
Monday 1 March 2021

First-Look Teasers from Oprah with Meghan & Harry Released

One week from Meghan and Harry's sit-down interview with Oprah, CBS has shared two brief teasers, beginning with clips of Oprah speaking to the Duchess. The iconic host asks, "Were you silent or were you silenced?" Before adding, "I just want to make it clear to everybody there is no subject that's off limits." Afterwards, Oprah says to Meghan, "Almost unsurvivable. It sounds like they were was a breaking point." Finally, the host exclaims, "You've said some pretty shocking things here."

In the second clip, Prince Harry speaks of his mother's experience and how lucky he and Meghan are to have each other. "For me, I'm just really relieved and happy to be sitting here talking to you with my wife by my side because I can't begin to imagine what it must have been like for her going through this process by herself all those years ago. It has been unbelievably tough for the two of us, but at least we had each other."

Oprah's close friend Gayle King said during the week the interview is "the best she's ever done". It has been extended from a 90 minute programme to two hours and airs on Sunday, 7 March from 8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT. Forbes reports ITV have secured UK rights -- reportedly paying £1 million -- and will likely air it on 8 March. I'll update as soon as it's confirmed.

The Duchess chose an Armani dress and familiar jewels for the interview.

The Long Triple Silk Georgette Dress is described as "sensuous with a subtle, refined twist. Its value and prestige are increased by the large quantity of fabric used. The style features a deep front neckline, frontal foliage embroidery and matching belt". With thanks to Meghan's Mirror for the swift ID.

The Duchess accessorised with Diana's shimmering tennis bracelet (a great spot by Laura via Twitter).

We've seen Meghan wearing it on several occasions, including the reception and State dinner at the Grand Pacific Hotel in Fiji during the 2018 Oceania tour.

Diana wearing the bracelet in 1997.

Embed from Getty Images

Meghan wore her Pippa Small Aquamarine Collette Pendant - another piece we saw during the Oceania tour.

Meghan also wore her Cartier Love bracelet.

And her Birks Bee Chic Blue Topaz earrings.

It appears Meghan wore a pair of her black Aquazzura pumps.

I expect we'll hear the couple discuss the toll the intense media and social media abuse took on their mental health and perhaps how unprotected they felt. The fact it's been moved from ninety minutes to two hours is a sign of the substance the interview contains. We've had small insights from Tom Bradby's documentary, the couple's own statements and a glimpse from Harry's conversation with James Corden, but this will be the first proper sit-down discussing the events of the past several years as a whole.


  1. I'm excited and nervous for this all at the same time

    1. I feel the same way.


    2. Meghan looks quite pensive and not relaxed here. She would have to be careful to thread the needle between being honest, and wording things carefully...It doesn't look like this was comfortable for her.


    3. Lauren from NJ1 March 2021 at 06:20

      Have to agree. I’m excited and going to watch but do honestly hope they don’t start a war of words with palace. It still is Harry’s family. Hope they are able to be truthful but take the high road.

    4. Same.
      The dress is interesting; Meghan has some expensive pregnancy fashion taste! Both looking great though:) -op

  2. I’m so excited and greatly looking forward to seeing Meghan and Harry talk about their past and how they are moving into the future together.

    I do have to say that I’m not thrilled that Meghan was shown as silent during this promo. After years of being silent/silenced to have her silent during this promo just didn’t feel right to me. I understand that they want to stir up interest but... I just didn’t like it. All that being said I’m very happy that Meghan will be able to say as much as she wants.

    Omg, she looks gorgeous! Pregnancy and freedom certainly agree with her!

    1. Hmmm. My take on it was a little different, Lauri. We see Oprah asking the questions which elicit both interest and some low-level alarm. How will Meghan answer? That's now on everyone's mind and designed to capture viewers. To have an answer from Meghan in the trailer would give the haters and most especially the British Press fodder for more vitriol before the full context of what she said is available.

      Therefore, I see her silence as well as her demeanor in this clip as strategic. Also, her expressive "sadness" cannot be assumed to be her one projection throughout the interview. I suspect that it won't be, but will shift appropriately to the questions being asked.

      In addition, we would do well to remember that she is an accomplished actress. If she is able to look radiant the entire final events before stepping back from the RF, she is able to control and project what she wants the world to see. And I don't say that in a critical way. We all dissemble in various ways--sometimes successfully and sometimes not--as we navigate our way through life.

  3. Looks like this is going to be more than expected. May it all be for the good...

  4. Becca in Colorado1 March 2021 at 02:56

    Oh dear, the network have certainly edited this to bait as many viewers as possible, haven’t they? I’m sure there won’t be nearly as many “shocking revelations” as the promo suggests, but then again, it’s being extended from 90 minutes to 2 hours might prove differently.

    I’m greatly curious about there being “no questions off limits,” because we all know H&M aren’t going to trash the royal family.

    1. With no questions off limits, there is no suggestion that every question must be fully answered. They could decline to answer any question they do not wish to address. It's not a trial. It's an interview. Still, silence has its own power. Remember Henry VIII and Sir Thomas More. Silence is consent under the law, but in More's case it was condemnation of the King which is why he lost his head. Good thing the RF no longer has such powers.

    2. No QUESTION off limits...but perhaps all questions will not be answered,at least directly.

    3. Becca in Colorado1 March 2021 at 19:52

      Funny you bring that up, Philly, as I just finished watching The Tudors a few months ago lol! I think Harry and Meghan will have had to have been extremely careful in how they answered (or didn't answer) questions here.

    4. If no one (BRF and/or palace workers) did anything to them, they have nothing to worry about with this interview.
      But yet the days leading up to the interview airing, several people will expose themselves. And it's a short clip and all y'all thinking about "They better not talk bad about BRF... What about reconciliation in future."
      Through the last 4 years has shown me if BRF wanted media NOT to talk about something involving a member of family easily squash the story, except with it came to M no she just be silent. So if M wants to speak her truth now LET hER

  5. I loved the James Corden interview because it was lighthearted and Prince Harry did not make negative comments about his family. His comment about his mother not having someone by her side broke my heart. I don't see how that comment will move them toward healing with his family. Obviously, we just have a snippet of the conversation, but it sounds critical of his father.

  6. Lauri, pregnancy and freedom certainly do look good on her!! She just looks so beautiful! I have, however, been waiting to see on her that amazing bracelet from her wedding reception, as well as the earrings. I know she prefers petite jewelry, but -- for us -- couldn't we see them one more time? I don't know where, though. Regarding the interview, I have full confidence that they will say nothing negative toward ANY family members. Harry's interview was very sincere sounding in their focus on the media. At the most, there may be some blame toward the aides who seem to work against them, but they will reframe that in a positive way, such as saying that they now enjoy controlling their PR. Speaking of Baby Sussex 2, I know Harry will be so aware of how a second child can feel that he will be sure to not let the child feel "second" in any way.

  7. Susan in Florida1 March 2021 at 03:16

    They look happy and relaxed. I know Oprah is a fair interviewer. I’m also glad a major network is carrying the interview so more people can see it.

  8. Saw this on CBS this evening. I am also excited and nervous at the same time. I think Oprah is a bit melodramatic in the clip, so I'm anxious to hear it in context. Meghan looks rather heavily made up and very poignantly emotional. Also a bit melodramatic by not letting us hear Meghan's voice. I hope it is a great interview for Meghan and Harry and contributes to everyone's understanding of the cancer that is the British tabloid press. Looking forward to hearing about their plans for the future. Harry's appearance seems like a very good lead-in to the big interview. I trust Meghan.

  9. My feeling was that they purposely left out any audio clips from her because they didn’t want things to get spun out of control in the media. There’s really nothing substantial anyone can critique her for in this promo.

  10. Of course everyone will be on tenterhooks anticipating what they are going to say, especially if they claim they were silenced. It is not just the so-called "grey suits" who advocated not replying to criticism. The Queen herself has never been interviewed, although she has made public statements on important occasions. She has suppressed the early BBC film of the family's day to day life. She expects her close family to follow her rules so it would be naive to suppose she would approve any sort of intimate interview.
    I am curious about the motivation behind the programme. Do Harry and Meghan think that it will clear the air and improve family relationships? Both Diana and Charles came to regret their TV interviews and felt they made things more difficult for their sons and reflected badly on the monarchy. This could very well be a repeat of that process.

    1. The royal family seems to do a lot of intimate interviews, though? The most notable recently being Andrew's BBC interview, which, while ultimately disastrous, was seemingly sanctioned by the palace and considered part of their strategy for saving his reputation.

      Aside from Charles and Diana's many interviews, there are the in-depth, personal engagement interviews, Eugenie's Vogue interview, the Charles at 70 documentary and associated interviews...

    2. Most of the ones you mention are carefully choreographed documentaries. Actual interviews are far fewer and often disastrous from the royal point of view. So the Queen has increasingly come to distrust them.

    3. I agree they do. The Queen doesn’t but most of the rest of them have and do grant interviews. Oftentimes in depth. As I often say never complain never explain is really only a theoretical idea up to the point they actually do sit down and explain (or complain).

    4. Yes there have been occasional interviews of family members by the news media and some of them have revealed personal matters which the Queen felt were better kept within the family. There is nothing wrong with wanting to keep some things private especially if it will cause family tension and make things worse. Charles and Diana were ill advised in trying to put across their version of things and Andrew's interview was an absolute disaster and was the cause ofv his demotion.

  11. The social media platforms are away bigger problem than British media. People who would never had a chance to express publicly opinions now can. The negative news are not only shared by critics but also by fans who would spread them when trying to prove some points. I never saw the original comment or anything in a paper about a particular mean comment about Archie but read it in a comment section on IG by a Meghan’s supporter.
    I know to avoid DM, but very random accounts around the SM that are trying to stay relevant have opinions now about Harry and Meghan. And to be honest with James Corden and Oprah interviews that interest won’t disappear any time soon, so not sure how they will make people stop voicing opinions about them in any country. Harry knows that well as growing up in the Royal family and Meghan as part of Hollywood knows how celebrity can be criticized for years and even destroyed. No mater the person we can’t expect everyone to agree with everything they do or say (I grew up in a totalitarian communist country, they tried that and didn’t work).
    I hope after the interview they can truly move on and focus on the amazing life they are building. They wouldn’t be able to have any of it if they were still working royals.

    E from Germany

  12. I really hope this interview works out for them. The James Corden one was absolutely brilliant and I think did an incredible job of highlighting Harry's message and also positioning him as being engaged, serious, still wanting to serve etc but with a fun edge. I am very concerned that the Oprah interview is going to offer way too many opportunities for them to be accused of whining. Harry and Meghan have form for making the odd misstep and I just really really really hope this is not going to be one of them. (obviously, not helped by Oprah's team currently bigging up the "scoop" and "drama" elements rather than any fun or softer moments.

    1. I'm not really a fan of Oprah's interview style either.

    2. Becca in Colorado1 March 2021 at 19:49

      I have to admit that I really agree with you, WatchingKate. Harry's interview with James was lighthearted and fun, while also giving Harry an avenue to honestly and neatly say why he wanted to step his family back from their senior roles.

      These Oprah clips, however, have done exactly what I was hoping they wouldn't -- playing up the drama and making it seem like Harry and Meghan are going to trash the royal family (which they obviously won't).

      Harry's interview with James tied a nice little bow on the whole thing, in my opinion. This teaser seems to blow it all back open. Maybe that's too melodramatic, but still.

  13. I am excited to watch but I don’t think it’s going to be a hugely dirty tell-all. At least, not against the family. Looking at Harry’s talk with James last week, he’s either accurately portraying the relationship with the family as still warm(they still call, chat, catch up, stay in contact) or if it’s not, he’s not spilling that.

    Now against the media, that’s a different story! I suspect a lot will center on the prevalence of racism and vitriol in the press and how if affected them both individually and as a couple.

    Meghan looks great. I suspect it’s a nod to Diana who was silenced by the press to intentionally wearing her jewelry.

    I know what Laura means about the silence of Meghan on the promos but that’s just marketing. Same with the ‘silence’ question. It sounds juicy but it’s probably something like, ‘waiting to walk down the aisle’ or something else not dramatic.

    1. I think you're right about Harry not spilling about his relationship with his family. He's notoriously private about his family, so in a way I hope he keeps that. He always professes such love for his grandparents.
      The teasers are probably cut to make it look a certain way, in a way I hope they haven't gone for the family maybe those that run the machine, and the press, even social media is unfair to them. I just hope it's not an excuse to lay their 'dirty laundry' in public. It has never really gone down well before- even Princess Di regretted panorama interview due to the effect it might have on her children, and it caused the divorce she never wanted.

  14. Aquamarine and Blue Topaz - both stones help with communication. This should be an interesting interview.

    1. Ohhhhh great point! Meghan seems like the kind of gal who would consider and put stock into that kind of detail. I am as well. While I often pick jewelry to match my outfit, I also consider what the day brings and what kind of intention and energy I want at hand :)

  15. Charlotte, Meghan has worn very expensive dresses in a couple of her recent videos. Is there any way to find out if designers can gift or loan things to her, now that she is no longer a working royal. Designers loan dresses to celebrities all the time for alwards shows, etc.



  16. Honestly, H&M could stand and sing God Save The Queen and there would be backlash within minutes. They are exercising their freedom of speech which they did not have the ability to do before. If they wish to share their truth, so be it. They both look healthy and happy as they grow their family and at the end of the day is there anything that is more important.
    I look forward with great anticipation to their sharing and or correcting false information that has come to light by toxic reporting. This is their choice and negative criticism means nothing.

  17. Susan in Florida1 March 2021 at 18:27

    Remember , the teaser is edited to create a buzz to get people to tune in. For all we know , the clip of Meghan could have been a test shot , or she was silent because a car or airplane flew over. Editors will often cut to the people listening to the speaker if it’s a two camera interview. This edit is done all the time in reality type shows so the audience can assign an emotion or intention to a blank face.

  18. The reminder of other family members' well-received interviews now makes me think this is a good idea. There is so much said about Harry running away, stepping down, etc. This make serve to remind some people that Harry is still the future king's son, he is still brother to a future king (and not THE future king, so he is not abdicating!), and still invested in the UK. COVID has kept family members from visiting the Queen and PP, so naturally it has kept Harry in the US.

    1. The disastrous interviews are more relevant. There are still reverberations from those the very revealing ones Charles and Diana gave and Andrew's more recent interview absolutely destroyed his reputation so the Queen has reason to be wary!

  19. I have a hard time putting all my thoughts together.
    First, I am concerned about the way this is being promoted... dramatic, dark, almost bombshellian. I know it’s advertising, but a respectable interviewer is not going to hype it this much without some substance to back it up. Like most, I’d hoped this would be kept forward focused and not Bashir/Panorama-ish. I doubt extremely that there will be open bashing but there has been heavy innuendo in the past and I expect more here. Let the public decide to blame the royals, which they will.
    H&M can be totally comfortable that their side of the story will carry the day by default. The BRF won’t be drawn into a public row and the Queen won’t make her first interview about this.. Sharing their truth is certainly not out of bounds but when you know you’re the only voice going to speak in the space, there’s a certain responsibility. Tabloid leaks from “palace sources” doesn’t carry the gravitas.
    There is no denying Meghan had a hard time. A comprehensive view of the situation reveals a multi faceted picture for why that might have been and the parallels to Diana are a miscalculation, in my opinion.
    2 hours is a really long time to listen to 2 fabulously wealthy people talk about their hardships and mental health difficulties.
    I have no doubt they both need a debriefing talk over the past couple of years and my heart goes out to them but Oprah isn’t a therapist and I fear no one will come out of this a winner in the long term. The BRF certainly won’t and H&M risk wearying the public by focusing too much on the negativity of a difficult couple of years. They can’t afford to let that be their primary narrative. -PB

    1. While I defend the rights to express one's opinion whether or not it aligns with my own, and I understand that the right for Harry and Meghan to speak with Oprah is divisive, I also find it necessary to express my own view in light of what I have just read.

      I hold one of the primary failures of compassion to be statements such as this one: 2 hours is a really long time to listen to 2 fabulously wealthy people talk about their hardships and mental health difficulties.

      For those who concur with such thinking I would suggest that you choose to spend your two hours on Sunday doing something--anything--else. The remote control is in your hands, after all.

      Hardships and mental health difficulties can afflict anyone who is human whatever their status or wealth.

    2. It seems as though the BRF very much did just make this a public row. So. I’m not sure about that assertion.

    3. Thanks, Philly. Don’t want to spend time this way? Switch off.
      At a certain point, wealth doesn’t buy happiness; and all human beings have feelings.
      The BRF brought out the swords on this: investigating a human resources issue three years after the fact, involving a departed employee (Meghan) is something to be done in private, not oh-so-conveniently timed for an American television broadcast. Appalling behavior by the Firm.

    4. Thanks, Philly. Those who are not interested need not watch. The BRF has raised 2018 staff issues involving a former employee of the Firm. Why now? To attack the Duchess of Sussex. It’s appalling.
      I look forward to seeing Harry and Meghan with their friend Oprah; I am confident nothing untoward will occur and their enemies will wail and rend their garments.

  20. I really wish the timing could be changed until after Prince Philip is out of the hospital.

    1. Are you also wishing those over there cancel all their things until he is out also?

    2. I had not thought of that aspect -- even the Queen is carrying on.

    3. It’s an American television show. It’s up to British television to determine when to run the broadcast. Prince Phillip is the last person to care what others say or believe.

  21. It had been over five years since I watched Oprah. Lat week I watched four interviews to catch up what she is like these days, and to predict what this interview will be like. 1. Former VP Joe Biden in 2016 (Super Soul Sunday category?) 2. Michelle Obama (most likely Oprah’s visionary tour). 3. Lady Gaga (Oprah Vision tour?). I think Lady Gaga had worked with Harry and Oprah for the Apple mental health documentary.
    Still M&H’s interview will have to be unique.

  22. Honestly people, no matter who interviewed them or what Meghan says or do SHE will be criticized by UK media, body language experts, photographers, and haters. If it was just Harry they'd have a long article How he wasn't like this b4 Meghan, family still supports him, and he can/should come back. But since it's Meghan everything will be picked apart like it usually is especially by P Morgan Tominey Nikkah, Andrews, English, and whoever else they send out with and "Exclusive" about Harry and Meghan. Arthur Edwards himself has said "If she talks to US, we can help with her press coverage. If not it will only get worse."

  23. The dress is classy, beautiful and looks lovely draped around Meghan as she is seated. Can't wait for Sunday to hear their own words. It will be a special opportunity.

  24. So interesting that H&M do this interview while expecting their second child. I assume they will talk about the torments they were going through when expecting their first child, so they may have some kind of healing for their (forced?) silence then.

  25. What I find interesting is that most of us do not accept individual complicity. Orphra is doing this interview to make a bucket load of money. The promos are to increase audience numbers and income. The slant of the interview will be to ensure maximum audience. It will increase visibility of Meghan and Harry in the US - of course but maybe not as they would like as once out there the words are fair game for any other organisation / individual to try to make their pot of gold. However if we were not rabid consumers of all of this and commenters on social media there were be less awfulness in the world. It is the consumers who carry responsibility. If we did not consume there would not be the vast coverage.

    1. I will add that, Meghan and Harry have already been paid. And may continue to be paid. What CBS has paid them for the Cordon appearance through his production company (and ad sales) and the Oprah appearance (and her ad sales). Harpo Productions has already sold the rights to ITV who will also garner advertising revenue. And there are other worldwide markets that will "buy" the program to air on their "stations". M&H did not do this for "free". They profit from others consumption. They put this content out in the world, in conjunction with Oprah, to profit from the association with the UK Royal family. It really will be interesting to see - is anyone watching? Or are they busy looking at other things? Oprah and the Sussexes are paid upfront before the content airs.

    2. Well said Libby.

    3. IKR. Dang I wish people realize the British tabloids aren’t money hungry like Oprah!

      Do you think the Daily Mail and the Sun, the royal press corp and the billionaire media moguls are in this for the money? Never! The Murdochs and the Barclays and the viscount with his tax haven home in Europe would never stoop to do BRF entertainment news for money. No, that’d be American. Do you see these royal gossipers, ummm, I mean the royal experts, doing interviews and shilling their latest book on ITV and GMB? These royal commentators aren’t in it for profit and fame. They are performing a national and patriotic service for people who can’t get enough royal melodramas, especially during tough times like a pandemic. Seriously, if Churchill was still around, he’d be giving speeches about their sacrifice!


    4. Welcome to capitalism.

  26. Well, well, well. First pre interview Salvo fired by Kensington palace.

    Methinks they doth protest too much.

    1. bluhare, I STILL do not understand how "palaces" are allowed to operate seemingly independently of the palace inhabitants. "Meghan is a bully. They take bullying seriously!" Unbelievable! When has a palace issued such language against a family member?

    2. You know bluhare, when the news of this interview first come up I really wanted Meghan to say whatever she felt but now I really want her to burn it all to the ground.

    3. It’s horrifying isn’t it. I can’t believe how transparent of a smear this article is. From timing to content it’s just so obviously a distortion and manipulation. I really just don’t know what to do anymore I’m so soured on the whole royal family and I used to enjoy following them so much. I think Harry and Meghan’s decision to step back is best for all involved and after this final saying of their piece they will continue on their charitable endeavors and the RF will continue on theirs. But I think I’ve lost all motivation to keep up.

    4. Becca in Colorado3 March 2021 at 20:19

      The character assassination I expected, but I have to admit that I did NOT expect that statement from the palace to drop. Ugh.

    5. It's so transparent and disgusting. I don't recall Buckingham Palace ever announcing an investigation into Andrew's many sleazy dealings and abhorrent behavior.

  27. Tammy from California3 March 2021 at 17:37

    I'm not sure if I will watch the interview because I don't think it will be a tell-all like Oprah's trailer suggests. They aren't going to divulge what I really want to know. Having said that, if I can have even ONE GLIMPSE of that cute lil Archie, I am ALL.IN.

    1. Tammy, I agree. I dont think she said that much either. But the palace thinks she did which means she absolutely has some things to say that would not make the royals look good.

    2. Seems like Meghan said a lot from the previews, but we shall see.

  28. The Palace is in a tizzy over the Oprah’s interview. Before it even aired. Hmmmm.....

    Pretty funny because when Andrew wanted to do
    the BBC interview, he didn’t get such negative pushback from the Palace and the British press beforehand. This is the Prince who was BFF with Epstein, head of his dodgy non-profit as Palace trade rep and with an ex wife who attempted to bribe a journalist for £500,000.

    Andrew and his ex has done way more to harm the Firm and yet the focus by the Palace is to “rehabilitate” Andrew’s image. Cause you know, he’s a boy prince with skinny fingers. It’s the boys will
    be boys thing. Andrew just can’t help himself.

    The UK press prints 10x more negative articles daily about Meghan for eating avocados, wearing black nail polish, crossing her legs, and gasp —guest editing a magazine. Now she and Harry are giving an Oprah’s interview. And this becomes the crime of the century in the annal of modern British monarchy. Oh boy.

    The sky is falling. The British press has even characterized Oprah as tabloid journalism. Lol. This from the Sun, Daily Mail, Telegraph and the Times. These white men can’t stand successful black women.

    So I’m laughing at the hysteria because you know when Meghan was cradling her 1st baby bump, the hysteria police was out.

    The Palace is now in full blown hysteria. Again.

    -lights on in the big T

  29. The RF and Buckingham palace are showing their guilt with this airing of 2-yr-old claims just before the Oprah interview -- admitting guilt before Meghan can make the claim to Oprah. The Royal Family seems to be a bad, harmful joke.

    To do this now, while Meghan is pregnant again, having lost her previous pregnancy -- unforgivable.


  30. Have just caught up with the latest developments in the sorry saga - the just revealed "bullying" allegations. Regardless of who is in the right over these latest assertions, we now have some further insight into what was going on before Harry and Meghan left UK. No wonder they were stressed out! It is obvious that it was their closest personal staff who initiated the bullying charges against Meghan and it is a fact that several of the staff mentioned left their employment at that time, including Jason Knauf. If you look at his CV on line, he had previously worked in many highly ranked government positions and had an excellent reputation. Yet according to Meghan's latest statement, he was part of a plot to undermine her. Who is in the right? We do have some proven facts. The latest revelations show that there was some basis for the rumours going around at that time. It is also evident that Buckingham Palace did not thoroughly investigate the matter, even though their HR person seems to have thought there were grounds for doing so. This implies that they suppressed it to protect Meghan presumably because she was part of the Royal Family. Typical sweeping under the carpet strategy. Maybe Meghan is right and it was all part of a conspiracy against her by the "grey suits", but obviously if she had had a close relationship with their personal staff it could not have happened. Or do we think that the same staff were hand picked to undermine her? It seems to me to be incredibly stupid if Buckingham Palace risked blowing up the monarchy in order to carry out such a counter-productive policy. I wonder if Oprah will now re=edit the interview to look at these latest allegations?

  31. Without taking sides I just want to say that my heart goes out to the Queen, who has been stellar in her decades of duty and public service. While her 99 year old husband enters his third week in hospital, her family dynamics have become a soap opera.

    1. The queen only had and has the power to prevent this from being a soap opera.


    2. Becca in Colorado4 March 2021 at 15:57

      I am quite tired of people viewing the Queen through rose-colored glasses. Just because she's become a symbol of the nation, etc, doesn't mean that she's absolved from responsibility. Her staff is out of control, that's all there is to it -- and if they aren't, then the Queen, herself, has sanctioned the years-long bullying of Meghan.

    3. A sad/stressful situation with Prince Phillip. The Queen does deserve much commendation for her decades of loyal service, however like all of us she is an imperfect human and does not make perfect decisions all the time.



  32. You know the Buckingham Palace investigation of the alleged bullying is going to give Oprah a high rating with all the publicity. You have to ask how smart is the Palace staff if it can’t figure out controversy sells. This is not how you do a nothing burger.

    People will also question the double standards by the BRF for ignoring Andrew’s actions. Where’s the Buckingham Palace investigation here? This is the bigger news and if the royal household wants to go on about dignity and truth, dig here. Otherwise the BS stinks to high heaven.

    This brouhaha shows the couriers are nervous about their treatment of Meghan. It’s like the Trumpsters yelling about cancel culture while they themselves are canceling their opponents by making on line threats and plans to turnover a legitimate election and takeover seats of government.

    1. Susan in Florida5 March 2021 at 00:42

      Can we PLEASE STOP mentioning names of any and ALL American politicians ? it has nothing to do with the subject of this blog.

  33. Regarding the events of 3rd March, I just feel sick even thinking about it. This situation is poisonous. Regardless of what happened, you can understand why H&M wanted out. This is just awful. I can't imagine thinking that you're trapped in this kind of environment for life. I feel for you, Charlotte, having to try to write some kind of coherent blog post - it's all such a mess and terribly sad at the same time. I bet this is not what you signed up for when you took up Royal blogging!

  34. Formal complaints by individuals of work place harassment and bullying need to be investigated regardless of the organisation or person involved. There is a process to be followed and the palace statement merely states the process has been initiated. It is up to individuals to make their complaints when and how they see fit. Individuals make complaints not organisations.

    It is very wrong to label individuals as hysterical for making a workplace complaint.

    1. If I recall correctly, the individuals did not make a formal complaint at the time. Jason knauf did on their behalf. And when they found out he had done that they rescinded the complaints.

      Andrew was accused if abusing a staff member last year, and was strongly inferred it got to more than shouting. Charles intervened, asked Andrew to apologize and he refused. The aides crime? Not getting Andrew what he wanted.

      Anne has also been known to be rude to staff.

      Not a single complaint was filed.

    2. Libby, of course you are right. But why have they waited for 2 years? We don't know if these are the only complaints/situations ever to occur -- have other complaints against other family members been ignored? Or have they been investigated but not announced to the public? I think Meghan went through workplace bullying. I have never heard of a currently working aide(s) saying something so negative against a royal family member.
      The timing takes away from the legitimacy of the complaints.

    3. Libby, the individuals did not make the complaint, Jason Knauf did without their knowledge and when they found out they asked for the complaint to be rescinded. However, racial discrimination has been brought against Charles by an employee, Andrew reportedly struck an employee, photos of Sophie yelling at her protection officer and on and on.

      Also where was this Dignity in the Workplace program when members of the staff were briefing against Meghan on a daily basis?

    4. Please you don’t see what a farce this is? There are complaints about every single royal including one credibly accused of actual criminal sexual assault and no formal palace statement about an “investigation.” Meghan Markle did not bully or harass anyone I will die on this hill. We have heard no specifics of this behavior other than a mess of a reporting jobs by the Times. I don’t know WHAT the journalistic standards are in the UK but elsewhere you have to have quotes, facts, documents, dates, names, identities, and verified specifics, before going to print with an accusation such as this. This smear of an article has NONE of that.

      Not to mention Meghan has had a public profile of her own for a solid decade before she ever knew of Prince Harry in an industry that feeds of this kind of gossip and scandal. It would have come out if she was like this. Never a negative word about her, in fact everyone from co workers to production staff raves about her kindness.

      This is a classic character assassination hatchet job. Plain and simple.

    5. Becca in Colorado4 March 2021 at 15:59

      If so, then why wasn't Charles, Andrew, Sophie, Anne, etc, etc, investigated (with statements by the palace) when they were accused of the same thing?

    6. I'm with Bluhare (no surprise there).
      No one is suggesting an organization shouldn't enforce workplace rules and standards. Rather, I think it more than fair to ask: why is THIS organization choosing to "investigate" (and to do so publicly) allegations of workplace conduct that happened two years ago, when this same organization just announced, WEEKS ago, that the individual who is now being investigated is NO LONGER A PART OF THE ORGANIZATION?
      Did they not just say she is no longer a WORKING ROYAL?
      And, it further appears some of the complainants no longer work for the organization either.
      So, they will be investigating how exactly? Talking to the Duchess to get her side of the story? Talking to the now former employees who complained? Doing a deep dive to get at the "truth"" Really? I mean honestly. And if they did wouldn't that in fact be quite the circus. I thought we were supposed to be keeping things calm for Prince Phillip's sake?
      So, to recap, this institution has decided that in the interests of fairness and transparency, they are going to tell the worlds media that they are now, on their own, sua sponte, going to pursue and open an "investigation" into a former employee around allegations brought by some current and former employees, AND to publicly ANNOUNCE the allegations to the media.
      I practice in this area. I'll tell you, I would never advise a client of mine to operate this way. In fact, I would advise them NOT to.
      And at the end of this investigation what does the institution propose to do if they "find "the allegations "substantiated?" Well, remember, she's not part of their organization anymore. They can't dismiss the Duchess, or discipline her. So, what then? Will they wag their finger at her across the ocean through the world's media and say "now, now, don't you ever bully again? Or you may not call yourself a Duchess?"
      Its ridiculous. And only proves my point.
      This is not about fairness, transparency, accountability, or workplace standard enforcement.
      And if it is not - and I really don't think it is - I think it is totally legitimate to ask: what is this REALLY about?
      I'll tell you my guess. M&H were told when they left: if you do an interview, we will bring up these old allegations and everything else. And, knowing that, M&H have decided, after the indignities they have suffered, and their position of safety, "well fine, let it rip."
      Diana would surely have recognized this for what it is: The Grey men are still in charge and back to their paternalistic retaliatory old ways. When will HM stop listening to them? Or, is it time we start accepting that she is ok with their approach? And if that is true, that is very sad.

    7. Anon 2:49 I back everything you say. People from Suits are coming out to support Meghan. It's a joke and shameful that it emerges from the Cambridges' employee.

    8. Ha, Lauri, I bet we were typing at the same time!!

      And aria, I agree as well. If you're going to have this dignity in the workplace thing, why is Meghan the subject when one of Charles aides called an employee the n word, andrew was asked to apologise for his treatment of staff (also rammed Windsor gates with his car because he didn't want to go a mile out of his way and damaged them -- no word whether he paid for the damage), Sophie yelled at her staff, Anne has been known to do the same . . . I mean they all do it! Yet only one is investigated. Wonder what the difference is.

      Her sin, if there is one, was being better at royaling than the rest of them. And I will die on that hill.

    9. I agree Libby. I know from personal experience it is very difficult to deal with bullying and report it, you just think you are the one to blame. And you don't want to antagonize anyone, you just want to disappear. You are in a vulnerable position. And you end by loosing your job.
      Imagine what those people are feeling right now, all the world calling them liars.
      Of course the palace had to launch an investigation, if it has been publicly accused in a respectable paper of covering up.

    10. Becca in Colorado5 March 2021 at 16:35

      Helen, nobody is saying investigating bullying in the workplace isn't important. But if you're going to uphold this now, why aren't you crying out for the palace to also investigate Andrew for ALL his shady dealings and ALL the other royals (Charles, Sophie, Kate, Anne, etc, etc) who have also been accused of bullying staff in the past? Hm? Answer me that.

  35. I sound like a broken record but I do not understand -- no one has heard the interview yet. However, people who work for Harry's brother feel comfortable attacking Harry's wife? Why is this allowed? When have currently working "aides" attacked family members?

  36. Buckingham Palace had come alive as an operational, functioning workplace by officially announcing “it will investigate workplace bullying”. It only not protects “the institution”, this is also a turning point in establishing workplace policy and ethics for their potential image and future staff. It may even help relieve Meghan of all the past articles about employees turn over during the couples’ active duty for the “firm”/ “branch of government” (that is if the alleged bullying will be proven false).

    Personally, I wish they put the interview on the shelf until she has her baby (why strike a match on a gasoline while pregnancy does not like stress?), and which also will be reasonable to wait until PP’s condition is settled. Between these two reasons, take time out, have the couple’s lawyers, and BP investigate in the meantime. I think MM should just take time out, ease down, enjoy the pregnancy, and keep up with their foundation until she has the baby. Whatever painful experience she had in UK was not exclusively work, race, and the “firm” related only. A family’s support makes a difference in the eyes of the beholder. A family’s aggravated agitation creates its own image/impression/reputation etc. The Markles had added to the pain as well.

    The Associated papers/ Daily mail is in the process of appealing the court case too. I am sorry it is too soon to be this entangled all over again and be over exposed. In a way, Oprah and Meghan may share that value of, “be your best yourself” along with the lines of having compassion. I think if Oprah is a good friend, she should have been aware of timing too. At the end of the day, she did not make it this far by considering someone else’s timing and prioritizing friendship. She is also a shrewd business- woman. I wish they just put the interview on the shelf until MM has the child. I never thought to be involved this much in a person's life I don't know in person, but the up and down, and right when there is good, the unexpected pattern, is mind boggling. Of course it is in the news. This is a couple who inspire one moment, and another moment some shadow follows them.

    1. I agree anon15, the investigation will dispell rumours against Meghan if it concludes there was no bullying

  37. The old colonials on full display.

  38. I am appalled by the salvos coming out of the palaces- they are beyond vile.

    I don't think people are paid for these types of interviews, btw, unlike the situation of tabloid stories. In fact, I think there has been a denial of the assertion that Meghan and Harry are making millions for ths interview.

    I don't think we'll see little Archie. Apparently this interview is not taped in the Sussex home. I'm glad he's too young to realize how the British media, and I must say with the silent complicity of the royal familly, continue to try to destroy his parents. Harry and Meghan are only public figures to me, and yet my heart hurts for the vileness and injustice of all that is being thrown at them. I think that the power of the British tabloid press is an issue that should go far beyond these two, and I hope more and more people will become aware of the malice that fuels its existence.

  39. Becca in Colorado4 March 2021 at 02:55

    Yikes, this is turning into another War of the Wales of sorts. The gaslighting here! An aide leaks an old story, then Buckingham Palace comes out and says they’re investigating, that they take workplace bullying very seriously. Huge LOL honestly, when they spent the better part of 2 years bullying their own family members.

    1. I so agree! I hope Meghan officially counters with formal HR complaints at Buckingham Palace. "Oh now we're investigating workplace bullying? Awesome, then here are 200,000 false negative stories about me that employees of the firm fed to the tabloids and I would like a bullying investigation to accompany each one. And you can also investigate racism and misogyny for each article as well. Please, thank you, bye."

      I think these stories are complete garbage but IF Meghan ever lost her cool with anyone, I think it would be totally warranted and excusable to yell at whatever prissy jerk decided to tell the media that Meghan was murdering people because she ate an avocado for lunch. If I had a staff member do that, you better believe the conversation would not sound like a polite "please don't do that again." And also, this 5:00 a.m. email garbage--do people in Britain have a labor contract where they can only work between 9-5? In America we work 24-7 and while that might not be great for a lot of reasons, it certainly isn't harassment. It's work ethic and ambition and perfectionism perhaps, but none of those things are crimes.

    2. Lol if Meghan Lost her cool it would be warranted? This sounds like my husband hit me because I behaved incorrectly and I deserved it...

    3. @Anonymous- actually kind of. We pride ourselves in not treating employees as mere workhorses and try to protect their rights. We see it as sociological advancement. It has nothing to do with work ethic, ambition and perfection if I am not 24/7 available for my job. If that is the case I either am not able to perform my duties in the agreed time of my contract or my employer is screwing me.
      We are also not talking about high profile/high salary positions here.

    4. Anon 20:40 when the 5 am email thing came out there was a lot of hand wringing about the “cultural difference” and I’m just not sure what it is. I don’t think individual workers work 24/7 in America but as a result of flexibility I do think work in general is happening 24/7. In many ways it’s actually a good thing! If your brain works best from 4-7 am when everything is quiet that’s when you work. Or if you prefer to regroup after your kids go to bed then that works too. Almost never is the assumption that the recipient respond at the same time? This is actually a gift of technology, workers are less and less tied to the 9-5 desk schedule and are able to structure their day to work at their best and meet both work and personal needs.

      I was really taken aback two years ago when this became such a hot button issue. The UK is not in the stone age they have global companies that are tied to financial markets or have offices in other countries or have workers on flexible work schedules. You cannot tell me they have never heard of outside of standard hours email. Again the assumption is rarely that the recipient respond then and there! This is true in America too! It was a reach then to make this a flaw of Meghan’s and if that’s the thing that is at the root of all this bullying nonsense then I’m really taken aback.

    5. Anonymous, your post was an eye opener. It helps me understand what may have happened, simply a work culture clash. Someone with the point of view you have would undoubtedly be seen as a bully in the kind of work environment I suspect the palace to have. A work environment where senior officials are public servants, that enjoy the highest work protection there is,work hours, they cannot be fired, they work for the state not for an individual. Simon Case works now for the PM. Whatever happens to the PM, Simon will never be without a job, he will be back to another department. It is the work environment of administration, not a private business. Even ambition takes another form. Also there is the dignity of the office. The wages are very low compared to the private system but the work condition are very good. So asking staff to be on call 24/7 would most probably be seen as bullying.

    6. Anon 22:21 you’re taking the previous comment way out of context. Anon 20:40 is saying after the tabloid lies that went on about Meghan for the time leading up to their departure, and many of them sourced to these unnamed palace aides, Meghan would have been well within her rights to tell people who supposedly work for her to knock it off: being held accountable for undermining your boss is not bullying, nor is it being hit by your husband. This is a really disingenuous comparison. I’m not convinced this happened at all as it just doesn’t line up with what we know of Meghan from her friends, colleagues, and associates that DO speak on the record, but even if it had, I think anon 20:40 is right a telling off wouldn’t have been out of the question after consistent tabloid manipulation to Meghan’s detriment.

  40. The palace needs to clean house and revise its hiring strategy. A male staffer sends an email to another senior staffer that he doesn’t report to describing an allegation of bullying of one party against 2 to 3 others based on heresay from even more others. He reported it to HR who probably told him it was a serious allegation but nothing could be done based on hearsay. He never claimed to have witnessed it himself. M & Hs lawyers claim the ms x & Y were not aware the complaint was made on their behalf and when asked they outright declined to make any formal complaint. Perhaps there was no evidence...,Let’s see if that is true. If so HR did the right thing. I’m also intrigued about Samantha Cohen. If she was so traumatized by their behavior... why did she stay a further 8 months after the complaint was made. As someone who has dealt with workplace issues like this... there is a protocol and Jason does not appear to have followed any normal process. And this whole thing stinks of aides who are out of control and cannot and should not be trusted. Let see how many hold into their jobs...

  41. Oh and I think this is separate to the family. I think the family drama may be driven by the aides behavior and not necessarily their own.

    I do think it’s funny that other than her toxic siblings who M chose not to be around many years ago and these palace aides ( and Piers Morgan) everyone else who knows her or has met her speaks of how kind and generous she is... her ex partners have enough respect to say nothing at all.. the whole thing is a frenzy but makes me think the aides in question are scared of something coming out. I do really hope they are gracious to the family.... roll on Sunday!

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. For the record, the story of Meghan's issues with her staff first came out in The Times. This newspaper was established in 1785 and in the UK it is considered as a "Quality" newspaper. Quality press is a category of British newspapers in national circulation distinguished by their seriousness and accuracy. The Times is extremely careful not to print a story, without reliable information, from at least two sources, that they can validate. There are always two sides to every story, and the intended investigation will prove most interesting.

    1. Politically, The Times of Britain ranks right up there with the Daily Fail & other right wing newspapers. They are notoriously conservative and biased.

    2. Yeah except The Times did not provide this at all. They vaguely alluded to an email and hearsay of meetings. And are basically repeating a narrative that was fed to them by one side. That’s shoddy journalism that would not pass an ethical standard at most reputable papers. I see zero reliable information, zero validation, and zero presentation of multiple sources. It is one of the most unprofessional pieces accusing someone of serious misbehavior that I have ever seen. The Times is also Murdoch owned. Their entire narrative goal is controversy not ethical journalism. They don’t even hide this.

    3. The story they printed was factual. There was an accusation of bullying. What they omitted to highlight was the rest of it . Now all they others have run with the headline and can point to a ‘credible source’. As a quality press they gave the responsibility to Print the full story. Not the sound bite. What they also footnoted was that one of the PAs was actually dismissed for misconduct.... But no other press has picked up and run with that one...

  44. My goodness the drama as much I love the Duke and duchess Sussex I'm aware these will be getting a lot attention.. both UK and US I love to hear it but these thing out of control the duchess and the Duke of taking these interview will drawn against the Duke of Sussex family which not good why because if you are in family you have ideas and may agree or disagree Understand Mia understood you have to sit and talk to members of the families rather than to give these interview stepping down in senior role as working royal will stop but I don't think they are not cutting ties with. Family I think Misunderstood yes but I think the duchess of Sussex being bullied and not supported by her husband family we don't know family is very important factor on her I remembered when Ducheas of Cambridge was the girlfriend she received badly treatment of the media but the duchess of Cambridge family is very supportiveob underhand Meghan really does have that kind support system her family giving interview bullied her and Harry Meghan has only Harry while the duchess of Cambridge had family and friends support her and William by side. I think the Harry and Meghan should talk or phone their family in UK rather

  45. If the person accused was anybody else, most people would jump to the side of the alleged victim, not question them. The optics do look suspicious and BP is clearly milking this and displaying glaring double standards. BUT, the same principles should apply to all, even those who on their face appear to be champions of the people (remember Ellen?). If people have made legitimate claims of bullying, and if people indeed left their jobs as has been stated, then I should think that we should not be sarcastically questioning them, but rather be championing an investigation for the truth to shine bright.

    1. Ok but why hasn’t that happened with every single other royal accused of aggressiveness with their staff? Or with one particular prince who has been accused of exponentially worse behavior? Only the black duchess gets this formal statement of an investigation? Under extremely shady timing and circumstances? I don’t buy it. In fact I’m appalled by it.

    2. Thank you! I truly think the sussex suad has outdone itself on this one. Bullying is very serious - having been on the receiving end of it during my school years, I know how damaging it can be. Irrespective of whether Meghan did it or not, dismissing claims of bullying is NOT OK! How does it matter if someone else made the complaints? As a child I didn't tell my mother for years that I had been bullyied at school because I was ashamed of it.
      No one gets to dismiss anyone else's trauma - the same way you don't dismiss the trauma H&M were caused.

      Additionally, these bullying claims are not new. There have been previous reports (which died down when the palace refused to comment) of bullying at Sussex camp. Kate was also accused of being rude when she rebutted Meghan for being rude to her staff.

      For all those accusing BP for coming out with a statement. If this was your workplace, would it not be required, mandated even - that your company take a serious stand and be accountable for bullying? Why this double standard then?

      If Meghan and Harry have chosen to air out their dirty laundy for the world to see (and that of the palace), then who are we to say only H&M can take part in it and no one else allowed to speak up?

    3. According to a Harper's Bazaar article, "neither staff member made complaints of their own or were aware that Knauf had sent an email to HR citing grievances. “When it became known to [the two individuals], they each asked for the matter to be rescinded and for it to not become an official complaint." Also, one of those aides was actually dismissed from her position due to misconduct.

    4. In terms of official reactions, statements, investigations, I am fully in agreement. It is hypocritical, apalling and ridiculous.
      But I was talking more about public perception. We do not really know any of those people, and public opinion has been mistaken in the past, as suggested by the example of Ellen De Generes. In any other instance in the context of #me too or workplace bullying allegations, people would (and rightly so) be adamant about any sort of victim-blaming/conspiracy-theorising explanation of such allegations. The majority of the public opinion did not take equal distances let alone side with alleged perpetrator. They sided with the victims. And I will have to disagree with any form of even subtle victim-blaming or questioning of potentially bullied people. Of course, none of that might have happened, or all of that could have happened,we really really don't know and cannot judge solely based on appearances. That is why an unbiased and serious investigation should take place, from the moment there are alleged wrongdoings. I for one do not feel comfortable commenting on the Sussex's innocence or guilty. But I will take any complaint seriously, regardless of the firm's behavior.

    5. Except the actual victims said there was no bullying...and were not interested in making a complaint.

    6. Anonymous @ 16:28,

      Thanks for posting these facts. It is also a fact that Harry was not involved in any discussion about this complaint of bullying and did not request that it not be pursued, as some articles have claimed.


    7. Erininnyc @ 17:30



    8. What a mad circus! The Royal Family looks weak and scared. The rags are in overdrive. SMH


    9. If the palace would like to look unbiased they should investigate every documented incident of workplace harassment and the results should be made public. I would be willing to bet this latest investigation will die off due to lack of public oxygen. They don't want their dirty linen in public. This is for show, and for show only. I will also say it's mostly there for staff against staff harassment, not employer/staff harassment.

      I have had a real awakening about the royal family these last couple of years.

    10. I entirely agree bluhare but the investigation should be by a properly appointed group of independent arbitrators with the ability to call witnesses. Certainly all the relevant parties should appear and the results published afterwards so everyone can see who are the victims.

  46. I really wish H & M hadn't decided to do the Oprah interview and just kept going with their charity work. Doing the work will speak for itself.

  47. Just saw this old interview that Fergie did with Oprah:

    She's saying the exact same things that Diana said then, and Meghan and Harry are saying now. Yet somehow the collective memories are so short that everyone's acting like Meghan and Harry are doing something unprecedented.

  48. Anonymous 15.20. From Media Bias Fact Check: 'Overall, we rate The Times and Sunday Times Right-Center biased based on story selection and editorial positions that favour the right and High for factual reporting due to a clean fact check record.' The paper is known for being accurate.

    1. Then why wasn’t any of this amazing fact checking in their article??? It’s basically a rehash of a supposed email that Jason Knauf supposedly sent that no one has actually laid eyes on. And many of the claims in it were almost immediately de bunked by non professionals on social media doing the most basic of Google searches. So no this was not an example of accurate, fact-checked, or ethical reporting.

    2. Rupert Murdoch owns the paper and it has definite right wing bent.

  49. This is already getting messy I see the palace is investigating the bullying allegations and then Meghan has stated that the Palace had an active role in perpetuating falsehoods about her and Harry. It is very sad to read this. I think this interview will be a firm split once it is said and done but I guess it is good to have the full truth out there

    1. I am actually not completely convinced the „firm” she mentions will turn out to be the FIRM when we hear the statement in context. She could have used it as an analogy or as a description for a media agency which is basically a firm as well. Or she meant the FIRM, indeed. We will find out soon enough. But those teasers are edited for maximum drama to bring attention. So I wouldn’t be surprised it isn’t as juicy as it looks.

  50. Just a totally fashion-oriented thought. I saw a blurry image of the earrings and I don't think they are the Birks Bee earrings. Hope we can see them better later.

  51. Charlotte, I notice the diamond earrings under question in your picture of Meghan at the Fiji State Dinner in this post. Are you able to shine any light on this controversy?

    1. There isn’t a controversy other than the dubious one they are trying to stick to Meghan. They’re owned by the crown. As is protocol for official royal wedding gifts. Meghan selected them for events before the circumstances of Jamal Khashoggi’s death were known. This is an extremely risky narrative for BRF to try to spin as Meghan’s mistake as literally ALL of their jewels are from ethically dubious provenance.

    2. The Palace should have thought this through because the BRF has received numerous gifts over the years from dictators, potentates, strongmen so if the press wants to do a rundown of human rights abuses and not so savory heads of state the Crown has had dealings with, it’d be bad.

      Plus the UK, just like the US, sells billions of arms to the Saudis. There’s a proxy war the Saudis has been waging in Yemen which has been a human catastrophe for the civilians. If you look into the financials dealings of rich UK billionaires, you’ll find plenty as well.

      This is such a badly and poorly reactive response by palace insiders, it boggles the mind.

    3. Do these people really want to go there?

      If so, the Queen needs to return all the jewels and antiquities stolen from countries during the Empire year.

    4. Susan in Florida5 March 2021 at 00:56

      It would be nice if the royals refused gifts of jewels from any nation. It’s always been odd to me that someone would give personal adornment to foreign royal. As we are learning, this can become controversial.

  52. I wish I knew what "the Palace" means -- the staff, the Queen, a particular senior royal?

  53. Charlotte, thank you so much for all your hard work, i really enjoy all your posts. Please don't take my comments as a reflection on you. This entire bullying campaign against Meghan is way, way out of control. It is unconscionable to smear her, to attack her over and over and then think that she doesn't have the right to speak her mind, to tell her truth- I don't care what lies they spread, I stand with Meghan and Harry.

  54. The British royal family has maintained close ties with the House of Saud. Members of the two royal courts meet regularly and has used meetings to smooth over relations and for business. The criminal investigation into UK arms sale to Saudi Arabia was a touchy point. The torture of British subjects was another along with Saudi’s human rights abuse— all of this before Jamal Khashoggi’s murder. Where’s the wrath and scorn by the royal press corp? The conservative Telegraph and the Times used the Saudi’s earrings gift to tarnish MM speaks to the smear and the double standard against MM. MM wore the earrings before being aware of MBS’ involvement. They don’t even belong to MM. If the Palace knew beforehand, why didn’t it inform MM during the preparation for the state visit? That’s the job of these people.

    The House of Windsor has benefited and received many extravagant gifts from the House of Saud and has not been crucified in the press like MM. Andrew’s ex, Sarah Ferguson, attended a conference hosted by MBS in 2019 where she praised MBS for his good leadership. The Palace will keeps its door open to MBS because Saudi Arabia has massive wealth and is geopolitically strategic.

    The news about the earrings was a hit piece. The Times, owned by Rupert Murdoch, conveniently neglects to mention how Murdoch personally hosted a dinner for MBS and how Murdoch’s Fox news network has downplayed Khashoggi’s murder with its coverage. Hardly the standard for fair and unbiased journalism.

    -news junkie

    1. Thank you very much, news junkie. You are an even bigger junkie than I am. 😊


  55. Royal courts and big firms have these incredible ancient and yet familiar carmic dynamics of powerstruggles, intrigue, grandeur bringing out the best and the worst in human behaviour.
    With this move from the palaces we see that they have lost ground. As a PR process it is a huge mistake- it has brought this Interview to a completly different level of interest.
    I have often wondered how the BR PR could work with all these very young aides who have an enormous work load, small wage, and there are not enough of them. This alone creates a vulnerability which leads to breakdown when Royal Marriages have to be handled on a world stage, with family dramas running and directly in the aftermath the strategy change from the British Tabloids to gain more from opening the Hunt of the Sussexes.
    These Aides can not keep up with the hurt of the Sussexes- and their demands to be protected represented well, a palace and family policy of ignorance and at the same time the competition of the palaces. I believe Meghan was shocked and disillusioned when she gave up very professional state of the art PR for this. Yet I am convinced she tried to make the most of it and I do believe she was a fair and respectful boss. Wearing these Saudi earrings was a stupid thing to do but gosh they were so beautiful- I can forgive her.

    We know the BRF has a complex and a difficult family structure- they do not have a shared resilience. The houses have their own dynamics. We do not know much. But from what we see we can feel there is aggression build up from various roots and that has been laid bare now in front of the public. This is not stiffer upper lip- it s more like narcissistic insult.

  56. The Palace, or Firm, or RF, or whoever is in charge is making this worse and worse. What strikes me is that Charles is coming across as a very weak figure. He should have taken charge and guided Harry and Meghan to what they needed to do. He should have made it publicly clear that they are still his family and that he loves them and admires their work. He could even have addressed the fact that Meghan had a full life before the RF and was happier in a different venue. Haven't heard a word from him. And everyone is intent on the two brothers reuniting. How can that happen when one allows attacks on the other's wife? Harry has always been very protective of Kate. William doesn't have to like Meghan -- he just has to pretend -- that's what families do! :) Stephen Colbert had a little piece on his comedy show in which he made fun of the Queen. As a US citizen, I'm afraid there has been a lot of fun-making at the expense of the RF through the years, but when I starting following Kate and her marriage, the RF became real people and I particularly admired the Queen. All of this Palace intrigue is taking that away from me.

  57. I just had a thought.... wouldn’t it be interesting if the palace investigation were to find that bullying was indeed taking place and that the aides were the perpetrators...

    1. If they were capable of honesty, I believe they would have to find this to be true. But, sadly, honesty doesn't seem to be any part of the RF or BP.


  58. I hate to direct clicks to the Daily Fail, but it is the only place I've been able to find the deliciously satisfying conclusion of Meghan's co-star in suits, Patrick Adams, conclusion to his series of tweets about Meghan and her experience in the royal family. He concludes:

    "IMO, this newest chapter and its timing is just another stunning example of the shamelessness of an institution that has outlived its relevance, is way overdrawn on credibility, and apparently bankrupt of decency. Find someone else to admonish, berate and torment. My friend Meghan is way out of your league."

    I love it so much. The tweets preceeding this are equally magnificent.


  59. How to watch the interview:


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