these opportunities.

  2. I must confess to being disappointed that we don't really get a good look at Archie. This may, however, be Harry and Meghan's way of assuring Archie's privacy. They don't want to raise him in the fish bowl Harry was raised in. When he is older, they will be able to assure him that they have protected him from public view. Artistically, it's a very cute card.

    It's kind of them to let us know which charities they gifted for Christmas. Thank you for telling us about these great organizations, Charlotte.

    Harry and Meghan's top priority is making the world a better place. I'm glad they have fans who understand that. I hope they will have a truly Happy Christmas in their new home.

    Merry Christmas to you, Charlotte, and to all readers here.


    1. I think that they released the card this way so the tabloids couldn’t photoshop it in order to criticize Meghan like they did last year.

  3. I love their Christmas card! Very original!

  4. I love their Christmas card! Very original!

  5. Merry Christmas Charlotte. I think it is a cute card but would have preferred one where I could see their faces more clearly especially little Archie. Wishing them a Merry Christmas sounds like a great charity helping out all those animals

  6. I waited with great anticipation for the decision by Meghan and Harry to release a Christmas photo allowing us to glimpse their precious Archie. Although their particular
    artistic card somewhat camouflages Archie's darling face a resemblance to Harry appears to be there. He has grown so big and what a treat for us. The execution of the card very much resembles a page out of a story book depicting a happy family for the reader before they turn the page. I do know it won't be to everyones taste but it is very much Meghan. Thinking back to all of the formal photos that have been released of Meghan and Harry starting with their official engagement to their wedding images they have not been the stiff reflection of a time in history depicting a member of the royal family. I personally, find it all very refreshing. So, although unexpected, I am delighted with what has been shared with us. Additionally, I love the charities H&M have chosen to donate to as part of their spirit of the season. At this time of year, in the year we are all living through reading "Our Deepest Fear" by Marianne Williamson struck me as being even more relevant then every before. To Charlotte and the wonderful followers of H&M I wish you all the happiest of holiday seasons and in the New Year much peace of mind, good health and the company of those you love.

  7. Merry Christmas everyone

  8. 🀣🀣🀣 Why am I not surprised? !!!

    What a "surprising, adorable, beautiful, simple and original greeting card. Yes unusual and totally in the tone of the Christmas party I find. You often have to think about doing things also simple and which delight children. Well done for the card.
    Thank you Charlotte, I was looking forward to this greeting card and wish everyone a Happy HolidaysπŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“

  9. I would like to add that I find the magnificent Archie on this card, a lot of similarities with his cousins ​​Louis and George.

  10. Nancy A Hairfield24 December 2020 at 06:46

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.

  11. I absolutely love this card!!!
    I see no problem with it after haters have doctored Archie's photocall photo, last Christmas photo, and any photo with Meghan.
    To those complaining DO NOT praise others if they try this!

  12. I love that they choose one of their charities to publish it and therefore get into people’s mind. I was a bit surprised as to why they even wanted to publish on, now that they are out of the royal scope. But using the anticipation people had for a look at Archie (which I find a bit disturbing, people being so invested in a child because they are fans of the parents) to shine a light on a good cause was a great play.
    The image itself is probably lovely, but the filter is a bit cringe. It looks like the stuff young children do with filters or coral draw and think they are artsy. It’s neither creative nor original- only if you consider using a b/w filter creative. If you don’t want to show your child just don’t. People need to respect that. A card with only Harry and Meghan, or one where his face isn’t visible would have been absolutely fine.
    Anyhow, I hope Mayhew will benefit greatly from this. I am very happy they still support the causes they took on. And I am especially happy they chose Mayhew, as many will probably feel a draw to humanitarian causes this year.

  13. Love the card and the inspiration to grow and share. So nice that Archie gets his privacy until he might choose a more public life. Bet mini-Harry will be a surfer with his Dad before we know it ☺
    Peace, love and joy to all here.

  14. I love it! Very creative and fun. Love the focus on the charities as well.

  15. Merry Christmas, and a peaceful and hopeful new year to you and yours, Charlotte, and to the "madaboutmeghan" community. The card is charming and heartwarming, showing their complete little family. I think it radiates happiness and love. Lovely to see little Archie with a full head of red hair! I recently saw a picture of Meghan as a toddler on line, and I thought Archie bears a resemblance to his mom at the moment. Children change so much as they grow; it is always fascinating to see their changing faces from year to year.

  16. Merry Christmas, everyone.

    What a creative and delightfully subversive way to satisfy the world's interest in this family without enduring the constant commodifying their faces. Brilliant!

    Yes, it will likely disappoint those who are accustomed to and prefer the royal tradition, but it shows that there are more approaches than those they've had to suffer against their better instincts for so long.

    1. Well said!
      Merry Christmas and Happy 2021 everyone

  17. Merry Christmas to all of you.

  18. This is is a beautiful Christmas Surprise! I always liked their choices and doing things in a way which is meaningful and beautiful for them. Their first card from their wedding reception was so critizised - I thought it was very touching to share an intimate special Moment with a world wide audience.
    This years card is a family scene from their new life- understandably they do not want to let us in completely -but they are sharing a lot and it is lovely. At last they have found their home, meaningful creative work, financial independence and whatever people try to read into Harry- I always see a very content man- Finally becoming who he really wanted to be. Merry Christmas- Happy Holidays to all of you!

  19. As an SB native I was so happy to see them supporting Transition House. It can be hard for the locals to know that we are getting forced out of the community by people from LA and elsewhere who don't actually care about Santa Barbara beyond Montecito's gated walls. I haven't lived in Santa Barbara in a decade, but I still give to Transition House. Its a really great org.

  20. Beautiful family! Wishing everyone happy holidays!

  21. Happy to see Harry and Meghan is doing well I can't believe people are unable to appreciate the artistic component of the Christmas card When will it stop with all the criticism The pound of flesh seems not to be enough I hope they continue to live their lives in good fashion Merry Christmas to the young family

  22. I really like their living model -- while they can, they have some big dollar contracts. They use their resources to invest in companies that they can support. We see the sort of donations they are making; they could not have done this while being senior royals. It looks like Sophie and Edward are taking their place, and that seems like an excellent solution! (And I love that the Queen had only a photo of PP during her speech -- she no doubt loves her four children, eight grandchildren, and six (+ two) great grandchildren equally, and it seems silly to distinguish just a few.) The Christmas card is indeed not a new technique, but I don't think they were trying to suggest that they discovered this! To me, it captures a point in time that could be any couple with their child and pets -- the colors are lovely, the many textures make for great interest, and the composition is very satisfying. You can see details such as what earrings she might be wearing or the clothes brand -- I think that is the point. This could be from the 50s -- it is timeless and full of happiness and contentment. And is very California! They do not owe "us" a card so I consider this to be a lovely gift.

    1. I meant to say that "you cannot see details..."!

  23. Charlotte, will you be putting together a yearly roundup for the Sussex’s this year?

    1. Hello Lauri, yes absolutely. I'm just jumping back in today after a break :)

  24. Love how they put their original card out to the world through a charity they support. The 2 adults and 2 canines appear to be focused on the child,
    which is a great fit with the story of Christmas. As a previous commenter noted, we get a suggestion of Archie’s face. All is done with great subtlety and attention to detail. As is the Sussex way!


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