
Monday 6 June 2022

Darling Photos from Lilibet's Windsor Birthday Party

It's the photo we've all been waiting for! In celebration of Lili's birthday, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex released an absolutely darling photograph of their beautiful daughter to mark the occasion and thank those who supported an inspiring charity effort in aid of World Central Kitchen to mark Archie's and Lili's birthdays. Archie very much resembles both his parents, but I think you'll agree this little one -- sweetly dressed in blue -- favours dad :) What an adorable portrait of Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor.

The photo was taken at Frogmore Cottage on Saturday when Harry and Meghan invited close friends and family for a "casual, intimate, backyard picnic" to celebrate the occasion. Below, a lovely shot of Meghan with her daughter. It's most striking to see how happy Meghan looked, casually dressed and make-up free, with her daughter in her arms. Frogmore Cottage holds some very painful memories for her and Harry, so it's incredibly special to see new and joyous ones being made.

Indeed, it reminded me of this father son photo taken in Canada in 2019.

A spokesperson for the Sussexes said Harry and Meghan "remain incredibly touched by the countless birthday wishes for their daughter" and were "amazed" to learn supporters raised over $100,000 for World Central Kitchen, an organisation Archewell works closely with and which has been at the front of global crises from Ukraine to Uvalde recently. There's still time to donate by clicking here.

Talented photographer and close friend of the couple Misan Harriman took the photos and attended the party with his lovely family. Misan said: "It was such a privilege to celebrate the 1st birthday of Lilibet with my family and hers! Joy and face painting all around."

Misan has been a close friend for years and attended Harry and Meghan's wedding in 2018. Very fittingly, he also took the photo announcing they were expecting Lili during the pandemic, via iPad. He later revealed this fascinating nugget: "Meg reminded me that had I not introduced her to a mutual friend then she wouldn’t have met Harry. I’m grateful for whatever small part I played." Below Meghan and Lilibet with Misan's wife Camilla and their beautiful daughters.

Claire Ptak from East London's Violet Bakery, who created Harry and Meghan's wedding cake, made a special cake for Lili's special day.

The Sussex babies.

Now, I mentioned Lilibet favours Harry...

Embed from Getty Images

With thanks to Bojana, Lili was cute as a button in blue by Isabel Garreton (available here) and the Lily Lace Bow by Village Baby which is run by three moms.

As you may have read, the family returned to California yesterday afternoon. We were all hoping to see them more publicly at the Jubilee, however it seems very clear they were determined to support the Queen and spend time privately with family and friends whilst avoiding the media and leaking frenzy that has previously proved so harmful. They also waited to release the photo until the weekend had come to a close. It's been widely reported they spent time with Her Majesty on at least two occasions, offering the monarch the opportunity to meet her namesake and get to know Archie. Harry and Meghan were also seen leaving Clarence House on Friday morning after spending time with Charles and Camilla.

Another look at the very sweet photos? I think so.


  1. So happy for Harry & Megan - made my weekend ❤️#resheadrulesπŸ’•

  2. Oh my goodness! Lili is adorable ❤️❤️ And I love seeing Meghan so relaxed and happy holding her precious daughter, surrounded by friends and loved ones.

  3. Oh sigh! I love and respect The Sussexes all the more.. more power to them! Perfect for this post to see photos of the photographer and his family. How fun for Archie and Lili to be with cousins and friends. I hope they and the Sussex family can visit again soon!

  4. I just saw the news and headed right over. OMG! So happy they released the photo. She is darling and sooooo very much Harry. Are those blue eyes? Meghan does indeed look relaxed and happy.

  5. Perfection! Everything was perfectly done by them, like you said. Lilibet is as cute as a button!
    Victoria in Oregon

  6. Two red headed babies! How absolutely darling.

  7. Harry's mini me!

    Also, is this our first glimpse of the interior of Frogmore Cottage? Exciting to see this tiny peek inside!

  8. She is precious!! Oh my word. This was a very bright spot today.

  9. Omg, she's so cute!! Happy birthday!

  10. Another red-head! She reminds me a bit of Bea and Eugenie when they were little. I just saw pictures of Eugenie's baby, August, side-by-side with his mom's baby picture. He and Lilibet have very similar eyes.

    1. Exactly I think she resembles august brooksbank, are her eyes blue? I can’t tell.

  11. She certainly has the House of Windsor look about her. What a beautiful girl.
    I am happy they were able to introduce her to HM and participate, however uncomfortably, in the Jubilee. I hope they were invited to the Saturday night concert at least, and sorry not to see them there.
    I see so much hateful, false, stories popping up in tabloid media. Glad they are getting on with their lives in spite of the ugly schemes of courtiers.
    Karen in Virginia.

    1. Such a beautiful family. Despite the spiteful, evil things folks have said about them they're still admired. I love their determination & bravery to do their own thing & be a normal family. I pray that God will bless them as they continue in their charities to help others. πŸ™

    2. Love your reply ! I love that family !

  12. What a treat! She’s a beautiful little girl and it’s a nice surprise that they shared a photo of her.

  13. I'm just delightfully happy. I heard rumors of a party but it didn't seem real. That Lili is just a teeny Harry -- he must enjoy his kids SO much!! The party details, including the cake are wonderful. I saw that the same baker made an amazing chocolate cake in honor of HM. I love that Meghan's old friend and his family came. I also love that Zara and Peter and their families were invited. Seeing Harry with smiling cousins was heart-warming. And perhaps the reason for the private jet home is revealed. I saw photos of things being unloaded from the plane, including a blue scooter and a swing that looks like the one Charles gave George. I think the visit of H&M to C&C included the children.

  14. Oh my goodness! Lili is adorable ❤️❤️ harry and meghan are good she look like her dsd

  15. Oh my, what a wonderful surprise! I'm so delighted that we've finally been introduced to little Lilibet. And I'm thrilled to hear that they met Prince Charles and Camilla during their visit too - that gladdens my heart.

    Many people seem to think that Princess Charlotte looks like the Queen, but I've never been able to spot the resemblance. In this solo image of Lilibet, however, all I can see is the Queen's smiling face. To my eye, in this photo at least, Lili is the image of her namesake (with her father's colouring, of course).

    A beautiful picture of a beautiful young lady to start my day with a smile. I'm so glad Harry and Meghan decided to share this, and I hope they know that there are still British people who support them wholeheartedly despite the media's best efforts!

  16. If that's the price of waiting, I say YES, YES, YES! It feels so good to discover you the adorable Lili Di with your enigmatic eyes!πŸ’–
    I was really disappointed that this beautiful little cutie's birthday was being given second thought even if it was for his famous grandmother: in my opinion, I think we should never stifle anything related to the happiness of a child... But thanks to this shot, it's a real balm for the heartπŸ’.
    Lili Di be happy, fulfilled, beautiful and as active and dynamic as your lovely mom, your grandmothers Lady Di and Doria and your great-grandmother Lilibet🌠🌞.
    PS: I find on the photo where Meghan wears Lili, that she looks a lot like Julia Roberts.

  17. If that's the price of waiting, I say YES, YES, YES! It feels so good to discover you the adorable Lili Di with your enigmatic eyes!πŸ’–
    I was really disappointed that this beautiful little cutie's birthday was being given second thought even if it was for his famous grandmother: in my opinion, I think we should never stifle anything related to the happiness of a child... But thanks to this shot, it's a real balm for the heartπŸ’.
    Lili Di be happy, fulfilled, beautiful and as active and dynamic as your lovely mom, your grandmothers Lady Di and Doria and your great-grandmother Lilibet🌠🌞.
    PS: I find on the photo where Meghan wears Lili, that she looks a lot like Julia Roberts.

  18. Cute lilibeth....... Thanks to all those that donate to WCK.

  19. OMG, this is lovely

  20. Delightful family. The British media are just disgusting and racist to the core.

    1. Only the tabloid media. British tabloid culture is appalling, and we have nothing like it in North America. Our supermarket tabloids and celebrity gossip magazines have very low circulations and no pretensions to being serous news media. They are laughed at. The tabloids in the UK possess power and influence, and for this reason, they can be culturally toxic. Frankly, it's best to ignore them, as many British do -- indeed, as Kate Cambridge had to do when she was relentlessly attacked through her dating relationship with Prince William and the first several years of her marriage. However, that's hard for an American who is accustomed to a very different media landscape.

    2. Vittoria, you make very good points. British tabloids are appalling - they set someone up, then knock them down; they revel in the conflict culture that the US sees in reporting of politics.

    3. Agreed. The tabloids are just vile. The Sussexes had it worse than anyone, some hate was even directed at their kids. These pictures make me confident they made the right choice for their lovely family.


    4. Anonymous, you are illogical. If Harry wanted out, nobody threw them out. Now they are living the life they chose, it's been 2 years, they are happy, why the anger against those who had to stay? What their departure showed is that this is a difficult position to be in, and the choice is in or out, there's no middle ground. William chose to stay and is doing his duty. Nothing fun about it, as Harry has told us. That's why I believe William will be a great king. He has made a deliberate choice knowing there other options out there, and knowing how lonely duty is.

    5. Where is the "anger" directed towards those who chose to stay? I see none in any of the anonymous remarks, only against the media. And I wouldn't say that "duty," in this case, was "lonely". Prince William is very, very well-supported. I think he'd be the first to agree.

    6. Lili, I was responding to an anonymous comment that has been deleted where the poster was very aggressive towards the RF and William in particular. Anon 9:40

  21. OMG! I was losing hope we'd ever see her, seriously...SHE'S A DOLL. God bless her and her brother. Hope she had a wonderful birthday party. Love the Sussexes!!!

  22. As previously said, little Lilli does look Eugenie and Beautiful when they were babies. Personally I feel Meghan looks more beautiful in this snap than any other of her public appearance. Love her efforless Cali style dressing sense.

  23. The Windsor genes are strong with Lili, but I think I see a bit of Meghan there. Megan's photo looks so relaxed; I think that's a larger signal that while the family came to participate in some events, their larger focus was touching base with family. Not all family, it appears, but most, which is great for everyone, esp Harry. I'm glad the lease is renewed on Frogmore; I hope it signals the Sussexes will be in the UK at least once a year. Cute photos, thanks Charlotte for the post! -op

  24. @ Ghilou, While I agree that milestones like birthdays should be celebrated, if H&M had made a bigger splash of it (which they did not do for Archie) or published the photos before the end of the Jubilee weekend there would have been hell to pay in the British press and those who form the haters. Fortunately the algorithms don't send that sort of vitriol my way as I stopped clicking on that sort of headline bait from those sources. Even so, I did see a thumbnail that was shocking for its unwarranted level of hatred.

    Frankly, I'm glad that H&M are happy, engaged in various philanthropic endeavors and raising their family outside the relentless scrutiny of the photographers and hacks who do nothing but bring them down as the "news" moguls profit from it. Bravo to them for their courage to stand up against and leave the toxic abuse.

  25. What a gorgeous family they are. A beautiful photo of Lili. Meghan is so beautiful with and without make up. I adore them all πŸ’•

  26. Amazing they shared these images and congrats to all of them! They look relaxed and happy. And Meghan a bit jet-lagged … In all the media comments it’s just negativity so I really love your blog so much for its informative, empathic approach and the positive tonality while not “judging”. Some people just forget that we had a pandemic with travel restrictions which prevented a couple of visits and trips for sure. Yet we don’t know how regular the family is on Visio calls to catch up and following Archie and Lilibet growing up. Astonishing how the ginger head dominates. Which just reminds me of the hate press questioning for years whether Harry is the legitimate son of Charles πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ and I like that they kept a low profile being their just for the Queen which both seem to love and meet the family behind doors. Being on a whirlwind tour and jet-lagged both parents and kids I feel they did the right thing by keeping it casual … despite I had hoped and cross fingers for a family baptism in Windsor this week …. Maybe they had one already in CA…. We might not know …. Glad they came over despite some potential tensions in the family…

  27. She's adorable. All Harry though mama really did all the work. And how romantic is it that her 1st birthday cake was made by the same pastry chef that made Harry and Meghan's wedding cake?! I hope rainbow lady-princess Lilibet had a wonderful time on her birthday and I wish her a blessed life. P.S. Let's pat ourselves on the back Sussex squad for raising all these money for charity and thanks Harry and Meghan for rewarding us with these beautiful pictures!

  28. News coverage here has been focusing on local and national gun violence, our sky high price of electricity, gas and acute water shortage. Except for a few wired pieces, things are rather quiet here about the Jubilee so your thorough coverage is much appreciated. This is probably the Queen’s last jubilee which made it particularly poignant.

    Two best things from this thread are: Lili’s photo and the $100,000 raised for World’s Kitchen.

  29. Yes Philly, on second thought I agree with you. I love the Sussexes so much and today I have enormous compassion and Love for Harry (he is a Man with a capital H: we have almost everything for him removed, uniform, deserves etc but when I look at them all, he is the one who has no outfit but he is the one who led and who leads the greatest physical and mental fight but he is the one who remains the braver and bolder). I'm even prouder of Harry and Meghan who also take so many beatings; but when I see how the public still loves them so much despite all these attempts at defamation and malice, kindness has the last word.
    Thank you Charlotte for this beautiful and tender article.

    1. Thanks for your good and instructif comment .
      God bless and protect Sussex family. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

    2. Couldn’t agree more to your words! Trisha

  30. Lili is absolutely gorgeous. Although her coloring makes people think she's all Harry, the shape of her head and mouth are Meghan. Harry's face is longer and narrower, Markles' faces are shorter and broader. She will be a knock-out when she grows up.


  31. Susan in Florida7 June 2022 at 21:16

    ahhhh….. melted my heart. Given how careful H & M need to be for security , I’m just squealing with glee that they shared a photo of baby Lili. She’s so cute.

  32. Dear Charlotte, thank you for this delicious baby news! Meghan and Lili are scrumptious. I love the story of M&H’s friend Misan, the photographer, and the pix of him and his family! I am so glad that M&H can delight in their family every day.

  33. Oh so wonderful to see these delightful photos! I hope (for Prince Louis' sake if nothing else) that the British press can come to celebrate "spares" who choose to serve in ways other than was required in the past. These are human beings who have much to give in their own ways!

  34. They are both beautiful kids. But remember they change a lot. Diana & Beatrice & Eugenie had red & blond hair. Now look. Happens all the the time. I'm so happy they have 2 beautiful healthy loved children.

  35. Yes Charlotte I agree with you that we all wanted to see more of them at the Jubilee but I'm just glad we saw them at all. The little girl is adorable and like you said really looks like Harry! His ginger genes are strong!lol what a little angel. I'm so glad we get to see her. <3 Glad they came to honour the Queen and that Her Majesty and Charles got to meet her. Meghan looks lovely without makeup and most importantly happy.

  36. Lili is just beautiful. That bright hair and blue eyes! What a little knockout! I love the picture of Meghan and Lili together. She looks a little older in that picture. Were they taken at the same time? Diana called Harry his little Spencer I think because of his red hair. I think this little girl is very much Spencer in terms of her hair color, but I see Archie in her face too and Archie has a lot of Meghan as she was at his age, considering the photos that have been released of Meghan's childhood.

  37. The UK is the source of some happy early memories but also so many horrible horrible memories for Meghan and Harry, and it would have taken courage and strength off character for her to return. Though selfishly, I too wish we saw them more at the other Jubilee events, I'm glad they did things on their terms and made it a low-key family focused visit.

    Lili is such a beautiful girl! Like a little doll. And Archie is adorable too! I love that the ginger genes showed up. Meghan is glowing! So fresh-faced without a stitch of makeup. What a beautiful family. And though no ones life is perfect, what wonderful family life these two have fought for.

  38. Does anyone else think she resembles Princess Charlotte??

    1. Yes !
      Mee too .
      Charlotte & Queen Elizabeth ll.

    2. I've seen pictures of Kate as a child, and Charlotte looks just like her mom, especially the adorable chubby cheeks. I think Lili looks like her brother Archie, and he looks like Meghan in one of her childhood pictures. So, I think all three adorables look like their moms at this age, but who knows who they will resemble as they grow. It will be really interesting to watch how the hair colours of Archie and Lili change as they grow. Archie and Lili both have red hair, but they are very different shades. Lili's hair seems closer to Harry's and Archie's colour must be more like other members of Diana's family.

    3. It's amazing how kids change yet don't. Louis looks so much like Kate's father. I never saw it coming but Charlotte now looks to me like her father. Meghan has such a pretty face -- I think Archie is taking after her and I hope Lili will, too. Sorry Harry!! You were the cutest baby, the sweetest little boy, an adorable young man, quite sexy as a man -- but Meghan is a beautiful woman. I love all shades of red/ginger/auburn hair, and those two are lucky to have Harry's genes in that area.

    4. Actually in order to have red hair (a recessive genetic trait) a person must have two red hair genes, one from each parent. So somewhere in Meghan’s ancestry a person was carrying the red gene.
      It doesn’t mean that they also had red hair though. The gene hides behind the more dominant color (blond or dark).

  39. Just felt like checking out that lovely baby's picture again. I think I like the one of Lili with Meghan even better. I wonder if this little girl will have her Grandma Diana's big blue eyes!

  40. Gosh can't get over these pics...I keep coming back to look at them over and over again and they really put a smile on my face. Harry and Meghan are blessed! On to a practical note: did anyone ID Lili's outfit in both pictures and Meghan's outfit in the black and white photo, asking for a friend ;)

    1. Hello, I'm just updating the post with info now :)

  41. I'm seeing even more vile things in tabloids about their brief sightings, including a threat to Archie, so I think Harry's fears are not being paranoid. It's too bad that Lili was not given a traditional christening with all the lovely photos (mainly for my pleasure!), but Meghan is expert in living without dysfunctional family members. I hope they were able to take some private personal photos of the Queen with their kids. It seems Harry has the support of his cousins and his grandmother and Meghan has her mother -- and their wonderful friends and their families. I'm sorry to see Harry hurt but so many people have to carve out their best life without family members. I see them spending time/vacations with Eugenie and her family in Portugal. And if Frogmore Cottage is a "safe" place, I see more get-togethers there.

  42. Lili is adorable! Is she wearing the same dress in both photos?

  43. Wishlist: A photo of Archie, Lili, August, and Sienna. All those lovely red hair genes!

  44. What a cutie pie!
    Am I the only one who thinks she looks just like her momma, except the red hair??
    Also, Harry and Meghan have very similar noses and I think it's adorable.

  45. Meghan appears naturally comfortable and so happy with Lilibet. She has so much love for her family. I feel certain her children ground her and bring her so much joy. Meghan and Harry have so much devotion and love for each other and their young family after what they have been through. I am so happy for Meghan and Harry... they are thriving.

  46. What a beautiful girl!


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