
Friday 26 February 2021

Prince Harry Talks Life in US, Zooming with the Queen & Archie's First Word with James Corden

Prince Harry joined his friend James Corden for tea and a wide-ranging discussion on an open-top bus tour, which included a visit to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air mansion in a piece filmed for The Late Late Show. The piece was filmed a number of weeks ago and features a selection of light-hearted and funny moments, insights into Harry's new life, his love for his grandparents, and a special appearance by Meghan.

When James joked Harry should pay the fare, he replied, "You know us royals, we don't carry cash."

When asked when he knew Meghan was 'the one', Harry replied, "The second date I was starting to think, wow, this is pretty special. It was the way we hit it off with each other; we were so comfortable in each other's company. We got to spend an enormous amount of time just the two of us, rather than going out for dinner or to friends' houses where there are distractions." Describing a typical night for them as a family now, it's giving Archie his tea, a bath, reading him a book before spending time with "Meg" and watching Jeopardy! or something on Netflix.

Hello! reports:

'During their time together the duo talked about everything, including Archie's first word - crocodile - and the unique gift the Queen sent his nearly two-year-old for Christmas - a waffle maker. 

"My son is now over a year and a half, he is hysterical, he's got the most amazing personality, he's already putting two, three words together, he's already singing songs. His first word was 'crocodile', three syllables," he told James when asked about fatherhood.

He later added: "Interestingly, my grandmother asked us what Archie wanted for Christmas and Meg said a waffle maker, she sent us a waffle maker for Archie so breakfast now, Meg makes up a beautiful organic mix, in the waffle maker, flip it, out it comes, he loves it. Archie literally wakes up in the morning and says 'waffle'."

Of zoom calls with the Queen and Prince Philip, Harry surprisingly said: "Both my grandparents do [know how to use zoom], we've zoomed a few times, they've seen Archie running around, but my grandfather, instead of pressing 'leave meeting' he just goes [gestures to closing laptop]."

James briefly asked Harry about the couple's decision to walk away from royal life. Harry said it was never "walking away", adding, "We all know what the British press can be like. And it was destroying my mental health. This is toxic. So I did what any husband and father would do. I needed to get my family out of here."

More from Harper's Bazaar:

'Referring to the Queen’s decision to refuse the couple a hybrid part-time working model, he added, "But we never walked away—and as far as I'm concerned, what decisions are made on that side—I will never walk away. I will always be contributing—my life is public service—so wherever I am in the world it is going to be the same thing."

Harry added he was "trying to bring some compassion and try to make people happy and try to change the world in any small way we can."'

There was a special appearance by Meghan who FaceTimed the pair during a visit to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air mansion. "You'd be the Fresh Princess of Bel-Air," James told Meghan to laughs and smiles. "That's wonderful," Meghan replied. "I think we've done enough moving. Haz, how's your tour of LA going?" James interjected, "Haz? I didn't know we were calling you that." Harry cheekily responded, "Well, you're not my wife."

There were plenty of fun moments, teamwork and more than a few admiring fans of the handsome prince as he tackled a military-style obstacle course with James :)

James and Harry have been friends for years. Below, James and his wife Julia at Harry and Meghan's wedding.

Embed from Getty Images

A closer look at the Duchess.

There have been a couple of great suggestions for Meghan's dress. Elizabeth from Meghan's Fashion suggests the Velvet Torch Puff-Sleeve Smocked Dress. It retails for $30 at Nordstrom Rack.

Susan from What Meghan Wore suggests the Smocked Puff-Sleeved Dress by maternity brand Pink Blush.

And Meghan's Mirror shared the MICHAEL Michael Kors Smocked Puff-Sleeve Dress.

Meghan accessorised with a gorgeous blue necklace.

My biggest takeaway from watching the piece was nice is it to see Harry so happy again? He appears very much at peace with the path he and Meghan have chosen and in many ways unburdened by the toxicity in the UK press. They are clearly loving life in the US and enjoying every moment with Archie. As they have both said, they want to live a life of service and, already in the fledging days of Archewell, we can see how promising and exciting it looks. So many have said they missed seeing this side of Harry - with his wife and son by his side and so much to look forward to - it's great to see him back to his best.


  1. I loved the show but I am impartial to James, he is great fun. Also, very entertaining to see the British press in meltdown.

    I agree with Charlotte, it is awesome to see Harry happy and content with his chosen path, they are a team and in this together, also I pretty much adore him for being so diplomatic, I have no clue what the Oprah intervew will hold, but I wish they would spill some beans. But I can't see this happening only after the Queen is gone. And where is Charles by the way? No comment from Clarence House at all.

    My favourite part was the mismanaged tea party on the bus, sensational, laughed out so hard.

    1. I laughed at that too!! And Harry peeking out of the bathroom window

  2. I was so hoping that you'd cover this outing and you did not disappoint!! This is such a great watch, twice so far for me!!

  3. James Corden’s interview with Prince Harry was gold. I loved all the tidbits and also feel it turns down the temperature on expectations for Meghan’s interview with Oprah. We have an idea now on their perspective on leaving and how they’re rebuilding their lives in a way that works for them. It’s no surprise the British royal media can’t recognize their blind spot when it comes to the toxicity Harry talked about in the interview. The royal commentators over reaction to his interview makes his point perfectly.

  4. This is the Harry I've always adored. I watched it this morning and he does look relaxed and like he was having a good time with it.

  5. Delighted to see Harry (and Meghan) with James and glean insights into their life post-UK. Loved Harry's ability to address the effect of the British Press on his mental health directly and his forthright response to negate that they were ever "stepping away," merely "stepping back." That suggests that any time that things are different and not as toxic "on the other side" there might be a possibility of "stepping in" and "stepping forward."

    Many believe that speaking to the press and granting interviews is wrong for Royals. I know there is fear in some circles that celebrities such as James and Oprah only diminish "Royals." And in some cases previous royal interviews have been more than cringe-worthy. But I think we may be seeing a new turn through conversations with people like Oprah and James whose friendship with Meghan and Harry can establish a new level of respect with the general public.

    Of course, the loathsome toads will continue to spew their vitriol and bile into the British media, but the more they do the more people may come to see it for what it is: hate speech.

    And can we just say that "His Royal Hotness" HRH is a title that cannot be stripped from Harry no matter what may transpire "on the other side." Swoon. I need smelling salts.

    1. agreed Harry looked hot, hot, hot especially during the military obstacle course! how he kept that shirt clean through the mud and climbed up that rope.... swoon

    2. Becca in Colorado26 February 2021 at 21:20

      LOL Philly, you have summed it up so well! I watched the interview this morning while getting ready and felt the need to fan myself by the time Harry was climbing that rope! So hilarious, but he really is quite fit, isn't he?

      Also, I really like your suggestion about the Sussexes stepping in and forward. While I don't think they'll ever fully return to what they were, I could definitely see them taking on something in an official capacity once Charles is on the throne...IF, that is, the toxicity (read: palace leaks) have been addressed.

    3. Yes! The rope climb! *swoons* -op

    4. Harry did not use his legs going up that rope. Excellent upper body strength!!

  6. This was such fun! I really like James and often stay up until 11:30 just to watch his show. I don't know that I've ever seen Harry so relaxed and fun and for so long -- I love the anecdotes, which confirm he is "still a family member"! The UK's loss is unnecessary but they are having a good life. He gets to go sight-seeing! And Meg (they are Haz and Meg to me now) looked beautiful.

  7. Jessica in Los Angeles26 February 2021 at 17:22

    Interesting to me that he said the reason they left was for HIS mental health, HIS well-being. I have long said that I think he saw what was happening and decided to do what his own father never did. I’ve never thought Meghan brought him down or caused this. I think she set him free. He couldn’t leave for himself, but he could leave for his family with his wife’s support. She has toxic family and set boundaries to protect herself, and I wonder if it helped him do the same. He seems so happy, and I’m happy for them.

    1. I agree, I have long thought this move was brewing in his head for longer than Meghan has been in his life. He never seemed quite content in the working royal role, and I think a LOT is tied up in heir and spare dynamics (going back further than William and Harry) and the lingering trauma of his mother's death. My sense is once Meghan/Archie were present the situation really crystallized for him. But I've always thought this move was his initiative. I really don't appreciate the spin in some publications that this egotistical American know it all CEO wannabe came in and swindled poor naive Harry into leaving. Meghan has always seemed passionate and engaged to me and I think was quite open to learning and using her royal role to advance causes. And then the press abuse started and a brewing unhappiness/uncertainty Harry had really hit its decision point. Of course we'll never know the exact circumstances, but i really have always strongly felt it was Harry's long time thought process that influenced this change.

    2. Becca in Colorado26 February 2021 at 21:23

      Anonymous, I agree with you completely (and Jessica, too). Harry even said at the Sentebale event last year (during their "farewell" tour in the UK, I believe) that it was his decision to step back. While I think Meghan certainly has strong ideas of her own, I think she was open and willing to making her role within the institution work. Harry, on the other hand, had had years to get to a boiling point, so when the press and online hate happened, especially directed towards his wife, he was done.

    3. Becca, agree. Meghan could have lived with it and still done her own thing, but there was such viciousness. Harry waited so long to have his own life, someone who loved him enough to take on the baggage. It's not fair to sacrifice yourself as a "spare" -- he can be a spare somewhere else. :)

    4. I also agree with this perspective. I think Meghan is a strong woman and has been through much in her life, I think she would have come to terms with life in the royal family. I feel it was Harry who said ‘no more, no matter what’. I hope they will be okay, Harry has always lived with having all he could want, there will be challenges ahead.
      I loved the interaction between Harry and James, both very entertaining characters!

  8. Prince Harry is beyond impressive, so genuine. How could you not fall in love with him!

  9. i watched this live last night and adored it
    i laughed so much and was nice to see harry so happy and how he spoke about meghan
    Meghan looked GORGEOUS on facetime!
    nice to see harry talk so nicely about zooming with his grandparents he obviously adores his grandparents and i hope they continue to stay close despite the slight of his recent loss of his patronages and military titles

    thanks charlotte

    1. She really did I'm so envious of her face time skills with me you mostly see my chin and/or forehead. She's really stunning.

    2. Becca in Colorado26 February 2021 at 21:23

      Melissa, you are so right. I'm constantly wondering how one person can look that radiant all the time! It isn't fair LOL

  10. Absolutely this was gold! How refreshing to hear direct from Harry, instead of spurious reporting from "sources". The staged moments were fun, especially the phone call. Gosh is H. fit! Beth.

  11. I absolutely loved this. How can you not love Harry? He's humble, down-to-earth, witty, and keeping himself in very impressive physical shape. He was so sweet to encourage James through the obstacles - so empathetic and relatable. Seeing Megan was great.

    It warms my heart to see them so happy. Harry is very clear about what he did and why, and determined to continue his life of service regardless of the decisions made by the palace about his titles, etc. He seems very at peace with himself. I'm so happy to see this.

    It's too bad about the British tabloids and the legions of haters. I love knowing that they can't dim Harry and Meghan's happiness.


  12. I love James! This interview was the perfect mix of serious and light-hearted fun. LOVED the tea cart crashing bit!

  13. Love, love the queen and the waffle maker. I couldn’t say enough awwww! What a queenly granny.

    That was lol funny. Good thing today I’m at home because I just did a coffee snort. Corden’s comment “I feel like Archie”. My son was simultaneously laughing and wincing watching them go over that high plywood barrier.

    Have to say after pulling a stressful week of several 16 hr shifts, it was lovely to enjoy a good laugh.

    - a reader

  14. Absolutely loved this interview! So awesome full of good laughs.
    Harry looks so happy. He really should have got the bel air mansion!

  15. A second thought came to me, hearing Harry speak personally puts to rest all the ugly
    commentary regarding his relationship with his family and especially the Queen. She may be the Queen but to him its granny on the zoom and gifts sent for the asking during the holidays just like every other family that live at a distance. Can't imagine what is left to say when Meghan speaks with Opra.

    1. USA Granny -- yes, Meghan tells Harry's grandmother what to get Archie. Harry zooms with his grandfather. Not the usual stories in the media. I guess "business" is really put aside for family connections.

  16. Becca in Colorado26 February 2021 at 21:30

    I was nervous about this interview at first, but honestly it was so refreshing and fun.

    Which makes me think -- all of those tiresome comments that say Harry and Meghan shouldn't do interviews, shouldn't do this or that, or a million other things...why not? Honestly, why does it matter? They are never going to throw the royal family under the bus or trash the institution. Even in his honesty, Harry was still diplomatic. If the only reason people can come up with for why they don't think Harry and Meghan should participate in interviews is that they're royal, well, I just don't think that's a good enough reason.

    The tea trolly crashing made me laugh out loud and was one of my favorite moments. It was also really fun seeing Harry in his element with the obstacle course. Watching him encourage James made me feel like I was getting a glimpse into what solider Harry was like and how wonderful it was! And Meghan was absolutely radiant, as always. I'm so glad they both seem to be adjusting in their new life and moving forward in happiness.

    1. I agree with this comment. Harry and Meghan themselves have never been the direct originator of a scandal or controversy. Rather they media tends to whip them up about things that are non issues or very minor issues. I thought Harry hit a PERFECT tone in explaining some of the context around their decision to step back. It’s clear familial affection is still there but the working role wasn’t really tenable. And he was clear that was due to the media and his mental health and happiness.

      I know we were all disappointed and a lot has been written about how the decision to step back came about. But I agree with you 100%, in this new life and image they are crafting for themselves why shouldn’t they do interviews or shouldn’t do this or that. They clearly are professionals who know not to trash the RF while still advocating for themselves.

      At the end of the day as the dust begins to settle it’s really quite simple. They’re two people who gained massive privilege through birth or circumstance and would like to use that privilege to do good and would rather do it on their own terms and not within the more rigid royal family apparatus with the constant unfair media distraction of the royal rota. And I think they’re well on their way to accomplishing this goal. And yes that will include media and pr like this, but Harry and Meghan both strike me as quite savvy in how to navigate the balance between coverage for their causes and foundation while not divulging scandalous secrets or private family feelings.

  17. I looooooved this! So much fun! And Harry is such a delight; so down to earth, funny, and very cool. I agree with an earlier comment, re: this turns the temperature down for the Oprah thing - this was so fun & "normal". They both seem so much happier:) -op

  18. I'm glad Harry chow to do what has best for him and his family's mental health. And I hope those who say 'They should have toughed it out and stayed... etc.' now understand and stop with the Meghan bashing (I know the media and haters won't)
    So glad they are happy, healthy, and at peace. And yes people the UK media will say and do anything to make Meghan the culprit and the cause of everything bad.
    Finally continues peace, love, happiness, and all the joys of life to Harry, Meghan, Archie, Baby Sussex 2, and Doria

  19. Fun. Great to see Harry relaxed and having a good time

  20. Awwwww -- Baby Sussex 2 sounds so lovely! This interview feels like more than we have had about Harry maybe ever. He was relaxed with a friend, no media photographers, so people lined up to see him -- I can see how Meghan would quickly be besotted. And he sure was adorable racing through that mud trial! And so kind to encourage James. Wow!!

  21. So I had to watch this a second time and was impressed at how James poured the milk into Harry’s tea. He didn’t do it the easy way. He did the professional long pour of the milk into the tea— with a bulls eye aim, on a moving bus no less. That takes a good, steady hand. It’s repeated again with the javelin throw. James Corden is quite a marksman. Who knew!

    The tea cart crash followed by the “clean it up Harry!” while Harry was laughing so hard, he looked like he was spitting up tea got me laughing all over again. This. This good humor. This relaxing good time between two fellas, laughing at themselves. Snippets of casual family warmth, close up and long distance. Sigh. We need more of this. A terrific way to close out the month.

    a reader

    1. My absolute favorite is when the bus hard brakes, you see the camera person's leg fly up into the shot!

  22. My God Charlotte! This boy really needed that: to blossom, to free himself while knowing his limits. I now imagine this emotional prison and when I put in those places who live under so much pressure, I say what torture! What torture! I'm so happy for him to run away from this world of hypocrisy, mental servility, I say bravo Harry. I find Meghan very beautiful and always fresh, we would give her less than 37 years.

  23. Harry still has his military agility and stamina. Most likely he kept up with exercises. James came a decent second; he was funny in the military solution of getting help with a ladder. Meghan seems to have confirmed they are now settled. “We had done enough moving”. “We can now call you Haz”. “You are not my husband”. “Teatime on highway 405” can make a nice title for a live theater (they sure did the main part). Everything looked so spontaneous, fun, and memorable. It is good this came out before the Oprah interview whose first focus will be Meghan. For Brits who are concerned how their favorite and “long gone” prince-soldier (they love to hate) is doing, he seems happy and enjoying California weather in a polo shirt in the middle of winter (for many parts of Europe and USA).

  24. Loved this interview <3 They are good for each other. Just realized Meghan also has had to deal with dealing with toxic members of her family before she started dating Harry. It's not easy. Also, take away the Royalty aspect of Harry's identity and he does have a lot of extra baggage--he had a privileged upbringing, whose mother died tragically after a bitter divorce and toxic marriage filled with extra-marital affairs on both sides. Is it any wonder why he dallied with drinking and the party crowd early, and even played naked poker in Las Vegas? Any normal person displaying those signs would signal that clearly he has been struggling since his mother died. I respect his decision to step away from the gilded cage of Royal Life but still pursue a life of service on his own terms, away from the British media who consciously amplifies hate for clicks.

    1. I agree. I think Harry struggled mightily and definitely had a phase of some youthful rebellion. I always felt terrible for him when those things happened as he wasn’t even allowed to make mistakes privately. And I think you’re on to something I think those mistakes may have really been trying to compensate for a deep pain or insecurity. He’s one of the few public figures (celebrity, royalty, politician what have you) who I have been deeply impressed by his true growth and maturity. I’m so thrilled he’s happy in his life and with his family. His move to step down certainly made waves, but I really don’t think anyone can argue with seeing his glow now. I think Diana would be tickled pink to see him succeed in this way, non traditional though it is. And William successfully continuing on the heirs path. The more I think about it it is truly a delightful outcome for the family and I think may be looked back on as a positive move for all involved :)

  25. Loved everything about James and Harry's day together. Please do it again! Californian life is agreeing with both of them and Meghan too!

  26. No one mentioned one of my favorite moments...when Harry described his humorous reaction to how his grandfather "ends" a Xoom call...exact!y what I would expect the DoE to do lol!!!
    In one sense i think we can "blame" it all on Diana who famously told Harry that William had to become king,but he could do whatever he wanted. Of course as he grew, he realized that was t exactly true,but yet, he found a way to make it happen after much pain, rebeling, and thankfully therapy. I agree that Meghan was the means, not the prime mover. Harry has achieved what Diana hoped to. Bittersweet in that sense, but it ends with sweet! I think the moment Harry met Meghan he knew this was his shot,and he wasn't going to blow it...remember his comment in the engagement interview where he said after their first date, he knew he had to up his game? And he did, for sure. Just like he did to get into Sandhurst which wasn't going to be given to him carte blanche. Harry deserves every bit of happiness and fulfillment he is enjoying.


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