
Friday 3 June 2022

The Sussexes Attend the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Service of Thanksgiving

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations continued this morning with an exquisitely planned Service of Thanksgiving at St Paul's Cathedral.

It marked Harry and Meghan's first official public appearance of the Jubilee.

Unfortunately, Her Majesty was unable to attend, with Palace aides citing physical discomfort after yesterday's efforts. Aides spent weeks devising plans which would allow HM to attend comfortably and it was with "great reluctance" the Queen made the decision last night not to join her family this morning. Despite her absence, HM's presence was felt from beginning to end and I have no doubt she had the opportunity to watch from Windsor.

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The couple were greeted upon arrival.

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We've heard quite a bit in recent weeks about plans for Harry and Meghan's visit. The phrase 'low-key' has been used repeatedly and it's very much what we've seen so far.

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We saw just glimpses at Trooping the Colour yesterday, however it was reported the couple joined the extended family for a Buckingham Palace luncheon afterwards.

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The couple received a lovely reception.

Today we saw Harry and Meghan arrive immediately after the Wessexes. There was a loud cheer as they walked the steps.

A large gathering of immediate and extended family were in attendance.

The State Trumpeters of the Household Cavalry heralded royal arrivals. The couple were not part of the royal procession nor were they seated on the same side of the cathedral as Charles, Camilla, William and Kate. I think lengthy discussions took place in advance to ensure the focus remains on the Queen. The BBC cut away from close shots at various points during the service. Harry and Meghan were led to their seats and smiled as they made their way through the cathedral.

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Royal Suitor shared a great video.

Due to a positive Covid-19 diagnosis, the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby was forced to miss the service. In a statement he said: "I am deeply saddened to be missing the historic celebration of Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. However, I will be praying for the Queen and giving thanks for her extraordinary 70 years of service to us all. I will also be praying for our nation at this time of celebration and thanksgiving. May the Queen’s example bring us together in unity and care for one another." The service was conducted by the Very Reverend David Ison, Dean of St Paul’s, who gave the bidding. The Dean of the Chapels Royal, the Right Reverend and Right Honourable Dame Sarah Mullally, Bishop of London, gave the collect and the blessing.

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The Duke and Duchess take their seats.

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The couple were seated with princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, along with their husbands Edo and Jack. Eugenie and Jack recently visited Harry and Meghan in California.

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On Meghan's side, Princess Margaret's daughter Lady Sarah Chatto.

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Lady Sarah is Prince Harry's godmother.

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St Paul's said the service was planned to "include Bible readings, anthems, prayers and congregational hymns, expressing thankfulness for the Queen’s reign, faith and service; desire to foster unity and peace amongst all peoples; and commitment to care for God’s creation".

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The Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall, and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

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The theme of public service was at the heart of today’s event. More than 400 people were invited in recognition of their contribution to public life at both a community and national level. These guests have all been recipients of honours in the New Year or Birthday Honours lists, many for their work throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Drawn from all four nations of the United Kingdom, they included NHS and key workers, teaching staff, public servants, and representatives from the Armed Forces, charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups.

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Guests included the Prime Minister, members of the Cabinet, First Ministers of the devolved governments, Leaders of the Opposition, and former Prime Ministers, representatives from the United Kingdom Overseas Territories and governors-general, along with high commissioners and ambassadors from across the world. A large number of representatives of world faiths were in attendance.

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The Service included a new anthem by Judith Weir, Master of the Queen’s Music, that sets to music words from the third Chapter of the Book of Proverbs.

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Gorgeous flowers were arranged by the Church of England Flower Arrangers Association. The flowers are in red, white and blue colour palettes and include fresias, gerbera, eustoma (commonly known as lisianthus), antirrhinum (commonly known as snapdragons), carnations and eryngium (commonly known as sea holly).

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Buckingham Palace said: "Before and after the service, St Paul’s Cathedral Guild of Ringers will ring ‘Stedman Cinques’. This time they will be joined by Great Paul, the largest church bell in the UK weighing more than 16 tons. The service of thanksgiving will be the first royal occasion it has been rung since its restoration in 2021." In the videos, you can hear the bell quite loudly.

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Harry :)

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The sermon brought smiles, much to the amusement of family members:

'Now we all know that Her Majesty likes horse racing and I imagine Your Majesty will be watching this on the television. I don't have any great tips for the Derby tomorrow, but since the scriptures describe life as a race set before us, let me observe that your long reign reflects the distance of Aintree more than the sprints of Epsom. Certainly, less dressage than most people imagine. But with endurance, through times of change and challenge, joy and sorrow, you continues to offer yourself in the service of our country and the commonwealth.  Your Majesty, we’re sorry you’re not with us this morning in person, but we are so glad you are still in the saddle. And we are all glad that there is still more to come. 'auls to their seats.'

There is footage of the sermon toward the end of this video.

The Telegraph reports:

'A member of the congregation at St Paul's has praised the "humility" of the Duchess of Sussex after overhearing a conversation with Prince Harry, reports Tom Ough.

Clare Dickens, who was invited after receiving an MBE for services to education, attended with her husband, Sean.

As the Dickenses sat in their pew, the Sussexes passed down the aisle with an usher.

"Meghan is stunning," said Mrs Dickens. "And she smells divine. But what really got me, more than anything, was the humility she was showing. She said, 'I've never been here before – it looks stunning.'

St Paul's Cathedral is one of the most famous and most recognizable sights of London, with its dome framed by the spires of Wren's City churches dominating the skyline for 300 years. At 365 feet (111 m) high, it was the tallest building in London from 1710 to 1962, and its dome is also among the highest in the world. In terms of area, St Paul's is the second largest church building in the United Kingdom after Liverpool Cathedral.

In terms of historical significance, the iconic 'St Paul's Survives' taken during the Blitz in 1940 remains an enduring image from WWII.

Charles and Diana were married there in 1981.

I was recently reminded of this photo of HM and the late Duke of Edinburgh at St Paul's in 2015 for a service of commemoration to mark the end of combat operations in Afghanistan.

In fact, St Paul's has historic jubilee connections dating all the way back to Queen Victoria.

More from St Paul's:

'On the bank holiday of 22 June 1897, Queen Victoria’s National Service of Thanksgiving was held outside St Paul’s at the foot of the west steps.

Because Victoria was so frail, she remained in her carriage throughout the ceremony where the clergy joined her, surrounded by dignitaries and troops from around the Empire. At only twenty minutes long, the ceremony consisted of a performance of a Te Deum by a huge orchestra and choir, prayers, benediction and the ‘Old Hundredth’.

The procession carrying the Queen and her guests to St Paul’s was seventeen carriages long and included members of her own Royal Family as well as others from around the world. Queen Victoria travelled in a carriage pulled by eight cream horses and was accompanied by her third daughter, Helena, Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein and the Princess of Wales (later Queen Alexandra).

After the ceremony, the Queen toured a large area of London on her way back to Buckingham Palace, stopping at Mansion House to be welcomed into the City of London by the Lord Mayor. The day was extremely popular with the people of Britain and 25,000 seats had to be erected along the six-mile processional route. There was also special seating at St Paul’s, which had audience seating constructed at the top of the west steps creating a marvellous view of the service. The dome was also in the spotlight – lit up by searchlights from the roofs of the surrounding warehouses.

The Jubilee celebrations ended up lasting a fortnight, despite Queen Victoria originally requesting they last only one day. These celebrations included military reviews, a garden party at Buckingham Palace, concerts, a state banquet and receptions as well as numerous public celebrations. The Poet Laureate at the time, Mr Alfred Austin, also presented Queen Victoria with a specially written poem entitled ‘Victoria’.

The Dean of St Paul’s, the Very Reverend Dr David Ison, said: "It is a great honour to hold a Service of Thanksgiving for the Reign of Her Majesty The Queen and to celebrate her 70 years of service to the UK and the Commonwealth. We are also delighted to open a brand new exhibition documenting previous Jubilee celebrations across three centuries. From rich and beautiful textiles to treasured photographs and scrapbooks, the story emerges of the excitement and anticipation of each Jubilee celebration, and the unique role that St Paul’s holds in ceremonial occasions. Along with our community outreach programmes and late opening events, our Jubilee exhibition is a fitting way to mark this special occasion."

The exhibition 'Jubilee: St Paul’s, the Monarch and the Changing World' explores the grand ceremonial occasions held at the Cathedral to commemorate the Royal Jubilees of four British monarchs: George III, Victoria, George V and Elizabeth II.

HM in pink for her Silver Jubilee service in 1977.

The iconic bubblegum pink outfit was designed by one of the Queen's favourite dressmakers, Hardy Amies, including a matching hat designed by Simone Mirman with flowerheads hanging from silk stems. It will form part of a Platinum Jubilee Display later this summer.

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The Queen's Service of Thanksgiving in 2002 for her Golden Jubilee.

Diamond Jubilee service a decade ago.

Indeed, St Paul's has been the setting for many meetings and reconnections for the Queen. In 2003, the Queen met Peter Chapman, then a lay canon at the Cathedral, who performed in the choir at her Coronation at Westminster Abbey.

Peter recalled the unforgettable day:
‘There was a tremendous atmosphere of expectancy as we took our positions in the Abbey…After the arrival of the Queen Mother we sat agog as six maids appeared armed with carpet sweepers. To much amusement they proceeded to sweep the Abbey from end to end and the laughter they provoked helped to reduce the tension.’ 

‘The ceremony itself is steeped in history and tradition but I like to think that the musical content added immeasurably to the service. I still recall the moment of crowning as we strained our necks to see what was going on.’ 

After a long and eventful day, there was one more exciting event in store: ‘The Masters took us over to the Cathedral and we all stood outside on the Stone Gallery to watch the fireworks from the South Bank across the River Thames….We had enjoyed the experience of a lifetime and these memories are still bright to me after all these years.’

Her Majesty on the day of the Coronation.

If you have the time, today is certainly a fitting time to relive the event.

Click here to read the Order of Service.

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Harry and Meghan joining Peter Phillips, Lord Snowdon and Lady Sarah Chatto afterwards.

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The Duke and Duchess chatting with Zara and Peter.

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Meghan enjoyed chatting with Zara and Peter's little ones yesterday.

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Departing back to Archie and Lili.

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A departure video.

Earlier in the post I discussed the understated elements of today's and yesterday's appearances. Meghan chose an elegant look by Dior featuring a trench coat, shirt and skirt from Dior's Spring/Summer 2022 Collection by Maria Grazia Chiuri. The colour is described as "greige".

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Meghan's matching hat is by her go-to milliner Stephen Jones for Dior.

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Meghan's pumps are the Dior D-Moi style in a custom shade (with thanks to Meghan's Fashion).

The Duchess accessorised with her Birks Snowflake Snowstorm diamond earrings.

Of course, tomorrow is a special day for the family with Lili's first birthday! If the couple have any public appearance I'll let you know. 


  1. Loved Meghan's outfit. It's always so nice to see Meghan and Harry together: they're just magical. About tomorrow I'm hoping to see them too but I don't know since it's Lilibet's birthday, but then again it is an evening event so the birthday girl might be in bed by then so her parents can party in the palace lol. All I know is that I'm just dying to see a picture of Lilibet so I hope the royal family releases one (with the parents' consent of course) for the occasion especially considering that during this trip the Queen and Charles are meeting the baby girl for the first time. Can't wait for tomorrow! Hope Her Majesty feels better, sending my best wishes to her and as always to the entire Sussex family as well, hope the kids are adjusting well to the time zone change and aren't too jet-lagged.

  2. Meghan looked lovely. Harry too! I’m glad she wore her snowflake earrings, sometimes she’s a little minimal for my tastes in that respect. More diamonds more often in my perfect world!🤗

  3. Glad to see the Sussexes smiling and good to hear they received a warm welcome from the crowds. I'm doubting we'll see the children at all, save for a photo released of the Queen with all her grandchildren later, perhaps.
    I did not care for the lapels on Meghan's dress, and the suit didn't seem to fit correctly. I liked the hat - between this hat and yesterday's, she's killing the hat game. Such a momentous occasion for the Queen! Thanks for all the history, Charlotte! -op

  4. Meghan’s outfit is perfect. Wonderful to see the family all together. This post describes the enormity of the occasion brilliantly. Thank you!

  5. Meghan looks amazing. So does Harry. What an attentive husband he is!

  6. Denise from Virginia3 June 2022 at 16:44

    Charlotte thank you for all your hard work! It's wonderful to see the family together, honoring Her Majesty. They all look well, happy and relaxed. I'm so glad to see Harry and Meghan enjoying their visit, and I'm sure Archie and Lilibet will be having a great time too. Meghan looks beautiful, understated but lovely, and Harry looks so happy!! Thank you again for all the posts.

  7. Previous posters noted about the fit of Meghan’s coat being off. I’ve sometimes commented that she seems to opt for designers’ outfits that aren’t well matched to her shape but in this case, I think there might be an issue with the outfit underneath being too bunchy to allow for the coat to lie flat, especially across the top. Probably some kind of bow or collarbone detailing.

    White is lovely color for her.

    1. I thought the color of Meghan's outfit looked good on her. Yet again, the fit was off. The back flap did not lie correctly. The back looked to be tight across the shoulders, and I believe this affected the flap. Also the seam of the sleeves are not situated properly at the shoulder.

  8. I wonder why that woman thought Meghan said she'd never been to St. Paul's before? She must have misheard, or else I am misunderstanding the comment.

  9. The coat fitting is problematic to say the least.

  10. As always, I comment too soon, before the full post is up. I am completely satisfied by today's service.

  11. Pure class and grace! She looks lovely and I love seeing her head held so high. Unfortunately the hat is a miss, I think. It looks like something I wore as a little girl in the 80s!

  12. Meghan looks showstopping, she was literally turning heads in that church. One of her most elegant and chic looks, perfect for the occasion. The crowds were loving them. Harry and Meghan both looked happy and relaxed and enjoying the company of who they were seated with. What a respectful display and beautiful reception for their first joint public appearance back in the UK.

  13. Hi All,
    I’m writing from the USA…Why would Meghan wear white if Camilla was? I find it odd - but maybe it’s a church thing?

  14. Absolutely loved M’s look today. Curious she didn’t seem to carry a bag though?? The sleeve length is very apt for summer and her elegant gloves set everything thing off so well. It actually gives a bit of a Jackie O vibe -(celticgirl)

  15. It was great to see Meghan looking so fabulous. I loved the hat. It complimented her face much better than some of the things she wore when she was a working royal. I was a little underwhelmed by how understated the coat was. It lacked the usual Meghan flair. But I'm sure it was chosen to be as conservative as possible to avoid as much criticism as possible. Despite how understated and somewhat stiff the coat looked, the overall effect was beautiful.


  16. Meghan looks absolutely perfect. She is the most well dressed in the family.
    Dior is Dior :) The trench coat, the hat, the clutch, the shoes, and... those Gloves!! Love it. ❤️

    1. I completely agree. Dior is Dior. I think it fits beautifully on her. The way Meghan walked down the aisle was a timeless moment in Royal history.

  17. Very Jackie Kennedy but as noted by others, the fitting is little off which makes her look boxy without a waist. The wide stiff collar makes it look broad. I wish I could see the blue Roland Mouret dress again on Meghan as she looked smashing in it. Make up as always on point.

  18. Yesterday, I could not take my eyes off her hat. Today, it is her coat which is perfect. She always smiles at Harry and I believe that is what helps keep him sane during these events. I would absolutely love to see a photo of Archie and Lili.

  19. Thank you Charlotte for continued great coverage. Meghan looked gorgeous!!! i wish Harry and Meghan could of walked in with Prince William and Charles or at least sat with them :(

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I just played the abc news clip after my first post and heard loud "boos" when harry and meghan were walking down the stairs that makes me so sad :(

    1. They were also given a standing ovation and applauded by the crowd. You can imagine that the haters were not going to miss this opportunity to cause them harm! A few days ago it was William and Kate... Fortunately more love than hate; that's why I find the Sussexes and Meghan especially so charming and courageous. It's not easy but may she continue to keep the To smile is to see them happy and loved by the public which generates so much jealousy and hatred... We are wholeheartedly with the Sussexes. But I still remain convinced that the attitude of some Windsor members contribute to this hatred. But hey, we're moving forward and this hatred like a boomerang will come back to the authors. Thank you Charlotte for your great work and tomorrow we stay on the lookout for images of the Sussex💓💓💓💓

    2. Melissa, @all.thats.pretty and @eholmes were both there and said the boos were for a bus that was blocking the view of the royals and not for Harry and Meghan. Of course, others who do not like Meghan will say that the bus had nothing to do with it. It's so sad.
      I think she looked divine!

    3. so true Ghilou and Jay and yes it sure does takes courage to smile and hold their heads high as they are doing and Jay good to know about the bus and yes she looked divine.

    4. Jay, that’s not true. There are dozens of videos showing some people booed when they left and it wasn’t because of the bus because you can hear them shouting Harry while booing. You all want fair reporting but what you really mean is positive reporting. People cheered and people booed. That’s what happened.

  22. Charlotte not sure if this is confirmed but I just read that Harry and Meghan will christen Lilibet tomorrow? The couple will do it on Lilibet's birthday in the presence of the Queen, according to former BBC royal correspondent Michael Cole.

    1. Melissa thank you so much. Do you have a link to the story?

    2. That looks like a “prediction” only per Daily Express.

    3. Hi Charlotte it was posted as fact here at the Mirror and like Anon says it is expressed as an opinion here in the Daily Express

    4. It seems like the perfect time for a christening -- maybe Charles will even come. Or maybe they're scheduling it for just after Sunday. I'm certainly dying for a photo of her!!

  23. Meghan and Harry look divine. I love all the pix where they are either holding hands or looking at each other. I also love all the pix where they are interacting with supportive family members. Meghan’s hat, gloves, coat are all perfect!

    1. Me too .she is stunning,, modern , amazing, in Dior ' s cloches.
      She is the best 😍

  24. Wonderful to see Harry and Meghan. I feel that Meghan choice of color - white or is it cream? - was perfection. I too felt the fit was somewhat slightly off. IMHO, a dress would have been better than a coat. I really like her hat style. When I first saw it I thought, 'oh that looks like the olive green hat (dress was Ralph Lauren) she wore to Prince Louie's christening - I thought she look spectacular and that the hat style worked well on her. I did like the 3/4 sleeves on the coat (Zara's appeared to be 3/4 as well).

    I read online that Lili and the Queen met yesterday at Windsor (which could make sense given Frogmore is close). And then I have a question...why weren't Harry and Meghan invited to the Guildhall Reception? That seemed odd to me.

    1. Elle, I'm sure they were invited and chose not to go. Perhaps they felt not welcomed by all, or they may have had to use that time for other activities.

    2. It's not that they weren't invited! They were invited like so many others but surely they had to excuse themselves to join their children or prepare the birthday Lili for Saturday; probably something like that...

    3. They and their children flew in a couple of days ago and may have a bit of jet lag? They may want to check on the kids! :) sue

    4. You're right -- there is a 9-hour time difference

    5. I was looking forward to seeing more of them too. and they must have been invited to more events but chose not to go or went to some private events by a private entrance to avoid the media. It wouldn't make sense for the whole family to fly there for just one event.
      My thought is that they were not happy by the booing they received and decided to forgo other events. Harry is very protective and it would fit that he would do that to protect the family. It is a shame some booed but they should be told William & Kate got booed too recently. And also after publicly criticizing his family, it should be expected that some will not be happy with them. Hopefully, they will see the queen privately and others.

  25. Jackie O vibes for sure! She looks lovely. They are such a cute couple.

  26. I loved MM’s look today. I am just disappointed that there was no interaction between the brothers ☹️

  27. I like that they sat with their cousins (and talked with other cousins) who are also not "working" royals. They may have requested the seat arrangement; it sees appropriate. If Harry and William want to keep their unfriendliness going, then so be it. But I think there are no words for why Charles won't have some small optic showing that he has more than one son. Maybe a photo will come out with his grandchildren, after the Jubilee. H&M are doing a good job of enjoying their stay but making it clear that H is not the heir! I like to imagine that they are spending time with cousins and the Queen, and maybe Fergie. I do hope to see them Saturday night; I don't see why not if all the family goes. They will be in the dark, off to a side. :) I think this visit is a huge success, as is the Jubilee. The cheerfulness of the attire of the royal ladies today tells me how special it was for the family. It must be such a relief for the endless planners -- I'm sure there will be one huge sigh of relief by the RF on Monday.

  28. I love Meghan’s Dior coat. She looked beautiful!

  29. Charlotte, your posts on both beautiful royal ladies are amazing. Thank you from Australia!

  30. Some reflections on the events of the past few days.....

    I am moved and touched that the Queen sent her personal car and security personnel to meet Prince Harry and family at the airport.

    Amidst the pomp and the pageantry, little Prince Louise reactions at the flypast is an event in itself.

  31. Thank you for the informative post, brilliant. I loved seeing Harry Meghan and the royals.
    I hope we get to see a bit more today (Saturday) and really hope to see Archie and Lili at some point. The Sussex’s are a beautiful family, I love what they do, and wish them love and respect in all they do.

  32. The Duchess looked lovely, but IMO the Dior coat fit was not quite right, the overall look was boxy. The back flap was problematic, the outfit looked to be pulling across the back top half shoulder area. Overall it looked bland. The hat was a miss for me, I much preferred yesterdays, Navy and white. Her earrings are divine.

  33. Elegant and classy fashion...... Topnotch

  34. There are a number of comments relating to relationships on here but we have no idea what has gone on behind closed doors. This is a formal event for the queen not an media opportunity. Everyone looked poised and elegant

    1. Exactly! And as for the seating there wasn’t really any way to make it a win. If that sat closer together the tabloids would’ve published the one photo where they all look glum.

      She looked very pretty and there were elements that I really like with the outfit. It looked better with the gloves and the hat and shoes are nice. I thought the fit of the coat seemed off? But I’m not a seamstress. Thanks Charlotte! Sue

  35. Susan in Florida4 June 2022 at 14:28

    I think it was better (but awkward) for them to have sat separate so the media couldn’t make stories of every micro-movement made. The focus was to be on the Queen. If Kate looked over her shoulder , or William made that side glance he inherited from his mother , it would have been construed as them scowling at Meghan & Harry. If Harry did a look over the aisle with a neutral face, his mouth closed , looking as he does like Prince Phillip , it would have been construed as his being upset. I agree that Charles has an opportunity here to at least nod to Harry in public if the opportunity arises. I know Meghan and Harry control the images of their children, so while I hope there is a photo, it may stay in the family.

  36. What a lovely classic coat .... pulling all over the upper part and the rear. And the flap should definitely lie flat. There's either an issue with the size (she has worn too tight clothes before) or what is underneath bunches up. Either way - what a pity with all the thinking and preparation that has surely gone in the outfit. It's still a very elegant coat and the color compliments her nicely. As always, I love her shoes.

  37. OK, I have to grow up today! :) I'm reading that H&M will not go to the concert. And I'm thinking -- I want to see Meghan all dressed up. But maybe she doesn't have the same motivation. They may have the chance to be with the Queen longer, perhaps watch the concert with her -- something they would enjoy much more than watching the singers in person. The more I think about, the less it seems reasonable that they would go. I think they have chosen wisely how to spend their time in the UK, even if I don't know the particulars.

    1. And now we know they were flying back to USA rather than staying for the concert. Maybe Harry had to get back for his work? We will never know and i prefer not to speculate. It is what it is. I wish them well for their future in USA and we should leave them get on with it.

  38. Charlotte thank you for wonderful writing on both blogs. It has been a weekend to remember and I feel proud and privileged to witness it all.

    Thank you for all the hours you spend creating the spaces for us

  39. I remember the diamond jubilee relatively clearly. William and Kate had got married only a year before. There was the pageant on the River Thames and a concert at Buckingham Palace. I remember it ended with “our house” and everything felt very relatable and promising.
    Now I am still impressed by the dignity and historic weight being displayed. And of course her Majesty is incredible! The way her eyes sparkle at 96. There are not enough words to thank her for so much work for her country. Sadly we all no this is probably the last time to celebrate an event like this. Now we already see the line up for the years to come. And I feel my interest is decreasing. The slimmed down monarchy with picture perfect colour matching dressed people is somehow static and very different from the crowded balconies of the past. The times coming will not be easy and I do not see the energies and dynamics to meet the challenges that will come. But this is only my very personal view.
    Harry and Meghan were impressive. Harry’s tension at church was palpable but he seems determined to save something from his home and upbringing for the future. Meghan looked just wonderful. Her hats were to die for. And I hope they had a lot of time with her Majesty in Windsor.

  40. I do wish we saw more of them. I know we are not entitled to anything of their private familial lives, nor should all families be happy and on the best of terms, all the time. But on a very instinctive level, in a world of constant sadness and crisis, I would have liked to see images of 'reconciliation' between the brothers, and father/son. It felt a bit as if Harry and Meghan were ignored, which is not to say that it's the other party's fault, maybe Harry and Meghan didn't try /want to participate as much, but all in all, I just wish that they have somewhat mended their relationship. It's interesting psychologically, why we care. We do not really know them. And I personally would not have desired a false PR scene of reconciliation. I find myself genuinely wishing that they have in fact started to move forward. We have seen these boys,now men, grow up, console one another, be there for each other, in good times and bad. It was an exceptional brotherly relationship, a model to aspire to, and the falling out and the ensuing lack of communication at least in public, has somewhat dimmed the possibility of such a lovely relationship. This was just my rant, I hope it makes some sense!

    1. I totally hear what you are saying, but I think it’s unfair of us to expect so much. With the pandemic, traveling home (especially with 1, then 2 little ones) was just never going to be simple for them. It got me that Lili had not ever been to England, even while Meghan was pregnant! I’m happy they were able to connect with family and friends. They chose to step back as working royals, and they chose to come back on an incredibly busy weekend for the Cambridges & their children. I wouldn’t be surprised if their children didn’t get to see each other-Sussexes being based on Windsor & Cambridges needing to be in London. Maybe another time when there is much less pressure of being public at a milestone jubilee and a first visit back for the Sussexes. Lili is darling and it’s amazing how much she resembles Eugenie & August! Genes are funny and even with the Cambridges kids, as they grow they resemble different sides. :) Sue

  41. I'm having a "what just happened?" moment. It seems like they could have appeared with the entire family including almost all the children in the royal box on Sunday. Little August would look cute next to little Lili. I really don't get it. Hard to be a beloved family member if you have to be hidden from the public. I hope the Queen really did get to spend time with them and was glad to see smiles with their fellow nonworking cousins. Kudos to H&M for doing what was asked of them though.

  42. To honor Archie and Lili's birthdays, the Sussex Squad raised over $100,000 for the World Central Kitchen, following the truth that service is universal.


  43. As some style journalist said when Meghan wore a dark blue Dior dress at some event, it was “achingly stylish”. This white dress/coat was so obviously Dior, and every inch perfect for the event. Is it just me, or is Zara wearing the same coat/dress only in hot pink? Zara’s had pin tucks on the front, but otherwise could be the same as Meghan’s.

    Two things, people keep taking about a christening that would be private while they were in the UK anything is possible of course, but Meghan is an American, and not Catholic. Christening babies in the USA isn’t a common practice, is in fact for Protestant churchs very rare. Baptism is for adults who have made the decision themselves.
    Second, is it true they have left already? I am sad about that.
    But as an adult who has no contact with my family, except for my sister & her kids, I get the difficulties involved in visits with them. Having to do it, with the eyes of the world on you must be overwhelming. But they handled it beautifully.

    1. Harry is an Anglican and he and Meghan got married in the Anglican Church. (Otherwise known as Church of England.) In USA it is known as the Episcopal Church and its members definitely baptise or christen their children when young. Not sure why you would think being Catholic applies here? His Grandmother is the Head of the Anglican Church in the UK and the Jubilee service at St Paul's Cathedral was an Anglican celebration. So one would expect that the two Sussex children will both be christened and brought up in that faith. Archie has already been accepted into the Anglican Community and surely Lilibet will follow suit?

  44. Loved her hat but the coat dress was just not the right look for a formal church service in my opinion. I prefer her in something simple around her neck. She is short wasted with a shorter neck and that’s why she looks best in lower cut necklines.


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